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# font-manager
A C++ module for Node.js providing access to the system font catalog.
## Features
* List all available fonts
* Find fonts with specified characteristics
* Font substitution when characters are missing
## Platforms
* Mac OS X 10.5 and later supported via [CoreText](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Carbon/reference/CoreText_Framework_Ref/_index.html)
* Windows 7 and later supported via [DirectWrite](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd368038(v=vs.85).aspx)
* Linux supported via [fontconfig](http://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig)
## Installation
Installation of the `font-manager` module is via npm:
npm install font-manager
On Linux, you also may need to install the `libfontconfig-dev` package, for example:
sudo apt-get install libfontconfig-dev
## API
You load the `font-manager` module using `require` as with all Node modules:
var fontManager = require('font-manager');
All of the methods exported by `font-manager` have both synchronous and asynchronous versions available.
You should generally prefer the asynchronous version as it will allow your program to continue doing other
processing while a request for fonts is processing in the background, which may be expensive depending on
the platform APIs that are available.
* [`getAvailableFonts()`](#getavailablefonts)
* [`findFonts(fontDescriptor)`](#findfontsfontdescriptor)
* [`findFont(fontDescriptor)`](#findfontfontdescriptor)
* [`substituteFont(postscriptName, text)`](#substitutefontpostscriptname-text)
### getAvailableFonts()
Returns an array of all [font descriptors](#font-descriptor) available on the system.
// asynchronous API
fontManager.getAvailableFonts(function(fonts) { ... });
// synchronous API
var fonts = fontManager.getAvailableFontsSync();
// output
[ { path: '/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf',
postscriptName: 'ArialMT',
family: 'Arial',
style: 'Regular',
weight: 400,
width: 5,
italic: false,
monospace: false },
... ]
### findFonts(fontDescriptor)
Returns an array of [font descriptors](#font-descriptor) matching a query
[font descriptor](#font-descriptor).
The returned array may be empty if no fonts match the font descriptor.
// asynchronous API
fontManager.findFonts({ family: 'Arial' }, function(fonts) { ... });
// synchronous API
var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: 'Arial' });
// output
[ { path: '/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf',
postscriptName: 'ArialMT',
family: 'Arial',
style: 'Regular',
weight: 400,
width: 5,
italic: false,
monospace: false },
{ path: '/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold.ttf',
postscriptName: 'Arial-BoldMT',
family: 'Arial',
style: 'Bold',
weight: 700,
width: 5,
italic: false,
monospace: false } ]
### findFont(fontDescriptor)
Returns a single [font descriptors](#font-descriptor) matching a query
[font descriptors](#font-descriptor) as well as possible. This method
always returns a result (never `null`), so sometimes the output will not
exactly match the input font descriptor if not all input parameters
could be met.
// asynchronous API
fontManager.findFont({ family: 'Arial', weight: 700 }, function(font) { ... });
// synchronous API
var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: 'Arial', weight: 700 });
// output
{ path: '/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold.ttf',
postscriptName: 'Arial-BoldMT',
family: 'Arial',
style: 'Bold',
weight: 700,
width: 5,
italic: false,
monospace: false }
### substituteFont(postscriptName, text)
Substitutes the font with the given `postscriptName` with another font
that contains the characters in `text`. If a font matching `postscriptName`
is not found, a font containing the given characters is still returned. If
a font matching `postscriptName` *is* found, its characteristics (bold, italic, etc.)
are used to find a suitable replacement. If the font already contains the characters
in `text`, it is not replaced and the font descriptor for the original font is returned.
// asynchronous API
fontManager.substituteFont('TimesNewRomanPSMT', '汉字', function(font) { ... });
// synchronous API
var font = fontManager.substituteFontSync('TimesNewRomanPSMT', '汉字');
// output
{ path: '/Library/Fonts/Songti.ttc',
postscriptName: 'STSongti-SC-Regular',
family: 'Songti SC',
style: 'Regular',
weight: 400,
width: 5,
italic: false,
monospace: false }
### Font Descriptor
Font descriptors are normal JavaScript objects that describe characteristics of
a font. They are passed to the `findFonts` and `findFont` methods and returned by
all of the methods. Any combination of the fields documented below can be used to
find fonts, but all methods return full font descriptors.
Name | Type | Description
---------------- | ------- | -----------
`path` | string | The path to the font file in the filesystem. **(not applicable for queries, only for results)**
`postscriptName` | string | The PostScript name of the font (e.g `'Arial-BoldMT'`). This uniquely identities a font in most cases.
`family` | string | The font family name (e.g `'Arial'`)
`style` | string | The font style name (e.g. `'Bold'`)
`weight` | number | The font weight (e.g. `400` for normal weight). Should be a multiple of 100, between 100 and 900. See [below](#weights) for weight documentation.
`width` | number | The font width (e.g. `5` for normal width). Should be an integer between 1 and 9. See [below](#widths) for width documentation.
`italic` | boolean | Whether the font is italic or not.
`monospace` | boolean | Whether the font is monospace or not.
#### Weights
Value | Name
----- | -------------------------
100 | Thin
200 | Ultra Light
300 | Light
400 | Normal
500 | Medium
600 | Semi Bold
700 | Bold
800 | Ultra Bold
900 | Heavy
#### Widths
Value | Name
----- | -----------------------------
1 | Ultra Condensed
2 | Extra Condensed
3 | Condensed
4 | Semi Condensed
5 | Normal
6 | Semi Expanded
7 | Expanded
8 | Extra Expanded
9 | Ultra Expanded
## License