When declining an invite, the popup now offers a checkbox to also add the sender to the account data m.ignored_user_list event. This will hide any further invite or message from that user in syncs, and also immediatly remove the ones we currently have. As a side-effect, the long-time bug that caused forgotten rooms to immediatly reappear due to received a "<user> left" event has been fixed.
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947 lines
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# Copyright Mirage authors & contributors <https://github.com/mirukana/mirage>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import asyncio
import json
import logging as log
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from html import escape
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import quote
import nio
from .html_markdown import HTML_PROCESSOR
from .media_cache import Media
from .models.items import PushRule, TypeSpecifier
from .presence import Presence
from .pyotherside_events import DevicesUpdated
from .utils import classes_defined_in, plain2html
from .matrix_client import MatrixClient
class NioCallbacks:
"""Register callbacks for nio's request responses and events.
For every class defined in the `nio.responses` and `nio.events` modules,
this class can have a method named
`on<ClassName>` (e.g. `onRoomMessageText`) that will
automatically be registered in the `client`'s callbacks.
For room event content strings, the `%1` and `%2` placeholders
refer to the event's sender and who this event targets (`state_key`) or
the redactor of this event.
These are processed from QML, to allow for future translations of
the strings.
client: "MatrixClient" = field()
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Register our methods as callbacks."""
self.models = self.client.models
for name, response_class in classes_defined_in(nio.responses).items():
method = getattr(self, f"on{name}", None)
if method:
self.client.add_response_callback(method, response_class)
for name, ev_class in classes_defined_in(nio.events).items():
method = getattr(self, f"on{name}", None)
if not method:
if issubclass(ev_class, nio.EphemeralEvent):
self.client.add_ephemeral_callback(method, ev_class)
elif issubclass(ev_class, nio.ToDeviceEvent):
self.client.add_to_device_callback(method, ev_class)
elif issubclass(ev_class, nio.AccountDataEvent):
self.client.add_global_account_data_callback(method, ev_class)
elif issubclass(ev_class, nio.PresenceEvent):
self.client.add_presence_callback(method, ev_class)
self.client.add_event_callback(method, ev_class)
def user_id(self) -> str:
return self.client.user_id
# Response callbacks
async def onSyncResponse(self, resp: nio.SyncResponse) -> None:
for room_id in resp.rooms.invite:
await self.client.register_nio_room(self.client.all_rooms[room_id])
for room_id, info in resp.rooms.join.items():
await self.client.register_nio_room(self.client.rooms[room_id])
if room_id not in self.client.past_tokens:
self.client.past_tokens[room_id] = info.timeline.prev_batch
for ev in info.state:
if isinstance(ev, nio.PowerLevelsEvent):
stored = self.client.power_level_events.get(room_id)
time = ev.server_timestamp
if not stored or time > stored.server_timestamp:
self.client.power_level_events[room_id] = ev
# TODO: way of knowing if a nio.MatrixRoom is left
for room_id, info in resp.rooms.leave.items():
# We forgot this room or rejected an invite and ignored the sender
if room_id in self.client.ignored_rooms:
# TODO: handle in nio, these are rooms that were left before
# starting the client.
if room_id not in self.client.all_rooms:
# TODO: handle left events in nio async client
for ev in info.timeline.events:
if isinstance(ev, nio.RoomMemberEvent):
await self.onRoomMemberEvent(
self.client.all_rooms[room_id], ev,
await self.client.register_nio_room(
self.client.all_rooms[room_id], left=True,
account = self.models["accounts"][self.user_id]
account.connecting = False
if not self.client.first_sync_done.is_set():
self.client.first_sync_date = datetime.now()
async def onKeysQueryResponse(self, resp: nio.KeysQueryResponse) -> None:
refresh_rooms = {}
clients = self.client.backend.clients
for user_id in resp.changed:
for room in self.client.rooms.values():
if user_id in room.users:
refresh_rooms[room.room_id] = room
if user_id != self.user_id and user_id in clients:
await self.client.auto_verify_account(clients[user_id])
for room_id, room in refresh_rooms.items():
room_item = self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"].get(room_id)
if room_item:
room_item.unverified_devices = \
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
# Room events, invite events and misc events callbacks
async def onRoomMessageText(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageText,
) -> None:
co = HTML_PROCESSOR.filter(
if ev.format == "org.matrix.custom.html" else
mention_list = HTML_PROCESSOR.mentions_in_html(co)
await self.client.register_nio_event(
room, ev, content=co, mentions=mention_list,
async def onRoomMessageNotice(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageNotice,
) -> None:
await self.onRoomMessageText(room, ev)
async def onRoomMessageEmote(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageEmote,
) -> None:
await self.onRoomMessageText(room, ev)
async def onRoomMessageUnknown(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageUnknown,
) -> None:
co = f"%1 sent an unsupported <b>{escape(ev.msgtype)}</b> message"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomMessageMedia(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageMedia,
) -> None:
info = ev.source["content"].get("info", {})
media_crypt_dict = ev.source["content"].get("file", {})
thumb_info = info.get("thumbnail_info", {})
thumb_crypt_dict = info.get("thumbnail_file", {})
media_local_path: Union[Path, str] = await Media(
cache = self.client.backend.media_cache,
client_user_id = self.user_id,
mxc = ev.url,
title = ev.body,
room_id = room.room_id,
filesize = info.get("size") or 0,
crypt_dict = media_crypt_dict,
except FileNotFoundError:
media_local_path = ""
item = await self.client.register_nio_event(
content = "",
inline_content = ev.body,
media_url = ev.url,
media_http_url = await self.client.mxc_to_http(ev.url),
media_title = ev.body,
media_width = info.get("w") or 0,
media_height = info.get("h") or 0,
media_duration = info.get("duration") or 0,
media_size = info.get("size") or 0,
media_mime = info.get("mimetype") or "",
media_crypt_dict = media_crypt_dict,
media_local_path = media_local_path,
thumbnail_url =
info.get("thumbnail_url") or thumb_crypt_dict.get("url") or "",
thumbnail_width = thumb_info.get("w") or 0,
thumbnail_height = thumb_info.get("h") or 0,
thumbnail_mime = thumb_info.get("mimetype") or "",
thumbnail_crypt_dict = thumb_crypt_dict,
async def onRoomEncryptedMedia(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomEncryptedMedia,
) -> None:
await self.onRoomMessageMedia(room, ev)
async def onRedactionEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RedactionEvent,
) -> None:
model = self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "events"]
event = None
for existing in model._sorted_data:
if existing.event_id == ev.redacts:
event = existing
if not (
event and
(event.event_type is not nio.RedactedEvent or event.is_local_echo)
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
event.source.source["content"] = {}
event.source.source["unsigned"] = {
"redacted_by": ev.event_id,
"redacted_because": ev.source,
await self.onRedactedEvent(
event_id = event.id,
async def onRedactedEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RedactedEvent, event_id: str = "",
) -> None:
redacter_name, _, must_fetch_redacter = \
await self.client.get_member_profile(room.room_id, ev.redacter) \
if ev.redacter else ("", "", False)
await self.client.register_nio_event(
event_id = event_id,
reason = ev.reason or "",
content = await self.client.get_redacted_event_content(
type(ev), ev.redacter, ev.sender, ev.reason,
mentions = [],
type_specifier = TypeSpecifier.Unset,
media_url = "",
media_http_url = "",
media_title = "",
media_local_path = "",
thumbnail_url = "",
redacter_id = ev.redacter or "",
redacter_name = redacter_name,
override_fetch_profile = True,
async def onRoomCreateEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomCreateEvent,
) -> None:
co = "%1 allowed users on other matrix servers to join this room" \
if ev.federate else \
"%1 blocked users on other matrix servers from joining this room"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomGuestAccessEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomGuestAccessEvent,
) -> None:
allowed = "allowed" if ev.guest_access == "can_join" else "forbad"
co = f"%1 {allowed} guests to join the room"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomJoinRulesEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomJoinRulesEvent,
) -> None:
access = "public" if ev.join_rule == "public" else "invite-only"
co = f"%1 made the room {access}"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomHistoryVisibilityEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomHistoryVisibilityEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.history_visibility == "shared":
to = "all room members"
elif ev.history_visibility == "world_readable":
to = "any member or outsider"
elif ev.history_visibility == "joined":
to = "all room members, since the time they joined"
elif ev.history_visibility == "invited":
to = "all room members, since the time they were invited"
to = "???"
log.warning("Invalid visibility - %s",
json.dumps(vars(ev), indent=4))
co = f"%1 made future room history visible to {to}"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onPowerLevelsEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.PowerLevelsEvent,
) -> None:
levels = ev.power_levels
stored = self.client.power_level_events.get(room.room_id)
if not stored or ev.server_timestamp > stored.server_timestamp:
self.client.power_level_events[room.room_id] = ev
previous = ev.source["unsigned"]["prev_content"]
except KeyError:
previous = {}
users_previous = previous.get("users", {})
events_previous = previous.get("events", {})
changes: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = []
event_changes: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = []
user_changes: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = []
def lvl(level: int) -> str:
return (
f"Admin ({level})" if level == 100 else
f"Moderator ({level})" if level >= 50 else
f"User ({level})" if level >= 0 else
f"Muted ({level})"
def format_defaults_dict(
levels: Dict[str, Union[int, dict]],
previous: Dict[str, Union[int, dict]],
prefix: str = "",
) -> None:
default_0 = ("users_default", "events_default", "invite")
for name in set({**levels, **previous}):
if not prefix and name in ("users", "events"):
old_level = previous.get(
name, 0 if not prefix and name in default_0 else 50,
level = levels.get(
name, 0 if not prefix and name in default_0 else 50,
if isinstance(level, dict):
if not isinstance(old_level, dict):
old_level = {}
format_defaults_dict(level, old_level, f"{prefix}{name}.")
if not isinstance(old_level, int):
old_level = 50
if old_level != level or not previous:
changes.append((f"{prefix}{name}", old_level, level))
format_defaults_dict(ev.source["content"], previous)
# Minimum level to send event changes
for ev_type in set({**levels.events, **events_previous}):
old_level = events_previous.get(
if ev_type.startswith("m.room.") else
level = levels.events.get(
if ev_type.startswith("m.room.") else
if old_level != level or not previous:
event_changes.append((ev_type, old_level, level))
# User level changes
for user_id in set({**levels.users, **users_previous}):
old_level = \
users_previous.get(user_id, levels.defaults.users_default)
level = levels.users.get(user_id, levels.defaults.users_default)
if old_level != level or not previous:
user_changes.append((user_id, old_level, level))
if user_id in room.users:
await self.client.add_member(room, user_id)
# Gather and format changes
if changes or event_changes or user_changes:
changes.sort(key=lambda c: (c[2], c[0]))
event_changes.sort(key=lambda c: (c[2], c[0]))
user_changes.sort(key=lambda c: (c[2], c[0]))
all_changes = changes + event_changes + user_changes
if len(all_changes) == 1:
co = HTML_PROCESSOR.from_markdown(
"%%1 changed the level for **%s**: %s → %s " % (
inline = True,
co = HTML_PROCESSOR.from_markdown("\n".join([
"%1 changed the room's permissions",
"Change | Previous | Current ",
"--- | --- | ---",
f"{name} | {lvl(old)} | {lvl(now)}"
for name, old, now in all_changes
co = "%1 didn't change the room's permissions"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def process_room_member_event(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMemberEvent,
) -> Optional[Tuple[TypeSpecifier, str]]:
"""Return a `TypeSpecifier` and string describing a member event.
Matrix member events can represent many actions:
a user joined the room, a user banned another, a user changed their
display name, etc.
if ev.prev_content == ev.content:
return None
prev = ev.prev_content
now = ev.content
membership = ev.membership
prev_membership = ev.prev_membership
ev_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ev.server_timestamp / 1000)
member_change = TypeSpecifier.MembershipChange
# Membership changes
if not prev or membership != prev_membership:
if not self.client.backend.settings.Chat.show_membership_events:
return None
reason = escape(
f", reason: {now['reason']}" if now.get("reason") else "",
if membership == "join":
return (
"%1 accepted their invitation"
if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else
"%1 joined the room",
if membership == "invite":
return (member_change, "%1 invited %2 to the room")
if membership == "leave":
if ev.state_key == ev.sender:
return (
f"%1 declined their invitation{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else
f"%1 left the room{reason}",
return (
f"%1 withdrew %2's invitation{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else
f"%1 unbanned %2 from the room{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "ban" else
f"%1 kicked %2 out from the room{reason}",
if membership == "ban":
return (member_change, f"%1 banned %2 from the room{reason}")
# Profile changes
changed = []
if prev and now.get("avatar_url") != prev.get("avatar_url"):
changed.append("profile picture") # TODO: <img>s
if prev and now.get("displayname") != prev.get("displayname"):
changed.append('display name from "{}" to "{}"'.format(
escape(prev.get("displayname") or ev.state_key),
escape(now.get("displayname") or ev.state_key),
if changed:
# Update our account profile if the event is newer than last update
if ev.state_key == self.user_id:
account = self.models["accounts"][self.user_id]
if account.profile_updated < ev_date:
profile_updated = ev_date,
display_name = now.get("displayname") or "",
avatar_url = now.get("avatar_url") or "",
if not self.client.backend.settings.Chat.show_profile_changes:
return None
return (
"%1 changed their {}".format(" and ".join(changed)),
# log.warning("Unknown member ev.: %s", json.dumps(vars(ev), indent=4))
return None
async def onRoomMemberEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMemberEvent,
) -> None:
# The event can be a past event, don't trust it to update the model
# room's current state.
if ev.state_key in room.users:
await self.client.add_member(room, user_id=ev.state_key)
await self.client.remove_member(room, user_id=ev.state_key)
type_and_content = await self.process_room_member_event(room, ev)
if type_and_content is not None:
type_specifier, content = type_and_content
await self.client.register_nio_event(
room, ev, content=content, type_specifier=type_specifier,
# Normally, register_nio_event() will call register_nio_room().
# but in this case we don't have any event we want to register.
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
async def onRoomAliasEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomAliasEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.canonical_alias:
url = f"https://matrix.to/#/{quote(ev.canonical_alias)}"
link = f"<a href='{url}'>{escape(ev.canonical_alias)}</a>"
co = f"%1 set the room's main address to {link}"
co = "%1 removed the room's main address"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomNameEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomNameEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.name:
co = f"%1 changed the room's name to \"{escape(ev.name)}\""
co = "%1 removed the room's name"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomAvatarEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomAvatarEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.avatar_url:
co = "%1 changed the room's picture"
co = "%1 removed the room's picture"
http = await self.client.mxc_to_http(ev.avatar_url)
await self.client.register_nio_event(
room, ev, content=co, media_url=ev.avatar_url, media_http_url=http,
async def onRoomTopicEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomTopicEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.topic:
topic = HTML_PROCESSOR.filter(plain2html(ev.topic), inline=True)
co = f"%1 changed the room's topic to \"{topic}\""
co = "%1 removed the room's topic"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomEncryptionEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomEncryptionEvent,
) -> None:
co = "%1 turned on encryption for this room"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onMegolmEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.MegolmEvent,
) -> None:
co = "%1 sent an undecryptable message"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onBadEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.BadEvent,
) -> None:
co = f"%1 sent a malformed <b>{escape(ev.type)}</b> event"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onUnknownEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.UnknownEvent,
) -> None:
if not self.client.backend.settings.Chat.show_unknown_events:
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
co = f"%1 sent an unsupported <b>{escape(ev.type)}</b> event"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onUnknownEncryptedEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.UnknownEncryptedEvent,
) -> None:
co = (
f"%1 sent an <b>{escape(ev.type)}</b> event encrypted with "
f"unsupported <b>{escape(ev.algorithm)}</b> algorithm"
await self.client.register_nio_event(room, ev, content=co)
async def onInviteEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.InviteEvent,
) -> None:
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
# Ephemeral event callbacks
async def onTypingNoticeEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.TypingNoticeEvent,
) -> None:
# Prevent recent past typing notices from being shown for a split
# second on client startup:
if not self.client.first_sync_done.is_set():
await self.client.register_nio_room(room)
room_id = room.room_id
room_item = self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"][room_id]
room_item.typing_members = sorted(
room.user_name(user_id) or user_id for user_id in ev.users
if user_id not in self.client.backend.clients
async def onReceiptEvent(
self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.ReceiptEvent,
) -> None:
member_model = self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "members"]
event_model = self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "events"]
unassigned_mems = self.client.unassigned_member_last_read_event
unassigned_evs = self.client.unassigned_event_last_read_by
recount_markers = []
for receipt in ev.receipts:
if receipt.user_id in self.client.backend.clients:
if receipt.receipt_type != "m.read":
echo_id = self.client.event_to_echo_ids.get(receipt.event_id)
read_event = event_model.get(echo_id or receipt.event_id)
timestamp = receipt.timestamp
if read_event:
read_event.last_read_by[receipt.user_id] = timestamp
# We haven't received the read event from the server yet
unassigned_evs[receipt.event_id][receipt.user_id] = timestamp
if receipt.user_id not in member_model:
# We haven't loaded the member yet (lazy loading), or they left
unassigned_mems[room.room_id, receipt.user_id] = \
echo_id or receipt.event_id
member = member_model[receipt.user_id]
previous_read_event = event_model.get(member.last_read_event)
if previous_read_event:
# Remove the read marker from the previous last read event
previous_read_event.last_read_by.pop(receipt.user_id, None)
member.last_read_event = echo_id or receipt.event_id
for ev in recount_markers:
ev.read_by_count = len(ev.last_read_by)
# Account data callbacks
async def onPushRulesEvent(self, ev: nio.PushRulesEvent) -> None:
async def update_affected_room(rule: PushRule) -> None:
affects_room: Optional[str]
if rule.kind == nio.PushRuleKind.room:
affects_room = rule.rule_id
affects_room = self.client._rule_overrides_room(rule)
if affects_room in self.client.rooms:
nio_room = self.client.rooms[affects_room]
await self.client.register_nio_room(nio_room)
model = self.models[self.user_id, "pushrules"]
kinds: Dict[nio.PushRuleKind, List[nio.PushRule]] = {
kind: getattr(ev.global_rules, kind.value)
for kind in nio.PushRuleKind
# Remove from model rules that are now deleted.
# MUST be done first to avoid having rules sharing the same kind+order.
new_keys: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()
for kind, rules in kinds.items():
for rule in rules:
new_keys.add((kind.value, rule.id))
with model.batch_remove():
for key, rule in list(model.items()):
if key not in new_keys:
del model[key]
await update_affected_room(rule)
# Then, add new rules/modify changed existing ones
for kind, rules in kinds.items():
for order, rule in enumerate(rules):
tweaks = {
action.tweak: action.value for action in rule.actions
if isinstance(action, nio.PushSetTweak)
# Note: The `dont_notify` action does nothing.
# As of now (sept 2020), `coalesce` is just a `notify` synonym.
notify = any(
isinstance(action, (nio.PushNotify, nio.PushCoalesce))
for action in rule.actions
high = tweaks.get("highlight", False) is not False
bubble = tweaks.get("bubble", notify) is not False
sound = str(tweaks.get("sound") or "")
hint = tweaks.get("urgency_hint", bool(sound)) is not False
rule_item = PushRule(
id = (kind.value, rule.id),
kind = kind,
rule_id = rule.id,
order = order,
default = rule.default,
enabled = rule.enabled,
conditions = [c.as_value for c in rule.conditions],
pattern = rule.pattern,
actions = [a.as_value for a in rule.actions],
notify = notify,
highlight = high,
bubble = bubble,
sound = sound,
urgency_hint = hint,
model[kind.value, rule.id] = rule_item
await update_affected_room(rule_item)
self.client.push_rules = ev
async def onUnknownAccountDataEvent(
self, ev: nio.UnknownAccountDataEvent,
) -> None:
if ev.type == "m.ignored_user_list":
user_ids = set(ev.content.get("ignored_users", {}))
self.client.ignored_user_ids = user_ids
# Presence event callbacks
async def onPresenceEvent(self, ev: nio.PresenceEvent) -> None:
presence = self.client.backend.presences.get(ev.user_id, Presence())
presence.currently_active = ev.currently_active or False
presence.status_msg = ev.status_msg or ""
presence.last_active_at = (
datetime.now() - timedelta(milliseconds=ev.last_active_ago)
) if ev.last_active_ago else datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
presence.presence = \
Presence.State(ev.presence) if ev.presence else \
# Add all existing members related to this presence
for room_id in self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"]:
member = self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "members"].get(
if member:
presence.members[room_id] = member
# Update members and accounts
# Check if presence event is ours
if (
ev.user_id in self.models["accounts"] and
self.models["accounts"][ev.user_id].presence !=
Presence.State.offline and
not (
presence.presence == Presence.State.offline and
self.models["accounts"][ev.user_id].presence !=
account = self.models["accounts"][ev.user_id]
# Set status_msg if none is set on the server and we have one
if (
not presence.status_msg and
account.status_msg and
ev.user_id in self.client.backend.clients and
account.presence != Presence.State.echo_invisible and
presence.presence == Presence.State.offline
# Do not fight back presence from other clients
self.client.backend.clients[ev.user_id]._presence = ev.presence
# Servers that send presence events support presence
account.presence_support = True
# Save the presence for the next resume
if account.save_presence:
status_msg = presence.status_msg
state = presence.presence
if account.presence == Presence.State.echo_invisible:
status_msg = account.status_msg
state = Presence.State.invisible
await self.client.backend.saved_accounts.set(
user_id = ev.user_id,
status_msg = status_msg,
presence = state.value,
self.client.backend.presences[ev.user_id] = presence