When declining an invite, the popup now offers a checkbox to also add
the sender to the account data m.ignored_user_list event.
This will hide any further invite or message from that user in syncs,
and also immediatly remove the ones we currently have.
As a side-effect, the long-time bug that caused forgotten rooms to
immediatly reappear due to received a "<user> left" event has been
Downloading file messages will now show a transfer control above the
composer, similar to uploads. Measuring the progress or pausing the
operation is not possible yet.
- Cleaner design for the backend user_files classes and simplified
interaction with QML
- Config and theme files will now automatically reload when changed on
- Removed manual reload keybind and button
Previously, changes in power level events where a key is set back to the
default and absent from the "current levels" dict (e.g. a muted user -1
is unmuted and becomes 0, the room default, thus is only present in the
"previous levels" dict) were taken into account when generating the
event text.
thumbnail() and download() were remaining.
Use a direct and carefully chosen MatrixClient's methods instead to
avoid problems mentioned in the previous commit 7502c1.
This required us to set the media downloaded local path on events
entirely from python instead of simply lazy-fetching them when needed
from QML, due to pyotherside's async nature and files that must be open
in a certain order.
- Fix code formatting issues.
- Document `Presence`.
- Improve `Presence.__lt__()` performance by
defining a dict outside the method.
- Make presence ball radius relative to uiScale
and configurable from theme.
- Add instant feedback upon setting a different
presence for account (local echo)
- Sort room members by power level and then
- Periodically update members' `last_acitve_at`
field on the room pane
- Move status message field up on account context
menu, and put invisible before offline again
Bug fix:
- Do not try to override presence set from
another client, accept it
Setting the presence of an account to offline
will make the client to end sync task and will
prevent messages from being sent.
Setting it to online again or any other presence
will start sync task again.
- Local echo to presence change
- UI Control to affect all members presence
- Block more requests to be sent (e.g. member