2020-06-05 06:29:52 -04:00

17 KiB


All notable changes will be documented in this file.

The format is based on
Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to
Semantic Versioning.

0.5.1 (2020-06-05)


  • Saving room settings: room name, topic, guest access, invite requirement,
    guest access and encryption can now be changed and saved from the room's
    settings pane

  • markRoomReadMsecDelay setting to configure how long in milliseconds Mirage
    will wait before marking a focused room as read, defaults to 200

  • alertOnMentionForMsec setting separate from alertOnMessageForMsec,
    defaulting to -1: will trigger a non-expiring window highlight on
    messages received that mention your user
    (the behavior differs depending on desktop environment or window manager)


  • Unread message/highlight counters:

    • The counters are now implemented in a cross-client, persistent way,
      and respect configured push rules for your account
    • Read receipts will be sent to the server to mark rooms as read
  • The alertOnMessageForMsec setting now defaults to 0, disabling window
    highlights for messages not mentioning you

  • While an E2E key import operation is running, prevent accidentally closing
    the popup by clicking outside of it

  • For manual installations, make install will now copy files to /usr/local
    instead of /usr by default.
    This can be changed by setting PREFIX when running qmake,
    e.g. qmake PREFIX=/usr.
    After pulling the latest version, make sure to clean up old installation
    and build files before regenerating the Makefile and installing:
    sudo make uninstall; make clean; qmake && make && sudo make install

  • Improve the error messages shown when trying to start a direct chat with or
    invite a non-existing user

  • In room settings or creation, use a text area for the topic instead of a
    field limited to a single line


  • Removed delay when multiple rooms are removed/hidden from the list.
    This should provide a smoother experience when filtering rooms or collapsing
    accounts, and prevent the account duplication bug.
    If you encounter issues with these operations like the room list becoming
    invisible, make sure first that your Qt installation is up-to-date
    (latest x.y.Z version, e.g. 5.14.2).


  • The room settings pane is now scrollable

  • Avoid potential error if the room list data model is initialized after an
    initial sync has already been completed

  • Closing the import key popup by pressing escape will now correctly
    cancel any running import operation

  • Fix Python pickling error when trying to redecrypt events after importing
    E2E keys (#50)

  • Handle Matrix 502 errors returned when trying to start a direct chat or
    invite a user with an incorrect or unresponsive server in their ID

  • Correctly hide socket.gaierror error popups that appear when the
    internet connection drops

  • Hide popups for pointless
    ssl.SSLError: [SSL: KRB5_S_INIT] application data after close notify
    exceptions that occur in the Flatpak releases due to a Python 3.7 bug

  • Make sure the account shown in the left pane is immediatly updated
    after changing display name or avatar in the accounty settings

  • When signing in a new account, correctly position it after the other
    existing ones without needing a restart

  • Correctly handle room topics containing new lines, hard tabs or text inside
    <> brackets

  • Starting a direct chat, creating or joining a room will now correctly
    update the left pane room list's highlighted item

  • Fix KeyError when forgetting a room

  • Fix cursor shape not changing to carret when hovering text fields and areas.
    This fix can only apply when the enableKineticScrolling setting is true,
    until the project switches to Qt 5.15.

0.5.0 (2020-05-22)


  • Unread messages and mentions:

    • Rooms in the left pane will now have a counter for unread messages and
      times you were mentioned

    • goToPreviousUnreadRoom (default Alt+Shift+U) and
      goToNextUnreadRoom (default Alt+U) keybinds to cycle between rooms
      with unread messages

    • goToPreviousMentionedRoom (default Alt+Shift+M) and
      goToNextMentionedRoom (default Alt+M) keybinds to cycle between rooms
      with mentions, or those with unread messages if no rooms with mentions
      are left

    • Room with mentions will be sorted first, then room no mentions but unread
      messages, then the rest

  • Accounts navigation:

    • With two or more accounts, an always visible account thumbnail grid will
      be visible in the left pane.
      Clicking on an account will make the room list jump to that account.
      The accounts will also show a total number of unread messages and
      mentions for all the rooms associated with it.

    • goToPreviousAccount (default Alt+Shift+M) and
      goToNextAccount (default Alt+M) keybinds to cycle and jump between
      accounts in the room list.

    • keys.focusAccountAtIndex in config file, a {"<index>": "<keybind>"}
      mapping similar to focusRoomAtIndex which by default binds
      Ctrl+1-9 and Ctrl+0 to jump to account 1 to 10 in the room list

  • Replies:

    • The context menu for messages now has a "Reply" option

    • The new replyToFocusedOrLastMessage keybind (default Ctrl+Q) can be used
      to reply to the focused message if any
      (use the focusPreviousMessage and focusNextMessage keybinds),
      or to the last message in the timeline not sent by you.

    • Pressing escape will cancel the reply

  • Kick and bans: room members can now be kicked or banned with an optional
    reason, using the option in the right pane's member context menu

  • openMessagesLinks keybind (default Ctrl+O).
    Will open externally all the URLs present in the selected/focused message(s),
    or the last message that contains links if none are selected or focused.

  • clearMemberFilterOnEscape setting.
    If true (default),
    pressing escape while focusing the "Filter members" field will not only
    focus the chat again but also clear the filter.

  • maxMessageCharactersPerLine setting to control the maximum width of
    messages. If set to -1, there will be no limit.

  • ownMessagesOnLeftAboveWidth setting, replaces the themes's
    eventList.ownEventsOnRightUnderWidth properties.
    Can be set to -1 to always keep your own messages on the right.

  • enableKineticScrolling setting, try setting it to false if you have
    scrolling issues on a trackpad

  • Support a new enabled key for accounts in the accounts.json config file.
    If set to false, Mirage will not login to or show the account on startup.

  • Support a new order key for accounts in the accounts.json config file
    The value is an integer that will determine how accounts in the left pane
    are sorted, lower comes first.
    If multiple accounts have the same order value, they are sorted by
    their user ID.

  • Themes:

    • mainPane.minimumSize property
    • mainPane.accountBar section
    • section
    • chat.replyBar section


  • Performance:

    • Use room members lazy-loading, accounts that have joined
      large numbers of rooms will now finally be able to finish their
      initial sync.
      When the currently shown UI page is a room, the full members list for it
      will be loaded.

    • Request less events for the initial sync, and exclude some types like
      membership events to increase initial sync speed

    • Retrieving profiles for events sent by users no longer present in a room
      will no block and delay past events loading.
      Missing profiles will be fetched asynchronously when the messages
      are currently in view in the UI.

    • Reduce the number of events that need to be sent between Python and QML
      due to changes in list models data

    • Consecutive syncs will now have a one second delay between them to reduce
      both client and server strain

  • Improved group display name calculations (nio 0.11+ change):
    for example, a room that would previously be shown as "Alice and 6 others"
    will now be shown as "Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave, Erin and 1 other"
    (up to 5 visible names).

  • Group rooms with more than two users and without an explicitely set avatar
    will no longer show their first member's profile picture as avatar

  • The unfocusOrDeselectAllMessages keybind now defaults to Ctrl+D
    instead of Escape, which no longer works as of Qt 5.14.
    debugFocusedMessage is changed from Ctrl+D to Ctrl+Shift+D.

  • Better QML logging format: messages will now be dated, and have a
    symbol + color (on Linux and OSX terminals) representing their category

  • Messages containing code blocks will no longer have their max width limited

  • Set hideUnknownEvents to true in the default config file

  • Set a more useful default minimum size for the left pane

  • The collapseSidePanesUnderWindowWidth setting now defaults to 450 instead
    of 400, to account for the larger minimum pane size.

  • Show a more useful error message with traceback when retrieving an account's
    profile or the server config fails on startup

  • Hide socket.gaierror error popups

  • When pressing the startPythonDebugger (default Alt+Shift+D) keybind,
    use pdb if remote_pdb isn't installed

  • Themes:

    • mainPane.bottomBar properties: background is now by default
      transparent, settingsButtonBackground and filterFieldBackground are
      now set to colors.strongBackground


  • Performance:

    • After the initial sync, Mirage will no longer try to continually fetch
      previous events for rooms where the sync haven't brought any event that is
      suitable to be shown as room last event subtitle in the left pane.

    • Mirage will no longer try to find and autolink display names in incoming
      events, which was a very costly operation for rooms with
      thousands of members.

  • The uvloop python module is no longer supported or recommended as an optional
    dependency, due to being responsible for some segfaults

  • The SortFilterProxyModel and RadialBarDemo git submodules are no longer
    used. hsluv-c is the only submodule still used currently.


  • Performance:

    • Stop rendering and keeping in RAM rooms that aren't currently visible in
      the left pane.
      This fixes the massive memory usage that occurred with hundreds of rooms
      and their avatar images loaded all at once.

    • Room elements in the left pane will no longer be reloaded every time
      a list movement happens (e.g. a room is bumped to the top due to a new
      This also lets the movement animation correctly play instead of being

  • Don't show a popup when pressing the redact message keybind if that
    message can't be redacted

  • Stricter mention parsing, fix various cases of text being autolinked when it

  • Fix exception when parsing <a> HTML tags without href attribute

  • Fix crash on Python 3.6 due to asyncio.current_task

  • Fix AttributeError when using matrix-nio v0.11+

  • Fix potential crash on startup due to asyncio event loop and threading

  • Fix uploads getting rejected by servers due to not passing a file size

  • Fix extra spacing between "Add chat" and "Expand/Collapse" account buttons

  • Hide the Binding deprecation warnings in terminal that Qt 5.14+ spams

  • Fix client not waiting before retrying a failed sync due to server error

  • Correctly handle server 429 "Too many requests" errors when they come purely
    in the form of a HTTP status code without a JSON object giving any info

  • Fix left rooms remaining at full opacity in the left pane

  • Fix escape key not working to clear the "Filter rooms" field and focus
    the chat again

  • Fix event mention link detection, and stop trying to autolink event ID
    strings in messages as URLs also need a room ID to make sense

0.4.3 (2020-04-03)


  • Support for MIRAGE_CONFIG_DIR and MIRAGE_DATA_DIR environment variables
    to change the config and user data folders

  • inviteToRoom, leaveRoom and forgetRoom keybindings
    (Alt+I, Alt+Esc and Alt+Shift+Esc by default)

  • Redactions support: individual or selected messages can now be
    redacted/removed using the option from the message context menu,
    or the removeFocusedOrSelectedMessages keybind
    (by default Ctrl+R or Alt+Del).

  • Themes: colors.dimColoredTextSaturation and
    colors.dimColoredTextIntensity color properties

  • Themes: controls.displayName.dimSaturation and
    controls.displayName.dimLightness color properties

  • Themes: chat.message.redactedBody color property


  • unfocusOrDeselectAllMessages keybind: now deselect messages first if any
    on first press, then cancels the keyboard message focus if possible on
    second press


  • Segfault after login on KDE

  • Buttons not displaying correctly on Qt 5.14

  • Hard tab characters in theme files not being handled by the theme parser

  • focusRoomAtIndex keybindings: default to Cmd+numbers on OSX instead of
    Alt/Option+numbers, which prevented typing special characters on some
    keyboard layouts

  • Needing to press escape twice to close context menus and popups

  • "Go back to chat" button not doing anything when the room settings pane was
    focused in narrow mode

0.4.2 (2020-03-27)


  • Accounts, rooms, room members and messages can now be long-tapped on touch
    screens to open their context menu

  • New touch screen and keyboard-friendly message selection system, replaces
    the previous slow and buggy text selection implementation:

    • Tap a message to select or deselect it

    • Press escape, or use the context menu entry "Deselect all" to deselect
      all messages

    • Tap a first message, then shift+tap another one
      (or use "Select until here" from the context menu) to select all messages
      from the first to last

    • With a mouse, a single message can be partially selected and copied

    • The keyboard can be used to navigate with Ctrl+Up/Down (or Ctrl+J/K),
      Ctrl+Space to (de)select, Ctrl+Shift+Space for first-to-last selection,
      Ctrl+C for copying the selection, and Escape to focus the composer again
      (twice to also deselect messages).
      These shortcuts can be changed in the config file.

  • Themes: chat.message.focusedHighlight,
    chat.message.focusedHighlightOpacity, chat.message.checkedBackground and

  • Scripts and instructions to build a Flatpak package

The new selection system is still work in progress, dragging to select multiple
messages at once on desktop is not implemented yet.


  • Themes: increased default colors.accentBackground brightness


  • Possible error when handling a room member event that is missing previous
    display name or avatar info

  • Correctly parse mailto: links where the mail address ends with a digit
    (e.g. mailto:foo@localhost:8050, or where the host is a single character

  • Respect case when turning display names into mentions, typing a display name
    containing uppercase letters all in lowercase would result in a broken link

  • Correctly handle 0 as a value for the alertOnMessageForMsec setting,
    this will now prevent urgency hints (window/desktop highlighting or flashing
    on new message for most desktops, "ready" notification on Gnome)

0.4.1 (2020-03-23)


  • hideMembershipEvents setting, controls whether events such as
    "x joined the room" are shown in the timeline.

  • hideProfileChangeEvents setting, controls whether display name and avatar
    change events are shown in the timeline.

  • hideUnknownEvents setting, controls whether events not yet supported by
    Mirage (e.g. m.reaction) are shown in the timeline.

  • Compact mode to make accounts, rooms, messages and room members take only
    one line as well as reducing vertical spacing between them.
    Set by the new compactMode setting in config file, can also be toggled
    with the keys.toggleCompactMode keybind which defaults to Alt+Ctrl+C.

  • keys.focusRoomAtIndex in config file, a {"<index>": "<keybind>"} mapping
    which by default binds Alt+1-9 and Alt-0 to focus room 1 to 10
    in the current account.

  • User ID, display names, room ID, room aliases and message ID are now
    automatically turned into links and will be
    rendered as mentions by clients.
    In Mirage, user ID/names will be colored with the same color seen when they
    send messages.

  • Track the number of times your user was mentioned in rooms.
    The visual counter is not yet displayed, since there currently is no way
    to mark messages as read and make the counter go down.

  • Themes: controls.avatar.compactSize property

  • Themes: mention classes styling to chat.message.styleSheet


  • Python exceptions occurring in the asyncio loop not being printed in
    the terminal

  • Extra newline shown after code blocks in messages

  • Constant CPU usage due to button loading animations still being rendered
    while unneeded and invisible

0.4.0 (2020-03-21)

Initial public release.