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309 lines
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- global presence control
- fix members not synced bug
- fix local unread counters order
- publish room or alias control
- open context menus centered on touch screens
- auto-idle for Windows and OSX
- status based on process detection
## Refactoring
- General change/upload avatar component for account and room settings
- Refactor EventList.qml
- Implement different delegate for different types of events in QML, instead
of having only one doing everything with untranslatable content texts
from Python
## Issues
- Replying to one of our own message that's currently only a local echo
results in a reply to an empty ID
- Bottom focus line for an `HTextArea` inside a `ScrollView` is invisible,
put the background on `ScrollView` instead?
- Don't send typing notification when switching to a room where the composer
has preloaded text
- When calling `Backend.update_room_read_marker()` for a recent message,
the marker will only be updated for accounts that have already received
it (server lag)
- Jumping between accounts (clicking in account bar or alt+(Shift+)N) is
laggy with hundreds of rooms in between
- On startup, if a room's last event is a membership change,
it won't be visible in timeline no matter what the user config is
- There are rooms without messages to show as last message subtitle after
initial sync
- Drag-scrolling in room pane a tiny bit activates the delegates
- Catch server 5xx errors when sending message and retry
- Handle cases where a known account's access token is invalid
- If an account is gone from the user's config, discard UI state last page
- After forgetting a room, it comes back because of the "you left" event
- `code`, mentions and links in quote ("> http://example.com") aren't properly
colored in room delegate "last message" subtitle
- `Timer` and `Animation` are bound to framerate
- Can't use `QQmlApplicationEngine`, problem with QApplication?
See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50992
- [HTML <hr> not rendered](https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-74342)
- Pausing uploads doesn't work well, servers ends up dropping the connection
(no real solution possible?)
## Interface
- Colorize "@room" in messages
- Show scrollbars for a few seconds if there's content to scroll on when
opening a page or popup
- Device IP geolocation
- Can rooms but left with a reason?
- When responding to a message, highlight that message in the timeline
- Highlight timeline messages that mentions our user
- Add room members loading indicator, similar to the "Loading past messages..."
- Long-press-drag to select multiple messages on touch
- Drag to select multiple messages on non-touch
- Make clicking on user/room mentions open relevant UI instead of matrix.to
URL in browser
- Missing room settings:
- Set whether to publish this room in the server room directory
- Set history visibility
- Set aliases
- Change members power level
- Setup permissions
- Unban members
- Set flair (which community this room belongs to)
- Linkify URLs in topic text areas
- Use a loader for items not in view for the `HTabContainer`'s `SwipeView`
- Make "Cancel" buttons consistent, and able to cancel running Backend
coroutines. Set `disabledWhileLoading` to `false` for all "OK" buttons where
it makes sense.
- Remember the previously focused item in page for ctrl+tab
- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-smoothedanimation.html for progress bars
- Improve when HDrawer should collapse when the ui is zoomed
- Make room invite/left banner buttons look better
- Choose a better easing types for animations
- Make HListView scrollbars more visible
- In messages, remove the HTML lists excess left margin
- Improve UI for very small window heights
- In room creation, click avatar to set the future room's avatar
- In join room page, show the matching room's avatar when typing
- In direct chat page, show the matching user's avatar when typing
- Combine events so they take less space
- After combining is implemented,
no need to hide profile changes by default anymore
- Animate `DayBreak` apparition
- Device settings
- Proparly formatted rich replies
- Messages editing
- Code highlighting
- Adapt shortcuts flicking speed to font size
- Accept drag and drop to upload files or set a new avatar
- Improve room tooltips, e.g. show last messages
- Warn user when connection is lost or 429s happen
- "Rejoin" LeftBanner button if room is public
- Daybreak color
- Conversation breaks: show time of first new msg after break instead of big
blank space
- `MainPane`:
- Animate when logging out last account and sidepane turns invisible
- Server selection
- Implement Register/Reset pages
- Theming
- Use a standard file format
- icons.preferredPack: accept multiple values
- Find icon packs in user data dir
- See [Text.fontSizeMode](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-text.html#fontSizeMode-prop)
- Settings page
- Notifications
- Opening files with keyboard
- Better `<pre>`
- Replace the rubbish default filepicker on Linux
## Media-related
- UI for download progress (using `Transfer` like for uploads)
- Add upload keybindings (close failed upload, pause, resume)
- Handle errors when setting an avatar
- Show proper progress ring for mxc thumbnails loading
- Sentinel function to report local file paths for already downloaded media,
without having to click and try downloading first
- EventFile "Save as..." context menu entry
- Show a reason or HTTP error code for thumbnails that fail to load
- Support `m.file` thumbnails
- Generate video thumbnails
- Display GIF static thumbnails while the real GIF is loading
- Audio/video player
- Can GIFs use it?
- `EventLink` for client-side URL previews
- Special UI for matrix.to URLs
- Prevent using upload keybindings in rooms where user doesn't have permission
to upload
## Backend
- Use new nio `AsyncClient.restore_login()`
- Better config file format
- Prevent starting multiple client instances, causes problems with E2E DB
- Check if username exists on login screen
- [Soft logouts](https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio/commit/aba10)
- Logout previous session when adding an account that's already connected
- Cache and restore profiles, room events and client states
- Properly handle direct chats
- Live-reloading accounts.json
- E2E
- SAS verification
- Request room keys from own other devices
- Provide help when undecryptable messages occur, including:
- Trigger `nio.AsyncClient.request_room_key`
- Option to export-logout-login-import to fix one-time key problems
- Cross-signing
- Display read receipts on events (who/how many people have read an event)
- Fully read markers
- Methods of signing in that aren't handled yet:
- `m.login.password` alternate logins methods:
- `m.id.thirdparty`
- `m.id.phone`
- `m.login.recaptcha` (need browser, just use fallback?)
- `m.login.oauth2`
- `m.login.email.identity`
- `m.login.msisdn` (phone)
- `m.login.sso` + `m.login.token`
- `m.login.dummy`
- Web page fallback
## Nio contributions
- Streaming download & decrypt
- Running blocking DB function calls in executor (WIP)
- Dedicated error for invalid password on key import
- `RoomMessageMedia` and `RoomAvatarEvent` info attributes
- Handle `m.room.aliases` events
- Left room events after client reboot
- Previewing room without joining
## Distribution and dependencies
- Use Qt 5.14 for AppImage
- Add AppImage & Flatpak metadata file
- Publish on Flathub and AppImageHub
- Update to Mistune v2.0 when released
## Notable changes for future Qt version upgrade
### [Qt 5.13](https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.13)
- Added `SplitView`
- Added `cache` property to icon
### [Qt 5.14](https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.14)
- Applications can now opt-in to use non-integer scale factors.
Use `QGuiApplication::highDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy`.
- Added `qmlRegisterSingletonInstance` function.
This allows to expose a QObject as a singleton to QML, without having to
create a factory function as required by `qmlRegisterSingletonType`.
It is meant as a type safe replacement of `setContextProperty`.
- Added `qmlRegisterAnonymousType` as a replacement for `qmlRegisterType`.
It allows to specify the URI and major version for better tooling support.
- qmllint gained an experimental -U option. If run with it, it warns about
about accesses to unqualified identifiers
- `Text` and `TextEdit` now support Markdown format
(CommonMark and GitHub dialects) as an alternative to HTML.
Includes the GitHub checklist extension, such that you can click to toggle
checkboxes in a `TextEdit`.
- `TextEdit` uses an I-beam cursor by default, and a pointing-hand cursor when
hovering a checkbox or a link
- Added `WheelHandler`, an Event Handler for the mouse wheel, and optionally
for emulated mouse wheel events coming from a trackpad.
- Rewrite `HKineticScrollingDisabler` with it
- Added `BoundaryRule` in Qt.labs.animation: a `PropertyValueInterceptor` that
restricts the range of values a numeric property can have, applies
"resistance" when the value is overshooting, and provides the ability to
animate it back within range. It's particularly useful in combination with
`WheelHandler`, to provide similar physics as Flickable has.
- `Image` and `BorderImage` now have the same `currentFrame` and `frameCount`
properties that `AnimatedImage` has; this allows choosing an individual icon
from an .ICO file that contains multiple icons, for example.
In the future it's intended to support other multi-page formats such as
- `Binding.restoreMode`: This property can be used to describe if and how the
original value should be restored when the binding is disabled.
### [Qt 5.15](https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.15)
- Introduced inline components
(ability to declare multiple QML components in the same file)
- Introduced `required` properties
- Added a declarative way of registering types to QML
- Added support for the Nullish Coalescing Operator (`??`)
- Added `qmlformat` tool which automatically formats any QML file according to
the QML Coding Conventions.
- Added `cursorShape` property to pointer handlers. Most pointer handlers
(e.g. `DragHandler`) will change the cursor when the active state is true.
`HoverHandler` will change it when the mouse is hovering over the `Item` that
contains the `HoverHandler`.
- Added `selectTextByMouse` property to `ComboBox`.
- Technology Preview: Support for running Qt Quick (2D) on top of
Direct3D, Metal and Vulkan