From 0ac8b36c187de262eadb87d4d4f348d8671e5b26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zergling_man Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:51:06 +1100 Subject: [PATCH] it actually commits the symlink. :( --- .bashrc | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) mode change 120000 => 100644 .bashrc diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc deleted file mode 120000 index f8a6de3..0000000 --- a/.bashrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -/home/wisknort/.bashrc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..530742b --- /dev/null +++ b/.bashrc @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# +# ~/.bashrc +# + +# If not running interactively, don't do anything +[[ $- != *i* ]] && return + +# alias ls='ls --color=auto' +# PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ ' + +#jewtube-related +function yts { yt-dlp --get-title --get-duration --get-id ytsearch10:"'$*'"; } +function ytl { echo$1; } +function ytv { echo$(yt-dlp --get-id ytsearch:"'$*'"); } +function ytl2 { echo$1; } +function vid { mpv "$1&itag=22&local=true"; } +#honorary jewtube +function nts { yt-dlp --get-title --get-duration --get-id nicosearch10:"$*"; } + +#manga +function md { echo$1; } +function mds { curl -s "[]=safe&contentRating[]=suggestive&contentRating[]=erotica&contentRating[]=pornographic&title=$(sed s/\ /+/g <<< $*)" | jq ".data | .[] | .id,.attributes.title.en?,.attributes.description.en?,\"\""; } +function mdi { curl -s "$1" | jq ".data | .id,.attributes.title.en?,.attributes.description.en?,\"\""; } +alias mdesu='/home/wisknort/tinker/md/mdesu/mdesu' +alias mdl="~/tinker/md/" +function mdu { curl -si$1 | grep -i location; } + +#strong utils +source ~/tinker/tinyscripts/ +function lyrics { python ~/tinker/lyrics-fetcher/ $@; } +function pulsemagix { ~/ $*; } +alias search=~/tinker/tinyscripts/ +alias gitmk="git push -o repo.private=false -u master master" +alias wpfx="WINEPREFIX=$(pwd)/wpfx wine" +function update { scp -r * root@jasmine:"$(cat .update)"; } +function makepkgi { a=$(pwd); mkdir /tmp/negros/; cp PKGBUILD /tmp/negros/; cp -r * /tmp/negros/src/$(basename $a)/; cd /tmp/negros/; rm src/$(basename $a)/PKGBUILD; makepkg -${1:-R}; cp *.tar.zst $a; cd $a; rm -r /tmp/negros/; } +#image shitposting +function catbox { curl -F fileToUpload="@$*" -F reqtype=fileupload; echo ""; } +alias shitpost="~/tinker/tinyscripts/" + +#fun +function space { python -c "print(\" \".join(\"$*\"))"; } +function cap { python -c "a=\"$*\"; print(\"\".join([a[i].lower() if i%2 else a[i].upper() for i in range(len(a))]))"; } +function vandalise { rev <<< $*; } +function xyzzy { echo "Nothing happens."; } +alias pentest="curl -H 'user-agent:rakkatakkamuthafakka'" + +#fedi +alias fedifind="python ~/tinker/fedi/ -c ~/tinker/fedi/misc/userids" +function fedidl { a=$(curl -sLH "Accept:application/activity+json" $1 | jq -r '.attachment[] | .url'); if [ $2 == '-p' ]; then echo $a; else wget $a; fi; } +alias att="~/tinker/fedi/" +function mxc { [ -z $INSTANCE ] && creds matrix harpy; echo "https://$INSTANCE/_matrix/media/v3/download/$*"; } + +#low-frequency +eval "$(thefuck --alias)" +alias dedupe='python ~/' +alias tra="traceroute -6" +function tapas { wget $(curl $1 | grep -oE data-src=\".+\" | grep -oE h.+g); } +function mnotif { [ -z $1 ] && jq -r 'keys | .[]' < ~/tinker/matrix/matrix.conf; [ -z $1 ] || curl https://$(jq -r ".$1.instance" < ~/tinker/matrix/matrix.conf)/_matrix/client/r0/notifications -H "Authorization:Bearer $(jq -r ".$1.access_token" < ~/tinker/matrix/matrix.conf)" | jq '.notifications | .[] | (.room_id+", "+(.ts | tostring)+", "+.event.sender+": "+.event.content.body),""'; } +function tlcard { a="$*"; read oid lang <<< "$(curl -s "${a/ /+}" | jq -r '.oracle_id+" "+(["en","ja"]-[.lang])[0]')"; curl -s "$oid+lang:$lang&unique=prints" | jq -r '.data[0] | .printed_name // .name, .printed_type_line // .type_line, .printed_text // .oracle_text'; } + +#deprecated +#function nhen { echo$1; } +#alias genyprox="mitmproxy --mode socks5 --listen-port 8050" +#alias genyprox2="mitmproxy --mode socks5 --listen-port 8051" +#alias ztr="sudo rc-service zerotier-one restart" +#function zino { curl -iX PUT '!'$1 -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKE" --json "{\"msgtype\":\"m.text\",\"body\":\"$(cat)\"}" && echo ''; } \ No newline at end of file