948 lines
24 KiB
948 lines
24 KiB
var envView = new Vue({
el: '#envView',
data: { config: envConstruction },
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = envView.config[i]
if (!ls.data) {
ls = [ls]
} else {
ls = ls.data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete', displayLength: 3000 })
var id = ls[j].id
var val = $('#' + id).val()
localStorage.setItem(ls[j].storage, val)
if (ls == 'ha') {
if (ls == 'ua_setting') {
if (ls == 'frame') {
return true
var tlView = new Vue({
el: '#tlView',
data: { config: tlConstruction },
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = tlView.config[i]
if (val) {
localStorage.setItem(ls.storage, val)
} else {
if (!ls.data) {
ls = [ls]
} else {
ls = ls.data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete', displayLength: 3000 })
var id = ls[j].id
var val = $('#' + id).val()
localStorage.setItem(ls[j].storage, val)
return true
var postView = new Vue({
el: '#postView',
data: {
config: postConstruction,
kirishima: localStorage.getItem('kirishima'),
quoters: localStorage.getItem('quoters'),
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = postView.config[i]
if (val) {
localStorage.setItem(ls.storage, val)
} else {
if (!ls.data) {
ls = [ls]
} else {
ls = ls.data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete', displayLength: 3000 })
var id = ls[j].id
var val = $('#' + id).val()
localStorage.setItem(ls[j].storage, val)
return true
function settings() {
var fontd = $('#font').val()
if (fontd) {
if (fontd != localStorage.getItem('font')) {
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_setting_font.replace('{{set}}', fontd), displayLength: 3000 })
localStorage.setItem('font', fontd)
} else {
if (localStorage.getItem('font')) {
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_setting_font.replace('{{set}}', '"default"'), displayLength: 3000 })
function load() {
var currentLang = lang.language
var max = envView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = envView.config[i].storage
if (ls) {
if (localStorage.getItem(ls)) {
envView.config[i].setValue = localStorage.getItem(ls)
} else {
ls = envView.config[i].data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
envView.config[i].data[j].setValue = localStorage.getItem(ls[j].storage)
var max = tlView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = tlView.config[i].storage
if (ls) {
if (localStorage.getItem(ls)) {
tlView.config[i].setValue = localStorage.getItem(ls)
} else {
ls = tlView.config[i].data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
if (localStorage.getItem(tlView.config[i].data[j].storage)) {
tlView.config[i].data[j].setValue = localStorage.getItem(tlView.config[i].data[j].storage)
var max = postView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = postView.config[i].storage
if (ls) {
if (localStorage.getItem(ls)) {
postView.config[i].setValue = localStorage.getItem(ls)
} else {
ls = postView.config[i].data
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
postView.config[i].data[j].setValue = localStorage.getItem(ls[j].storage)
if (localStorage.getItem('imas')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('kirishima')) {
var theme = localStorage.getItem('theme')
if (!theme) {
var theme = 'white'
$('#' + theme).prop('checked', true)
var font = localStorage.getItem('font')
if (!font) {
var font = ''
$('#c1-file').text(localStorage.getItem('custom1') != 'null' ? localStorage.getItem('custom1') : '')
$('#c2-file').text(localStorage.getItem('custom2') != 'null' ? localStorage.getItem('custom2') : '')
$('#c3-file').text(localStorage.getItem('custom3') != 'null' ? localStorage.getItem('custom3') : '')
$('#c4-file').text(localStorage.getItem('custom4') != 'null' ? localStorage.getItem('custom4') : '')
var cvol = localStorage.getItem('customVol')
if (cvol) {
$('#soundvol').val(cvol * 100)
$('#soundVolVal').text(cvol * 100)
function customVol() {
var cvol = $('#soundvol').val()
localStorage.setItem('customVol', cvol / 100)
var sound = localStorage.getItem('favSound')
if (sound == 'default') {
var file = '../../source/notif.wav'
} else {
if (sound == 'c1') {
var file = localStorage.getItem('custom1')
} else if (sound == 'c2') {
var file = localStorage.getItem('custom2')
} else if (sound == 'c3') {
var file = localStorage.getItem('custom3')
} else if (sound == 'c4') {
var file = localStorage.getItem('custom4')
request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('GET', file, true)
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
request.onload = playSound
function climute() {
var cli = localStorage.getItem('client_mute')
var obj = JSON.parse(cli)
if (!obj) {
} else {
if (!obj[0]) {
var templete
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
var cli = obj[key]
var list = key * 1 + 1
templete =
'<div class="acct" id="acct_' +
key +
'">' +
list +
'.' +
escapeHTML(cli) +
'<button class="btn waves-effect red disTar" onclick="cliMuteDel(' +
key +
')">' +
lang.lang_del +
function cliMuteDel(key) {
var cli = localStorage.getItem('client_mute')
var obj = JSON.parse(cli)
obj.splice(key, 1)
var json = JSON.stringify(obj)
localStorage.setItem('client_mute', json)
function wordmute() {
var word = localStorage.getItem('word_mute')
var obj = JSON.parse(word)
if (!obj) {
obj = []
data: obj,
function wordmuteSave() {
var word = M.Chips.getInstance($('#wordmute')).chipsData
var json = JSON.stringify(word)
localStorage.setItem('word_mute', json)
function wordemp() {
var word = localStorage.getItem('word_emp')
var obj = JSON.parse(word)
if (!obj) {
obj = []
data: obj,
function wordempSave() {
var word = M.Chips.getInstance($('#wordemp')).chipsData
var json = JSON.stringify(word)
localStorage.setItem('word_emp', json)
function notftest() {
var os = localStorage.getItem('platform')
var options = {
body: lang.lang_setting_notftest + '(' + lang.lang_setting_notftestprof + ')',
icon: localStorage.getItem('prof_0'),
var n = new Notification('TheDesk' + lang.lang_setting_notftest, options)
function oks(no) {
var txt = $('#oks-' + no).val()
localStorage.setItem('oks-' + no, txt)
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_setting_ksref, displayLength: 3000 })
function oksload() {
if (localStorage.getItem('oks-1')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('oks-2')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('oks-3')) {
function changeLang() {
const lang = $('#langsel-sel').val()
if(lang) postMessage(['lang', lang], '*')
function exportSettings() {
var exp = exportSettingsCore()
title: lang.lang_setting_exportwarn,
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_yesno,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_no,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
postMessage(['exportSettings', ''], '*')
function exportSettingsCore() {
var exp = {}
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
var acct = JSON.parse(multi)
exp.accts = acct
var multi = localStorage.getItem('column')
var column = JSON.parse(multi)
exp.columns = column
var config = {}
config.theme = localStorage.getItem('theme')
//Other configs
var max = envView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = envView.config[i].storage
config[ls] = localStorage.getItem(ls)
var max = tlView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = tlView.config[i].storage
config[ls] = localStorage.getItem(ls)
var max = postView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = postView.config[i].storage
config[ls] = localStorage.getItem(ls)
config.font = localStorage.getItem('font')
exp.config = config
exp.ksc = [localStorage.getItem('oks-1'), localStorage.getItem('oks-2'), localStorage.getItem('oks-3')]
var cli = localStorage.getItem('client_mute')
var climu = JSON.parse(cli)
exp.clientMute = climu
var wdm = localStorage.getItem('word_mute')
var wordmu = JSON.parse(wdm)
exp.wordMute = wordmu
exp.spotifyArtwork = localStorage.getItem('artwork')
var content = localStorage.getItem('np-temp')
if (content || content == '' || content == 'null') {
exp.spotifyTemplete = content
} else {
exp.spotifyTemplete = null
var tagarr = localStorage.getItem('tag')
var favtag = JSON.parse(tagarr)
var plugins = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var plugin = JSON.parse(plugins)
exp.plugins = plugin
exp.revisons = 2.2
exp.meta = {}
exp.meta.date = new Date()
exp.meta.thedesk = localStorage.getItem('ver')
exp.meta.platform = localStorage.getItem('platform')
return exp
function importSettings() {
if ($('#imp-exp').val()) {
return false
title: lang.lang_setting_importwarn,
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_yesno,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_no,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
postMessage(['importSettings', ''], '*')
function importSettingsCore(obj) {
if (obj) {
localStorage.setItem('multi', JSON.stringify(obj.accts))
for (var key = 0; key < obj.accts.length; key++) {
var acct = obj.accts[key]
localStorage.setItem('name_' + key, acct.name)
localStorage.setItem('user_' + key, acct.user)
localStorage.setItem('user-id_' + key, acct.id)
localStorage.setItem('prof_' + key, acct.prof)
localStorage.setItem('domain_' + key, acct.domain)
localStorage.setItem('acct_' + key + '_at', acct.at)
localStorage.setItem('acct_' + key + '_rt', acct.rt ? acct.rt : null)
localStorage.setItem('column', JSON.stringify(obj.columns))
if (obj.config) {
//Version 2~
var max = envView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = envView.config[i].storage
if (obj.config[ls]) {
localStorage.setItem(ls, obj.config[ls])
var max = tlView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = tlView.config[i].storage
if (obj.config[ls]) {
localStorage.setItem(ls, obj.config[ls])
var max = postView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = postView.config[i].storage
if (obj.config[ls]) {
localStorage.setItem(ls, obj.config[ls])
} else {
//Version 1
localStorage.setItem('theme', obj.theme)
if (obj.width) {
localStorage.setItem('width', obj.width)
if (obj.font) {
localStorage.setItem('font', obj.font)
if (obj.size) {
localStorage.setItem('size', obj.size)
if (obj.imgheight) {
localStorage.setItem('img-height', obj.imgheight)
localStorage.setItem('mainuse', obj.mainuse)
if (obj.cw) {
localStorage.setItem('cwtext', obj.cw)
localStorage.setItem('vis', obj.vis)
if (obj.ksc[0]) {
localStorage.setItem('oks-1', obj.ksc[0])
if (obj.ksc[1]) {
localStorage.setItem('oks-2', obj.ksc[1])
if (obj.ksc[2]) {
localStorage.setItem('oks-3', obj.ksc[2])
if (obj.clientMute) {
localStorage.setItem('client_mute', JSON.stringify(obj.clientMute))
if (obj.wordMute) {
localStorage.setItem('word_mute', JSON.stringify(obj.wordMute))
if (obj.favoriteTags) {
localStorage.setItem('tag', JSON.stringify(obj.favoriteTags))
localStorage.setItem('np-temp', obj.spotifyTemplete)
for (var i = 0; i < obj.columns.length; i++) {
localStorage.setItem('card_' + i, 'true')
localStorage.removeItem('catch_' + i)
location.href = 'index.html'
} else {
type: 'error',
title: 'Error',
function savefolder() {
postMessage(['sendSinmpleIpc', 'savefolder'], '*')
function font() {
postMessage(['sendSinmpleIpc', 'fonts'], '*')
function fontList(arg) {
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
var font = arg[i]
$('#fonts').append('<div class="font pointer" style="font-family:' + font + '" onclick="insertFont(\'' + font + '\')">' + font + '</div>')
function insertFont(name) {
function copyColor(from, to) {
let props = [
'background', 'subcolor', 'text', 'accent',
'modal', 'modalFooter', 'third', 'forth',
'bottom', 'emphasized', 'postbox', 'active',
'selected', 'selectedWithShared'
let i = 0
let color
for (tag of props) {
if (tag == from) {
let used = $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked')
if (!used) {
type: 'error',
title: 'Not checked',
color = $(`#color-picker${i}_value`).val()
if (!color) return false
for (tag of props) {
if (tag == to) {
$(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', true)
function customComp() {
var nameC = $('#custom_name').val()
if (!nameC) {
return false
var descC = $('#custom_desc').val()
var bgC = $('#color-picker0_value').val()
var subcolorC = $('#color-picker2_value').val()
var textC = $('#color-picker1_value').val()
var accentC = $('#color-picker3_value').val()
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
let advanced = [
'modal', 'modalFooter', 'third', 'forth',
'bottom', 'emphasized', 'postbox', 'active',
'selected', 'selectedWithShared'
var advanceTheme = {}
let i = 4
for (tag of advanced) {
let used = $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked')
if (used) {
advanceTheme[tag] = $(`#color-picker${i}_value`).val()
var my = JSON.parse(multi)[0].name
var id = $('#custom-edit-sel').val()
const defaults = [
'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'green', 'indigo', 'polar', 'snow', 'white'
if (id == 'add_new' || defaults.includes(id)) {
id = makeCID()
localStorage.setItem('customtheme-id', id)
var json = {
name: nameC,
author: my,
desc: descC,
base: $('[name=direction]:checked').val(),
primary: {
background: bgC,
subcolor: subcolorC,
text: textC,
accent: accentC
advanced: advanceTheme,
id: id,
version: '2'
let timerInterval
title: 'Saving...',
html: '',
timer: 1000,
timerProgressBar: true,
onBeforeOpen: () => {
onClose: () => {
}).then((result) => {
title: 'Refreshing...',
html: '',
timer: 1000,
timerProgressBar: true,
onBeforeOpen: () => {
onClose: () => {
}).then((result) => {
postMessage(['themeJsonCreate', JSON.stringify(json)], '*')
function deleteIt() {
var id = $('#custom-sel-sel').val()
$('#dark').prop('checked', true)
for (var i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
if (i >= 4) $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', false)
$('#color-picker' + i + '_value').val('')
postMessage(['themeJsonDelete', id + '.thedesktheme'], '*')
function ctLoad() {
postMessage(['sendSinmpleIpc', 'theme-json-list'], '*')
function ctLoadCore(args) {
var template = ''
var editTemplate = ''
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid = theme.id
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${theme.name}${theme.compatible ? `(${lang.lang_setting_compat})` : ''}</option>`
if (!theme.compatible) editTemplate = editTemplate + `<option value="${themeid}">${theme.name}</option>`
editTemplate = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#edit-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + editTemplate
function customSel() {
var id = $('#custom-sel-sel').val()
localStorage.setItem('customtheme-id', id)
function custom() {
var id = $('#custom-edit-sel').val()
if (id == 'add_new') {
$('#dark').prop('checked', true)
for (var i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
if (i >= 4) $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', false)
$('#color-picker' + i + '_value').val('')
} else {
postMessage(['themeJsonRequest', id + '.thedesktheme'], '*')
function customConnect(raw) {
var args = raw[0]
$('#custom_name').val(`${args.name} ${args.default ? 'Customed' : ''}`)
$('#custom_desc').val(args.default ? 'TheDesk default theme with some changes by user' : args.desc)
$('#' + args.base).prop('checked', true)
let advanced = [
'modal', 'modalFooter', 'third', 'forth',
'bottom', 'emphasized', 'postbox', 'active',
'selected', 'selectedWithShared'
let i = 4
for (tag of advanced) {
if (args.advanced[tag]) {
$(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', true)
if (args.default) {
function customImp() {
var json = $('#custom_import').val()
if (JSON5.parse(json)) {
postMessage(['themeJsonCreate', json], '*')
} else {
type: 'error',
title: 'Error',
function advanced() {
function clearCustomImport() {
function hardwareAcceleration(had) {
postMessage(['ha', had], '*')
function useragent(val) {
postMessage(['ua', val], '*')
function frameSet(val) {
postMessage(['frameSet', val], '*')
function customSound(key) {
postMessage(['customSound', key], '*')
function customSoundSave(key, file) {
localStorage.setItem('custom' + key, file)
function pluginLoad() {
var template = ''
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid = theme.id
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${getMeta(theme.content).data.name}</option>`
template = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#plugin-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + template
function pluginEdit() {
var id = $('#plugin-edit-sel').val()
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', id)
if (id == 'add_new') {
editor.setValue('', -1)
} else {
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId = plugin.id
if (targetId == id) editor.setValue(plugin.content, -1)
function completePlugin(comp) {
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (!meta.data) {
icon: 'error',
title: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
if (!meta.data.name || !meta.data.version || !meta.data.event || !meta.data.author) {
icon: 'error',
title: 'error',
title: 'Syntax Error of META DATA',
return false
if (id == 'add_new') {
id = makeCID()
id: id,
content: inputPlugin
} else {
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId = plugin.id
if (targetId == id) args[key].content = inputPlugin
var ss = args
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
if(comp) return false
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
editor.setValue('', -1)
function testExecTrg() {
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (meta.location) {
icon: 'error',
title: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
async function deletePlugin() {
const alert = await Swal.fire({
title: 'delete',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true
if (!alert) return false
editor.setValue('', -1)
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
var ss = []
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId = plugin.id
if (targetId != id) ss.push(plugin)
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
function execEditPlugin() {
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin).data
execPlugin(id, meta.event, { acct_id: 0, id: null })
window.onload = function () {
function asReadEnd() {
postMessage(['asReadComp', ''], '*')
function checkupd() {
if (localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'brewcask' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'snapcraft' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'winstore') {
var winstore = true
} else {
var winstore = false
var ver = localStorage.getItem('ver')
var start = 'https://thedesk.top/ver.json'
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (mess) {
if (mess) {
var platform = localStorage.getItem('platform')
if (platform == 'darwin') {
var newest = mess.desk_mac
} else {
var newest = mess.desk
if (newest == ver) {
type: 'info',
title: lang.lang_setting_noupd,
html: ver,
} else if (ver.indexOf('beta') != -1 || winstore) {
type: 'info',
title: lang.lang_setting_thisisbeta,
html: ver,
} else {
location.href = 'index.html'
function lastFmSet() {
if ($('#lastFmUser').val()) {
localStorage.setItem('lastFmUser', $('#lastFmUser').val())
} else {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete: last.fm', displayLength: 3000 })
function stopVideo() { return false } |