
267 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"language": "en",
"lang_toot": "嘟嘟",
"lang_there": "是",
"lang_nothing": "无",
"lang_yesno": "是",
"lang_no": "否",
"lang_progress": "稍等...",
"lang_edit": "编辑",
"lang_del": "删除",
"lang_add": "添加",
"lang_fatalerroroccured": "出现了一些错误请重启TheDesk",
"lang_speech": "Google US English",
"lang_lang": "语言",
"lang_langlocale": "英文",
"lang_back": "返回",
"lang_set": "Set",
"lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on <a href=\"https:",
"lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
"lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
"lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
"lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
"lang_time_inPast": null,
"lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
"lang_time_minute": "1 m",
"lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
"lang_time_hour": "1 h",
"lang_time_hours": "%d h",
"lang_time_day": "1 d",
"lang_time_days": "%d d",
"lang_time_month": "1 month",
"lang_time_months": "%d months",
"lang_time_year": "y",
"lang_time_years": "%d y",
"lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
"lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
"lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
"lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
"lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
"lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
"lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
"lang_manager_refresh": "刷新",
"lang_manager_delete": "注销",
"lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
"lang_manager_confirm": "即将注销。 是否继续?",
"lang_manager_mainAcct": "选择主帐户完成",
"lang_manager_def": "默认",
"lang_manager_none": "无",
"lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
"lang_manager_logout": "注销",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
"lang_emoji_get": "获取表情符号",
"lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
"lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
"lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
"lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
"lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
"lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
"lang_postimg_delete": "Click to add description, right-click to delete this",
"lang_postimg_desc": "Description",
"lang_postimg_leadContext": "right-click the thumbnail to delete this",
"lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
"lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
"lang_post_cwtitle": "自动提醒CW",
"lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
"lang_post_btn1": "取消(不发布)",
"lang_post_btn2": "文本自动隐藏",
"lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
"lang_status_favWarn": "将花费一点点时间收藏距离很远的嘟嘟",
"lang_status_btWarn": "将花费一点点时间收藏距离很远的嘟嘟",
"lang_status_follow": "关注",
"lang_status_unfollow": "取消关注",
"lang_status_block": "屏蔽",
"lang_status_unblock": "取消屏蔽",
"lang_status_mute": "隐藏",
"lang_status_unmute": "取消隐藏",
"lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
"lang_status_redraft": "继续删除并重新编辑这条嘟文相关的回复、转发、收藏都会被清除。这一功能可能出现一些错误。在2.4.1版本以前的长毛象,嘟文的图片将不会保留",
"lang_status_emphas": "的嘟文已标记。请刷新以应用。",
"lang_status_unemphas": "的嘟文已取消标记。请刷新以应用。",
"lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
"lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
"lang_status_followers": "Followers",
"lang_status_active": "Last status",
"lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
"lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
"lang_cards_check": " check",
"lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
"lang_cards_trusted": "Trusted embed HTML by TheDesk(Twitter, nicovideo, YouTube, Spotify, twitcasing)",
"lang_cards_untrusted": "Untrusted embed HTML by TheDesk",
"lang_details_nodata": "No data",
"lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
"lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
"lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
"lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
"lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
"lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
"lang_list_nodata": "No data",
"lang_list_show": "Show",
"lang_list_users": "Users list",
"lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
"lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
"lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
"lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
"lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
"lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
"lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
"lang_src_people": " people toot",
"lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
"lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
"lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
"lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
"lang_tags_tagwarn": "When you toot without {{tag}}, tag-streaming mode will be off.",
"lang_tl_media": "Media",
"lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
"lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
"lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
"lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
"lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
"lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
"lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
"lang_layout_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
"lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
"lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]<br>F5/⌘+R to reload",
"lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
"lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
"lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
"lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
"lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
"lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
"lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
"lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
"lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
"lang_layout_tagManager": "Tag timeline manager",
"lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
"lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
"lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
"lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
"lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
"lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
"lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
"lang_hisdata_frcreq": "需要长毛象2.4.3版本及以上",
"lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "将花费30秒到几分钟",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "关注你",
"lang_showontl_notf": "通知 ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "域名 ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
"lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
"lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
"lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
"lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
"lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
"lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
"lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
"lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
"lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
"lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
"lang_parse_more": "More",
"lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
"lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_public": "Public",
"lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
"lang_parse_private": "Private",
"lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
"lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
"lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
"lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
"lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
"lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
"lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
"lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
"lang_parse_bookmark": "Bookmark this",
"lang_parse_unbookmark": "Unbookmark this",
"lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
"lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
"lang_parse_unpin": "Unpin this",
"lang_parse_link": "Open in a browser",
"lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
"lang_parse_detail": "Details",
"lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
"lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
"lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
"lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
"lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
"lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
"lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
"lang_parse_voted": "(Voted)",
"lang_parse_myvote": "(My own poll)",
"lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
"lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
"lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
"lang_parse_people": "people",
"lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
"lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
"lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
"lang_parse_html": "Show embed HTML",
"lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
"lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
"lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
"lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
"lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
"lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
"lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
"lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
"lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
"lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
"lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
"lang_setting_time": "时间格式:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_theme": "主题:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_nsfw": "NSFW:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cws": "总是显示隐藏内容:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_off": "Off",
"lang_setting_s": "s",
"lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
"lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
"lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_font": "字体:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_default": "default font",
"lang_setting_size": "字号:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_imgheight": "图像高度:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
"lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_via": "客户端:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
"lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
"lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
"lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
"lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
"lang_setting_importwarn": "所有数据将被删除。",
"lang_setting_noupd": "No available update",
"lang_setting_thisisbeta": "This is beta version. You have to update manually."