2020-08-02 13:34:03 +09:00

222 lines
10 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"setting": "Предпочтения",
"set": "Сохранить",
"yes": "Да",
"no": "Нет",
"none": "None",
"show": "Показать",
"hide": "Hide",
"default": "Default",
"change": "Изменить",
"select": "Выбрать",
"env": "Системные настройки",
"setlang": "Языки",
"backup": "Импорт и экспорт предпочтений",
"backupWarn": "If you got a error when you choose the file, please paste the strings printed when you open the file and click import",
"import": "Импорт",
"export": "Экспорт",
"hardwareAcceleration": "Отключить аппаратное ускорение",
"hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Автоперезапуск",
"theme": "Темы",
"popup": "Всплывающие уведомления (на Windows)",
"popupwarn": "Скрыть для установки \"0\"",
"s": "сек",
"nativenotf": "Native notification",
"nnwarn": "Это не работает на Windows Portable.",
"nntest": "Проверка уведомлений",
"minwidth": "Минимальная ширина столбцов",
"minwidthwarn": "Панель прокрутки будет показана, когда размер вашего окна будет больше, чем количество столбцов.",
"fixwidth": "Минимальная ширина браузера TweetDeck",
"fixwidthwarn": "",
"above": "above",
"font": "Шрифт",
"fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
"fontsize": "Размер шрифта",
"savefolder": "Папка для сохранения",
"savefolderwarn": "TheDesk использует это значение, когда он пытается сохранить фотографии или сделать скриншоты.",
"useragent": "User agent",
"useragentWarn": "Перезапустить, когда изменилось",
"frame": "Window frame",
"frameWarn": "If 'off', the window looks cool.",
"downloadWin": "Versioning(o Windows downloader)",
"absolute": "абсолютное значение",
"srcUrl": "Search engine",
"srcUrlWarn": "{q} will be replaced to query.",
"themeSel": "Выбрать тему",
"customtheme": "Редактировать и добавить пользовательские темы",
"customthemeDirection": "Цветная схема",
"advanced": "Дополнительные параметры (6 дополнительных цветов)",
"advancedWarn": "Advanced options will be <i>null</i> if you set nothing, while basic 3 options will be white(<i>fff</i>). They(adv. options) will be reset if you saved with advanced panel closed.",
"active": "Background of Show or CW buttons, selected options...",
"modal": "Background of modals",
"bottom": "Фон нижней панели",
"postbox": "Background of post box and menu",
"subcolor": "Подцвет, имеет гармонию с вторичным цветом",
"primary": "Цвет фона",
"secondarycolor": "Фон компонентов",
"text": "Цвет текста",
"accent": "Background of boosts",
"add_new": "Добавить новое",
"name": "Имя",
"desc": "Об этой теме",
"customShare": "Поделитесь этим кодом с другими TheDesk. Не делитесь этим кодом с MiAS.",
"customImport": "Импорт пользовательских тем",
"delete": "Delete",
"cImpWarn": "Получить больше тем на <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MiAS</a>",
"timeline": "Настройки хронологии",
"timemode": "Формат времени",
"relativetime": "Относительный формат:\"1 минут назад\",\"3 дня назад\"",
"absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
"mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
"relativesel": "Relative",
"absolutesel": "Absolute",
"doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
"mixsel": "Mixed",
"locale": "Server's unique locale",
"localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
"nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
"nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
"cw": "Hide CW contents",
"replyct": "Reply counter style",
"replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
"replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
"gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
"box": "Action of posting-box",
"boxyes": "Folding",
"boxabs": "Absolutely open",
"boxno": "Open after posting",
"tag": "Tag TL Search",
"tagfed": "Use federated network",
"taglocal": "Use local network",
"via": "Show via",
"mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
"mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
"mv": "Mouseover to show",
"mvclick": "Нажмите, чтобы показать",
"notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
"autofold": "Auto folding",
"autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
"lines": "lines",
"letters": "letters",
"or": "или",
"imgheight": "Height of images",
"imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
"ticker": "Enable OpenSticker",
"tickerwarn": "Show the instance name and favicon of tooters <a href=\"\">About OpenSticker</a>",
"animation": "Animation of timelines",
"markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
"markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
"remote_img": "Get images from the remote server",
"remote_imgWarn": "All previews are got from your loginned cache server.",
"replySound": "Звук (Ответить)",
"favSound": "Звук(Fav)",
"btSound": "Звук(Boost)",
"followSound": "Звук(Подписаться)",
"customSound": "Пользовательский звук",
"post": "Настройки публикации",
"autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
"autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
"defaultcw": "Default warining text",
"cws": "Always CW set",
"defaultvis": "Default visibility",
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
"private": "Private",
"direct": "Direct",
"memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
"useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
"postimg": "Posting images preferences",
"showurl": "Insert media URL",
"nourl": "Insert nothig",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"quote": "Quote format",
"simple": "Only URL",
"mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
"full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
"notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
"apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
"showBookmarkAction": "Show a bookmarking toot button",
"main": "Default accounts of actions",
"mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
"lastacct": "Account you used recently",
"usemainacct": "Main account",
"secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
"secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
"nothing": "Hidden",
"localonly": "Local Only",
"zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
"uploadCrop": "Auto scale to fit",
"uploadCropWarn": "Max long-side px. Uploaded images are converted to JPEG(from JPEG) or PNG(from others). Set 0 and the images will not be resized. Notice: if you post an animated picture like GIF, it will be converted static one.",
"keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
"iks": "Easy inserter",
"okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
"muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
"climute": "Client Mute",
"cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
"cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
"enter": "Enter to set",
"wordmute": "Words Mute",
"wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
"useremp": "Users Emphasis",
"useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
"empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
"spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
"spotifynote1": "Click ",
"spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
"link": "Account Connection",
"linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on server.",
"connect": "Connect",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"lastFmWarn": "User name...(empty to disconnect) You cannot hide your recent play log at privacy settings.",
"templateedit": "Edit a template",
"templateeditwarn": "",
"template1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
"template2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
"template3": "",
"postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
"searchArtwork": "If the song has no artwork, automatic complete it(macOS)",
"searchArtworkWarn": "If you nowplaying an non-artwork song, get one which seems nice through API. If you do not like the completed artwork, you can right-click it to delete.",
"tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
"bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
"bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
"speed": "Speed",
"speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
"vol": "Volume",
"volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
"volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
"test": "Test",
"sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
"playstop": "Play/Stop",
"back": "Назад",
"keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
"keynew": "Open toot box",
"keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
"keypost": "Post",
"keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
"keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
"keyesc": "Hide toot box",
"keyf5": "Super Reload",
"keyclear": "Clear toot box",
"keyacctman": "Account Manager",
"keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
"keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
"keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
"whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
"fav": "Favourite this toot",
"bt": "Boost this toot",
"reply": "Reply to this toot",
"keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
"reset": "Reset(Danger)",
"resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
"about": "О TheDesk",
"hp": "Website",
"support": "Support",
"help": "Help",
"sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
"checkup": "Check update",
"ossJP": ""