const builder = require('electron-builder') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const basefile = __dirname + '/' const package = fs.readFileSync(basefile + 'package.json') const data = JSON.parse(package) const version = data.version const codename = data.codename const ver = `${version} (${codename})` const construct = require('./view/make/make.js') const { platform, arch } = process const Platform = builder.Platform const Arch = builder.Arch const artifactName = 'TheDesk-setup-${arch}.${ext}' const config = { productName: 'TheDesk', appId: 'top.thedesk', asarUnpack: ['node_modules/itunes-nowplaying-mac', 'main/script'], afterSign: 'build/notarize.js', directories: { output: '../build', }, win: { icon: 'build/thedesk.ico', target: ['nsis', 'appx', 'portable'], publish: [] }, appx: { identityName: '53491Cutls.TheDesk', applicationId: 'Cutls.TheDesk', publisherDisplayName: 'Cutls', publisher: 'CN=629757F5-A5EE-474F-9562-B304A89A9FD1', languages: ['JA-JP', 'EN-US'], }, nsis: { oneClick: false, allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true, artifactName: 'TheDesk-setup-${arch}.${ext}', }, linux: { target: ['zip', 'appImage', 'snap', 'deb'], category: 'Network', }, mac: { hardenedRuntime: true, gatekeeperAssess: false, entitlements: 'build/entitlements.mac.plist', entitlementsInherit: 'build/entitlements.mac.plist', }, dmg: { sign: false, }, } async function build(os, arch, config) { let targets = new Map() let archToType = new Map() archToType.set(arch, []) targets.set(os, archToType) await{ targets: targets, config: config, publish: 'never' }) } async function cmd(options) { if (isTrue(options, 'help', 'h')) { return console.log(help()) } if (isTrue(options, 'onlyStore') || isTrue(options, 'withStore')) { console.log('start building for application stores') construct(ver, basefile, false, true) if ((platform === 'win32' && !isTrue(options, 'skiWindows')) || isTrue(options, 'windows', 'w')) { if ((isTrue(options, 'withIa32') && arch === 'x64') || arch === 'ia32') { config.nsis.artifactName = artifactName.replace('${arch}', 'ia32') await build(Platform.WINDOWS, Arch.ia32, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk ${version}.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-ia32-store.exe' ) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-setup-ia32.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-setup-ia32-store.exe' ) } if (arch === 'x64') { config.nsis.artifactName = artifactName.replace('${arch}', 'x64') await build(Platform.WINDOWS, Arch.x64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk ${version}.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-store.exe' ) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-setup-x64.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-setup-store.exe' ) } } if ((platform === 'linux' && !isTrue(options, 'skipLinux')) || isTrue(options, 'linux', 'l')) { if (arch === 'ia32') { await build(Platform.LINUX, Arch.ia32, config) } if ((isTrue(options, 'withIa32') && arch === 'x64')) { console.log('snapcraft does not curretly support builing i386 on amd64') } if (arch === 'x64') { await build(Platform.LINUX, Arch.x64, config) if (!isTrue(options, 'onlyStore')) { fs.renameSync( `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64.snap`, `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64-store.snap` ) } } } } if (!isTrue(options, 'onlyStore')) { console.log('start building for normal usage') construct(ver, basefile, false, false) if ((platform === 'win32' && !isTrue(options, 'skiWindows')) || isTrue(options, 'windows', 'w')) { if ((isTrue(options, 'withIa32') && arch === 'x64') || arch === 'ia32') { config.nsis.artifactName = artifactName.replace('${arch}', 'ia32') await build(Platform.WINDOWS, Arch.ia32, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk ${version}.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-ia32.exe' ) } if (arch === 'x64') { config.nsis.artifactName = artifactName.replace('${arch}', 'x64') await build(Platform.WINDOWS, Arch.x64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk ${version}.exe`, '../build/TheDesk.exe' ) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-setup-x64.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-setup.exe' ) } if ((isTrue(options, 'withArm64') && arch === 'x64') || arch === 'arm64') { config.nsis.artifactName = artifactName.replace('${arch}', 'arm64') await build(Platform.WINDOWS, Arch.arm64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk ${version}.exe`, '../build/TheDesk-arm64.exe' ) } } if ((platform === 'linux' && !isTrue(options, 'skipLinux')) || isTrue(options, 'linux', 'l')) { if (arch === 'ia32') { await build(Platform.LINUX, Arch.ia32, config) } if (isTrue(options, 'withIa32') && arch === 'x64') { console.log('snapcraft does not curretly support builing i386 on amd64') } if (arch === 'x64') { await build(Platform.LINUX, Arch.x64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64.snap`, `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64-normal.snap` ) if (isTrue(options, 'onlyStore') || isTrue(options, 'withStore')) { fs.renameSync( `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64-store.snap`, `../build/thedesk_${version}_amd64.snap` ) } } } if (platform === 'darwin' && !isTrue(options, 'skipMacOS')) { if(isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.afterSign if (arch === 'x64') { await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.x64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-${version}.dmg`, `../build/TheDesk-${version}-x64.dmg` ) if (isTrue(options, 'withArm64')) { delete config.afterSign await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.arm64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-${version}.dmg`, `../build/TheDesk-${version}-arm64.dmg` ) } fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-${version}-x64.dmg`, `../build/TheDesk-${version}.dmg` ) } if (arch === 'arm64') { delete config.afterSign await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.arm64, config) fs.renameSync( `../build/TheDesk-${version}.dmg`, `../build/TheDesk-${version}-arm64.dmg` ) if(isTrue(options, 'skipX64')) await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.x64, config) } } } } function isTrue(options, long, short) { const { argv } = process if (options ? options[long] : 0) return true if (argv.includes(`--${long}`)) return true if (short && argv.includes(`-${short}`)) return true return false } function help() { return ` TheDesk Builder command tool yarn build [options] (or node build.js [options]) yarn build:[preset] (check package.json) --help or -h: show help [Build for other platforms] --windows (-w) --linux (-l) --skipWindows --skipLinux --skipMacOS To skip building for itself platform. [only Windows, Linux] --onlyStore: application store of platforms assets(without update check) --withStore: application store assets and normal version [only Windows] --withIa32: ia32 build on x64 system(if your machine is ia32, it will be built if this arg is not passed) --withArm64(beta) arm64 build on x64 system(if your machine is arm64, it will be built if this arg is not passed, and not build store build for arm64) [only macOS] --unnotarize: Without notarize ` } /** * Builder * @module builder * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {boolean} [options.onlyStore] - App Store of platforms assets(without update check) * @param {boolean} [options.withStore] - App Store of platforms assets(without update check) assets and normal version * @param {boolean} [options.withIa32] - [Windows only] ia32 build on x64 system(if your machine is ia32, it will be built if this arg is not passed) * @param {boolean} [options.withArm64] - [Windows only(beta)] arm64 build on x64 system(if your machine is arm64, it will be built if this arg is not passed, and not build store build for arm64) * @return {void} */ module.exports = cmd