//入力時にハッシュタグと@をサジェスト var timer = null; var input = document.getElementById("textarea"); var prev_val = input.value; var oldSuggest; var suggest; input.addEventListener("focus", function () { localStorage.removeItem("cursor"); var acct_id = $("#post-acct-sel").val(); $("#suggest").html(""); window.clearInterval(timer); timer = window.setInterval(function () { var new_val = input.value; if (new_val == "") { $("#suggest").html(""); if ($("#poll").hasClass("hide") && $("#emoji").hasClass("hide")) { $("#right-side").hide() $("#right-side").css("width", "300px") $("#left-side").css("width", "100%") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width"); if (width) { width = width.replace("px", "") * 1 } else { width = 300 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") } return; } if (prev_val != new_val) { var semoji = new_val.match(/:(\S{3,})/); if (semoji) { var obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("emoji_" + acct_id)); if (!obj) { var ehtml = lang.lang_suggest_nodata; } else { var num = obj.length; var ehtml = ""; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { var emoji = obj[i]; if (~emoji.shortcode.indexOf(semoji[1])) { if (emoji) { ehtml = ehtml + '<a onclick="emojiInsert(\':' + emoji.shortcode + ': \',\':' + semoji[1] + '\')" class="pointer"><img src="' + emoji.url + '" width="20"></a>'; } } } } if (ehtml != "") { $("#right-side").show() $("#right-side").css("width", "200px") $("#left-side").css("width", "calc(100% - 200px)") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width"); if (width) { width = width.replace("px", "") * 1 + 200 } else { width = 600 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") $("#poll").addClass("hide") $("#emoji").addClass("hide") } else { if ($("#poll").hasClass("hide") && $("#emoji").hasClass("hide")) { $("#right-side").hide() $("#right-side").css("width", "300px") $("#left-side").css("width", "100%") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width"); if (width) { width = width.replace("px", "") * 1 } else { width = 300 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") } } $("#suggest").html(ehtml); } var tag = new_val.match(/#(\S{3,})/); var acct = new_val.match(/@(\S{3,})/); if (tag && tag[1]) { var q = tag[1]; } else if (acct && acct[1]) { var q = acct[1]; } else { $("#suggest").html(""); if ($("#poll").hasClass("hide") && $("#emoji").hasClass("hide")) { $("#right-side").hide() $("#right-side").css("width", "300px") $("#left-side").css("width", "100%") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width"); if (width) { width = width.replace("px", "") * 1 } else { width = 300 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") } return; } var domain = localStorage.getItem("domain_" + acct_id); var at = localStorage.getItem("acct_" + acct_id + "_at"); suggest = "https://" + domain + "/api/v2/search?q=" + q if (suggest != oldSuggest) { console.log("Try to get suggest at " + suggest) fetch(suggest, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + at }, }).then(function (response) { return response.json(); }).catch(function (error) { todo(error); console.error(error); }).then(function (json) { console.log(["Search", json]); //ハッシュタグ if (json.hashtags[0] && tag) { if (tag[1]) { var tags = []; Object.keys(json.hashtags).forEach(function (key4) { var tag = json.hashtags[key4]; var his = tag.history; var uses = his[0].uses * 1 + his[1].uses * 1 + his[2].uses * 1 + his[3].uses * 1 + his[4].uses * 1 + his[5].uses * 1 + his[6].uses * 1; tagHTML = '<br><a onclick="tagInsert(\'#' + escapeHTML(tag.name) + '\',\'#' + q + '\')" class="pointer">#' + escapeHTML(tag.name) + '</a> ' + uses + 'toot(s)' var item = { "uses": uses, "html": tagHTML } tags.push(item) }); var num_a = -1; var num_b = 1; tags = tags.sort(function (a, b) { var x = a["uses"]; var y = b["uses"]; if (x > y) return num_a; if (x < y) return num_b; return 0; }); var ins = "" var nev = false Object.keys(tags).forEach(function (key7) { ins = ins + tags[key7].html if (key7 <= 0 && !nev) { ins = ins + '<br>' nev = true } }); $("#suggest").html(ins); $("#right-side").show() $("#right-side").css("width", "200px") $("#left-side").css("width", "calc(100% - 200px)") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width"); 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if (width) { width = width.replace("px", "") * 1 } else { width = 300 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") } } }); } }; oldSuggest = suggest; prev_value = new_val; }, 1000); }, false); input.addEventListener("blur", function () { window.clearInterval(timer); favTag(); }, false); function tagInsert(code, del) { var now = $("#textarea").val(); var selin = $("#textarea").prop('selectionStart'); if (!del) { } else { var regExp = new RegExp(del.replace(/[.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\]/g, "\\$&"), "g"); var now = now.replace(regExp, ""); selin = selin - del.length; } if (selin > 0) { var before = now.substr(0, selin); var after = now.substr(selin, now.length); newt = before + " " + code + " " + after; } else { newt = code + " " + now; } $("#textarea").val(newt); $("#textarea").focus(); if ($("#poll").hasClass("hide") && $("#emoji").hasClass("hide")) { $("#right-side").hide() $("#right-side").css("width", "300px") $("#left-side").css("width", "50%") var width = localStorage.getItem("postbox-width").replace("px", "") * 1; if (!width) { width = 300 } $("#post-box").css("width", width + "px") } $("#suggest").html(""); } function cgNPs(q) { suggest = "https://cg.toot.app/api/v1/search/light?q=" + q if (suggest != oldSuggest) { console.log("Try to get suggest at " + suggest) fetch(suggest, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, }).then(function (response) { return response.json(); }).catch(function (error) { todo(error); console.error(error); }).then(function (json) { if (json[0]) { var tags = ""; Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key4) { var tag = json[key4]; tags = tags + '<a onclick="cgNP(\'' + json[key4] + '\')" class="pointer">' + escapeHTML(json[key4]) + '</a> '; }); $("#suggest").html("Cinderella NowPlaying:" + tags); } else { $("#suggest").html("Cinderella NowPlaying:Not Found"); } }); } }