var plugins = getPlugin() function getPlugin() { const json = localStorage.getItem('plugins') let ret = { buttonOnPostbox: [], buttonOnToot: [], buttonOnBottom: [], init: [], tips: [], none: [] } if (!json) return ret const plugins = JSON.parse(json) for (let plugin of plugins) { const meta = getMeta(plugin.content) if (!meta) continue const type = meta.event ret[type] ? ret[type].push(plugin) : ret[type] = [plugin] if (type === 'buttonOnToot') continue if (type === 'tips') { if (meta.interval) { const matchCID = /custom:([abcdef0-9]{8}-[abcdef0-9]{4}-4[abcdef0-9]{3}-[abcdef0-9]{4}-[abcdef0-9]{12})/ setInterval(function () { const tipsName = localStorage.getItem('tips') if (tipsName.match(matchCID)) { const id = tipsName.match(matchCID)[1] if (id === if (location.href.split('/').pop() === 'index.html') execPlugin(id, 'tips', null) } }, meta.interval) } continue } const shortcut = meta.shortcut $(window).keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode === shortcut && e.altKey) execPlugin(, type) }) } return ret } function initPlugin() { asCommon['TheDesk:dialog'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => {{ title: z[0].value, icon: z[2] ? z[2].value : 'info', text: z[1] ? z[1].value : '' }) }) asCommon['TheDesk:confirm'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE(async (z) => { const alert = await{ title: z[0].value, text: z[1].value, icon: z[2] ? z[2].value : 'info', showCancelButton: true }) return asUtil.jsToVal(!!(alert.value && alert.value === true)) }) asCommon['TheDesk:css'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { $(escapeHTML(z[0].value)).css(escapeHTML(z[1].value), escapeHTML(z[2].value)) }) asCommon['TheDesk:openLink'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { postMessage(['openUrl', z[0].value], '*') }) const { buttonOnPostbox, init, buttonOnBottom, tips } = plugins for (let target of buttonOnPostbox) { const meta = getMeta(target.content) $('#dropdown2').append(`<li><a onclick="execPlugin('${}','buttonOnPostbox', null);">${escapeHTML(}</a></li>`) } for (let target of buttonOnBottom) { const meta = getMeta(target.content) $('#group .btnsgroup').append(`<a onclick="execPlugin('${}','buttonOnBottom', null);" class="nex waves-effect pluginNex"><span title="${escapeHTML(}">${escapeHTML(, 1)}</span></a>`) } for (let target of tips) { const meta = getMeta(target.content) $('#tips-menu .btnsgroup').append(`<a onclick="tips('custom', '${}')" class="nex waves-effect pluginNex"><span title="${escapeHTML(}">${escapeHTML(, 1)}</span></a>`) } for (let target of init) { const as = new AiScript(asCommon) const meta = getMeta(target.content) M.toast({ html: `${escapeHTML(}を実行しました`, displayLength: 1000 }) if (target) as.exec(asParse(target.content)) } } function getMeta(plugin) { try { return AiScript.collectMetadata(asParse(plugin)).get(null) } catch (e) { console.error(e) return null } } async function execPlugin(id, source, args) { const coh = plugins[source] let exe = null for (let plugin of coh) { if ( == id) { exe = plugin.content break } } const common = _.cloneDeep(asCommon) if (source == 'buttonOnToot') { common.DATA = args const domain = localStorage.getItem(`domain_${args.acct_id}`) const at = localStorage.getItem(`acct_${args.acct_id}_at`) const start = `https://${domain}/api/v1/statuses/${}` const promise = await fetch(start, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: `Bearer ${at}` } }) let json = await promise.json() common.TOOT = asUtil.jsToVal(json) common['TheDesk:changeText'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { const v = sanitizeHtml(z[0].value, { allowedTags: ['p', 'br', 'a', 'span'], allowedAttributes: { 'a': ['href', 'class', 'rel', 'target'], 'span': [], 'p': [], 'br': [], } }).replace(/href="javascript:/, 'href="').replace(/href='javascript:/, 'href="').replace(/href=javascript:/, 'href="') json.content = v if (getMeta(exe).dangerHtml) $(`[unique-id=${}] .toot`).html(parse([json], null, null, null, null, null, null, true)) }) } else if (source == 'buttonOnPostbox') { const postDt = post(null, false, true) common.POST = asUtil.jsToVal(postDt) common.ACCT_ID = asUtil.jsToVal(postDt.TheDeskAcctId) common['TheDesk:postText'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { $('#textarea').val(z[0].value) }) common['TheDesk:postCW'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { if (z[1]) $('#cw-text').val(z[1].value) cw(z[0] ? z[0].value : false) }) common['TheDesk:postNSFW'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { nsfw(z[0] ? z[0].value : false) }) common['TheDesk:postVis'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { vis(z[0].value) }) common['TheDesk:postClearbox'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE(() => { clear() }) common['TheDesk:postExec'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE(() => { if (getMeta(exe).apiPost) post() }) } else if (source == 'tips') { common['TheDesk:refreshTipsView'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { const v = sanitizeHtml(z[0].value, { allowedTags: ['p', 'br', 'a', 'span', 'img'], allowedAttributes: { 'a': ['href', 'class', 'rel', 'target', 'style'], 'span': ['style'], 'p': ['style'], 'br': [], 'img': ['src', 'style'] } }).replace(/href="javascript:/, 'href="').replace(/href='javascript:/, 'href="').replace(/href=javascript:/, 'href="') if (getMeta(exe).dangerHtml) $('#tips-text').html(v) }) } common['TheDesk:console'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE((z) => { console.log(z[0].value) }) common['TheDesk:api'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE(async (z) => { try { if (!getMeta(exe).apiGet && z[0].value == "GET") return asUtil.jsToVal(null) if (!getMeta(exe).apiPost && (z[0].value == "POST" || z[0].value == "DELETE" || z[0].value == "PUT")) return asUtil.jsToVal(null) const domain = localStorage.getItem(`domain_${z[3].value}`) const at = localStorage.getItem(`acct_${z[3].value}_at`) const start = `https://${domain}/api/${z[1].value}` const q = { method: z[0].value, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: `Bearer ${at}` } } if (z[2]) q.body = z[2].value const promise = await fetch(start, q) const json = await promise.json() return asUtil.jsToVal(json) } catch (e) { return asUtil.jsToVal(null) } }) common['TheDesk:getRequest'] = asValue.FN_NATIVE(async (z) => { try { if (!getMeta(exe).apiGet) return asUtil.jsToVal(null) const start = `https://${z[0].value}` const promise = await fetch(start) let json = null if (z[1].value) { json = await promise.json() } else { json = await promise.text() } return asUtil.jsToVal(json) } catch (e) { return asUtil.jsToVal(null) } }) const as = new AiScript(common) if (exe) as.exec(asParse(exe)) }