function fav(id, acct_id, remote) {
if ($(`.cvo[unique-id=${id}]`).hasClass('faved')) {
var flag = 'unfavourite'
} else {
var flag = 'favourite'
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, json)
if (json.reblog) {
json = json.reblog
if (remote != 'remote') {
if ($('[unique-id=' + id + '] .fav_ct').text() == json.favourites_count) {
if (flag == 'unfavourite') {
var fav = json.favourites_count - 1
if (fav * 1 < 0) {
fav = 0
} else {
var fav = json.favourites_count
//var fav = json.favourites_count;
} else {
var fav = json.favourites_count
$('[unique-id=' + id + '] .fav_ct').text(fav)
$('[unique-id=' + id + '] .rt_ct').text(json.reblogs_count)
if ($('[unique-id=' + id + ']').hasClass('faved')) {
$('[unique-id=' + id + ']').removeClass('faved')
$('.fav_' + id).removeClass('yellow-text')
} else {
$('[unique-id=' + id + ']').addClass('faved')
$('.fav_' + id).addClass('yellow-text')
} else {
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_status_favWarn, displayLength: 1000 })
function rt(id, acct_id, remote, vis) {
if ($(`.cvo[toot-id=${id}]`).hasClass('rted')) {
var flag = 'unreblog'
} else {
var flag = 'reblog'
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
if (vis) {
httpreq.send(JSON.stringify({ visibility: vis }))
} else {
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, json)
if (json.reblog) {
json = json.reblog
console.log(['Success: boost', json])
$('[toot-id=' + id + '] .fav_ct').text(json.favourites_count)
if (!json.reblog) {
if (flag == 'unreblog') {
var rt = json.reblogs_count - 1
if (rt * 1 < 0) {
rt = 0
} else {
var rt = json.reblogs_count
$('[toot-id=' + id + '] .rt_ct').text(rt)
} else {
$('[toot-id=' + id + '] .rt_ct').text(json.reblogs_count)
if ($('[toot-id=' + id + ']').hasClass('rted')) {
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').removeClass('rted')
$('.rt_' + id).removeClass('light-blue-text')
} else {
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').addClass('rted')
$('.rt_' + id).addClass('light-blue-text')
function boostWith(vis) {
var id = $('#tootmodal').attr('data-id')
var acct_id = $('#tootmodal').attr('data-acct')
rt(id, acct_id, false, vis)
function bkm(id, acct_id, tlid) {
if ($(`.cvo[unique-id=${id}]`).hasClass('bkmed')) {
var flag = 'unbookmark'
} else {
var flag = 'bookmark'
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, json)
if (json.reblog) {
json = json.reblog
var fav = json.favourites_count
$('[toot-id=' + id + '] .fav_ct').text(fav)
$('[toot-id=' + id + '] .rt_ct').text(json.reblogs_count)
if (flag == 'unbookmark') {
$('.bkmStr_' + id).text(lang.lang_parse_bookmark)
$('.bkm_' + id).removeClass('red-text')
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').removeClass('bkmed')
} else {
$('.bkmStr_' + id).text(lang.lang_parse_unbookmark)
$('.bkm_' + id).addClass('red-text')
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').addClass('bkmed')
var tlidTar = $(`.bookmark-timeline[data-acct=${acct_id}]`).attr('tlid')
columnReload(tlidTar, 'bookmark')
async function follow(acct_id, resolve) {
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('locked')) {
locked = true
} else {
locked = false
if (!acct_id && acct_id != 'selector') {
var acct_id = $('#his-data').attr('use-acct')
} else if (acct_id == 'selector') {
var acct_id = $('#user-acct-sel').val()
if (!resolve && $('#his-data').hasClass('following')) {
var flag = 'unfollow'
var flagm = 'delete'
} else {
var flag = 'follow'
var flagm = 'create'
var id = $('#his-data').attr('user-id')
if (resolve == 'selector') {
var fullacct = $('#his-acct').attr('fullname')
var data = await acctResolve(acct_id, fullacct)
var { id } = data
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/' + flag
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/following/' + flagm
var ent = { i: at, userId: id }
} else if (flag == 'follow') {
var ent = {}
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, json)
console.log(['Success: folllow', json])
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('following')) {
} else {
if (locked) {
} else {
async function acctResolve(acct_id, user) {
console.log('Get user data of ' + user)
const domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
return false
const at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + at,
try {
const start = `https://${domain}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${user}`
const promise = fetch(start, options)
const idJson = await promise.json()
if (idJson) {
return idJson
} else {
return await acctResolveLegacy(domain, user, options)
} catch {
return await acctResolveLegacy(domain, user, options)
async function acctResolveLegacy(domain, user, options) {
console.log(`Get user data of ${user} with legacy method`)
try {
const start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v2/search?resolve=true&q=' + user
const promise = fetch(start, options)
const idJson = await promise.json()
if (idJson.accounts[0]) {
return idJson.accounts[0]
} else {
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_fatalerroroccured, displayLength: 2000 })
} catch {
console.log('Error occured on searching and fetching with resolve')
function block(acct_id) {
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('blocking')) {
var flag = 'unblock'
var txt = lang.lang_status_unmute
} else {
var flag = 'block'
var txt = lang.lang_status_block
title: txt,
text: '',
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_yesno,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_no,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
if (!acct_id) {
var acct_id = $('#his-data').attr('use-acct')
var id = $('#his-data').attr('user-id')
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('blocking')) {
} else {
function muteDo(acct_id) {
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('muting')) {
var flag = 'unmute'
var flagm = 'delete'
var txt = lang.lang_status_unmute
} else {
var flag = 'mute'
var flagm = 'create'
var txt = lang.lang_status_mute
title: txt,
text: '',
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_yesno,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_no,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
if (!acct_id) {
var acct_id = $('#his-data').attr('use-acct')
var id = $('#his-data').attr('user-id')
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
const days = parseInt($('#days_mute').val(), 10)
const hours = parseInt($('#hours_mute').val(), 10)
const mins = parseInt($('#mins_mute').val(), 10)
const notf = $('#notf_mute:checked').val() === '1'
let duration = days * 24 * 60 * 60 + hours * 60 + mins
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/mute/' + flagm
var ent = { i: at, userId: id }
var rq = JSON.stringify(ent)
} else {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/' + flag
const q = {
notifications: notf
if (duration > 0) q.duration = duration * 60
if (days < 0 || hours < 0 || mins < 0) return Swal.fire('Invalid number')
var rq = JSON.stringify(q)
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
if ($('#his-data').hasClass('muting')) {
} else {
function muteMenu() {
!$('#muteDuration').hasClass('hide') ? $('#his-des').css('max-height', '112px') : $('#his-des').css('max-height', '196px')
function muteTime(day, hour, min) {
function del(id, acct_id) {
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/notes/delete'
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.send(JSON.stringify({ i: at, noteId: id }))
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').hide()
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').remove()
} else {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('DELETE', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
function redraft(id, acct_id) {
title: lang.lang_status_redraftTitle,
text: lang.lang_status_redraft,
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_yesno,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_no,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/notes/delete'
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.send(JSON.stringify({ i: at, noteId: id }))
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').hide()
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').remove()
} else {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('DELETE', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
var json = httpreq.response
draftToPost(json, acct_id, null)
// edit
function editToot(id, acct_id) {
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id + '/source'
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('GET', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
var json = httpreq.response
draftToPost(json, acct_id, id)
function draftToPost(json, acct_id, id) {
$('#post-acct-sel').prop('disabled', true)
if (id) $('#tootmodal').attr('data-edit', id)
mediack = null
if (json.media_attachments) mediack = json.media_attachments[0]
var media_ids = []
if (mediack) {
for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
if (json.media_attachments[i]) {
} else {
var vismode = json.visibility
var medias = media_ids.join(',')
localStorage.setItem('nohide', true)
if (json.text) {
var html = json.text
} else {
var html = json.status
html = html.replace(/^
(.+)<\/p>$/, '$1')
html = html.replace(/
/, '\n')
html = html.replace(/
/, '\n')
html = html.replace(/<\/p>/, '\n')
html = html.replace(//g, '$1')
html = $.strip_tags(html)
if (json.spoiler_text) {
if (json.sensitive) {
if (json.in_reply_to_id) {
function pin(id, acct_id) {
if ($(`.cvo[unique-id=${id}]`).hasClass('pined')) {
var flag = 'unpin'
} else {
var flag = 'pin'
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/statuses/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
console.log(['Success: pinned', json])
if (flag == 'unpin') {
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').removeClass('pined')
$('.pin_' + id).removeClass('blue-text')
$('.pinStr_' + id).text(lang.lang_parse_pin)
} else {
$('[toot-id=' + id + ']').addClass('pined')
$('.pin_' + id).addClass('blue-text')
$('.pinStr_' + id).text(lang.lang_parse_unpin)
function request(id, flag, acct_id) {
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/follow_requests/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
console.log(['Success: request', 'type:' + flag, json])
function domainblock(add, flag, acct_id) {
if (!acct_id) {
var acct_id = $('#his-data').attr('use-acct')
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/domain_blocks'
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
console.log(['Success: domain block', json])
function addDomainblock() {
var domain = $('#domainblock').val()
domainblock(domain, 'POST')
function empUser() {
var usr = localStorage.getItem('user_emp')
var obj = JSON.parse(usr)
var id = $('#his-acct').attr('fullname')
if (!obj) {
var obj = []
M.toast({ html: id + lang.lang_status_emphas, displayLength: 4000 })
} else {
var can
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
var usT = obj[key]
if (usT != id && !can) {
can = false
} else {
can = true
obj.splice(key, 1)
M.toast({ html: id + lang.lang_status_unemphas, displayLength: 4000 })
var json = JSON.stringify(obj)
localStorage.setItem('user_emp', json)
function pinUser() {
var id = $('#his-data').attr('user-id')
var acct_id = $('#his-data').attr('use-acct')
if ($('#his-end-btn').hasClass('endorsed')) {
var flag = 'unpin'
} else {
var flag = 'pin'
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/' + flag
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
httpreq.open('POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + at)
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
setLog(start, this.status, this.response)
if ($('#his-end-btn').hasClass('endorsed')) {
} else {
function tootUriCopy(url) {
M.toast({ html: lang.lang_details_url, displayLength: 1500 })
function staEx(mode) {
var url = $('#tootmodal').attr('data-url')
var acct_id = $('#status-acct-sel').val()
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v2/search?resolve=true&q=' + url
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + at,
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (json) {
if (json.statuses) {
if (json.statuses[0]) {
var id = json.statuses[0].id
if (mode == 'rt') {
rt(id, acct_id, 'remote')
} else if (mode == 'fav') {
fav(id, acct_id, 'remote')
} else if (mode == 'reply') {
function toggleAction(elm) {
const instance = M.Dropdown.init(elm)