/*イメージビューワー*/ //postのimg.jsとは異なります。 function imgv(id, key, acct_id) { $('#imgprog').text(0) $('#imgsec').text(0) $('#imgmodal').hide() rotate(true) $('#imgmodal').attr('src', '../../img/loading.svg') var murl = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-url') var ourl = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-original') if (!ourl || ourl == 'null') { ourl = murl } var type = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-type') $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id', id) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-acct', acct_id) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-original', ourl) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-image', murl) //表示はリモートを使うか(どちらにしろコピーはオリジナル) var remote_img = localStorage.getItem('remote_img') if (remote_img == 'yes') { murl = ourl } $(document).ready(function () { if (type == 'image') {display_image(murl,id,key)} else if (type == 'video') {display_video(murl)} else if (type == 'gifv') { if (remote_img == 'no') {display_video(murl)} else { // Need to detect if it's a video or a gif, depends if it came from pleroma or mastodon // Using extension is a bad idea but w/e // Actually if it's from mastodon the extension will be mp4. if (murl.endsWith('.mp4')) {display_video(murl)} else {display_image(murl,id,key)} } } }) } function display_image(murl,id,key) { $('#imagemodal').modal('open') imageXhr(id, key, murl) $('#imagewrap').dragScroll() // ドラッグスクロール設定 $('#imgmodal').show() $('#imagemodal').attr('data-key', key) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id', id) } function display_video(murl,id=null,key=null) { $('#video').attr('src', murl) $('#videomodal').modal('open') $('#imgmodal').show() } //イメージビューワーの送り function imgCont(type) { var key = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-key') var id = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id') if (type == 'next') { key++ } else if (type == 'prev') { key = key * 1 - 1 } var murl = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-url') var ourl = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-original') if (!ourl || ourl == 'null') { ourl = murl } var type = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-type') $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id', id) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-acct', acct_id) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-original', ourl) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-image', murl) //表示はリモートを使うか(どちらにしろコピーはオリジナル) var remote_img = localStorage.getItem('remote_img') if (remote_img == 'yes') { murl = ourl } if (murl) { $('#imgprog').text(0) $('#imgsec').text(0) $('#imgmodal').attr('src', '../../img/loading.svg') var type = $('#' + id + '-image-' + key).attr('data-type') $(document).ready(function () { if (type == 'image') { imageXhr(id, key, murl) $('#imagewrap').dragScroll() // ドラッグスクロール設定 $('#imagemodal').attr('data-key', key) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id', id) } else if (type == 'video' || type == 'gifv') { $('#video').attr('src', murl) $('#videomodal').modal('open') } }) } } function imageXhr(id, key, murl) { let time = 0 var startTime = new Date() const timer = setInterval(function () { time = time + 1 $('#imgsec').text(time < 5000 ? time : '?') }, 10) $('#imgmodal-progress div').removeClass('determinate') $('#imgmodal-progress div').addClass('indeterminate') $('#imgmodal-progress').removeClass('hide') xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('GET', murl, true) xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer' xhr.addEventListener( 'progress', function (event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { var total = event.total var now = event.loaded $('#imgbyte').text(`${Math.floor(now / 1024)}KB/${Math.floor(total / 1024)}`) var per = (now / total) * 100 $('#imgmodal-progress div').removeClass('indeterminate') $('#imgmodal-progress div').addClass('determinate') $('#imgmodal-progress div').css('width', `${per}%`) $('#imgprog').text(Math.floor(per)) } }, false ) xhr.addEventListener( 'loadend', function (event) { var total = event.total $('#imgbyte').text(Math.floor(total / 1024)) var now = event.loaded var per = (now / total) * 100 $('#imgprog').text(Math.floor(per)) $('#imgmodal-progress').addClass('hide') $('#imgmodal-progress div').css('width', '0%') $('#imgmodal-progress div').removeClass('determinate') $('#imgmodal-progress div').addClass('indeterminate') }, false ) xhr.addEventListener( 'error', function (event) { $('#imgmodal').attr('src', murl) }, false ) xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { r = new FileReader() r.readAsDataURL(this.response) r.onload = function () { var b64 = r.result var element = new Image() var width element.onload = function () { var width = element.naturalWidth var height = element.naturalHeight calcNiceAspect(width, height) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalWidth', width) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalHeight', height) } if ($('#' + id + '-image-' + (key * 1 + 1)).length == 0) { $('#image-next').prop('disabled', true) } else { $('#image-next').prop('disabled', false) } if ($('#' + id + '-image-' + (key * 1 - 1)).length == 0) { $('#image-prev').prop('disabled', true) } else { $('#image-prev').prop('disabled', false) } element.src = b64 var endTime = new Date() clearInterval(timer) var proctime = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime() $('#imgsec').text(proctime) $('#imgmodal').attr('src', b64) } } } xhr.responseType = 'blob' xhr.send() } function calcNiceAspect(width, height) { if (width < 650) { width = 650 } var windowH = $(window).height() var windowW = $(window).width() $('#imagemodal').css('bottom', '0') $('#imagemodal img').css('width', 'auto') if (height < windowH) { $('#imagemodal').css('height', height + 100 + 'px') $('#imagemodal img').css('height', height + 'px') if (width > windowW * 0.8) { $('#imagemodal').css('width', '80vw') $('#imagemodal img').css('width', 'auto') var heightS = ((windowW * 0.8) / width) * height $('#imagemodal').css('height', heightS + 100 + 'px') } else { $('#imagemodal').css('width', width + 'px') } } else { $('#imagemodal img').css('width', 'auto') var widthS = (windowH / height) * width if (widthS < windowW) { $('#imagemodal').css('width', widthS + 'px') } else { $('#imagemodal').css('width', '100vw') } $('#imagemodal').css('height', '100vh') $('#imagemodal img').css('height', 'calc(100vh - 60px)') } } //ズームボタン(z:倍率) function zoom(z) { var wdth = $('#imagewrap img').width() var wdth = wdth * z $('#imagewrap img').css('width', wdth + 'px') var hgt = $('#imagewrap img').height() var hgt = hgt * z $('#imagewrap img').css('height', hgt + 'px') } //スマホ対応ドラッグ移動システム (function () { $.fn.dragScroll = function () { var target = this $(this) .mousedown(function (event) { $(this) .data('down', true) .data('x', event.clientX) .data('y', event.clientY) .data('scrollLeft', this.scrollLeft) .data('scrollTop', this.scrollTop) return false }) .css({ overflow: 'hidden', // スクロールバー非表示 cursor: 'move' }) // ウィンドウから外れてもイベント実行 $(document) .mousemove(function (event) { if ($(target).data('down') == true) { // スクロール target.scrollLeft($(target).data('scrollLeft') + $(target).data('x') - event.clientX) target.scrollTop($(target).data('scrollTop') + $(target).data('y') - event.clientY) return false // 文字列選択を抑止 } }) .mouseup(function (event) { $(target).data('down', false) }) $(this) .on('touchstart', function (event) { $(this) .data('down', true) .data('x', getX(event)) .data('y', getY(event)) .data('scrollLeft', this.scrollLeft) .data('scrollTop', this.scrollTop) return false }) .css({ overflow: 'hidden', // スクロールバー非表示 cursor: 'move' }) //指が触れたか検知 $(this).on('touchmove', function (event) { if ($(target).data('down') === true) { // スクロール target.scrollLeft($(target).data('scrollLeft') + $(target).data('x') - getX(event)) target.scrollTop($(target).data('scrollTop') + $(target).data('y') - getY(event)) return false // 文字列選択を抑止 } else { } }) //指が動いたか検知 $(this).on('touchend', function (event) { $(target).data('down', false) }) return this } })(jQuery) function getX(event) { return event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX } function getY(event) { return event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY } //マウスホイールで拡大 var element = document.getElementById('imagemodal') element.onmousewheel = function (e) { var delta = e.wheelDelta if (delta > 0) { zoom(1.1) } else { zoom(0.9) } } function rotate(reset) { if (reset) { $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-90') $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-180') $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-270') $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalWidth', null) $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalWidth', null) return true } var width = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalWidth') var height = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-naturalHeight') if ($('#imagewrap img').hasClass('rotate-90')) { $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-90') $('#imagewrap img').addClass('rotate-180') calcNiceAspect(width, height) } else if ($('#imagewrap img').hasClass('rotate-180')) { $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-180') $('#imagewrap img').addClass('rotate-270') calcNiceAspect(height, width) } else if ($('#imagewrap img').hasClass('rotate-270')) { $('#imagewrap img').removeClass('rotate-270') calcNiceAspect(width, height) } else { $('#imagewrap img').addClass('rotate-90') calcNiceAspect(height, width) } } //当該トゥート function detFromImg() { var id = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-id') var acct_id = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-acct') $('#imagemodal').modal('close') details(id, acct_id) } //画像保存 function dlImg() { var ourl = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-original') var murl = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-image') var remote_img = localStorage.getItem('remote_img') if (remote_img == 'yes') { murl = ourl } var save = localStorage.getItem('savefolder') if (!save || save == 'null') { var save = '' } postMessage(['generalDL', [murl, save, false]], '*') } function openFinder(dir) { postMessage(['openFinder', dir], '*') } function stopVideo() { video=document.getElementById('video') video.pause() video.src='' //document.getElementById('video').pause() } function copyImgUrl() { var murl = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-original') execCopy(murl) M.toast({ html: lang.lang_img_copyDone, displayLength: 1500 }) } async function copyImgBinary() { var murl = $('#imagemodal').attr('data-original') const blob = await (await fetch(murl)).blob() const reader = new FileReader() reader.onloadend = function () { postMessage(['copyBinary', reader.result], '*') M.toast({ html: lang.lang_imgBin_copyDone, displayLength: 1500 }) } reader.readAsDataURL(blob) }