# TheDesk [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cutls/TheDesk.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cutls/TheDesk) [![Crowdin](https://d322cqt584bo4o.cloudfront.net/thedesk/localized.svg)](https://translate.thedesk.top/project/thedesk) [![FOSSA Status](https://bit.ly/2N4cLd1)](https://bit.ly/31zqMmZ) [![Version](https://flat.badgen.net/github/release/cutls/TheDesk)](https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk/releases) ![Contributors](https://flat.badgen.net/github/contributors/cutls/TheDesk) Mastodon/Misskey client for PC(Windows/Linux/macOS) オープンソースSNSマストドン/MisskeyのPC向けクライアント[日本語はこちら](README_ja.md) Download:[TheDesk](https://thedesk.top) [![check](https://status.cutls.com/badge/?site=thedesk.top)](https://status.cutls.com) Become a Patron! Donate using Liberapay ![Screenshots1](https://thedesk.top/img/scr1.png) ## License [GNU General Public License v3.0](https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk/blob/master/LICENSE) The icon is provided under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) [Press Kit](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/TheDesk+PressKit.zip) * [PNG 512x512](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/thedesk.png) * [SVG 4095x4096](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/thedesk-fullcolor.svg) * [ico 256x256](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/thedesk.ico) * [icns old](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/thedesk.icns) * [Illustrator .ai](https://d2upiril6ywqp9.cloudfront.net/press/thedesk.ai) The default sounds of notifications is provided [Creative Commons BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) ## Terms of Use * [利用規約(Terms of Use(ja))](https://thedesk.top/tos.html) * [プライバシーポリシー(Privacy Policy(ja))](https://thedesk.top/priv.html) ## Language * 日本語(Japanese) * English * de, cs, bg(from Crowdin) ### Translation Crowdin project is available! Visit: https://translate.thedesk.top ## Requirement and development * Electron 4.2 or above(install yourself) * electron-dl(in package.json) * Jimp(in package.json) * font-manager(in package.json) * Python 2.x(install yourself) * VisualC++(Windows)(install yourself) * itunes-nowplaying-mac(for macOS)(in package.json) * node-notifier(in package.json) * sumchecker(in package.json) * Ability to read unformated files!(install yourself) ### Run on developer mode `npm run dev` on `app` folder. ## Contributors Build for macOS * [toneji](https://minohdon.jp/@toneji) Build for Linux * [popn_ja](https://popon.pptdn.jp/@popn_ja) Fellow coder * [kPherox](https://pl.kpherox.dev/kPherox) ## Build You have to use either **npm** or **yarn**. Whichever you use, it works well. ### npm ```sh git clone https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk cd TheDesk/app npm install npm install --only=dev npm run construct ``` ### yarn ```sh git clone https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk cd TheDesk/app # Linux or macOS yarn install --no-lockfile # Windows yarn install --no-lockfile yarn construct ``` run `npm run dev` or `yarn dev` to launch developer version with console(click `view`) ### electron-builder(Recommended) Use scripts(they can work well with npm, **yarn**). #### npm ```sh # Build for current platform npm run build # Select build target ## Windows npm run build:win ## Windows and Linux (The macOS target should run on macOS. So, this option hasn't include the build for macOS) npm run build:all ``` #### yarn ```sh # Build for current platform yarn build # Select build target ## Windows yarn build:win ## Windows and Linux (The macOS target should run on macOS. So, this option hasn't include the build for macOS) yarn build:all ``` Config is all on package.json ### electron-packager `npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild` Linux/macOS `./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild` Windows `.\node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild.cmd` To install Python 2.x and Visual C++ for Windows, before running `npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild` `npm install --global windows-build-tools` Windows `electron-packager ./app TheDesk --executable-name="TheDesk" --app-copyright="Copyright (c) TheDesk 2018 Cutls.com 2015 All Right Reserved" --win32metadata.CompanyName="TheDesk&Cutls.com" --win32metadata.FileDescription="TheDesk" --win32metadata.OriginalFilename="TheDesk" --win32metadata.InternalName="TheDesk" --win32metadata.ProductName="TheDesk" --platform=win32 --arch=all --electron-version=4.0.5 --icon=.\app\thedesk.ico --overwrite` Linux `electron-packager ./app TheDesk --executable-name="TheDesk" --app-copyright="Copyright (c) TheDesk 2018 Cutls.com 2015 All Right Reserved" --platform=linux --arch=x64,ia32 --electron-version=4.0.5 --overwrite` macOS `electron-packager ./app TheDesk --executable-name="TheDesk" --app-copyright="Copyright (c) TheDesk 2018 Cutls.com 2015 All Right Reserved" --platform=darwin --arch=all --electron-version=4.0.5 --icon=./app/icon.icns --overwrite` ## Pleroma support Did you find a bug with Pleroma accounts? Pleroma **does not** follow Mastodon API rules completely although Pleroma developers say so. Please write issues to improve TheDesk affinity with Pleroma. ## Vulnerabilities when `npm i`??? No, if your npm says materialize-css has vulnerabilities(CVE-2019-11002/3/4), look at [here](https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/issues/6286) under discussion.