# Jimp ... in a browser Browser support for Jimp was added by Phil Seaton. This enabled Jimp to be used in [Electron](http://electron.atom.io/) applications as well as web browsers. Example usage: ```html ``` See the [main documentation](https://github.com/oliver-moran/jimp) for the full API documenatinon. ## WebWorkers For better performance, it recommended that Jimp methods are run on a separate thread using [`WebWorkers`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Using_web_workers). The following shows how using two files (`index.html` and `jimp-worker.js`): ```js // index.html var worker = new Worker('jimp-worker.js'); worker.onmessage = function(e) { // append a new img element using the base 64 image var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', e.data); document.body.appendChild(img); }; worker.postMessage('lenna.png'); // message the worker thread ``` ```js // jimp-worker.js importScripts('jimp.min.js'); self.addEventListener('message', function(e) { Jimp.read(e.data).then(function(lenna) { lenna .resize(256, 256) // resize .quality(60) // set JPEG quality .greyscale() // set greyscale .getBase64(Jimp.MIME_JPEG, function(err, src) { self.postMessage(src); // message the main thread }); }); }); ``` ## License Jimp is licensed under the MIT license.