"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.prepareProductBuildArgs = prepareProductBuildArgs; exports.PkgTarget = void 0; function _builderUtil() { const data = require("builder-util"); _builderUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _fs() { const data = require("builder-util/out/fs"); _fs = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _appBuilder() { const data = require("../util/appBuilder"); _appBuilder = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _license() { const data = require("../util/license"); _license = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _fsExtra() { const data = require("fs-extra"); _fsExtra = function () { return data; }; return data; } var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); function _appInfo() { const data = require("../appInfo"); _appInfo = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _macCodeSign() { const data = require("../codeSign/macCodeSign"); _macCodeSign = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _core() { const data = require("../core"); _core = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } const certType = "Developer ID Installer"; // http://www.shanekirk.com/2013/10/creating-flat-packages-in-osx/ // to use --scripts, we must build .app bundle separately using pkgbuild // productbuild --scripts doesn't work (because scripts in this case not added to our package) // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-osx-sign/issues/96#issuecomment-274986942 class PkgTarget extends _core().Target { constructor(packager, outDir) { super("pkg"); this.packager = packager; this.outDir = outDir; this.options = Object.assign({ allowAnywhere: true, allowCurrentUserHome: true, allowRootDirectory: true }, this.packager.config.pkg); } async build(appPath, arch) { const packager = this.packager; const options = this.options; const appInfo = packager.appInfo; // pkg doesn't like not ASCII symbols (Could not open package to list files: /Volumes/test/t-gIjdGK/test-project-0/dist/Test App ßW-1.1.0.pkg) const artifactName = packager.expandArtifactNamePattern(options, "pkg"); const artifactPath = path.join(this.outDir, artifactName); await packager.info.callArtifactBuildStarted({ targetPresentableName: "pkg", file: artifactPath, arch }); const keychainFile = (await packager.codeSigningInfo.value).keychainFile; const appOutDir = this.outDir; // https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/Reference/DistributionDefinitionRef/Chapters/Distribution_XML_Ref.html const distInfoFile = path.join(appOutDir, "distribution.xml"); const innerPackageFile = path.join(appOutDir, `${(0, _appInfo().filterCFBundleIdentifier)(appInfo.id)}.pkg`); const componentPropertyListFile = path.join(appOutDir, `${(0, _appInfo().filterCFBundleIdentifier)(appInfo.id)}.plist`); const identity = (await Promise.all([(0, _macCodeSign().findIdentity)(certType, options.identity || packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.identity, keychainFile), this.customizeDistributionConfiguration(distInfoFile, appPath), this.buildComponentPackage(appPath, componentPropertyListFile, innerPackageFile)]))[0]; if (identity == null && packager.forceCodeSigning) { throw new Error(`Cannot find valid "${certType}" to sign standalone installer, please see https://electron.build/code-signing`); } const args = prepareProductBuildArgs(identity, keychainFile); args.push("--distribution", distInfoFile); args.push(artifactPath); (0, _builderUtil().use)(options.productbuild, it => args.push(...it)); await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("productbuild", args, { cwd: appOutDir }); await Promise.all([(0, _fsExtra().unlink)(innerPackageFile), (0, _fsExtra().unlink)(distInfoFile)]); await packager.dispatchArtifactCreated(artifactPath, this, arch, packager.computeSafeArtifactName(artifactName, "pkg", arch)); } async customizeDistributionConfiguration(distInfoFile, appPath) { await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("productbuild", ["--synthesize", "--component", appPath, distInfoFile], { cwd: this.outDir }); const options = this.options; let distInfo = await (0, _fsExtra().readFile)(distInfoFile, "utf-8"); const insertIndex = distInfo.lastIndexOf(""); distInfo = distInfo.substring(0, insertIndex) + ` \n` + distInfo.substring(insertIndex); if (options.background != null) { const background = await this.packager.getResource(options.background.file); if (background != null) { const alignment = options.background.alignment || "center"; // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection const scaling = options.background.scaling || "tofit"; distInfo = distInfo.substring(0, insertIndex) + ` \n` + distInfo.substring(insertIndex); } } const welcome = await this.packager.getResource(options.welcome); if (welcome != null) { distInfo = distInfo.substring(0, insertIndex) + ` \n` + distInfo.substring(insertIndex); } const license = await (0, _license().getNotLocalizedLicenseFile)(options.license, this.packager); if (license != null) { distInfo = distInfo.substring(0, insertIndex) + ` \n` + distInfo.substring(insertIndex); } const conclusion = await this.packager.getResource(options.conclusion); if (conclusion != null) { distInfo = distInfo.substring(0, insertIndex) + ` \n` + distInfo.substring(insertIndex); } (0, _builderUtil().debug)(distInfo); await (0, _fsExtra().writeFile)(distInfoFile, distInfo); } async buildComponentPackage(appPath, propertyListOutputFile, packageOutputFile) { const options = this.options; const rootPath = path.dirname(appPath); // first produce a component plist template await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("pkgbuild", ["--analyze", "--root", rootPath, propertyListOutputFile]); // process the template plist const plistInfo = (await (0, _appBuilder().executeAppBuilderAsJson)(["decode-plist", "-f", propertyListOutputFile]))[0]; if (plistInfo.length > 0) { const packageInfo = plistInfo[0]; // ChildBundles lists all of electron binaries within the .app. // There is no particular reason for removing that key, except to be as close as possible to // the PackageInfo generated by previous versions of electron-builder. delete packageInfo.ChildBundles; if (options.isRelocatable != null) { packageInfo.BundleIsRelocatable = options.isRelocatable; } if (options.isVersionChecked != null) { packageInfo.BundleIsVersionChecked = options.isVersionChecked; } if (options.hasStrictIdentifier != null) { packageInfo.BundleHasStrictIdentifier = options.hasStrictIdentifier; } if (options.overwriteAction != null) { packageInfo.BundleOverwriteAction = options.overwriteAction; } await (0, _appBuilder().executeAppBuilderAndWriteJson)(["encode-plist"], { [propertyListOutputFile]: plistInfo }); } // now build the package const args = ["--root", rootPath, "--component-plist", propertyListOutputFile]; (0, _builderUtil().use)(this.options.installLocation || "/Applications", it => args.push("--install-location", it)); if (options.scripts != null) { args.push("--scripts", path.resolve(this.packager.info.buildResourcesDir, options.scripts)); } else if (options.scripts !== null) { const dir = path.join(this.packager.info.buildResourcesDir, "pkg-scripts"); const stat = await (0, _fs().statOrNull)(dir); if (stat != null && stat.isDirectory()) { args.push("--scripts", dir); } } args.push(packageOutputFile); await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("pkgbuild", args); } } exports.PkgTarget = PkgTarget; function prepareProductBuildArgs(identity, keychain) { const args = []; if (identity != null) { args.push("--sign", identity.hash); if (keychain != null) { args.push("--keychain", keychain); } } return args; } // __ts-babel@6.0.4 //# sourceMappingURL=pkg.js.map