"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.tar = tar; exports.compute7zCompressArgs = compute7zCompressArgs; exports.archive = archive; function _zipBin() { const data = require("7zip-bin"); _zipBin = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _builderUtil() { const data = require("builder-util"); _builderUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _fs() { const data = require("builder-util/out/fs"); _fs = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _fsExtra() { const data = require("fs-extra"); _fsExtra = function () { return data; }; return data; } var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); function _tools() { const data = require("./tools"); _tools = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } /** @internal */ async function tar(compression, format, outFile, dirToArchive, isMacApp, tempDirManager) { const tarFile = await tempDirManager.getTempFile({ suffix: ".tar" }); const tarArgs = debug7zArgs("a"); tarArgs.push(tarFile); tarArgs.push(path.basename(dirToArchive)); await Promise.all([(0, _builderUtil().exec)(_zipBin().path7za, tarArgs, { cwd: path.dirname(dirToArchive) }), // remove file before - 7z doesn't overwrite file, but update (0, _fs().unlinkIfExists)(outFile)]); if (!isMacApp) { await (0, _builderUtil().exec)(_zipBin().path7za, ["rn", tarFile, path.basename(dirToArchive), path.basename(outFile, `.${format}`)]); } if (format === "tar.lz") { // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection let lzipPath = "lzip"; if (process.platform === "darwin") { lzipPath = path.join((await (0, _tools().getLinuxToolsPath)()), "bin", lzipPath); } await (0, _builderUtil().exec)(lzipPath, [compression === "store" ? "-1" : "-9", "--keep" /* keep (don't delete) input files */ , tarFile]); // bloody lzip creates file in the same dir where input file with postfix `.lz`, option --output doesn't work await (0, _fsExtra().move)(`${tarFile}.lz`, outFile); return; } const args = compute7zCompressArgs(format === "tar.xz" ? "xz" : format === "tar.bz2" ? "bzip2" : "gzip", { isRegularFile: true, method: "DEFAULT", compression }); args.push(outFile, tarFile); await (0, _builderUtil().exec)(_zipBin().path7za, args, { cwd: path.dirname(dirToArchive) }, _builderUtil().debug7z.enabled); } function compute7zCompressArgs(format, options = {}) { let storeOnly = options.compression === "store"; const args = debug7zArgs("a"); let isLevelSet = false; if (process.env.ELECTRON_BUILDER_COMPRESSION_LEVEL != null) { storeOnly = false; args.push(`-mx=${process.env.ELECTRON_BUILDER_COMPRESSION_LEVEL}`); isLevelSet = true; } const isZip = format === "zip"; if (!storeOnly) { if (isZip && options.compression === "maximum") { // http://superuser.com/a/742034 args.push("-mfb=258", "-mpass=15"); } if (!isLevelSet) { // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/pull/3032 args.push("-mx=" + (!isZip || options.compression === "maximum" ? "9" : "7")); } } if (options.dictSize != null) { args.push(`-md=${options.dictSize}m`); } // https://sevenzip.osdn.jp/chm/cmdline/switches/method.htm#7Z // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27136783/7zip-produces-different-output-from-identical-input // tc and ta are off by default, but to be sure, we explicitly set it to off // disable "Stores NTFS timestamps for files: Modification time, Creation time, Last access time." to produce the same archive for the same data if (!options.isRegularFile) { args.push("-mtc=off"); } if (format === "7z" || format.endsWith(".7z")) { if (options.solid === false) { args.push("-ms=off"); } if (options.isArchiveHeaderCompressed === false) { args.push("-mhc=off"); } // args valid only for 7z // -mtm=off disable "Stores last Modified timestamps for files." args.push("-mtm=off", "-mta=off"); } if (options.method != null) { if (options.method !== "DEFAULT") { args.push(`-mm=${options.method}`); } } else if (isZip || storeOnly) { args.push(`-mm=${storeOnly ? "Copy" : "Deflate"}`); } if (isZip) { // -mcu switch: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if there are non-ASCII symbols. // because default mode: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if the local code page doesn't contain required symbols. // but archive should be the same regardless where produced args.push("-mcu"); } return args; } // 7z is very fast, so, use ultra compression /** @internal */ async function archive(format, outFile, dirToArchive, options = {}) { const args = compute7zCompressArgs(format, options); // remove file before - 7z doesn't overwrite file, but update await (0, _fs().unlinkIfExists)(outFile); args.push(outFile, options.withoutDir ? "." : path.basename(dirToArchive)); if (options.excluded != null) { for (const mask of options.excluded) { args.push(`-xr!${mask}`); } } try { await (0, _builderUtil().exec)(_zipBin().path7za, args, { cwd: options.withoutDir ? dirToArchive : path.dirname(dirToArchive) }, _builderUtil().debug7z.enabled); } catch (e) { if (e.code === "ENOENT" && !(await (0, _fs().exists)(dirToArchive))) { throw new Error(`Cannot create archive: "${dirToArchive}" doesn't exist`); } else { throw e; } } return outFile; } function debug7zArgs(command) { const args = [command, "-bd"]; if (_builderUtil().debug7z.enabled) { args.push("-bb"); } return args; } // __ts-babel@6.0.4 //# sourceMappingURL=archive.js.map