"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createUpdateInfoTasks = createUpdateInfoTasks; exports.writeUpdateInfoFiles = writeUpdateInfoFiles; function _bluebirdLst() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("bluebird-lst")); _bluebirdLst = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _builderUtil() { const data = require("builder-util"); _builderUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _fsExtra() { const data = require("fs-extra"); _fsExtra = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _lazyVal() { const data = require("lazy-val"); _lazyVal = function () { return data; }; return data; } var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); function semver() { const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require("semver")); semver = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _core() { const data = require("../core"); _core = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _hash() { const data = require("../util/hash"); _hash = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _PublishManager() { const data = require("./PublishManager"); _PublishManager = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } async function getReleaseInfo(packager) { const releaseInfo = Object.assign({}, packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.releaseInfo || packager.config.releaseInfo); if (releaseInfo.releaseNotes == null) { const releaseNotesFile = await packager.getResource(releaseInfo.releaseNotesFile, `release-notes-${packager.platform.buildConfigurationKey}.md`, `release-notes-${packager.platform.name}.md`, `release-notes-${packager.platform.nodeName}.md`, "release-notes.md"); const releaseNotes = releaseNotesFile == null ? null : await (0, _fsExtra().readFile)(releaseNotesFile, "utf-8"); // to avoid undefined in the file, check for null if (releaseNotes != null) { releaseInfo.releaseNotes = releaseNotes; } } delete releaseInfo.releaseNotesFile; return releaseInfo; } function isGenerateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels(packager) { const value = packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels; return value == null ? packager.config.generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels : value; } /** if this is an "alpha" version, we need to generate only the "alpha" .yml file if this is a "beta" version, we need to generate both the "alpha" and "beta" .yml file if this is a "stable" version, we need to generate all the "alpha", "beta" and "stable" .yml file */ function computeChannelNames(packager, publishConfig) { const currentChannel = publishConfig.channel || "latest"; // for GitHub should be pre-release way be used if (currentChannel === "alpha" || publishConfig.provider === "github" || !isGenerateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels(packager)) { return [currentChannel]; } switch (currentChannel) { case "beta": return [currentChannel, "alpha"]; case "latest": return [currentChannel, "alpha", "beta"]; default: return [currentChannel]; } } function getUpdateInfoFileName(channel, packager, arch) { const osSuffix = packager.platform === _core().Platform.WINDOWS ? "" : `-${packager.platform.buildConfigurationKey}`; return `${channel}${osSuffix}${getArchPrefixForUpdateFile(arch, packager)}.yml`; } function getArchPrefixForUpdateFile(arch, packager) { if (arch == null || arch === _builderUtil().Arch.x64 || packager.platform !== _core().Platform.LINUX) { return ""; } return arch === _builderUtil().Arch.armv7l ? "-arm" : `-${_builderUtil().Arch[arch]}`; } function computeIsisElectronUpdater1xCompatibility(updaterCompatibility, publishConfiguration, packager) { if (updaterCompatibility != null) { return semver().satisfies("1.0.0", updaterCompatibility); } // spaces is a new publish provider, no need to keep backward compatibility if (publishConfiguration.provider === "spaces") { return false; } const updaterVersion = packager.metadata.dependencies == null ? null : packager.metadata.dependencies["electron-updater"]; return updaterVersion == null || semver().lt(updaterVersion, "4.0.0"); } /** @internal */ async function createUpdateInfoTasks(event, _publishConfigs) { const packager = event.packager; const publishConfigs = await (0, _PublishManager().getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo)(packager, _publishConfigs, event.arch); if (publishConfigs == null || publishConfigs.length === 0) { return []; } const outDir = event.target.outDir; const version = packager.appInfo.version; const sha2 = new (_lazyVal().Lazy)(() => (0, _hash().hashFile)(event.file, "sha256", "hex")); const isMac = packager.platform === _core().Platform.MAC; const createdFiles = new Set(); const sharedInfo = await createUpdateInfo(version, event, (await getReleaseInfo(packager))); const tasks = []; const electronUpdaterCompatibility = packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.electronUpdaterCompatibility || packager.config.electronUpdaterCompatibility || ">=2.15"; for (const publishConfiguration of publishConfigs) { const isBintray = publishConfiguration.provider === "bintray"; let dir = outDir; // Bintray uses different variant of channel file info, better to generate it to a separate dir by always if (isBintray || publishConfigs.length > 1 && publishConfiguration !== publishConfigs[0]) { dir = path.join(outDir, publishConfiguration.provider); } let isElectronUpdater1xCompatibility = computeIsisElectronUpdater1xCompatibility(electronUpdaterCompatibility, publishConfiguration, packager.info); let info = sharedInfo; // noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols if (isElectronUpdater1xCompatibility && packager.platform === _core().Platform.WINDOWS) { info = Object.assign({}, info); // noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols info.sha2 = await sha2.value; } if (event.safeArtifactName != null && publishConfiguration.provider === "github") { const newFiles = info.files.slice(); newFiles[0].url = event.safeArtifactName; info = Object.assign({}, info, { files: newFiles, path: event.safeArtifactName }); } for (const channel of computeChannelNames(packager, publishConfiguration)) { if (isMac && isElectronUpdater1xCompatibility && event.file.endsWith(".zip")) { // write only for first channel (generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels is a new functionality, no need to generate old mac update info file) isElectronUpdater1xCompatibility = false; await writeOldMacInfo(publishConfiguration, outDir, dir, channel, createdFiles, version, packager); } const updateInfoFile = path.join(dir, (isBintray ? `${version}_` : "") + getUpdateInfoFileName(channel, packager, event.arch)); if (createdFiles.has(updateInfoFile)) { continue; } createdFiles.add(updateInfoFile); // artifact should be uploaded only to designated publish provider tasks.push({ file: updateInfoFile, info, publishConfiguration, packager }); } } return tasks; } async function createUpdateInfo(version, event, releaseInfo) { const customUpdateInfo = event.updateInfo; const url = path.basename(event.file); const sha512 = (customUpdateInfo == null ? null : customUpdateInfo.sha512) || (await (0, _hash().hashFile)(event.file)); const files = [{ url, sha512 }]; const result = Object.assign({ version, files, path: url /* backward compatibility, electron-updater 1.x - electron-updater 2.15.0 */ , sha512 /* backward compatibility, electron-updater 1.x - electron-updater 2.15.0 */ }, releaseInfo); if (customUpdateInfo != null) { // file info or nsis web installer packages info Object.assign("sha512" in customUpdateInfo ? files[0] : result, customUpdateInfo); } return result; } async function writeUpdateInfoFiles(updateInfoFileTasks, packager) { // zip must be first and zip info must be used for old path/sha512 properties in the update info updateInfoFileTasks.sort((a, b) => (a.info.files[0].url.endsWith(".zip") ? 0 : 100) - (b.info.files[0].url.endsWith(".zip") ? 0 : 100)); const updateChannelFileToInfo = new Map(); for (const task of updateInfoFileTasks) { // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/pull/2994 const key = `${task.file}@${(0, _builderUtil().safeStringifyJson)(task.publishConfiguration, new Set(["releaseType"]))}`; const existingTask = updateChannelFileToInfo.get(key); if (existingTask == null) { updateChannelFileToInfo.set(key, task); continue; } existingTask.info.files.push(...task.info.files); } const releaseDate = new Date().toISOString(); await _bluebirdLst().default.map(updateChannelFileToInfo.values(), async task => { const publishConfig = task.publishConfiguration; if (publishConfig.publishAutoUpdate === false) { _builderUtil().log.debug({ provider: publishConfig.provider, reason: "publishAutoUpdate is set to false" }, "auto update metadata file not published"); return; } if (task.info.releaseDate == null) { task.info.releaseDate = releaseDate; } const fileContent = Buffer.from((0, _builderUtil().serializeToYaml)(task.info, false, true)); await (0, _fsExtra().outputFile)(task.file, fileContent); packager.dispatchArtifactCreated({ file: task.file, fileContent, arch: null, packager: task.packager, target: null, publishConfig }); }, { concurrency: 4 }); } // backward compatibility - write json file async function writeOldMacInfo(publishConfig, outDir, dir, channel, createdFiles, version, packager) { const isGitHub = publishConfig.provider === "github"; const updateInfoFile = isGitHub && outDir === dir ? path.join(dir, "github", `${channel}-mac.json`) : path.join(dir, `${channel}-mac.json`); if (!createdFiles.has(updateInfoFile)) { createdFiles.add(updateInfoFile); await (0, _fsExtra().outputJson)(updateInfoFile, { version, releaseDate: new Date().toISOString(), url: (0, _PublishManager().computeDownloadUrl)(publishConfig, packager.generateName2("zip", "mac", isGitHub), packager) }, { spaces: 2 }); packager.info.dispatchArtifactCreated({ file: updateInfoFile, arch: null, packager, target: null, publishConfig }); } } // __ts-babel@6.0.4 //# sourceMappingURL=updateInfoBuilder.js.map