//プラットフォーム別 最後に読むやつ //リンクを外部で開くか内部で出すか $(document).on('click', 'a', e => { var $a = $(e.target) var url = $a.attr('href') if (!url) { var url = $a.parent().attr('href') } var urls = [] if (url) { urls = url.match(/https?:\/\/(.+)/) //トゥートのURLぽかったら toot = url.match(/https:\/\/([^+_]+)\/@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\/([0-9]+)/) if (!toot) { //Pleroma対策 toot = url.match(/https:\/\/([^+_]+)\/users\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\/statuses\/([0-9]+)/) } //タグのURLぽかったら var tags = [] tags = url.match(/https:\/\/([^+_]+)\/tags\/([_a-zA-Z0-9\&=+\%]+)/) //メンションっぽかったら var ats = [] ats = url.match(/https:\/\/([^+_]+)\/@([_a-zA-Z0-9\&=+\%]+)/) if (toot) { if (toot[1]) { var acct_id = $a.parent().attr('data-acct') if (!acct_id) { acct_id = 0 } $a.parent().addClass('loadp') $a.parent().text('Loading...') detEx(url, acct_id) } } else if (tags) { if (tags[2]) { var acct_id = $a.parent().attr('data-acct') if (!acct_id) { acct_id = 0 } tl('tag', decodeURI(tags[2]), acct_id, 'add') } } else if (ats) { if (ats[2]) { //Quesdon判定 if (!~ats[2].indexOf('@')) { udgEx(url, 'main') return false } else { if(pwa) { return true } else { postMessage(['openUrl', url], '*') } } } } else { if(pwa) { return true } //hrefがhttp/httpsならブラウザで if (urls) { if (urls[0]) { if (~url.indexOf('thedeks.top')) { //alert("If you recieve this alert, let the developer(Cutls@kirishima.cloud) know it with a screenshot."); url = 'https://thedesk.top' } postMessage(['openUrl', url], '*') } else { location.href = url } } else { location.href = url } } } return false }) //よく使うライブラリ //コピー function execCopy(string) { postMessage(['copy', string], '*') return true } function progshow(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percent = e.loaded / e.total console.log('Progress: ' + percent * 100) $('#imgsel').hide() if (percent < 1) { $('#imgup').text(Math.floor(percent * 100) + '%') } else { $('#imgup').text(lang.lang_progress) } } } function opendev() { var webview = document.getElementById('webview') webview.openDevTools() /*webview.sendInputEvent({ type: "keyDown", keyCode: '2' }); */ } var soundFile function playSound() { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext if (soundFile) { soundFile.stop() } context = new AudioContext() context.createBufferSource().start(0) context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buf) { //console.log("Playing:" , source) source.buffer = buf source.loop = false }) source = context.createBufferSource() volumeControl = context.createGain() source.connect(volumeControl) volumeControl.connect(context.destination) var cvol = localStorage.getItem('customVol') if (cvol) { vol = cvol } else { vol = 0.8 } volumeControl.gain.value = vol source.start(0) soundFile = source function newFunction() { var source return source } } function nano() { postMessage(['nano', null], '*') } onmessage = function(e) { if (e.data[0] == 'details') { details(e.data[1][0], e.data[1][1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'udg') { udg(e.data[1][0], e.data[1][1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'media') { media(e.data[1][0], e.data[1][1], e.data[1][2], e.data[1][3]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'post') { post('pass') } else if (e.data[0] == 'toastSaved') { var show = `${lang.lang_img_DLDone}${ e.data[1][0] }<button class="btn-flat toast-action" onclick="openFinder('${e.data[1][1]}')">Show</button>` M.toast({ html: show, displayLength: 5000 }) } else if (e.data[0] == 'parseColumn') { parseColumn(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'exportSettingsCore') { var exp = exportSettingsCore() postMessage(['exportSettingsCoreComplete', [e.data[1], exp]], '*') } else if (e.data[0] == 'importSettingsCore') { importSettingsCore(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'fontList') { fontList(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'customSoundSave') { customSoundSave(e.data[1][0], e.data[1][1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'ctLoadCore') { ctLoadCore(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'ctLoad') { ctLoad() } else if (e.data[0] == 'customConnect') { customConnect(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'clearCustomImport') { clearCustomImport() } else if (e.data[0] == 'npCore') { npCore(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'renderMem') { renderMem(e.data[1][0], e.data[1][1], e.data[1][2]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'updateProg') { updateProg(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'updateMess') { updateMess(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'renderAbout') { renderAbout(e.data[1]) } else if (e.data[0] == 'asRead') { asRead() } else if (e.data[0] == 'asReadEnd') { asReadEnd() } else if (e.data[0] == 'logData') { $('#logs').val(e.data[1]) var obj = document.getElementById('logs') obj.scrollTop = obj.scrollHeight } else if (e.data[0] == 'alert') { Swal.fire({ type: 'info', title: e.data[1] }) } } /* PWA */ if(pwa) { function postMessage(e) { if (e[0] == 'openUrl') { urls = e[1].match(/https?:\/\/(.+)/) if (urls) { Swal.fire({ title: 'Open URL', icon: 'info', html: `If you are OK, click: <a href="${urls[0]}" target="_blank" class="btn waves-effect">Here</a>`, showCloseButton: false, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: 'Close' }) } } } }