'use strict'; var PNG = require('pngjs').PNG, fs = require('fs'), test = require('tap').test, path = require('path'), match = require('../.'); diffTest('1a', '1b', '1diff', 0.05, false, 143); diffTest('2a', '2b', '2diff', 0.05, false, 12439); diffTest('3a', '3b', '3diff', 0.05, false, 212); diffTest('4a', '4b', '4diff', 0.05, false, 36089); function diffTest(imgPath1, imgPath2, diffPath, threshold, includeAA, expectedMismatch) { var name = 'comparing ' + imgPath1 + ' to ' + imgPath2 + ', threshold: ' + threshold + ', includeAA: ' + includeAA; test(name, function (t) { var img1 = readImage(imgPath1, function () { var img2 = readImage(imgPath2, function () { var expectedDiff = readImage(diffPath, function () { var diff = new PNG({width: img1.width, height: img1.height}); var mismatch = match(img1.data, img2.data, diff.data, diff.width, diff.height, { threshold: threshold, includeAA: includeAA }); var mismatch2 = match(img1.data, img2.data, null, diff.width, diff.height, { threshold: threshold, includeAA: includeAA }); t.same(diff.data, expectedDiff.data, 'diff image'); t.same(mismatch, expectedMismatch, 'number of mismatched pixels'); t.same(mismatch, mismatch2, 'number of mismatched pixels'); t.end(); }); }); }); }); } function readImage(name, done) { return fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, '/fixtures/' + name + '.png')).pipe(new PNG()).on('parsed', done); }