var fontManager = require('../'); var assert = require('assert'); // some standard fonts that are likely to be installed on the platform the tests are running on var standardFont = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'Liberation Sans' : 'Arial'; var postscriptName = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'LiberationSans' : 'ArialMT'; describe('font-manager', function() { it('should export some functions', function() { assert.equal(typeof fontManager.getAvailableFonts, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.getAvailableFontsSync, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.findFonts, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.findFontsSync, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.findFont, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.findFontSync, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.substituteFont, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof fontManager.substituteFontSync, 'function'); }); function assertFontDescriptor(font) { assert.equal(typeof font, 'object'); assert.equal(typeof font.path, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof font.postscriptName, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof font.weight, 'number'); assert.equal(typeof font.width, 'number'); assert.equal(typeof font.italic, 'boolean'); assert.equal(typeof font.monospace, 'boolean'); } describe('getAvailableFonts', function() { it('should throw if no callback is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.getAvailableFonts(); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should throw if callback is not a function', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.getAvailableFonts(2); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should getAvailableFonts asynchronously', function(done) { var async = false; fontManager.getAvailableFonts(function(fonts) { assert(async); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); done(); }); async = true; }); }); describe('getAvailableFontsSync', function() { it('should getAvailableFonts synchronously', function() { var fonts = fontManager.getAvailableFontsSync(); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); }); }); describe('findFonts', function() { it('should throw if no font descriptor is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFonts(function(fonts) {}); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if font descriptor is not an object', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFonts(2, function(fonts) {}); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if no callback is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont }); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should throw if callback is not a function', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont }, 2); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should findFonts asynchronously', function(done) { var async = false; fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont }, function(fonts) { assert(async); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); done(); }); async = true; }); it('should find fonts by postscriptName', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ postscriptName: postscriptName }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 1); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].postscriptName, postscriptName); assert.equal(fonts[0].family, standardFont); done(); }); }); it('should find fonts by family and style', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont, style: 'Bold' }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 1); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].family, standardFont); assert.equal(fonts[0].style, 'Bold'); assert.equal(fonts[0].weight, 700); done(); }); }); it('should find fonts by weight', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont, weight: 700 }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); fonts.forEach(function(font) { assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); done(); }); }); it('should find italic fonts', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont, italic: true }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); fonts.forEach(function(font) { assert.equal(font.italic, true); }); done(); }); }); it('should find italic and bold fonts', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ family: standardFont, italic: true, weight: 700 }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); fonts.forEach(function(font) { assert.equal(font.italic, true); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); done(); }); }); it('should return an empty array for nonexistent family', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ family: '' + }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should return an empty array for nonexistent postscriptName', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({ postscriptName: '' + }, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should return many fonts for empty font descriptor', function(done) { fontManager.findFonts({}, function(fonts) { assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); done(); }); }); }); describe('findFontsSync', function() { it('should throw if no font descriptor is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFontsSync(); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if font descriptor is not an object', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFontsSync(2); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should findFonts synchronously', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: standardFont }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); }); it('should find fonts by postscriptName', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ postscriptName: postscriptName }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 1); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].postscriptName, postscriptName); assert.equal(fonts[0].family, standardFont); }); it('should find fonts by family and style', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: standardFont, style: 'Bold' }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 1); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].family, standardFont); assert.equal(fonts[0].style, 'Bold'); assert.equal(fonts[0].weight, 700); }); it('should find fonts by weight', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: standardFont, weight: 700 }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].weight, 700); }); it('should find italic fonts', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: standardFont, italic: true }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].italic, true); }); it('should find italic and bold fonts', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: standardFont, italic: true, weight: 700 }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); assert.equal(fonts[0].italic, true); assert.equal(fonts[0].weight, 700); }); it('should return an empty array for nonexistent family', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ family: '' + }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 0); }); it('should return an empty array for nonexistent postscriptName', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({ postscriptName: '' + }); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert.equal(fonts.length, 0); }); it('should return many fonts for empty font descriptor', function() { var fonts = fontManager.findFontsSync({}); assert(Array.isArray(fonts)); assert(fonts.length > 0); fonts.forEach(assertFontDescriptor); }); }); describe('findFont', function() { it('should throw if no font descriptor is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFont(function(fonts) {}); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if font descriptor is not an object', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFont(2, function(fonts) {}); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if no callback is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont }); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should throw if callback is not a function', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont }, 2); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should findFont asynchronously', function(done) { var async = false; fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont }, function(font) { assert(async); assert.equal(typeof font, 'object'); assert(!Array.isArray(font)); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(, standardFont); done(); }); async = true; }); it('should find font by postscriptName', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ postscriptName: postscriptName }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); assert.equal(, standardFont); done(); }); }); it('should find font by family and style', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont, style: 'Bold' }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(, standardFont); assert.equal(, 'Bold'); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); done(); }); }); it('should find font by weight', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont, weight: 700 }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); done(); }); }); it('should find italic font', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont, italic: true }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.italic, true); done(); }); }); it('should find bold italic font', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: standardFont, italic: true, weight: 700 }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.italic, true); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); done(); }); }); it('should return a fallback font for nonexistent family', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: '' + }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); done(); }); }); it('should return a fallback font for nonexistent postscriptName', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ postscriptName: '' + }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); done(); }); }); it('should return a fallback font matching traits as best as possible', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({ family: '' +, weight: 700 }, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); done(); }); }); it('should return a font for empty font descriptor', function(done) { fontManager.findFont({}, function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); done(); }); }); }); describe('findFontSync', function() { it('should throw if no font descriptor is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFontSync(); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should throw if font descriptor is not an object', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.findFontSync(2); }, /Expected a font descriptor/); }); it('should findFonts synchronously', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: standardFont }); assert.equal(typeof font, 'object'); assert(!Array.isArray(font)); assertFontDescriptor(font); }); it('should find font by postscriptName', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ postscriptName: postscriptName }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); assert.equal(, standardFont); }); it('should find font by family and style', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: standardFont, style: 'Bold' }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(, standardFont); assert.equal(, 'Bold'); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); it('should find font by weight', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: standardFont, weight: 700 }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); it('should find italic font', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: standardFont, italic: true }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.italic, true); }); it('should find bold italic font', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: standardFont, italic: true, weight: 700 }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.italic, true); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); it('should return a fallback font for nonexistent family', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: '' + }); assertFontDescriptor(font); }); it('should return a fallback font for nonexistent postscriptName', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ postscriptName: '' + }); assertFontDescriptor(font); }); it('should return a fallback font matching traits as best as possible', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({ family: '' +, weight: 700 }); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.weight, 700); }); it('should return a font for empty font descriptor', function() { var font = fontManager.findFontSync({}); assertFontDescriptor(font); }); }); describe('substituteFont', function() { it('should throw if no postscript name is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(function(font) {}); }, /Expected postscript name/); }); it('should throw if postscript name is not a string', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(2, 'hi', function(font) {}); }, /Expected postscript name/); }); it('should throw if no substitution string is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, function(font) {}); }, /Expected substitution string/); }); it('should throw if substitution string is not a string', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, 2, function(font) {}); }, /Expected substitution string/); }); it('should throw if no callback is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, '汉字'); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should throw if callback is not a function', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, '汉字', 52); }, /Expected a callback/); }); it('should substituteFont asynchronously', function(done) { var async = false; fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, '汉字', function(font) { assert(async); assert.equal(typeof font, 'object'); assert(!Array.isArray(font)); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.notEqual(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); done(); }); async = true; }); it('should return the same font if it already contains the requested characters', function(done) { fontManager.substituteFont(postscriptName, 'hi', function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); done(); }); }); it('should return a default font if no font exists for the given postscriptName', function(done) { fontManager.substituteFont('' +, '汉字', function(font) { assertFontDescriptor(font); done(); }); }); }); describe('substituteFontSync', function() { it('should throw if no postscript name is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFontSync(); }, /Expected postscript name/); }); it('should throw if postscript name is not a string', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFontSync(2, 'hi'); }, /Expected postscript name/); }); it('should throw if no substitution string is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFontSync(postscriptName); }, /Expected substitution string/); }); it('should throw if substitution string is not a string', function() { assert.throws(function() { fontManager.substituteFontSync(postscriptName, 2); }, /Expected substitution string/); }); it('should substituteFont synchronously', function() { var font = fontManager.substituteFontSync(postscriptName, '汉字'); assert.equal(typeof font, 'object'); assert(!Array.isArray(font)); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.notEqual(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); }); it('should return the same font if it already contains the requested characters', function() { var font = fontManager.substituteFontSync(postscriptName, 'hi'); assertFontDescriptor(font); assert.equal(font.postscriptName, postscriptName); }); it('should return a default font if no font exists for the given postscriptName', function() { var font = fontManager.substituteFontSync('' +, '汉字'); assertFontDescriptor(font); }); }); });