"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.GitHubPublisher = void 0; function _builderUtil() { const data = require("builder-util"); _builderUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _builderUtilRuntime() { const data = require("builder-util-runtime"); _builderUtilRuntime = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _nodeHttpExecutor() { const data = require("builder-util/out/nodeHttpExecutor"); _nodeHttpExecutor = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _lazyVal() { const data = require("lazy-val"); _lazyVal = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _mime() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("mime")); _mime = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _url() { const data = require("url"); _url = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _publisher() { const data = require("./publisher"); _publisher = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } class GitHubPublisher extends _publisher().HttpPublisher { constructor(context, info, version, options = {}) { super(context, true); this.info = info; this.version = version; this.options = options; this._release = new (_lazyVal().Lazy)(() => this.token === "__test__" ? Promise.resolve(null) : this.getOrCreateRelease()); this.providerName = "GitHub"; this.releaseLogFields = null; let token = info.token; if ((0, _builderUtil().isEmptyOrSpaces)(token)) { token = process.env.GH_TOKEN || process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN; if ((0, _builderUtil().isEmptyOrSpaces)(token)) { throw new (_builderUtil().InvalidConfigurationError)(`GitHub Personal Access Token is not set, neither programmatically, nor using env "GH_TOKEN"`); } token = token.trim(); if (!(0, _builderUtil().isTokenCharValid)(token)) { throw new (_builderUtil().InvalidConfigurationError)(`GitHub Personal Access Token (${JSON.stringify(token)}) contains invalid characters, please check env "GH_TOKEN"`); } } this.token = token; if (version.startsWith("v")) { throw new (_builderUtil().InvalidConfigurationError)(`Version must not start with "v": ${version}`); } this.tag = info.vPrefixedTagName === false ? version : `v${version}`; if ((0, _builderUtil().isEnvTrue)(process.env.EP_DRAFT)) { this.releaseType = "draft"; _builderUtil().log.info({ reason: "env EP_DRAFT is set to true" }, "GitHub provider release type is set to draft"); } else if ((0, _builderUtil().isEnvTrue)(process.env.EP_PRE_RELEASE) || (0, _builderUtil().isEnvTrue)(process.env.EP_PRELEASE) /* https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/2878 */ ) { this.releaseType = "prerelease"; _builderUtil().log.info({ reason: "env EP_PRE_RELEASE is set to true" }, "GitHub provider release type is set to prerelease"); } else if (info.releaseType != null) { this.releaseType = info.releaseType; } else if (options.prerelease) { this.releaseType = "prerelease"; } else { this.releaseType = options.draft === false ? "release" : "draft"; } } async getOrCreateRelease() { const logFields = { tag: this.tag, version: this.version }; // we don't use "Get a release by tag name" because "tag name" means existing git tag, but we draft release and don't create git tag const releases = await this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases`, this.token); for (const release of releases) { if (!(release.tag_name === this.tag || release.tag_name === this.version)) { continue; } if (release.draft) { return release; } // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1197 // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/2072 if (this.releaseType === "draft") { this.releaseLogFields = Object.assign({ reason: "existing type not compatible with publishing type" }, logFields, { existingType: release.prerelease ? "pre-release" : "release", publishingType: this.releaseType }); _builderUtil().log.warn(this.releaseLogFields, "GitHub release not created"); return null; } // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1133 // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/2074 // if release created < 2 hours — allow to upload const publishedAt = release.published_at == null ? null : Date.parse(release.published_at); if (publishedAt != null && Date.now() - publishedAt > 2 * 3600 * 1000) { // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1183#issuecomment-275867187 this.releaseLogFields = Object.assign({ reason: "existing release published more than 2 hours ago" }, logFields, { date: new Date(publishedAt).toString() }); _builderUtil().log.warn(this.releaseLogFields, "GitHub release not created"); return null; } return release; } // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1835 if (this.options.publish === "always" || (0, _publisher().getCiTag)() != null) { _builderUtil().log.info(Object.assign({ reason: "release doesn't exist" }, logFields), `creating GitHub release`); return this.createRelease(); } this.releaseLogFields = Object.assign({ reason: "release doesn't exist and not created because \"publish\" is not \"always\" and build is not on tag" }, logFields); return null; } async overwriteArtifact(fileName, release) { // delete old artifact and re-upload _builderUtil().log.warn({ file: fileName, reason: "already exists on GitHub" }, "overwrite published file"); const assets = await this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases/${release.id}/assets`, this.token, null); for (const asset of assets) { if (asset.name === fileName) { await this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases/assets/${asset.id}`, this.token, null, "DELETE"); return; } } _builderUtil().log.debug({ file: fileName, reason: "not found on GitHub" }, "trying to upload again"); } async doUpload(fileName, arch, dataLength, requestProcessor) { const release = await this._release.value; if (release == null) { _builderUtil().log.warn(Object.assign({ file: fileName }, this.releaseLogFields), "skipped publishing"); return; } const parsedUrl = (0, _url().parse)(release.upload_url.substring(0, release.upload_url.indexOf("{")) + "?name=" + fileName); return await this.doUploadFile(0, parsedUrl, fileName, dataLength, requestProcessor, release); } doUploadFile(attemptNumber, parsedUrl, fileName, dataLength, requestProcessor, release) { return _nodeHttpExecutor().httpExecutor.doApiRequest((0, _builderUtilRuntime().configureRequestOptions)({ hostname: parsedUrl.hostname, path: parsedUrl.path, method: "POST", headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "Content-Type": _mime().default.getType(fileName) || "application/octet-stream", "Content-Length": dataLength } }, this.token), this.context.cancellationToken, requestProcessor).catch(e => { if (e.statusCode === 422 && e.description != null && e.description.errors != null && e.description.errors[0].code === "already_exists") { return this.overwriteArtifact(fileName, release).then(() => this.doUploadFile(attemptNumber, parsedUrl, fileName, dataLength, requestProcessor, release)); } if (attemptNumber > 3) { return Promise.reject(e); } else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const newAttemptNumber = attemptNumber + 1; setTimeout(() => { this.doUploadFile(newAttemptNumber, parsedUrl, fileName, dataLength, requestProcessor, release).then(resolve).catch(reject); }, newAttemptNumber * 2000); }); } }); } createRelease() { return this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases`, this.token, { tag_name: this.tag, name: this.version, draft: this.releaseType === "draft", prerelease: this.releaseType === "prerelease" }); } // test only //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols async getRelease() { return this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases/${(await this._release.value).id}`, this.token); } //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols async deleteRelease() { if (!this._release.hasValue) { return; } const release = await this._release.value; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { return await this.githubRequest(`/repos/${this.info.owner}/${this.info.repo}/releases/${release.id}`, this.token, null, "DELETE"); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof _builderUtilRuntime().HttpError) { if (e.statusCode === 404) { _builderUtil().log.warn({ releaseId: release.id, reason: "doesn't exist" }, "cannot delete release"); return; } else if (e.statusCode === 405 || e.statusCode === 502) { continue; } } throw e; } } _builderUtil().log.warn({ releaseId: release.id }, "cannot delete release"); } githubRequest(path, token, data = null, method) { // host can contains port, but node http doesn't support host as url does const baseUrl = (0, _url().parse)(`https://${this.info.host || "api.github.com"}`); return (0, _builderUtilRuntime().parseJson)(_nodeHttpExecutor().httpExecutor.request((0, _builderUtilRuntime().configureRequestOptions)({ hostname: baseUrl.hostname, port: baseUrl.port, path: this.info.host != null && this.info.host !== "github.com" ? `/api/v3${path.startsWith("/") ? path : `/${path}`}` : path, headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } }, token, method), this.context.cancellationToken, data)); } toString() { return `Github (owner: ${this.info.owner}, project: ${this.info.repo}, version: ${this.version})`; } } exports.GitHubPublisher = GitHubPublisher; // __ts-babel@6.0.4 //# sourceMappingURL=gitHubPublisher.js.map