"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.parseVmList = parseVmList; exports.macPathToParallelsWindows = macPathToParallelsWindows; exports.ParallelsVmManager = void 0; function _builderUtil() { const data = require("builder-util"); _builderUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _child_process() { const data = require("child_process"); _child_process = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _vm() { const data = require("./vm"); _vm = function () { return data; }; return data; } /** @internal */ async function parseVmList(debugLogger) { // do not log output if debug - it is huge, logged using debugLogger let rawList = await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("prlctl", ["list", "-i", "-s", "name"], undefined, false); debugLogger.add("parallels.list", rawList); rawList = rawList.substring(rawList.indexOf("ID:")); // let match: Array | null const result = []; for (const info of rawList.split("\n\n").map(it => it.trim()).filter(it => it.length > 0)) { const vm = {}; for (const line of info.split("\n")) { const meta = /^([^:("]+): (.*)$/.exec(line); if (meta == null) { continue; } const key = meta[1].toLowerCase(); if (key === "id" || key === "os" || key === "name" || key === "state" || key === "name") { vm[key] = meta[2].trim(); } } result.push(vm); } return result; } /** @internal */ class ParallelsVmManager extends _vm().VmManager { constructor(vm) { super(); this.vm = vm; this.isExitHookAdded = false; this.startPromise = this.doStartVm(); } get pathSep() { return "/"; } handleExecuteError(error) { if (error.message.includes("Unable to open new session in this virtual machine")) { throw new Error(`Please ensure that your are logged in "${this.vm.name}" parallels virtual machine. In the future please do not stop VM, but suspend.\n\n${error.message}`); } _builderUtil().log.warn("ensure that 'Share folders' is set to 'All Disks', see https://goo.gl/E6XphP"); throw error; } async exec(file, args, options) { await this.ensureThatVmStarted(); // it is important to use "--current-user" to execute command under logged in user - to access certs. return await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("prlctl", ["exec", this.vm.id, "--current-user", file.startsWith("/") ? macPathToParallelsWindows(file) : file].concat(args), options).catch(error => this.handleExecuteError(error)); } async spawn(file, args, options, extraOptions) { await this.ensureThatVmStarted(); return await (0, _builderUtil().spawn)("prlctl", ["exec", this.vm.id, file].concat(args), options, extraOptions).catch(error => this.handleExecuteError(error)); } async doStartVm() { const vmId = this.vm.id; const state = this.vm.state; if (state === "running") { return; } if (!this.isExitHookAdded) { this.isExitHookAdded = true; require("async-exit-hook")(callback => { const stopArgs = ["suspend", vmId]; if (callback == null) { (0, _child_process().execFileSync)("prlctl", stopArgs); } else { (0, _builderUtil().exec)("prlctl", stopArgs).then(callback).catch(callback); } }); } await (0, _builderUtil().exec)("prlctl", ["start", vmId]); } ensureThatVmStarted() { let startPromise = this.startPromise; if (startPromise == null) { startPromise = this.doStartVm(); this.startPromise = startPromise; } return startPromise; } toVmFile(file) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4742992/cannot-access-network-drive-in-powershell-running-as-administrator return macPathToParallelsWindows(file); } } exports.ParallelsVmManager = ParallelsVmManager; function macPathToParallelsWindows(file) { if (file.startsWith("C:\\")) { return file; } return "\\\\Mac\\Host\\" + file.replace(/\//g, "\\"); } // __ts-babel@6.0.4 //# sourceMappingURL=ParallelsVm.js.map