{ "draghere": "Przeciągnij tutaj by przesłać", "nowOffline": "OFLINE: cały twój post jest szkicem i powinieneś przeładować po ponownym połączeniu z Internetem", "reOnline": "Teraz jesteśmy w Online, powinieneś przeładować...", "close": "Zamknij", "webSrc": "Szukaj w Internecie", "tsSrc": "Szukaj w tootsearch", "showSelectProf": "Pokaż profil wybranego konta", "closethisbox": "Zamknij to okno", "toot": "Toot", "post-new": "Nowy post", "nsfwDes": "Oznacz media jako wrażliwe", "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning", "selfile": "Dołącz..", "insertEmoji": "Emoji", "schedule": "Zaplanowany toot", "postat": "Post at", "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)", "clearToot": "Clear toot box", "replyMode": "Reply", "no": "Nie", "yes": "Tak", "temp": "Dołączanie plików", "nothing": "Brak", "stamp": "Stamp", "stampWarn": "Your acct(aa@bb.cc) is printed on the right-bottom of the uploaded image", "vis": "Adjust status privacy", "cwtext": "Warning text", "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy", "publicJP": "", "unlistedJP": "", "privateJP": "", "localJP": "Tylko lokalne", "sectoot": "Secondary Toot", "directJP": "", "emojiWarn": "", "emojiInsertWarn": "Niektóre emotikony nie mogą być wstawione.", "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list", "closeThisBox": "Zamknij to okno", "showThisEmoji": " are shown.", "customEmoji": "Custom emojis", "peopleEmoji": "Emoji ludzi", "natureEmoji": "Emoji natury", "foodEmoji": "Emoji jedzenia", "activityEmoji": "Emoji aktywności", "placeEmoji": "Emoji miejsc", "thingsEmoji": "Emoji narzędzi", "symbolEmoji": "Emoji symboli", "flagsEmoji": "Emoji flag", "draft": "Draft", "poll": "Poll", "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled", "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll", "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.", "choice": "Wybór", "pollmulti": "Wielokrotny wybór", "expires_in": "Wygasa za... (sek)", "contextBefore": "Context before this toot", "thisToot": "Ten toot", "contextAfter": "Context after this toot", "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot", "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot", "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)", "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot", "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot", "favedPeople": "People who favourited it", "btedPeople": "People who boosted it", "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account", "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.", "btWithVis": "Boost with visibility", "reply": "Reply", "bt": "Podbij", "favRegist": "Polub", "openBrowser": "Otwórz w przeglądarce", "screenshot": "Zrób zrzut ekranu", "copyURL": "Skopiuj adres URL", "copy": "Copy", "embed": "Osadzony", "toots": "Tooty", "follow": "Obserwuj", "follower": "Obserwujący", "utlColumn": "Pokaż jako kolumnę", "timeline": "Oś czasu", "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account", "list": "Lista", "makeNew": "Zapisz", "blocks": "Blocks", "mutes": "Mutes", "notfMute": "Mute their notifications too", "zeroSetToInfinity": "Mute duration: 0 min to set Infinity", "block": "Zablokuj", "mute": "Wycisz", "domainBlock": "Domain block", "editProf": "Edytuj profil", "change": "Zapisz", "followReq": "Follow requests", "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling", "endorse": "Feature on profile", "openinbrowser": "Otwórz w przeglądarce", "mainacct": "Set it an main account", "frc": "Suggest", "more": "Więcej", "revoverJP": " do ", "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Nie można przestać obserwować)", "revoverJPde": "", "or": "lub", "openProf": "Pokaż profil", "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.", "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain", "name": "Wyświetlana nazwa", "note": "Notka", "editProfImg": "Zmień awatar", "editHeader": "Change header image", "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?", "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.", "get": "Get", "historyBack": "Wstecz", "empUser": "Emphasize this user", "supportme": "Support TheDesk!", "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!", "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon", "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX", "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List", "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:", "SendAmazonGift2": "", "monthly": "Monthly", "once": "Once", "local": "Local", "localMedia": "Local(Media)", "home": "Home", "fed": "Federated", "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)", "dm": "Direct Message", "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)", "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT", "notf": "Notifications", "bookmark": "Bookmarks", "showThisTL": "Show this TL:", "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(<a href='https://gist.github.com/cutls/8787a55d2c1c53274e68a427966046a6' target='_blank'>Code</a>/<a href='https://gist.github.com/totoraj930/d1394dadb51d75666a76829f61e7280c' target='_blank'>TJDeck</a>).", "add": "Add", "search": "Search", "sortSet": "Sort", "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)", "listLocale": "Lista", "filterWord": "Filtering words", "degree": "Filter contexts", "conver": "Conversations", "prof": "Profiles", "option": "Options", "matchWord": "Whole word", "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language", "except": "Drop instead of hide", "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed", "avalableBefore": "Expire after", "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"", "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error", "unlimited": "Nigdy", "days": "dzień (dni)", "hours": "hour(s)", "mins": "minute(s)", "secs": "second(s)", "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.", "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) <b>All data will be deleted.</b>", "addColumn": "Dodaj kolumnę", "sortColumns": "Sort", "acctMan": "Menadżer konta", "filter": "Filtr", "setting": "Ustawienia", "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse", "f5": "Reload TL", "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,", "verTips": "Wersja", "clockTips": "Clock", "ramTips": "RAM status", "changeTips": "Change Tips", "helpAndLogs": "Help & Log", "help": "Help", "contactwithlog": "If you tell me bugs(not working or something) with this log, I can detect what is wrong more easily.", "about": "About TheDesk", "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL", "foundBug": "I found a bug", "show": "Pokaż", "directory": "Katalog", "discover": "Discover", "active": "Ostatnio aktywne", "newcomer": "New arrivals", "local_only": "Tylko lokalne", "menu": "Menu", "demoBottomBtns": "Przewodnik powitalny", "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.", "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.", "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!", "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)", "menuDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like <b>add and sort columns</b>, <b>list and filter check</b>." }