import {ipcRenderer, remote, shell} from 'electron'; ipcRenderer.on('about-window:info', (_: any, info: AboutWindowInfo) => { const app_name =; const open_home = () => shell.openExternal(info.homepage); const content = info.use_inner_html ? 'innerHTML' : 'innerText'; document.title = `About ${app_name}`; const title_elem = document.querySelector('.title') as HTMLHeadingElement; title_elem.innerText = `${app_name} ${}`; title_elem.addEventListener('click', open_home); if (info.homepage) { document .querySelector('.logo') .addEventListener('click', open_home); } const copyright_elem = document.querySelector('.copyright') as any; if (info.copyright) { copyright_elem[content] = info.copyright; } else if (info.license) { copyright_elem[content] = `Distributed under ${info.license} license.`; } const icon_elem = document.getElementById('app-icon') as HTMLImageElement; icon_elem.src = info.icon_path; if (info.description) { const desc_elem = document.querySelector('.description') as any; desc_elem[content] = info.description; } if (info.bug_report_url) { const bug_report = document.querySelector('.bug-report-link') as HTMLDivElement; bug_report.innerText = 'found bug?'; bug_report.addEventListener('click', e => { e.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(info.bug_report_url); }); } if (info.css_path) { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = info.css_path; document.head.appendChild(link); } if (info.adjust_window_size) { const height = document.body.scrollHeight; const width = document.body.scrollWidth; const win = remote.getCurrentWindow(); if (height > 0 && width > 0) { // Note: // Add 30px(= about 2em) to add padding in window win.setContentSize(width, height + 40); } } }); const versions = document.querySelector('.versions'); const vs = process.versions; for (const name of ['electron', 'chrome', 'node', 'v8']) { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); const name_td = document.createElement('td'); name_td.innerText = name; tr.appendChild(name_td); const version_td = document.createElement('td'); version_td.innerText = ' : ' + vs[name]; tr.appendChild(version_td); versions.appendChild(tr); }