Changelog ======= Bolded styling surrounded by emojis indicates a breaking change. ## 1.0.0 (September 9th, 2018) - [Full Changelog here]( ## 1.0.0-rc.2 (June 23rd, 2018) - Autocomplete - Fixed bug where Autocomplete did not open properly in certain cases with keyboard focus - Carousel - Fix noWrap option bug - Collapsible - Now correctly removes all event listeners on destroy - Materialbox - Destroy now removed wrapper element added during intialization - Pushpin - Fixed bug on IE11 where class was not removed properly - Select - No longer triggers onchange event when selecting the same option - Sidenav - Destroy now reenables body scrolling if Sidenav was destroyed while it was open - Tabs - Tab indicator no longer displays improperly when a scrollbar is present in the element ## 1.0.0-rc.1 (May 1st, 2018) - Autocomplete - Added open and close methods - Fixed bug where Autocomplete would close on click - Datepicker - Added autoClose option - Modal - Fixed issue with focus with nested modals - Select - Removed `active` class on option elements - Fixed bug where `selected` class was not properly removed on option elements - Sidenav - Destroy method now correctly removes style property - Text Input - Fixed bug where autofill on chrome overlapped text input - Toast - Fixed bug where Toast did not respect inDuration option - Tooltip - Fixed tooltip positioning bug in certain scenarios when html height was less than screen height - Fixed bug where tooltip stayed open on click ## 1.0.0-beta (March 21st, 2018) - Autocomplete - Now uses dropdown - Carousel - Added numVisible option - Collapsible - Added keyboard support - Dropdown - Fixed scrolling dropdown bug on touch devices - Javascript Initialization - Added AutoInit function - Modals - Focus now stays within open modal - Pickers - Standardized action buttons to match those on android - Added support for date and time input types - **fromnow renamed to fromNow** - Select - Dropdown scrolls to selected option - Sidenav - Now detects vertical scrolling - Tabs - Fixed tab preselection on swipeable tabs - TapTarget - **Reverted name change from FeatureDiscovery** - Tooltips - Added keyboard support ## 1.0.0-alpha.4 (February 18th, 2018) - Badge - Fixed display issue when used in a table - Chips - Fixed autocomplete initialization - CSS - Added hide and show classes for extra large breakpoint - Added small buttons - Fixed input helper text alignment when using prefix - Date Picker - Fixed month and year select overflow issues - Added additional date formatting options - Dropdown - Added container option - Dropdown on mobile now correctly selects the right item - Dropdown now closes correctly on iOS devices - Materialbox - Fixed error with photo caption - Fixed issues caused by width and height attributes - Fixed issues caused by max-width and max-height - Modal - Improved support for nested modals - Parallax - Fixed infinite loop bug - Select - *Renamed plugin class to `FormSelect`* - *Renamed jQuery plugin to `formSelect`* - Sidenav - Fixed issues with draggable option when used with fixed sidenav - Time Picker - Changed i18n options to be more consistent with date picker - Fixed error with auto close option ## 1.0.0-alpha.3 (December 29th, 2017) - *Initialization code for all components changed. E.g. Change`new M.Tooltip(el, options)` to `M.Tooltip.init(el, options)`* - This was done so that the same initialization code can be used to initialize single Elements as well as NodeLists and jQuery element objects - Added in onOpen and OnClose callbacks for appropriate plugins - Datepicker - Destroy function added - Feature Discovery - Added open and close callbacks - Materialbox - Added open and close callbacks - Modal - Added open and close callbacks for consistency - Removed ready and complete callbacks - Parallax - Has responsiveThreshold option - Destroy function added - Pushpin - added onPositionChange callback ## 1.0.0-alpha.2 (November 30th) - Chips - Fixed and standardized chips callback parameters - Datepicker - Fixed date format option - Scrollbar no longer unecessarily appears when using datepicker - Fixed bug where using month and year selectors didn't change date - Dropdown - Removed automatic focus highlight on open - Textarea - Fixed error where text was cut off on Firefox - Tabs - Fixed error with pure JavaScript initialization - Fixed error where a tab with no content would break tabs - Timepicker - Fixed error with twelveHour options - Replaced velocity.js with anime.js ## 1.0.0-alpha.1 (November 10th) - Dropdown - rewritten with classes - Plugin is initialized on `.dropdown-content` instead of `.dropdown-button` - Renamed classes `.dropdown-button` to `.dropdown-trigger` - Renamed option `belowOrigin` to `coverTrigger` - Added callbacks onOpenStart, onOpenEnd, onCloseStart, onCloseEnd - Removed HTML attribute options - Removed stopPropagation option - Reworked animation - Select - rewritten with classes - Plugin renamed from 'material_select' to 'select' - The select will no longer copy the class attribute on each