Compare commits
No commits in common. "85017bbfd7509f337c2276584d050ff7294fb970" and "765fcafce92dffe075d6ed8c63d99fe0e4763b65" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# Maintainer: Zergling_man, from
pkgdesc="Mastodon Client for PC, Zergling_man's pleroma-focused fork."
cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}/app
npm run build
npm run construct
cd ${pkgdir}
install -d opt/${_pkgname}/ usr/share/icons/hicolor usr/share/applications/ usr/share/licenses/thedesk/ usr/bin/
cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}
mv thedesk ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
chmod 555 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/thedesk
mv thedesk.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/
mv LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/thedesk/
cd app/img/icons/
sizes=($(ls | grep -Eo '[0-9x]+'))
for size in ${sizes[@]}; do
install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps/
mv icon-$size.png ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps/desk.png
cd ..
rm -d icons
cd ${srcdir}
cp -r ${_pkgname} ${pkgdir}/opt/
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
<div class="area-data6" id="node"></div>
<div class="cp">
Copyright © TheDesk 2018<br /> Main developer(author): <a href="" target="_blank">Cutls P</a><br />
Copyright © TheDesk 2018<br /> Main developer(author): <a href="" target="_blank">Cutls P</a><br />
<a href="" style="text-align: center; user-select: none;"><img src="" style="width: 100%"></a>
<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Web site</a>
@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ declare function _exports(options?: {
skipLinux?: boolean;
skipMacOS?: boolean;
unnotarize?: boolean;
skipUniversal?: boolean;
}): void;
export = _exports;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ const construct = require('./view/make/make.js')
const { platform, arch } = process
const Platform = builder.Platform
const Arch = builder.Arch
const artifactName = 'TheDesk-setup-${arch}.${ext}'
const config = {
productName: 'TheDesk',
@ -174,25 +173,36 @@ async function cmd(options) {
if (platform === 'darwin' && !isTrue(options, 'skipMacOS')) {
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.afterSign
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.mac.entitlements
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.mac.entitlementsInherit
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) process.env.CSC_IDENTITY_AUTO_DISCOVERY = false
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.afterSign
if (!isTrue(options, 'skipUniversal')) await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.universal, config)
if (isTrue(options, 'withArm64')) {
if (arch === 'x64') {
if (!isTrue(options, 'skipX64')) {
await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.x64, config)
if (isTrue(options, 'withArm64')) {
await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.arm64, config)
if (arch === 'arm64') {
if (isTrue(options, 'unnotarize')) delete config.afterSign
await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.arm64, config)
if (!isTrue(options, 'skipX64')) await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.x64, config)
if (isTrue(options, 'withX64')) {
await build(Platform.MAC, Arch.x64, config)
@ -232,10 +242,6 @@ TheDesk Builder command tool
[only macOS]
--unnotarize: Without notarize
Build as a "universal" package.
--skipUniversal: skip build for universal enviroment
--withX64: build x64-only build
--withArm64: build arm64-only build
@ -2,13 +2,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
const { notarize } = require('@electron/notarize')
const { notarize } = require('electron-notarize')
// Notarizeをしない場合、下のuseNotarizeをtrueからfalseに変更してください。
const useNotarize = true
exports.default = async function notarizing(context) {
const { electronPlatformName, appOutDir } = context
if (electronPlatformName !== 'darwin' || !useNotarize) return
@ -16,4 +20,4 @@ exports.default = async function notarizing(context) {
} catch (e) {
throw console.log(e)
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
const { notarize } = require('electron-notarize')
// Notarizeをしない場合、下のuseNotarizeをtrueからfalseに変更してください。
const useNotarize = true
exports.default = async function notarizing(context) {
const { electronPlatformName, appOutDir } = context
if (electronPlatformName !== 'darwin' || !useNotarize) return
const appName = context.packager.appInfo.productFilename
console.log(`start notarize: ${appOutDir}/${appName}.app`)
try {
return await notarize({
appBundleId: 'top.thedesk',
appPath: `${appOutDir}/${appName}.app`,
appleId: process.env.APPLEID,
appleIdPassword: process.env.APPLEIDPASS,
} catch (e) {
throw console.log(e)
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ iframe,
.area-display_name {
user-select: text;
height: 1.5rem;
height: 1.5em;
margin: 0.15rem;
margin-left: 0.4rem;
overflow: hidden;
@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
<!doctype html>
if (/^ja\b/.test(navigator.language)) {
location.href = './view/ja'
} else {
location.href = './view/en'
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;URL=’./view/ja'” />
<script>location.href = './view/ja';</script>
@ -611,9 +611,8 @@ function multiSelector(parseC) {
'<option value="noauth">' +
lang.lang_login_noauth +
`</option><option value="webview">TweetDeck</option>`
`</option>${webview ? `<option value="webview">TweetDeck</option>` : ''}`
if (!webview) $('#webview-add').append(`<br /><span style="font-size: 0.7rem">${lang.lang_setting_webview_warn}</span>`)
$('#dir-acct-sel').append('<option value="noauth">' + lang.lang_login_noauth + '</option>')
@ -367,13 +367,9 @@ function support() {
function backToInit() {
async function login(url) {
function login(url) {
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
var obj = JSON.parse(multi)
if ($('#misskey:checked').val() == 'on') {
@ -382,18 +378,16 @@ async function login(url) {
const start = `https://${url}/api/v1/apps`
$('#loginBtn').attr('disabled', true)
const nextSetup = await versionChecker(url)
$('#loginBtn').attr('disabled', false)
let red = 'thedesk://manager'
if (!nextSetup) {
red = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
if ($('#linux:checked').val() == 'on') {
var red = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
if (~url.indexOf('pixelfed')) {
red = ''
} else {
var red = 'thedesk://manager'
localStorage.setItem('redirect', red)
var start = 'https://' + url + '/api/v1/apps'
var httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest()
||||'POST', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
@ -426,86 +420,103 @@ async function login(url) {
localStorage.setItem('client_id', json['client_id'])
localStorage.setItem('client_secret', json['client_secret'])
postMessage(['openUrl', auth], '*')
async function versionChecker(url) {
const start = `https://${url}/api/v1/instance`
try {
const response = await fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
function versionChecker(url) {
var start = 'https://' + url + '/api/v1/instance'
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (json) {
var version = json.version
if (version) {
var reg = version.match(/^([0-9])\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/u)
if (reg) {
versionCompat(reg[1], reg, json.title, reg[0])
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
const json = await response.json()
const version = json.version
if (version) {
const reg = version.match(/^([0-9])\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/u)
if (reg) versionCompat(json.title, version)
if (version.match('compatible')) {
return false
} else {
if (pwa) return false
const codeSetupCheck = await{
title: lang.lang_manager_codesetup_title,
text: lang.lang_manager_codesetup,
icon: 'info',
showCancelButton: true
if (!codeSetupCheck.isConfirmed) return false
return true
} catch {
return false
async function versionCompat(title, version) {
const [sem, a, b, c] = version.match(/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/)
function versionCompat(prefix, ver, title, real) {
if (~real.indexOf('compatible')) {
} else {
var start = '../../source/version.json'
const response = await fetch(start)
const json = await response.json()
const keys = Object.keys(json)
let i = 0
let onceAdd = false
for (const targetVersion of keys) {
const data = json[targetVersion]
const [tsem, ta, tb, tc] = targetVersion.match(/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/)
let add = false
if (ta === a) {
if (tb === b) {
if (tc > c) {
add = true
} else if (tb > b) {
add = true
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
} else if (ta > a) {
add = true
if (!add) break
if (add) onceAdd = true
for (const note of data) {
if (lang.language == 'ja' && onceAdd) {
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (json) {
var complete = false
var ct = 0
var jl = 0
var jl2 = 0
Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key) {
var data = json[key]
if (data) {
if (key != real && !complete) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var e = ''
if (i == 0) {
e = '(' + key + ')'
$('#compt-list').append('<li>' + data[i] + e + '</li>')
e = ''
} else if (!complete) {
complete = true
if (lang.language == 'ja' && ct > 0) {
if (jl2 != jl && prefix != '1') {
function misskeyLogin(url) {
@ -1145,8 +1156,9 @@ function asReadEnd() {
// Or with jQuery
$(document).ready(function () {
data: {},
data: {},
@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ window.onload = function() {
if (localStorage.getItem('control-center-np')) $('#ccnp').removeClass('hide')
const size = localStorage.getItem('size')
if (size) $('html,body').css('font-size', `${size}px`)
$.strip_tags = function(str, allowed) {
if (!str) {
return ''
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ async function details(id, acct_id, tlid, mode) {
const json = await response.json()
console.log(['Toot data:', json])
if (!$('#timeline_' + tlid + ' #pub_' + id).length) {
var mute = getFilterTypeByAcct(acct_id, 'thread')
var html = parse([json], '', acct_id, '', '', mute)
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ async function details(id, acct_id, tlid, mode) {
if (!$('#activator').hasClass('active')) {
$('#det-col').collapsible('open', 4)
} catch (error) {
} catch (e) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
@ -600,21 +599,28 @@ function staCopy(id) {
function trans(tar, to, elem) {
var id = elem.parents('.cvo').attr('toot-id')
$('#toot-this .additional').text('Loading...(Powered by Mastodon API)')
var domain = localStorage.getItem('domain_' + acct_id)
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) == 'misskey') {
return false
var html = elem.parents('.cvo').find('.toot').html()
if (html.match(/^<p>(.+)<\/p>$/)) {
html = html.match(/^<p>(.+)<\/p>$/)[1]
var at = localStorage.getItem('acct_' + acct_id + '_at')
var exec = `https://${domain}/api/v1/statuses/${id}/translate`
html = html.replace(/<br\s?\/?>/g, '\n')
html = html.replace(/<p>/g, '\n')
html = html.replace(/<\/p>/g, '\n')
html = $.strip_tags(html)
if (~tar.indexOf('zh')) {
tar = 'zh'
$('#toot-this .additional').text('Loading...(Powered by Google Translate)')
var exec =
'' +
encodeURIComponent(html) +
'&source=' +
tar +
'&target=' +
console.log('Try to translate from ' + tar + ' to ' + to + ' at ' + exec)
fetch(exec, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + at
method: 'GET'
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
@ -630,8 +636,7 @@ function trans(tar, to, elem) {
.then(function (text) {
elem.parents('.cvo').find('.toot').append('<span class="gray translate">' + text.content + '</span>')
elem.parents('.cvo').find('.toot').append('<span class="gray translate">' + text.text + '</span>')
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ function misskeyParse(obj, mix, acct_id, tlid, popup, mutefilter) {
var if_notf = 'data-notfIndv="' + acct_id + "_" + + '"'
var toot = toot.note
var dis_name = escapeHTML( || toot.user.username)
var dis_name = escapeHTML(
} else {
var if_notf = ""
if (toot.renote) {
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ function misskeyParse(obj, mix, acct_id, tlid, popup, mutefilter) {
if (!toot.text) {
var toot = toot.renote
var dis_name = escapeHTML( || toot.user.username)
var dis_name = escapeHTML(
var uniqueid =
var actemojick = false
} else {
@ -606,8 +606,9 @@ function misskeyParse(obj, mix, acct_id, tlid, popup, mutefilter) {
var tickerdom = ""
var tickerdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ticker"))
if (ticker && tickerdata) {
if (ticker) {
var tickerdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ticker"))
var thisdomain = toot.user.username.split("@")
if (thisdomain.length > 1) {
thisdomain = thisdomain[1]
@ -797,7 +798,7 @@ function misskeyParse(obj, mix, acct_id, tlid, popup, mutefilter) {
'</span>' +
'' + viewer + '' +
'</div><div class="area-additional"><span class="additional">' + analyze +
'<div class="reactions ' + fullhide + '" style="height: 25px; position: relative; top: -7px;"><span class="' + likehide + ' reaction re-like"><a onclick="reaction(\'like\',\'' + + '\',' + acct_id +
'<div class="reactions ' + fullhide + '" style="height: 25px;"><span class="' + likehide + ' reaction re-like"><a onclick="reaction(\'like\',\'' + + '\',' + acct_id +
',\'' + tlid + '\')" class="waves-effect waves-dark btn-flat" style="padding:0;margin-left:3px;">' + twemoji.parse("👍") + '</a><span class="re-likect">' + like +
'</span></span><span class="' + lovehide + ' reaction re-love"><a onclick="reaction(\'love\',\'' + + '\',' + acct_id +
',\'' + tlid + '\')" class="waves-effect waves-dark btn-flat pointer" style="padding:0;margin-left:3px;">' + twemoji.parse("💓") + '</a><span class="re-lovect">' + love +
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ function notfColumn(acct_id, tlid, sys) {
} else {
var exc = ''
if (exc === 'null') exc = ''
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/notifications' + exc
||||'GET', start, true)
httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ function notfColumn(acct_id, tlid, sys) {
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ function notfColumn(acct_id, tlid, sys) {
var templete = ''
var lastnotf = localStorage.getItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id)
localStorage.setItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id, json[0].id)
Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key) {
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(key) {
var obj = json[key]
if (lastnotf == && key > 0 && native == 'yes') {
var ct = key
@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ function notfColumn(acct_id, tlid, sys) {
var n = new Notification('TheDesk:' + domain, options)
var mute = getFilterTypeByAcct(acct_id, 'notif')
if (obj.type !== 'follow' && obj.type !== 'move' && obj.type !== 'request' && obj.type !== 'admin.sign_up') {
if (obj.type != 'follow' && obj.type != 'move' && obj.type != 'follow_request') {
if (misskey) {
templete = templete + misskeyParse([obj], 'notf', acct_id, tlid, -1, mute)
} else {
@ -91,12 +90,12 @@ function notfColumn(acct_id, tlid, sys) {
templete = templete + '<div class="hide notif-marker" data-maxid="' + max_id + '"></div>'
$('#timeline_' + tlid).html(templete)
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
var markers = localStorage.getItem('markers')
if (markers == 'yes') {
markers = true
@ -156,10 +155,10 @@ function notfCommon(acct_id, tlid, sys, stream) {
return false
fetch(start, i)
.then(function (response) {
.then(function(response) {
console.log('header to get param:' + response.headers.get('link'))
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
response.text().then(function(text) {
console.log('notf error', 'div[data-notf=' + acct_id + '] .landing')
$('div[data-notf=' + acct_id + '] .landing').append(`<div>${response.status}</div><div>${escapeHTML(text)}`)
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
@ -167,17 +166,17 @@ function notfCommon(acct_id, tlid, sys, stream) {
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
.catch(function(error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (json) {
.then(function(json) {
if (json[0]) {
var templete = ''
var lastnotf = localStorage.getItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id)
localStorage.setItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id, json[0].id)
Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key) {
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(key) {
var obj = json[key]
if (lastnotf == && key > 0 && native == 'yes') {
var ct = key
@ -192,8 +191,8 @@ function notfCommon(acct_id, tlid, sys, stream) {
var n = new Notification('TheDesk:' + domain, options)
var mute = getFilterTypeByAcct(acct_id, 'notif')
if (obj.type !== 'follow' && obj.type !== 'move' && obj.type !== 'request' && obj.type !== 'admin.sign_up') {
if (obj.type != 'follow' && obj.type != 'move') {
if (misskey) {
templete = templete + misskeyParse([obj], 'notf', acct_id, 'notf', -1, mute)
} else {
@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ function notfCommon(acct_id, tlid, sys, stream) {
$('div[data-notf=' + acct_id + ']').html(templete)
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ function notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at) {
var wsid = websocketNotf.length
websocketNotf[acct_id] = new WebSocket(start)
websocketNotf[acct_id].onopen = function (mess) {
websocketNotf[acct_id].onopen = function(mess) {
acct_id: acct_id,
type: 'Connect Streaming API(Notf)',
@ -238,9 +237,9 @@ function notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at) {
$('i[data-notf=' + acct_id + ']').removeClass('red-text')
websocketNotf[acct_id].onmessage = function (mess) {
websocketNotf[acct_id].onmessage = function(mess) {
$('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
//console.log(["Receive Streaming API(Notf):" + acct_id + "(" + domain + ")", JSON.parse(JSON.parse(]);
//console.log(["Receive Streaming API(Notf):" + acct_id + "(" + domain + ")", JSON.parse(JSON.parse(]);
var popup = localStorage.getItem('popup')
if (!popup) {
popup = 0
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ function notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at) {
localStorage.setItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id,
if (!$('#unread_' + tlid + ' .material-icons').hasClass('teal-text')) {
//markers show中はダメ
if (obj.type !== 'follow' && obj.type !== 'move' && obj.type !== 'request' && obj.type !== 'admin.sign_up') {
if (obj.type != 'follow' && obj.type != 'follow_request') {
templete = parse([obj], 'notf', acct_id, 'notf', popup)
} else if (obj.type == 'follow_request') {
templete = userparse([obj.account], 'request', acct_id, 'notf', -1)
@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ function notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at) {
$('[toot-id=' + obj + ']').remove()
websocketNotf[acct_id].onerror = function (error) {
websocketNotf[acct_id].onerror = function(error) {
console.error('WebSocket Error ', error)
@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ function notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at) {
notfWS(misskey, acct_id, tlid, domain, at)
websocketNotf[acct_id].onclose = function (error) {
websocketNotf[acct_id].onclose = function(error) {
console.error('WebSocket Close ', error)
@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ function notfmore(tlid) {
httpreq.responseType = 'json'
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
httpreq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (httpreq.readyState === 4) {
var json = httpreq.response
if (this.status !== 200) {
@ -344,10 +343,10 @@ function notfmore(tlid) {
var templete = ''
var lastnotf = localStorage.getItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id)
localStorage.setItem('lastnotf_' + acct_id, json[0].id)
Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key) {
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(key) {
var obj = json[key]
var mute = getFilterTypeByAcct(acct_id, 'notif')
if (obj.type !== 'follow' && obj.type !== 'move' && obj.type !== 'request' && obj.type !== 'admin.sign_up') {
if (obj.type != 'follow') {
if (misskey) {
templete = templete + misskeyParse([obj], 'notf', acct_id, 'notf', -1, mute)
} else {
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ function notfmore(tlid) {
moreloading = false
templete = templete + '<div class="hide notif-marker" data-maxid="' + max_id + '"></div>'
$('#timeline_' + tlid).append(templete)
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
// $('#landing_' + tlid).hide()
@ -382,7 +381,7 @@ function notfToggle(acct, tlid) {
height: '400px',
}, {
duration: 300,
complete: function () {
complete: function() {
$('#notf-box_' + tlid).css('overflow-y', 'scroll')
$('#notf-box_' + tlid).removeClass('column-hide')
@ -393,7 +392,7 @@ function notfToggle(acct, tlid) {
height: '0',
}, {
duration: 300,
complete: function () {
complete: function() {
$('#notf-box_' + tlid).addClass('column-hide')
$('#notf-box_' + tlid).css('display', 'none')
@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ function allNotfRead() {
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
if (multi) {
var obj = JSON.parse(multi)
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ function src(mode, offset) {
var acct_id = $('#src-acct-sel').val()
if (acct_id == 'tootsearch') {
return false
localStorage.setItem('last-use', acct_id)
@ -367,12 +366,16 @@ async function trend() {
let links = ''
for (const link of linkTrends) {
links = links + `<a href="${link.url}" target="_blank">${link.url}</a><br />` + cardHtml(link, acct_id, '') + `<hr />`
links = links + `<a href="${link.url}" target="_blank">${link.url}</a><br />` + cardHtml(link, acct_id, '') + `<br />`
$('#src-contents').append(`<div id="src-content-link">Trend Links<br />${links}</div>`)
} catch {
function srcBox(mode) {
if (mode == 'open') {
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ function imageXhr(id, key, murl) {
var startTime = new Date()
const timer = setInterval(function () {
time = time + 1
$('#imgsec').text(time < 5000 ? time : '?')
}, 10)
$('#imgmodal-progress div').removeClass('determinate')
$('#imgmodal-progress div').addClass('indeterminate')
@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ function parseColumn(target, dontclose) {
target = 'zero'
console.log('%c Parse column', 'color:red;font-size:125%')
var size = localStorage.getItem('size')
if (size) {
$('#timeline-container').css('font-size', size + 'px')
$('.toot-reset').css('font-size', size + 'px')
$('.cont-series').css('font-size', size + 'px')
if (localStorage.getItem('menu-done')) {
@ -642,6 +648,8 @@ function addselCk() {
function removeColumn(tlid) {
title: lang.lang_layout_deleteColumn,
text: lang.lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc,
@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ function goTop(id) {
$('#timeline_box_' + id + '_box .tl-box').animate({ scrollTop: 0 })
function goColumn(key) {
if ($('[tlid=' + key + ']').length) {
scrollLeft: $('#timeline-container').scrollLeft() + $('[tlid=' + key + ']').offset().left
@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
const envView = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
config: envConstruction
var envView = new Vue({
el: '#envView',
data: { config: envConstruction },
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = this.config[i]
complete: function(i, val) {
var ls = envView.config[i]
let header = ls.text.head
if (! {
ls = [ls]
@ -32,19 +29,17 @@ const envView = Vue.createApp({
if (ls[0].id == 'frame') {
if (ls[0].id == 'size') {
$('html,body').css('font-size', `${val}px`)
M.toast({ html: `Updated: ${header}`, displayLength: 3000 })
return true
const tlView = Vue.createApp({
data() { return { config: tlConstruction } },
var tlView = new Vue({
el: '#tlView',
data: { config: tlConstruction },
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = this.config[i]
complete: function(i, val) {
var ls = tlView.config[i]
let header = ls.text.head
if (val) {
localStorage.setItem(, val)
@ -64,40 +59,39 @@ const tlView = Vue.createApp({
return true
const postView = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
var postView = new Vue({
el: '#postView',
data: {
config: postConstruction,
kirishima: localStorage.getItem('kirishima'),
quoters: localStorage.getItem('quoters'),
methods: {
complete: function (i, val) {
var ls = this.config[i]
let header = ls.text.head
if (val) {
localStorage.setItem(, val)
} else {
if (! {
ls = [ls]
} else {
ls =
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete', displayLength: 3000 })
var id = ls[j].id
var val = $('#' + id).val()
localStorage.setItem(ls[j].storage, val)
M.toast({ html: `Updated: ${header}`, displayLength: 3000 })
return true
methods: {
complete: function(i, val) {
var ls = postView.config[i]
let header = ls.text.head
if (val) {
localStorage.setItem(, val)
} else {
if (! {
ls = [ls]
} else {
ls =
for (var j = 0; j < ls.length; j++) {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete', displayLength: 3000 })
var id = ls[j].id
var val = $('#' + id).val()
localStorage.setItem(ls[j].storage, val)
M.toast({ html: `Updated: ${header}`, displayLength: 3000 })
return true
function settings() {
var fontd = $('#font').val()
if (fontd) {
@ -231,7 +225,7 @@ function climute() {
var templete
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
var cli = obj[key]
var list = key * 1 + 1
templete =
@ -346,18 +340,18 @@ function exportSettings() {
function exportSettingsCore() {
var exp = {}
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
var acct = JSON.parse(multi)
exp.accts = acct
var multi = localStorage.getItem('column')
var column = JSON.parse(multi)
exp.columns = column
var config = {}
config.theme = localStorage.getItem('theme')
//Other configs
//Other configs
var max = envView.config.length
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var ls = envView.config[i].storage
@ -376,17 +370,17 @@ function exportSettingsCore() {
config.font = localStorage.getItem('font')
exp.config = config
exp.ksc = [localStorage.getItem('oks-1'), localStorage.getItem('oks-2'), localStorage.getItem('oks-3')]
var cli = localStorage.getItem('client_mute')
var climu = JSON.parse(cli)
exp.clientMute = climu
var wdm = localStorage.getItem('word_mute')
var wordmu = JSON.parse(wdm)
exp.wordMute = wordmu
exp.spotifyArtwork = localStorage.getItem('artwork')
var content = localStorage.getItem('np-temp')
if (content || content == '' || content == 'null') {
@ -397,7 +391,7 @@ function exportSettingsCore() {
var tagarr = localStorage.getItem('tag')
var favtag = JSON.parse(tagarr)
var plugins = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var plugin = JSON.parse(plugins)
exp.plugins = plugin
@ -488,7 +482,7 @@ function importSettingsCore(obj) {
localStorage.setItem('vis', obj.vis)
if (obj.ksc[0]) {
localStorage.setItem('oks-1', obj.ksc[0])
@ -657,297 +651,297 @@ function ctLoad() {
function ctLoadCore(args) {
var template = ''
var editTemplate = ''
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid =
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${}${theme.compatible ? `(${lang.lang_setting_compat})` : ''}</option>`
if (!theme.compatible) editTemplate = editTemplate + `<option value="${themeid}">${}</option>`
editTemplate = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#edit-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + editTemplate
Object.keys(args).forEach(function(key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid =
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${}${theme.compatible ? `(${lang.lang_setting_compat})` : ''}</option>`
if (!theme.compatible) editTemplate = editTemplate + `<option value="${themeid}">${}</option>`
editTemplate = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#edit-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + editTemplate
function customSel() {
var id = $('#custom-sel-sel').val()
localStorage.setItem('customtheme-id', id)
var id = $('#custom-sel-sel').val()
localStorage.setItem('customtheme-id', id)
function custom() {
var id = $('#custom-edit-sel').val()
if (id == 'add_new') {
$('#dark').prop('checked', true)
for (var i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
if (i >= 4) $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', false)
$('#color-picker' + i + '_value').val('')
} else {
postMessage(['themeJsonRequest', id + '.thedesktheme'], '*')
var id = $('#custom-edit-sel').val()
if (id == 'add_new') {
$('#dark').prop('checked', true)
for (var i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
if (i >= 4) $(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', false)
$('#color-picker' + i + '_value').val('')
} else {
postMessage(['themeJsonRequest', id + '.thedesktheme'], '*')
function customConnect(raw) {
var args = raw[0]
$('#custom_name').val(`${} ${args.default ? 'Customed' : ''}`)
$('#custom_desc').val(args.default ? 'TheDesk default theme with some changes by user' : args.desc)
$('#' + args.base).prop('checked', true)
let advanced = ['modal', 'modalFooter', 'third', 'forth', 'bottom', 'emphasized', 'postbox', 'active', 'selected', 'selectedWithShared']
let i = 4
for (tag of advanced) {
if (args.advanced[tag]) {
$(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', true)
if (args.default) {
var args = raw[0]
$('#custom_name').val(`${} ${args.default ? 'Customed' : ''}`)
$('#custom_desc').val(args.default ? 'TheDesk default theme with some changes by user' : args.desc)
$('#' + args.base).prop('checked', true)
let advanced = ['modal', 'modalFooter', 'third', 'forth', 'bottom', 'emphasized', 'postbox', 'active', 'selected', 'selectedWithShared']
let i = 4
for (tag of advanced) {
if (args.advanced[tag]) {
$(`#use-color_${i}`).prop('checked', true)
if (args.default) {
function customImp() {
var json = $('#custom_import').val()
if (JSON5.parse(json)) {
postMessage(['themeJsonCreate', json], '*')
} else {
type: 'error',
title: 'Error',
var json = $('#custom_import').val()
if (JSON5.parse(json)) {
postMessage(['themeJsonCreate', json], '*')
} else {
type: 'error',
title: 'Error',
function advanced() {
function clearCustomImport() {
function hardwareAcceleration(had) {
postMessage(['ha', had], '*')
postMessage(['ha', had], '*')
function useragent(val) {
postMessage(['ua', val], '*')
postMessage(['ua', val], '*')
function frameSet(val) {
postMessage(['frameSet', val], '*')
postMessage(['frameSet', val], '*')
function customSound(key) {
postMessage(['customSound', key], '*')
postMessage(['customSound', key], '*')
function customSoundSave(key, file) {
localStorage.setItem('custom' + key, file)
localStorage.setItem('custom' + key, file)
function pluginLoad() {
var template = ''
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid =
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${getMeta(theme.content)}</option>`
template = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#plugin-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + template
var template = ''
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var theme = args[key]
var themeid =
template = template + `<option value="${themeid}">${getMeta(theme.content)}</option>`
template = '<option value="add_new">' + $('#plugin-selector').attr('data-add') + '</option>' + template
function pluginEdit() {
var id = $('#plugin-edit-sel').val()
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', id)
if (id == 'add_new') {
editor.setValue('', -1)
} else {
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId == id) editor.setValue(plugin.content, -1)
var id = $('#plugin-edit-sel').val()
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', id)
if (id == 'add_new') {
editor.setValue('', -1)
} else {
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId == id) editor.setValue(plugin.content, -1)
function completePlugin(comp) {
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (! {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Syntax Error',
text: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
if (! || ! || ! || ! {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Meta data error',
title: 'Syntax Error of META DATA',
return false
if (id == 'add_new') {
id = makeCID()
id: id,
content: inputPlugin,
} else {
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId == id) args[key].content = inputPlugin
var ss = args
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
if (comp) return false
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
editor.setValue('', -1)
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (! {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Syntax Error',
text: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
if (! || ! || ! || ! {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Meta data error',
title: 'Syntax Error of META DATA',
return false
if (id == 'add_new') {
id = makeCID()
id: id,
content: inputPlugin,
} else {
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId == id) args[key].content = inputPlugin
var ss = args
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
if (comp) return false
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
editor.setValue('', -1)
function testExecTrg() {
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (meta.location) {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Error',
text: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin)
if (meta.location) {
icon: 'error',
title: 'Error',
text: `error on line ${meta.location.start.line}`,
text: meta,
return false
async function deletePlugin() {
const delIsIt = await{
title: 'delete',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
if (!delIsIt.isConfirmed) return false
editor.setValue('', -1)
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
var ss = []
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId != id) ss.push(plugin)
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
const delIsIt = await{
title: 'delete',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
if (!delIsIt.isConfirmed) return false
editor.setValue('', -1)
var pgns = localStorage.getItem('plugins')
var args = JSON.parse(pgns ? pgns : '[]')
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
$('#plugin').attr('data-id', 'add_new')
var ss = []
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) {
var plugin = args[key]
var targetId =
if (targetId != id) ss.push(plugin)
localStorage.setItem('plugins', JSON.stringify(ss))
function execEditPlugin() {
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin).data
execPlugin(id, meta.event, { acct_id: 0, id: null })
var id = $('#plugin').attr('data-id')
var inputPlugin = editor.getValue()
var meta = getMeta(inputPlugin).data
execPlugin(id, meta.event, { acct_id: 0, id: null })
window.onload = function () {
function asReadEnd() {
postMessage(['asReadComp', ''], '*')
postMessage(['asReadComp', ''], '*')
function checkupd() {
if (localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'brewcask' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'snapcraft' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'winstore') {
var winstore = true
} else {
var winstore = false
var ver = localStorage.getItem('ver')
var start = ''
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (mess) {
if (mess) {
var platform = localStorage.getItem('platform')
if (platform == 'darwin') {
var newest = mess.desk_mac
} else {
var newest = mess.desk
if (newest == ver) {
type: 'info',
text: lang.lang_setting_noupd,
html: ver,
} else if (ver.indexOf('beta') != -1 || winstore) {
type: 'info',
text: lang.lang_setting_thisisbeta,
html: ver,
} else {
location.href = 'index.html'
if (localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'brewcask' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'snapcraft' || localStorage.getItem('winstore') == 'winstore') {
var winstore = true
} else {
var winstore = false
var ver = localStorage.getItem('ver')
var start = ''
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
setLog(start, 'JSON', error)
.then(function (mess) {
if (mess) {
var platform = localStorage.getItem('platform')
if (platform == 'darwin') {
var newest = mess.desk_mac
} else {
var newest = mess.desk
if (newest == ver) {
type: 'info',
text: lang.lang_setting_noupd,
html: ver,
} else if (ver.indexOf('beta') != -1 || winstore) {
type: 'info',
text: lang.lang_setting_thisisbeta,
html: ver,
} else {
location.href = 'index.html'
function lastFmSet() {
if ($('#lastFmUser').val()) {
localStorage.setItem('lastFmUser', $('#lastFmUser').val())
} else {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete:', displayLength: 3000 })
if ($('#lastFmUser').val()) {
localStorage.setItem('lastFmUser', $('#lastFmUser').val())
} else {
M.toast({ html: 'Complete:', displayLength: 3000 })
function stopVideo() {
return false
return false
@ -29,10 +29,14 @@ if (!gotTheLock) {
} else {
app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirector) => {
opening = false
const m = commandLine[2].match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/?\?[a-zA-Z-0-9]+=(.+)/)
const m = commandLine[2].match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/\?[a-zA-Z-0-9]+=(.+)/)
if (m) {
mainWindow.send('customUrl', [m[1], m[2]])
if (mainWindow) {
if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore()
@ -41,13 +45,6 @@ app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
electron.session.defaultSession.clearCache(() => { })
app.on('open-url', function (event, url) {
const m = url.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/?\?[a-zA-Z-0-9]+=(.+)/)
if (m) {
mainWindow.send('customUrl', [m[1], m[2]])
function isFile(file) {
try {
@ -58,7 +55,6 @@ function isFile(file) {
function createWindow() {
var lang_path = join(app.getPath('userData'), 'language')
if (isFile(lang_path)) {
var lang = fs.readFileSync(lang_path, 'utf8')
} else {
@ -346,12 +346,5 @@ function system(mainWindow, dir, lang, dirname) {
function trust_insecure(event, webContents, url, error, certificate, callback)
if (url.startsWith('^')) // TODO: Load this from a conf file/option for each account, whatever.
{ event.preventDefault(); callback(true)}
else { callback(false) }
exports.system = system
@ -86,9 +86,6 @@
.voice {
display: none;
.contextMenu {
display: none;
@ -149,17 +146,13 @@
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./node_modules/lodash/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/platform/first.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/platform/plugin.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/post/status.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/post/post.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/post/use-txtbox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/platform/native.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/tl/parse.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/ui/theme.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/tl/date.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/tl/card.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/common/time.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/platform/nano.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/platform/end.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from = "/"
to = "/app"
status = 301
force = true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "thedesk",
"version": "23.0.3",
"version": "23.0.1",
"codename": "Chieri",
"description": "TheDesk is a Mastodon client for PC.",
"repository": "",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"build": "node buildCli.js",
"build:pwa": "node view/make/makeCli.js --pwa",
"build:all:x64": "node buildCli.js --withStore",
"build:all": "node buildCli.js --withStore --withX64 --withIa32 --withArm64",
"build:all": "node buildCli.js --withStore --withIa32 --withArm64",
"lint:fix": "eslint js --fix",
"lint": "eslint js"
@ -58,30 +58,30 @@
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"dependencies": {
"@cutls/materialize-css": "1.0.0",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^6.2.1",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.4",
"@syuilo/aiscript": "^0.11.1",
"electron-dl": "^3.4.0",
"itunes-nowplaying-mac": "",
"jimp": "^0.16.2",
"jquery": "^3.6.1",
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"jquery-ui-dist": "^1.13.2",
"json5": "^2.2.1",
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"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"sanitize-html": "^2.7.2",
"sumchecker": "^3.0.1",
"sweetalert2": "^11.6.15",
"sweetalert2": "^11.4.38",
"system-font-families": "^0.6.0",
"textarea-caret": "^3.1.0",
"uuid": "^9.0.0",
"vue": "^3.2.45"
"uuid": "^8.3.2",
"vue": "^2.6.14"
"devDependencies": {
"@electron/notarize": "^1.2.3",
"browserify": "^17.0.0",
"chokidar": "^3.5.3",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"electron": "^22.0.0",
"chokidar": "^3.5.2",
"dotenv": "^10.0.0",
"electron": "^19.0.11",
"electron-builder": "^23.2.0",
"electron-notarize": "^1.2.1",
"electron-rebuild": "^3.2.9",
"eslint": "^8.25.0",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
"4.0.0": [
"3.5.0": [
"3.3.0": [
"3.2.0": [],
"3.1.5": [],
"3.1.4": [
@ -55,9 +55,8 @@
<label for="autocomplete-input">URL</label>
<div class="col s4 loginBtnWrap">
<button class="btn waves-effect" id="loginBtn" onclick="instance()">
<i class="material-icons left">login</i>Login
<button class="btn waves-effect" onclick="instance()"><i
class="material-icons left">login</i>Login</button>
@ -81,7 +80,6 @@
<div id="auth" style="display:none">
@@codepastewarn@@<br />
<a onclick="backToInit()" class="pointer">@@redo@@</a>
<input type="text" id="code" placeholder="@@codepaste@@" required />
<button class="btn waves-effect" onclick="code()">Auth</button><br />
<br />
@ -225,5 +225,5 @@
<a onclick="about()" class="nex waves-effect pwa"> <i class="material-icons menu-icon">info</i>@@about@@ </a> |
<a onclick="bottomReverse()" class="nex waves-effect"> <i class="material-icons menu-icon">swap_horiz</i>@@reverse@@ </a> |
<a href="" class="nex waves-effect"> <i class="material-icons menu-icon">new_releases</i>Release Note </a>
<a onclick="openRN()" class="nex waves-effect"> <i class="material-icons menu-icon">new_releases</i>Release Note </a>
@ -138,6 +138,9 @@
<li class="mac">
<a onclick="nowplaying('itunes');">NowPlaying (iTunes macOS)</a>
<li class="mac hide" id="ccnp">
<a onclick="nowplaying('anynp');">NowPlaying (コントロールセンター)</a>
<a onclick="nowplaying('lastFm');">NowPlaying (</a>
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<h5>Release Note 22.3.1 (Koume)</h5>
<a onclick="udgEx('','main')" class="contributor"><img src="" />cutls</a><br /> ・軽微なバグの修正
<a onclick="udgEx('','main')" class="contributor"><img src="" />cutls</a><br />
<a onclick="udgEx('','main')" class="contributor"><img src="" />cutls</a><br /> ・軽微なバグの修正
<a onclick="udgEx('','main')" class="contributor"><img src="" />cutls</a><br />
<div id="release-en" style="display: none">
<h5>Let's make it native!</h5>
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<div id="support-btm-right">
<a class="btn-share btn waves-effect waves-light blue" href="" target="_blank"> @@AWLSupport@@ </a>
<br /> @@SendAmazonGift1@@ <a href="" target="_blank"></a>@@SendAmazonGift2@@<br /> Kyash
<br />
<img src="../../img/kyash.png" width="100" /><br />
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Федерализиран TL след този тоот",
"favedPeople": "Хора, които го харесват",
"btedPeople": "Хората, които го подсилиха",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Използване на друг профил",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav и unBT са деактивирани.",
"btWithVis": "Подсилването е видимо",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Любими",
"openBrowser": "Отваряне в браузъра",
"screenshot": "Направете снимка на екрана",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Копирай URL адреса на този тоот",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Закрепи",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "В процес...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "Данни за POST маркери. Моля изчакайте",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Изтеглени:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Копирано: URL адреса на това изображение",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Върнете се в горната част на тази колона. Когато иконата е червена, означава че тази колона не може да свърже API за споделане. Моля, презаредете.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} от този акаунт",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Следвайте, за да добавите този потребител към списъците.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Použít jiný účet",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Oblíbit",
"openBrowser": "Otevřít v prohlížeči",
"screenshot": "Vytvořit snímek obrazovky",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Kopírovat URL tohoto tootu",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Vložit",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} tohoto účtu",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Tento účet byl přesunut",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[robot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Sledují vás",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Oznámení ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Doména ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Globaler-Verlauf nach diesem Tröt",
"favedPeople": "Leute, die es bevorzugt haben",
"btedPeople": "Leute, die es verstärkt haben",
"editHistory": "Verlauf bearbeiten",
"useOtherAcct1": "Anderes Konto verwenden",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav und unBT sind deaktiviert.",
"btWithVis": "Boost mit Sichtbarkeit",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favoriten",
"openBrowser": "Im Browser öffnen",
"screenshot": "Bildschirmfoto aufnehmen",
"copyBinary": "Kopiere Rohdaten",
"copyURL": "URL dieses Tröts kopieren",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"embed": "Einbinden",
@ -88,8 +86,8 @@
"makeNew": "Speichern",
"blocks": "Blockiert",
"mutes": "Stumm geschaltet",
"notfMute": "Auch deren Benachrichtigungen stumm schalten",
"zeroSetToInfinity": "Dauer der Stummschaltung: 0 Min für dauerhaft einstellen",
"notfMute": "Mute their notifications too",
"zeroSetToInfinity": "Mute duration: 0 min to set Infinity",
"block": "Blockieren",
"mute": "Stummschalten",
"domainBlock": "Domänenblockade",
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"lang_details_embed": "Eingefügtes HTML wurde entfernt.",
"lang_details_url": "URL dieses Tröts wurde entfernt.",
"lang_details_txt": "Inhalt dieses Tröts wurde entfernt.",
"lang_details_fetch": "Daten des Tröts abrufen…",
"lang_details_fetch": "Fetcging toot data...",
"lang_filter_nodata": "Keine Daten",
"lang_filter_errordegree": "Bitte überprüfen Sie den Kontext",
"lang_list_nodata": "Keine Daten",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Verarbeite...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Heruntergeladen:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Kopiert: URL dieses Bildes",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Gehen Sie zum Anfang dieser Spalte. Wenn das Symbol rot ist, kann diese Spalte keine Verbindung zur Streaming-API herstellen. Bitte neu laden.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} dieses Kontos",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "Es dauert 30s bis mehrere Minuten",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey kann nicht angefordert werden.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "Dieser Benutzer ist von {{set}} überprüft",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Dieses Konto wurde verschoben",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Auf dem neuen Konto fortfahren",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Folgt dir",
"lang_parse_request": "Anfrage folgen",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Benachrichtigung ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domäne ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Folgen, um diesen Benutzer zu Listen hinzuzufügen.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "crwdns3174:0crwdne3174:0",
"favedPeople": "crwdns3176:0crwdne3176:0",
"btedPeople": "crwdns3178:0crwdne3178:0",
"editHistory": "crwdns4602:0crwdne4602:0",
"useOtherAcct1": "crwdns3180:0crwdne3180:0",
"useOtherAcct2": "crwdns3182:0crwdne3182:0",
"btWithVis": "crwdns4324:0crwdne4324:0",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "crwdns3188:0crwdne3188:0",
"openBrowser": "crwdns3190:0crwdne3190:0",
"screenshot": "crwdns3192:0crwdne3192:0",
"copyBinary": "crwdns4594:0crwdne4594:0",
"copyURL": "crwdns3194:0crwdne3194:0",
"copy": "crwdns4586:0crwdne4586:0",
"embed": "crwdns3196:0crwdne3196:0",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "crwdns3630:0crwdne3630:0",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "crwdns3632:0crwdne3632:0",
"lang_img_DLDone": "crwdns3634:0crwdne3634:0",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "crwdns4596:0crwdne4596:0",
"lang_img_copyDone": "crwdns4380:0crwdne4380:0",
"lang_layout_gotop": "crwdns3636:0crwdne3636:0",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "crwdns3638:0{{notf}}crwdne3638:0",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "crwdns3694:0crwdne3694:0",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "crwdns3696:0crwdne3696:0",
"lang_hisdata_key": "crwdns3698:0{{set}}crwdne3698:0",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "crwdns4598:0crwdne4598:0",
"lang_showontl_limited": "crwdns4600:0crwdne4600:0",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "crwdns3700:0crwdne3700:0",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "crwdns3702:0crwdne3702:0",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "crwdns3704:0[bot]crwdne3704:0",
"lang_showontl_followed": "crwdns3706:0crwdne3706:0",
"lang_parse_request": "crwdns4445:0crwdne4445:0",
"lang_parse_signup": "crwdns4603:0crwdne4603:0",
"lang_showontl_notf": "crwdns3708:0crwdne3708:0",
"lang_showontl_domain": "crwdns3710:0crwdne3710:0",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "crwdns3712:0crwdne3712:0",
@ -21,6 +21,5 @@
"misskeylogin":"Read <a href=\"\">Docs(ja)</a> to login Misskey.",
"nodata":"No data",
"accessTokenSetup": "Use access token to login(click after fill not code but access-token in box: Advanced)",
"haveExported": "Having the exported file of TheDesk, click here to jump setting page",
"redo": "Retry(re-input address)"
"haveExported": "Having the exported file of TheDesk, click here to jump setting page"
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@
"lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
"lang_manager_maxChars": "Max chars of toots",
"lang_manager_refreshAt": "Login with this domain",
"lang_manager_codesetup_title": "Skip code-setup",
"lang_manager_codesetup": "If you failed log-in, please click Cancel.",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
"lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
"lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
@ -166,7 +164,6 @@
"lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
"lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
"lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_webview_warn": "Please turn WebView on at System Preferences of TheDesk to add TweetDeck as a column",
"lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
"lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
@ -179,7 +176,6 @@
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
"autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
"defaultcw": "Default warining text",
"cws": "Always CW set",
"cwContinue": "Keep CW enabled",
"defaultvis": "Default visibility",
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Línea temporal federada luego de este toot",
"favedPeople": "Gente que lo marcaron como favorito",
"btedPeople": "Gente que lo retooteó",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Usar otra cuenta",
"useOtherAcct2": ":Dejar de marcar como favorito y deshacer retoot están deshabilitados.",
"btWithVis": "Retoots visibles",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Marcar como favorito",
"openBrowser": "Abrir en navegador web",
"screenshot": "Tomar captura de pantalla",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copiar dirección web de este toot",
"copy": "Copiar",
"embed": "Insertar",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Procesando…",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "Datos de marcadores POST. Por favor, esperá.",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Descargado:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copiado: dirección web de esta imagen",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Ir al comienzo de esta columna. Cuando el ícono está rojo, esta columna no se puede conectar a la API del streaming. En ese caso, por favor, refrescá.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} de esta cuenta",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "Tomará entre 30 segundos a varios minutos",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey no pudo responder.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "Este usuario está verificado por {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Se mudó esta cuenta",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continuar en la nueva cuenta",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Te sigue",
"lang_parse_request": "Solicitud de seguimiento",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notificación ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Dominio ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Seguí a este usuario para agregarlo a las listas.",
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
"list": "Lista de cuentas",
"back": "Atrás",
"add": "Agregar una cuenta",
"addAcct": "Rellena el dominio de la instancia (como",
"addAcct": "Fill the instance domain (like",
"codesetupwarn": "Desmarcarlo para omitir código de pegado. (iniciar sesión en Mastodon en Windows o macOS) (Recomendado: pcheck)",
"codesetup": "Configuración de código",
"mainacct": "Cuenta principal",
"selacct": "Seleccionar una cuenta",
"codepastewarn": "Pegar el código y cerrar el navegador web.",
"codepaste": "Código",
"domain": "Instancia",
"domain": "Dominio",
"connect": "Servidores federados",
"toots": "Toots",
"users": "Usuarios",
@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
"misskeylogin": "Leer <a href=\"\">Docs(ja)</a> para iniciar sesión en Misskey.",
"nodata": "Sin datos",
"accessTokenSetup": "Usar el token de acceso para iniciar sesión (haga clic después de completar no el código si no el token de acceso en el casilla: avanzado)",
"haveExported": "Una vez exportado el archivo de TheDesk haz clic aquí para saltar la página de configuración"
"haveExported": "Having the exported file of TheDesk, click here to jump setting page"
@ -1,136 +1,134 @@
"draghere": "Arrastra aquí para subir",
"nowOffline": "DESCONECTADO: todo su mensaje está como borrador y debería volver a cargar después de volver a conectarse a Internet",
"reOnline": "Ahora estamos en Internet, deberías recargar...",
"close": "Cerrar",
"webSrc": "Buscar en la Web",
"tsSrc": "Buscar en tootsearch",
"showSelectProf": "Mostrar perfil de la cuenta seleccionada",
"closethisbox": "Cerrar esta caja",
"draghere": "Drag here to upload",
"nowOffline": "OFFLINE: all of your post is in the draft box and you should reload after re-connect to the Internet",
"reOnline": "Now we are in the Internet, you should reload...",
"close": "Close",
"webSrc": "Search on Web",
"tsSrc": "Search on tootsearch",
"showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
"closethisbox": "Close this box",
"toot": "Toot",
"post-new": "Publicar nuevo",
"nsfwDes": "Marcar contenido como sensible",
"cwDes": "Ocultar texto con advertencia de contenido",
"selfile": "Adjuntar..",
"post-new": "Post new",
"nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
"cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
"selfile": "Attach..",
"insertEmoji": "Emojis",
"schedule": "Toot programado",
"postat": "Publicar el",
"scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Intervalo mínimo: 5 minutos (el reloj del servidor podría no ser preciso)",
"clearToot": "Borrar caja de toot",
"replyMode": "Responder",
"no": "Nu",
"yes": "Sí",
"temp": "Adjuntar archivos",
"nothing": "Ninguno",
"stamp": "Sello",
"stampWarn": "Tu cuenta( está en la parte inferior derecha de la imagen cargada",
"vis": "Ajustar privacidad de estado",
"cwtext": "Texto de advertencia",
"selectVis": "Ajustar privacidad de estado",
"schedule": "Scheduled toot",
"postat": "Post at",
"scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
"clearToot": "Clear toot box",
"replyMode": "Reply",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"temp": "Attaching files",
"nothing": "None",
"stamp": "Stamp",
"stampWarn": "Your acct( is printed on the right-bottom of the uploaded image",
"vis": "Adjust status privacy",
"cwtext": "Warning text",
"selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
"publicJP": "",
"unlistedJP": "",
"privateJP": "",
"localJP": "Solo local",
"sectoot": "Toot secundario",
"localJP": "Local only",
"sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
"directJP": "",
"emojiWarn": "",
"emojiInsertWarn": "Algunos emojis no se pueden insertar.",
"refreshEmoji": "Actualizar lista de emojis",
"closeThisBox": "Cerrar esta caja",
"showThisEmoji": " se muestran.",
"customEmoji": "Emojis personalizados",
"peopleEmoji": "Emojis de personas",
"natureEmoji": "Emojis de la naturaleza",
"foodEmoji": "Emojis de comida",
"activityEmoji": "Emojis de las actividades",
"placeEmoji": "Emojis de lugares",
"thingsEmoji": "Emojis de herramientas",
"symbolEmoji": "Emojis de símbolos",
"flagsEmoji": "Emojis de banderas",
"draft": "Borrador",
"poll": "Encuesta",
"pollDdisabled": "Encuestas: Deshabilitadas",
"pollProvider": "Proveedor de encuesta",
"polluntil": "Ocultar el recuento de votos hasta que se vote.",
"choice": "Opción",
"pollmulti": "Selección múltiple",
"expires_in": "Caduca en...(seg)",
"contextBefore": "Contexto antes de este toot",
"thisToot": "Este toot",
"contextAfter": "Contexto después de este toot",
"beforeLTL": "TL local antes de este toot",
"beforeUTL": "TL de Usuario antes de este toot",
"afterLTL": "Línea temporal local anterior a este toot)",
"afterUTL": "TL de Usuario antes de este toot",
"afterFTL": "TL Federado después de este toot",
"favedPeople": "Personas que lo marcaron como favorito",
"btedPeople": "Personas que lo retootearon",
"editHistory": "Editar Historial",
"useOtherAcct1": "Usar otra cuenta",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav y unBT están deshabilitados.",
"btWithVis": "Retootear con visibilidad",
"reply": "Responder",
"bt": "Retootear",
"favRegist": "Marcar como favorito",
"openBrowser": "Abrir en el navegador",
"screenshot": "Captura de pantalla",
"copyBinary": "Copiar imagen raw",
"copyURL": "Copiar la URL",
"copy": "Copiar",
"embed": "Insertar",
"emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
"refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
"closeThisBox": "Close this box",
"showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
"customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
"peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
"natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
"foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
"activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
"placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
"thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
"symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
"flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
"draft": "Draft",
"poll": "Poll",
"pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
"pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
"polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
"choice": "Choice",
"pollmulti": "Multiple select",
"expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
"contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
"thisToot": "This toot",
"contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
"beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
"beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
"afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
"afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
"reply": "Reply",
"bt": "Boost",
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
"toots": "Toots",
"follow": "Seguir",
"follower": "Seguidor",
"utlColumn": "Mostrar como columna",
"timeline": "Línea temporal",
"operateOtherAcct": "Cuenta cruzada",
"list": "Lista",
"makeNew": "Guardar",
"blocks": "Bloqueos",
"mutes": "Silenciados",
"notfMute": "Silenciar también sus notificaciones",
"zeroSetToInfinity": "Duración de silenciado: 0 min para indefinido",
"block": "Bloquear",
"mute": "Silenciar",
"domainBlock": "Bloque de dominio",
"editProf": "Editar perfil",
"change": "Guardar",
"followReq": "Solicitudes de seguimiento",
"likeHimOrHer": "Similares",
"endorse": "Destacado en el perfil",
"openinbrowser": "Abrir en el navegador",
"mainacct": "Establecer una cuenta principal",
"frc": "Sugerencia",
"more": "Más",
"revoverJP": " para ",
"warnUseOtherAcct": "(No se pudo dejar de seguir)",
"follow": "Follow",
"follower": "Follower",
"utlColumn": "Show as a column",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
"list": "List",
"makeNew": "Save",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"mutes": "Mutes",
"notfMute": "Mute their notifications too",
"zeroSetToInfinity": "Mute duration: 0 min to set Infinity",
"block": "Block",
"mute": "Mute",
"domainBlock": "Domain block",
"editProf": "Edit profile",
"change": "Save",
"followReq": "Follow requests",
"likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
"endorse": "Feature on profile",
"openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
"mainacct": "Set it an main account",
"frc": "Suggest",
"more": "More",
"revoverJP": " to ",
"warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
"revoverJPde": "",
"or": "o",
"openProf": "Mostrar perfil",
"warnListRegist": "Seguir para añadir este usuario a una lista.",
"blockDomain": "Añadir instancia bloqueada",
"name": "Nombre mostrado",
"note": "Nota",
"editProfImg": "Cambiar avatar",
"editHeader": "Cambiar imagen de cabecera",
"blocked": "Estás bloqueado. ¿Por qué?",
"or": "or",
"openProf": "Show profile",
"warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
"blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
"name": "Display name",
"note": "Note",
"editProfImg": "Change avataor",
"editHeader": "Change header image",
"blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
"likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
"get": "Obtener",
"get": "Get",
"historyBack": "Atrás",
"empUser": "Destacar a este usuario",
"supportme": "¡Apoyar TheDesk!",
"TheDeskDes": "TheDesk no tiene anuncios, no tienes que pagar para desbloquear características premium. ¡Necesitamos tu apoyo!",
"PatreonSupport": "Donar en Patreon",
"PixivSupport": "Donar en Pixiv FANBOX",
"AWLSupport": "Lista de deseos de Amazon",
"SendAmazonGift1": "Dame Tarjeta de Regalo Amazon:",
"empUser": "Emphasize this user",
"supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
"TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
"PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
"PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
"AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
"SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
"SendAmazonGift2": "",
"monthly": "Mensual",
"once": "Una vez",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"once": "Once",
"local": "Local",
"localMedia": "Local(Media)",
"home": "Inicio",
"fed": "Federado",
"home": "Home",
"fed": "Federated",
"fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
"dm": "Direct Message",
"integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
@ -139,59 +137,59 @@
"bookmark": "Bookmarks",
"showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
"webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(<a href='' target='_blank'>Code</a>/<a href='' target='_blank'>TJDeck</a>).",
"add": "Añadir",
"search": "Buscar",
"sortSet": "Ordenar",
"add": "Add",
"search": "Search",
"sortSet": "Sort",
"selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
"listLocale": "Lista",
"filterWord": "Palabras filtradas",
"degree": "Filtrar contextos",
"conver": "Conversaciones",
"prof": "Perfiles",
"option": "Ajustes",
"matchWord": "Palabra completa",
"listLocale": "List",
"filterWord": "Filtering words",
"degree": "Filter contexts",
"conver": "Conversations",
"prof": "Profiles",
"option": "Options",
"matchWord": "Whole word",
"warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
"except": "Soltar en lugar de ocultar",
"exceptWorn": "Los toots filtrados desaparecerán para siempre, incluso si el filtro es eliminado más tarde",
"avalableBefore": "Vence después de",
"warnAvBefore": "Desmarcado o \"0\" significa \"Nunca\"",
"warnAvBefore2": "Este valor puede contener algún error",
"unlimited": "Nunca",
"days": "día(s)",
"hours": "hora(s)",
"mins": "minuto(s)",
"secs": "segundo(s)",
"except": "Drop instead of hide",
"exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
"avalableBefore": "Expire after",
"warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
"warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
"unlimited": "Never",
"days": "day(s)",
"hours": "hour(s)",
"mins": "minute(s)",
"secs": "second(s)",
"warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
"helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) <b>All data will be deleted.</b>",
"addColumn": "Añadir una columna",
"sortColumns": "Ordenar",
"acctMan": "Gestor de cuentas",
"filter": "Filtro",
"setting": "Preferencias",
"reverse": "Invertir el diseño del botón de toot",
"f5": "Recargar TL",
"nanoDes": "El Mastodon más pequeño,",
"verTips": "Versión",
"clockTips": "Reloj",
"ramTips": "Estado de RAM",
"changeTips": "Cambiar Consejos",
"helpAndLogs": "Ayuda y registro",
"help": "Ayuda",
"contactwithlog": "Si me notificas errores con este registro, puedo detectar lo que está mal más fácilmente.",
"about": "Acerca de TheDesk",
"hereAddColumns": "<- Añadir TL",
"foundBug": "He encontrado un error",
"show": "Mostrar",
"directory": "Directorio",
"discover": "Descubrir",
"active": "Recientemente activo",
"newcomer": "Recién llegados",
"local_only": "Solo local",
"menu": "Menú",
"demoBottomBtns": "Guía de bienvenida",
"lookAtBottom": "Mira en la parte inferior de esta ventana. Aquí tienes algunos consejos sobre ella.",
"acctManDesc": "Añadir más cuentas y cerrar sesión.",
"settingDesc": "Muchísimos ajustes. ¡No podrás comprobarlo todo!",
"nanoDescPlus": "Cliente en ventana reducida (experimental)",
"menuDesc": "Todos los ajustes diarios de TheDesk y Mastodon como <b>añadir y ordenar columnas</b>, <b>comprobar la lista y los filtros</b>."
"addColumn": "Add a column",
"sortColumns": "Sort",
"acctMan": "Account Manager",
"filter": "Filter",
"setting": "Preferences",
"reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
"f5": "Reload TL",
"nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
"verTips": "Version",
"clockTips": "Clock",
"ramTips": "RAM status",
"changeTips": "Change Tips",
"helpAndLogs": "Help & Log",
"help": "Help",
"contactwithlog": "If you tell me bugs(not working or something) with this log, I can detect what is wrong more easily.",
"about": "About TheDesk",
"hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
"foundBug": "I found a bug",
"show": "Show",
"directory": "Directory",
"discover": "Discover",
"active": "Recently active",
"newcomer": "New arrivals",
"local_only": "Local only",
"menu": "Menu",
"demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
"lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
"acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
"settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
"nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
"menuDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like <b>add and sort columns</b>, <b>list and filter check</b>."
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"language": "en",
"lang_toot": "Toot",
"lang_there": "Sí",
"lang_nothing": "Ninguno",
"lang_yesno": "Sí",
"lang_no": "Nu",
"lang_there": "Yes",
"lang_nothing": "None",
"lang_yesno": "Yes",
"lang_no": "No",
"lang_progress": "Wait...",
"lang_edit": "Edit",
"lang_del": "Delete",
"lang_add": "Añadir",
"lang_add": "Add",
"lang_fatalerroroccured": "Error",
"lang_speech": "Google US English",
"lang_lang": "Language",
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
"lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
"lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
"lang_manager_def": "Default",
"lang_manager_none": "Ninguno",
"lang_manager_none": "None",
"lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
"lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
"lang_manager_maxChars": "Max chars of toots",
"lang_manager_refreshAt": "Login with this domain",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
"lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
"lang_emoji_custom": "Emojis personalizados",
"lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
"lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
"lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
"lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
@ -75,22 +75,22 @@
"lang_post_offline": "Add to the drafts because of offline",
"lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
"lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
"lang_status_follow": "Seguir",
"lang_status_follow": "Follow",
"lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
"lang_status_block": "Bloquear",
"lang_status_block": "Block",
"lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
"lang_status_mute": "Silenciar",
"lang_status_mute": "Mute",
"lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
"lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
"lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
"lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
"lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
"lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
"lang_status_endorse": "Destacado en el perfil",
"lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
"lang_status_followers": "Followers",
"lang_status_active": "Last status",
"lang_secure_draft": "Add to draft",
"lang_secure_useThis": "Usar esto",
"lang_secure_useThis": "Use this",
"lang_secure_deleteThis": "Delete this",
"lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
"lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"lang_filter_nodata": "Sin datos",
"lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
"lang_list_nodata": "Sin datos",
"lang_list_show": "Mostrar",
"lang_list_show": "Show",
"lang_list_users": "Users list",
"lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
"lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,17 +168,14 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Seguir para añadir este usuario a una lista.",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
"lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
"lang_status_requesting": "Requesting",
"lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
@ -188,11 +184,11 @@
"lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
"lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
"lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
"lang_parse_cwshow": "Mostrar",
"lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
"lang_parse_cwshow_acc": "This is a post with content warning. click to show the whole content",
"lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
"lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
"lang_parse_more": "Más",
"lang_parse_more": "More",
"lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
"lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
@ -243,8 +239,8 @@
"lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
"lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_home": "Inicio",
"lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Seguidor",
"lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
"lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
"lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
"lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
"lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"setting": "Preferencias",
"set": "Guardar",
"yes": "Sí",
"no": "Nu",
"none": "Ninguno",
"show": "Mostrar",
"hide": "Ocultar",
"setting": "Preferences",
"set": "Save",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"none": "None",
"show": "Show",
"hide": "Hide",
"default": "Default",
"change": "Cambiar",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"exec": "Ejecutar",
"exec": "Exec",
"env": "Preferencias del sistema",
"setlang": "Idiomas",
"backup": "Importación y exportación de la configuración",
"backupWarn": "Si recibe un error al seleccionar el archivo, por favor pegue el texto recibido y haga clic en importar",
"backupWarn": "If you get an error when you choose the file, please paste the strings printed when you open the file and click import",
"import": "Importar",
"export": "Exportar",
"hardwareAcceleration": "Deshabilitar la aceleración por hardware",
"hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Reinicio automático",
"webview": "Integración de Webview",
"webviewWarn": "Para usar la Integración de TweetDeck, por favor actívala. Tenga en cuenta que puede reducir el nivel de seguridad.",
"webview": "Webview Integration",
"webviewWarn": "To use TweetDeck Integration, please turn it on. Please be aware that it may lessen the security level.",
"theme": "Temas",
"popup": "Notificación emergente (en Windows)",
"popupwarn": "Ocultar para establecer \"0\"",
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"nativenotf": "Notificación nativa",
"nnwarn": "Esto no funciona en la versión portable para Windows.",
"nntest": "Prueba de notificación",
"width": "Ancho de columnas",
"widthwarn": "La barra de desplazamiento se mostrará cuando el tamaño de la ventana sea superior a la cantidad de columnas.",
"width": "Width of columns",
"widthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than amounts of columns.",
"fixwidth": "Ancho mínimo del navegador TweetDeck",
"fixwidthwarn": "",
"margin": "Margen entre líneas de tiempo",
"margin": "Margin between timelines",
"above": "arriba",
"font": "Fuente",
"fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
@ -44,31 +44,31 @@
"frameWarn": "If 'off', the window looks cool.",
"downloadWin": "Versioning(o Windows downloader)",
"absolute": "valor absoluto",
"srcUrl": "Motor de búsqueda",
"srcUrlWarn": "{q} será sustituido en la consulta.",
"srcUrl": "Search engine",
"srcUrlWarn": "{q} will be replaced to query.",
"themeSel": "Seleccionar tema",
"customtheme": "Editar y añadir temas personalizados",
"customthemeDirection": "Esquema de colores",
"advanced": "Opciones avanzadas (6 colores adicionales)",
"advancedWarn": "",
"use": "Usar esto",
"copyFrom": "Copiar desde",
"bg": "Color de fondo",
"subcolor": "Distinguible del fondo",
"text": "Color del texto",
"accent": "Fondo de los retoots",
"use": "Use this",
"copyFrom": "Copy from",
"bg": "Background color",
"subcolor": "Distinguishable from background",
"text": "Text color",
"accent": "Background of boosts",
"modal": "Background of modal window",
"modalFooter": "Fondo del pie de página de la ventana modal",
"thirdColor": "Fondo de botones de etiquetas, etc. (cerca de fondo)",
"forthColor": "Barra de título (mismo esquema que el fondo)",
"bottom": "Fondo de la barra de menús en la parte inferior de la ventana",
"modalFooter": "Background of modal window's footer",
"thirdColor": "Backgroud of tag buttons, etc(near to Background)",
"forthColor": "Title bar(same scheme to Background)",
"bottom": "Background of menu-bar at the bottom of the window",
"emphasized": "Emphasized toot's background",
"postbox": "Background of post-box and menu",
"active": "Fondo de elementos 'activos'",
"active": "Background of 'active' elements",
"selected": "Background of selected with arrow keys",
"selectedWithShare": "Background of selected with arrow keys(boosted toots)",
"add_new": "Añadir nuevo",
"name": "Nombre",
"add_new": "Add new",
"name": "Name",
"desc": "About this theme",
"customImport": "Import of custom themes",
"delete": "Delete",
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
"lines": "lines",
"letters": "letters",
"or": "o",
"or": "or",
"imgheight": "Height of images",
"imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
"ticker": "Enable OpenSticker",
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@
"keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
"keyesc": "Hide toot box",
"keyf5": "Super Reload",
"keyclear": "Borrar caja de toot",
"keyacctman": "Gestor de cuentas",
"keyclear": "Clear toot box",
"keyacctman": "Account Manager",
"keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
"keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
"keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
@ -231,10 +231,10 @@
"keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
"reset": "Reset(Danger)",
"resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo this operation. Continue?",
"about": "Acerca de TheDesk",
"about": "About TheDesk",
"hp": "Website",
"support": "Support",
"help": "Ayuda",
"help": "Help",
"sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
"checkup": "Check update",
"ossJP": ""
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"updatehere": "Obtener el último TheDesk",
"download": "Inicio",
"portable": "Version portable",
"installer": "Instalador (Recomendado)",
"updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
"download": "Start",
"portable": "Portable ver.",
"installer": "Installer(Recommended)",
"linux": "zip",
"linuxdeb": "deb(Recomendado en ubuntu, Debian)",
"linuxsnap": "instantánea",
"snap": "Consíguelo en Snapcraft",
"sureupd": "¡Podrías perder una experiencia genial!",
"skipupd": "Saltar esta actualización",
"nexttl": "Oculto hasta la próxima carga de TL",
"nextver": "Oculto hasta la próxima versión",
"problem1": "¿Algún problema?",
"problem2": "Por favor, descarga desde <a href=''>enlace oficial</a>.",
"continue": "Continuar con la actualización",
"dlnow": "Descargando...",
"checkWhatIsNew": "Novedades"
"linuxdeb": "deb(Recommended on buntu, Debian)",
"linuxsnap": "snap",
"snap": "Get it on Snapcraft",
"sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
"skipupd": "Skip this update",
"nexttl": "Hidden until next TL loading",
"nextver": "Hidden until next version",
"problem1": "Some problems?",
"problem2": "Please download on <a href=''>Oficial HP</a>.",
"continue": "Continue updating",
"dlnow": "Downloading...",
"checkWhatIsNew": "What is new?"
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "TL fédérée après ce pouet",
"favedPeople": "Personnes qui l'ont mis en favori",
"btedPeople": "Personnes qui l'ont boosté",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Utiliser un autre compte",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav et unBT sont désactivés.",
"btWithVis": "Boost avec visibilité",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favoris",
"openBrowser": "Ouvrir dans un navigateur",
"screenshot": "Prendre une capture d'écran",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copier l'URL",
"copy": "Copier",
"embed": "Embarquer",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "En cours...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST des marqueurs. Veuillez patienter",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Téléchargé:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copié: URL de cette image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Allez en haut de cette colonne. Lorsque l'icône est rouge, cette colonne ne peut pas connecter l'API de streaming. Veuillez recharger.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} de ce compte",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "Cela prendra entre 30 secondes de quelques minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Impossible de requêter Misskey.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "Cet utilisateur est protégé par {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Ce compte a migré ailleurs",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continuer sur le nouveau compte",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Vous suit",
"lang_parse_request": "Demandes de suivi",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domaine ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Suivre pour ajouter cet utilisateur aux listes.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federato TL dopo questo toot",
"favedPeople": "Persone che lo hanno favorito",
"btedPeople": "Persone che lo hanno potenziato",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Usa un altro account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav e unBT sono disabilitati.",
"btWithVis": "Potenziamento con visibilità",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Preferito",
"openBrowser": "Apri nel browser",
"screenshot": "Cattura una schermata",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copia l'URL",
"copy": "Copia",
"embed": "Incorpora",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Elabora...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "Dati dei marcatori POST. Attendere prego",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Scaricato:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copiato: URL di questa immagine",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Vai in cima a questa colonna. Quando l'icona è rossa, questa colonna non può collegare l'API di stringa. Si prega di ricaricare.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} di questo account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "Ci vorranno 30 ~ diversi minuti",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey non è possibile richiedere.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "Questo utente è verificato da {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Questo account è stato spostato",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continua sul nuovo account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Seguendoti",
"lang_parse_request": "Segui la richiesta",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notifica ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Dominio ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Segui per aggiungere questo utente alle liste.",
@ -19,6 +19,5 @@
"accessTokenSetup": "アクセストークン使うてもいけるで(コードの代わりにアクセストークンを入れてクリックしてな: 一見さんお断り)",
"redo": "もっぺんやる"
"accessTokenSetup": "アクセストークン使うてもいけるで(コードの代わりにアクセストークンを入れてクリックしてな: 一見さんお断り)"
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
"lang_manager_godev": "",
"lang_manager_logout": "ログアウト",
"lang_manager_refreshAt": "このドメインでログイン",
"lang_manager_codesetup_title": "コードスキップログイン",
"lang_manager_codesetup": "ログインできひんのやったら、「キャンセル」を押してな",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDeskのMisskeyは、@を返信として扱うけんど、全ての@はなおされて別パラメータになってまう。ついでに、「未収載」は「ホーム」扱いや。",
"lang_emoji_get": "絵文字リスト引っ張ってくる",
"lang_emoji_custom": "カスタム絵文字",
@ -165,7 +163,6 @@
"lang_spotify_acct": "まずアカウント連携をしてな",
"lang_spotify_np": "NowPlayingするときのやつを変えたで",
"lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlayingのソースを{{set}}にしたで",
"lang_setting_webview_warn": "TweetDeckをカラムとして追加するには、TheDeskの環境設定でWebViewをオンにする必要があります。",
"lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Mastodon 2.4.3~だけやで",
"lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "非フォローやけど絡みある人らや。",
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "30秒から数分かかることがあるで",
@ -181,8 +178,6 @@
"lang_showontl_domain": "ドメイン",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "リストに追加すんにはまずフォローしてな。",
"lang_showontl_verified": "このサイトはこの人のやつやってわかってる。",
"lang_parse_request": "フォローリクエスト",
"lang_parse_signup": "新規登録",
"lang_parse_mentioned": "が返信したで",
"lang_parse_faved": "がお気に入り登録したで",
"lang_parse_bted": "がブーストしたで",
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
"autocwwarn": "下で指定した以上のトゥートを投稿しよ思ったらCWするかのダイアログが出るで。",
"defaultcw": "デフォルトの警告文",
"cws": "標準でCWを設定",
"cwContinue": "CWを維持する",
"defaultvis": "デフォルトの公開設定",
"public": "公開(Public)",
"unlisted": "未収載(Unlisted)",
@ -21,6 +21,5 @@
"misskeylogin":"<a href=\"\">ドキュメント</a>を参照して正しいコードを入れてください。",
"accessTokenSetup": "アクセストークンを用いたセットアップ(コードの代わりにアクセストークンを入力してクリックしてください: 上級者向け)",
"haveExported": "設定をインポートしたい場合、ここをクリックして設定画面に飛んでください",
"redo": "やり直し"
"haveExported": "設定をインポートしたい場合、ここをクリックして設定画面に飛んでください"
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@
"lang_manager_logout": "ログアウト",
"lang_manager_maxChars": "投稿最大文字数",
"lang_manager_refreshAt": "このドメインでログイン",
"lang_manager_codesetup_title": "コードスキップログイン",
"lang_manager_codesetup": "うまくログインできなかった場合、「キャンセル」を押してください",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDeskにおけるMisskeyでは、@を返信として扱いますが、全ての@は消去され別パラメータに入力されます。また、「未収載」を「ホーム」として扱います。",
"lang_emoji_get": "絵文字リストを取得",
"lang_emoji_custom": "カスタム絵文字",
@ -167,7 +165,6 @@
"lang_spotify_acct": "アカウント連携をしてください。",
"lang_spotify_np": "NowPlaying文書を更新しました。",
"lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlayingのソースを{{set}}に設定しました。",
"lang_setting_webview_warn": "TweetDeckをカラムとして追加するには、TheDeskの環境設定でWebViewをオンにする必要があります。",
"lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Mastodon 2.4.3~が必要です",
"lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "非フォローだけど絡みがある時に表示されます。",
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "30秒から数分かかります",
@ -180,7 +177,6 @@
"lang_showontl_botacct": "botアカウント",
"lang_showontl_followed": "フォローされています",
"lang_parse_request": "フォローリクエスト",
"lang_parse_signup": "新規登録",
"lang_showontl_notf": "通知",
"lang_showontl_domain": "ドメイン",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "リストに追加するためにはフォローが必要です。",
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@
"autocwwarn": "下で指定した以上のトゥートを投稿するときにCWするかのダイアログを表示します。",
"defaultcw": "デフォルトの警告文",
"cws": "標準でCWを設定",
"cwContinue": "CWを維持する",
"defaultvis": "デフォルトの公開設定",
"public": "公開(Public)",
"unlisted": "未収載(Unlisted)",
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
"list": "List of accounts",
"back": "Back",
"add": "Add an account",
"addAcct": "Fill the instance domain (like",
"codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
"codesetup": "Code setup",
"mainacct": "Main an account",
"selacct": "Select an account",
"codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
"codepaste": "Code",
"domain": "Domain",
"connect": "Federated servers",
"toots": "Toots",
"users": "Users",
"users2": "users",
"safety": "Connection",
"ver": "Mastodon version",
"ko": "",
"thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
"misskeylogin": "Read <a href=\"\">Docs(ja)</a> to login Misskey.",
"nodata": "No data",
"accessTokenSetup": "Use access token to login(click after fill not code but access-token in box: Advanced)",
"haveExported": "Having the exported file of TheDesk, click here to jump setting page"
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
"draghere": "Drag here to upload",
"nowOffline": "OFFLINE: all of your post is in the draft box and you should reload after re-connect to the Internet",
"reOnline": "Now we are in the Internet, you should reload...",
"close": "Close",
"webSrc": "Search on Web",
"tsSrc": "Search on tootsearch",
"showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
"closethisbox": "Close this box",
"toot": "Toot",
"post-new": "Post new",
"nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
"cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
"selfile": "Attach..",
"insertEmoji": "Emojis",
"schedule": "Scheduled toot",
"postat": "Post at",
"scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
"clearToot": "Clear toot box",
"replyMode": "Reply",
"no": "No",
"yes": "Yes",
"temp": "Attaching files",
"nothing": "None",
"stamp": "Stamp",
"stampWarn": "Your acct( is printed on the right-bottom of the uploaded image",
"vis": "Adjust status privacy",
"cwtext": "Warning text",
"selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
"publicJP": "",
"unlistedJP": "",
"privateJP": "",
"localJP": "Local only",
"sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
"directJP": "",
"emojiWarn": "",
"emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
"refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
"closeThisBox": "Close this box",
"showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
"customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
"peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
"natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
"foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
"activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
"placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
"thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
"symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
"flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
"draft": "Draft",
"poll": "Poll",
"pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
"pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
"polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
"choice": "Choice",
"pollmulti": "Multiple select",
"expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
"contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
"thisToot": "This toot",
"contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
"beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
"beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
"afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
"afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
"reply": "Reply",
"bt": "Boost",
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
"toots": "Toots",
"follow": "Follow",
"follower": "Follower",
"utlColumn": "Show as a column",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
"list": "List",
"makeNew": "Save",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"mutes": "Mutes",
"notfMute": "Mute their notifications too",
"zeroSetToInfinity": "Mute duration: 0 min to set Infinity",
"block": "Block",
"mute": "Mute",
"domainBlock": "Domain block",
"editProf": "Edit profile",
"change": "Save",
"followReq": "Follow requests",
"likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
"endorse": "Feature on profile",
"openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
"mainacct": "Set it an main account",
"frc": "Suggest",
"more": "More",
"revoverJP": " to ",
"warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
"revoverJPde": "",
"or": "or",
"openProf": "Show profile",
"warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
"blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
"name": "Display name",
"note": "Note",
"editProfImg": "Change avataor",
"editHeader": "Change header image",
"blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
"likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
"get": "Get",
"historyBack": "Back",
"empUser": "Emphasize this user",
"supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
"TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
"PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
"PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
"AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
"SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
"SendAmazonGift2": "",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"once": "Once",
"local": "Local",
"localMedia": "Local(Media)",
"home": "Home",
"fed": "Federated",
"fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
"dm": "Direct Message",
"integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
"localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
"notf": "Notifications",
"bookmark": "Bookmarks",
"showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
"webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(<a href='' target='_blank'>Code</a>/<a href='' target='_blank'>TJDeck</a>).",
"add": "Add",
"search": "Search",
"sortSet": "Sort",
"selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
"listLocale": "List",
"filterWord": "Filtering words",
"degree": "Filter contexts",
"conver": "Conversations",
"prof": "Profiles",
"option": "Options",
"matchWord": "Whole word",
"warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
"except": "Drop instead of hide",
"exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
"avalableBefore": "Expire after",
"warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
"warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
"unlimited": "Never",
"days": "day(s)",
"hours": "hour(s)",
"mins": "minute(s)",
"secs": "second(s)",
"warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
"helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) <b>All data will be deleted.</b>",
"addColumn": "Add a column",
"sortColumns": "Sort",
"acctMan": "Account Manager",
"filter": "Filter",
"setting": "Preferences",
"reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
"f5": "Reload TL",
"nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
"verTips": "Version",
"clockTips": "Clock",
"ramTips": "RAM status",
"changeTips": "Change Tips",
"helpAndLogs": "Help & Log",
"help": "Help",
"contactwithlog": "If you tell me bugs(not working or something) with this log, I can detect what is wrong more easily.",
"about": "About TheDesk",
"hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
"foundBug": "I found a bug",
"show": "Show",
"directory": "Directory",
"discover": "Discover",
"active": "Recently active",
"newcomer": "New arrivals",
"local_only": "Local only",
"menu": "Menu",
"demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
"lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
"acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
"settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
"nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
"menuDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like <b>add and sort columns</b>, <b>list and filter check</b>."
@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
"language": "en",
"lang_toot": "Toot",
"lang_there": "Yes",
"lang_nothing": "None",
"lang_yesno": "Yes",
"lang_no": "No",
"lang_progress": "Wait...",
"lang_edit": "Edit",
"lang_del": "Delete",
"lang_add": "Add",
"lang_fatalerroroccured": "Error",
"lang_speech": "Google US English",
"lang_lang": "Language",
"lang_langlocale": "English",
"lang_back": "Back",
"lang_set": "Set",
"lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</a>. TheDesk needs your help.",
"lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
"lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
"lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
"lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
"lang_time_inPast": null,
"lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
"lang_time_minute": "1 m",
"lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
"lang_time_hour": "1 h",
"lang_time_hours": "%d h",
"lang_time_day": "1 d",
"lang_time_days": "%d d",
"lang_time_month": "1 month",
"lang_time_months": "%d months",
"lang_time_year": "y",
"lang_time_years": "%d y",
"lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
"lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
"lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
"lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
"lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
"lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
"lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
"lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
"lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
"lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
"lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
"lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
"lang_manager_def": "Default",
"lang_manager_none": "None",
"lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
"lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
"lang_manager_maxChars": "Max chars of toots",
"lang_manager_refreshAt": "Login with this domain",
"lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
"lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
"lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
"lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
"lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
"lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
"lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
"lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
"lang_postimg_delete": "Click to add description, right-click to delete this",
"lang_postimg_desc": "Description",
"lang_postimg_leadContext": "right-click the thumbnail to delete this",
"lang_post_syncDetail": "Upload media synchronously",
"lang_post_syncDetailText": "Click each picture icon to get the thumbnail. If you can get, the media you uploaded are completely processed.",
"lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
"lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
"lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
"lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
"lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
"lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
"lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
"lang_post_unfinishedMedia": "The server has not finished processing your media. Retry.",
"lang_post_retry": "Retry",
"lang_post_offline": "Add to the drafts because of offline",
"lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
"lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
"lang_status_follow": "Follow",
"lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
"lang_status_block": "Block",
"lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
"lang_status_mute": "Mute",
"lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
"lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
"lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
"lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
"lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
"lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
"lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
"lang_status_followers": "Followers",
"lang_status_active": "Last status",
"lang_secure_draft": "Add to draft",
"lang_secure_useThis": "Use this",
"lang_secure_deleteThis": "Delete this",
"lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
"lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
"lang_cards_check": " check",
"lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
"lang_cards_trusted": "Trusted embed HTML by TheDesk(Twitter, nicovideo, YouTube, Spotify, twitcasing)",
"lang_cards_untrusted": "Untrusted embed HTML by TheDesk",
"lang_details_nodata": "No data",
"lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
"lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
"lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
"lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
"lang_details_fetch": "Fetcging toot data...",
"lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
"lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
"lang_list_nodata": "No data",
"lang_list_show": "Show",
"lang_list_users": "Users list",
"lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
"lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
"lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
"lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
"lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
"lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
"lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
"lang_src_people": " people toot",
"lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
"lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
"lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
"lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
"lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
"lang_tl_media": "Media",
"lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
"lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
"lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
"lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
"lang_layout_remoteOnly": "Remote only",
"lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
"lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
"lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
"lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload",
"lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
"lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]<br>F5/⌘+R to reload",
"lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
"lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
"lang_layout_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
"lang_layout_mention": "Mentions",
"lang_layout_fav": "Favourites",
"lang_layout_bt": "Boosts",
"lang_layout_poll": "Polls",
"lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode",
"lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
"lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
"lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
"lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
"lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
"lang_layout_tagManager": "Tag timeline manager",
"lang_layout_announ": "Announcement: the counter is the number of your unread announcements. If not shown, it means announcements are all marked as read.",
"lang_layout_resetWidth": "Stretch this column",
"lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
"lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
"lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
"lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
"lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
"lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
"lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
"lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
"lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
"lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
"lang_status_requesting": "Requesting",
"lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
"lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
"lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
"lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
"lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
"lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
"lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
"lang_parse_cwshow_acc": "This is a post with content warning. click to show the whole content",
"lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
"lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
"lang_parse_more": "More",
"lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
"lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
"lang_parse_public": "Public",
"lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
"lang_parse_private": "Private",
"lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
"lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
"lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
"lang_parse_trans": "Translate to English",
"lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
"lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
"lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
"lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
"lang_parse_bookmark": "Bookmark this",
"lang_parse_unbookmark": "Unbookmark this",
"lang_parse_del": "Delete this",
"lang_parse_pin": "Pin this",
"lang_parse_unpin": "Unpin this",
"lang_parse_link": "Open in a browser",
"lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
"lang_parse_detail": "Details",
"lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
"lang_parse_moved": "Moved to...",
"lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
"lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
"lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
"lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
"lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
"lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
"lang_parse_voted": "(Voted)",
"lang_parse_myvote": "(My own poll)",
"lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
"lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
"lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
"lang_parse_people": "people",
"lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
"lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
"lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
"lang_parse_html": "Show embed HTML",
"lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
"lang_parse_hidden": "Unvisible quoted toot",
"lang_parse_disconnected": "Streaming has been disconnected(retry after 3s)",
"lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
"lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
"lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
"lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
"lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
"lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
"lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
"lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
"lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
"lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
"lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
"lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_compat": "Compatible",
"lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_off": "Off",
"lang_setting_s": "s",
"lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
"lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
"lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_default": "default font",
"lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
"lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
"lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
"lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
"lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
"lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
"lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
"lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
"lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted.",
"lang_setting_noupd": "No available update",
"lang_setting_thisisbeta": "This is beta version. You have to update manually."
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
"setting": "Preferences",
"set": "Save",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"none": "None",
"show": "Show",
"hide": "Hide",
"default": "Default",
"change": "Change",
"select": "Select",
"exec": "Exec",
"env": "System Preferences",
"setlang": "Languages",
"backup": "Import and export of preferences",
"backupWarn": "If you get an error when you choose the file, please paste the strings printed when you open the file and click import",
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
"hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
"webview": "Webview Integration",
"webviewWarn": "To use TweetDeck Integration, please turn it on. Please be aware that it may lessen the security level.",
"theme": "Themes",
"popup": "Popup notification",
"popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
"s": "sec",
"nativenotf": "Native notification",
"nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
"nntest": "Notification test",
"width": "Width of columns",
"widthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than amounts of columns.",
"fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
"fixwidthwarn": "",
"margin": "Margin between timelines",
"above": "above",
"font": "Font",
"fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(On Linux, it may not work.)",
"fontsize": "Font size",
"savefolder": "Folder to save",
"savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it tries to save pictures or take screenshots.",
"useragent": "User agent",
"useragentWarn": "Restart when changed",
"frame": "Window frame",
"frameWarn": "If 'off', the window looks cool.",
"downloadWin": "Versioning(o Windows downloader)",
"absolute": "absolute value",
"srcUrl": "Search engine",
"srcUrlWarn": "{q} will be replaced to query.",
"themeSel": "Select theme",
"customtheme": "Edit and add themes",
"customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
"advanced": "Advanced options",
"advancedWarn": "",
"use": "Use this",
"copyFrom": "Copy from",
"bg": "Background color",
"subcolor": "Distinguishable from background",
"text": "Text color",
"accent": "Background of boosts",
"modal": "Background of modal window",
"modalFooter": "Background of modal window's footer",
"thirdColor": "Backgroud of tag buttons, etc(near to Background)",
"forthColor": "Title bar(same scheme to Background)",
"bottom": "Background of menu-bar at the bottom of the window",
"emphasized": "Emphasized toot's background",
"postbox": "Background of post-box and menu",
"active": "Background of 'active' elements",
"selected": "Background of selected with arrow keys",
"selectedWithShare": "Background of selected with arrow keys(boosted toots)",
"add_new": "Add new",
"name": "Name",
"desc": "About this theme",
"customImport": "Import of custom themes",
"delete": "Delete",
"preview": "Preview",
"timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
"timemode": "Time format",
"relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
"absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
"mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
"relativesel": "Relative",
"absolutesel": "Absolute",
"doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
"mixsel": "Mixed",
"locale": "Server's unique locale",
"localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
"nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
"nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
"cw": "Hide CW contents",
"replyct": "Reply counter style",
"replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
"replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
"gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
"box": "Action of posting-box",
"boxyes": "Folding",
"boxabs": "Absolutely open",
"boxno": "Open after posting",
"tag": "Tag TL Search",
"tagfed": "Use federated network",
"taglocal": "Use local network",
"via": "Show via",
"mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
"mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
"mv": "Mouseover to show",
"mvclick": "Click to show",
"notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
"autofold": "Auto folding",
"autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
"lines": "lines",
"letters": "letters",
"or": "or",
"imgheight": "Height of images",
"imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
"ticker": "Enable OpenSticker",
"tickerwarn": "Show the instance name and favicon of tooters <a href=\"\">About OpenSticker</a>",
"animation": "Animation of timelines",
"markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
"markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
"remote_img": "Get images from the remote server",
"remote_imgWarn": "All previews are got from your loginned cache server.",
"moreContextMode": "Context Tool",
"moreContextModeWarn": "On detail of the toot modal, show toots before / after the toot on LTL, FTL, UTL",
"smallHeader": "Minimize column headers",
"replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
"favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
"btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
"followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
"customSound": "Custom sound",
"post": "Posting Preferences",
"autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
"autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
"defaultcw": "Default warining text",
"cws": "Always CW set",
"defaultvis": "Default visibility",
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
"private": "Private",
"direct": "Direct",
"memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
"useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
"postimg": "Posting images preferences",
"showurl": "Insert media URL",
"nourl": "Insert nothig",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"quote": "Quote format",
"simple": "Only URL",
"mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
"full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
"notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
"apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
"showBookmarkAction": "Show a bookmarking toot button",
"scrollBar": "Height of the scroll bar",
"thin": "Thin",
"normal": "Normal",
"thick": "Thick",
"main": "Default accounts of actions",
"mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
"lastacct": "Account you used recently",
"usemainacct": "Main account",
"secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
"secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
"nothing": "Hidden",
"localonly": "Local Only",
"zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
"uploadCrop": "Auto scale to fit",
"uploadCropWarn": "Max long-side px. Uploaded images are converted to JPEG(from JPEG) or PNG(from others). Set 0 and the images will not be resized. Note: if you post an animated picture like a GIF, it will be converted to a static picture.",
"keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
"iks": "Easy inserter",
"okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
"plugin": "Plugins",
"howToWritePlugin": "Japanese docs of AiScript TheDesk plugins",
"pluginList": "Plugin list",
"muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
"climute": "Client Mute",
"cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
"cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
"enter": "Enter to set",
"wordmute": "Words Mute",
"wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
"useremp": "Users Emphasis",
"useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
"empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
"spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
"spotifynote1": "Click ",
"spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
"link": "Account Connection",
"linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on server.",
"connect": "Connect",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"lastFmWarn": "User name...(empty to disconnect) You cannot hide your recent play log at privacy settings.",
"templateedit": "Edit a template",
"templateeditwarn": "",
"template1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
"template2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
"template3": "",
"postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
"searchArtwork": "If the song has no artwork, automatic complete it(macOS)",
"searchArtworkWarn": "If you nowplaying an non-artwork song, get one which seems nice through API. If you do not like the completed artwork, you can right-click it to delete.",
"tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
"bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
"bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
"speed": "Speed",
"speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
"vol": "Volume",
"volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
"volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
"test": "Test",
"sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
"playstop": "Play/Stop",
"back": "Back",
"keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
"keynew": "Open toot box",
"keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
"keypost": "Post",
"keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
"keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
"keyesc": "Hide toot box",
"keyf5": "Super Reload",
"keyclear": "Clear toot box",
"keyacctman": "Account Manager",
"keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
"keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
"keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
"whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
"fav": "Favourite this toot",
"bt": "Boost this toot",
"reply": "Reply to this toot",
"keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
"reset": "Reset(Danger)",
"resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo this operation. Continue?",
"about": "About TheDesk",
"hp": "Website",
"support": "Support",
"help": "Help",
"sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
"checkup": "Check update",
"ossJP": ""
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
"updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
"download": "Start",
"portable": "Portable ver.",
"installer": "Installer(Recommended)",
"linux": "zip",
"linuxdeb": "deb(Recommended on buntu, Debian)",
"linuxsnap": "snap",
"snap": "Get it on Snapcraft",
"sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
"skipupd": "Skip this update",
"nexttl": "Hidden until next TL loading",
"nextver": "Hidden until next version",
"problem1": "Some problems?",
"problem2": "Please download on <a href=''>Oficial HP</a>.",
"continue": "Continue updating",
"dlnow": "Downloading...",
"checkWhatIsNew": "What is new?"
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "Folk som favorittmarkerte den",
"btedPeople": "Folk som dyttet den",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Bruk annen konto",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Dytt med synlighet",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favorittmarker",
"openBrowser": "Åpne i nettleser",
"screenshot": "Ta skjermbilde",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Kopier bildeadressen",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Bygg inn",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Behandler...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Lastet ned:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Kopiert: bildets URL",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "Det vil ta 30s ~ flere minutter",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey er ikke i stand til å spørre etter.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "Denne kontoen er flyttet",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Fortsett på den nye kontoen",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Følger deg",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Varsler ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domene ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Følg for å legge til denne brukeren til lister.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Polub",
"openBrowser": "Otwórz w przeglądarce",
"screenshot": "Zrób zrzut ekranu",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Skopiuj adres URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Osadzony",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "Pessoas que favoritaram",
"btedPeople": "Pessoas que impulsionaram",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Capturar tela",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copiar o link",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Открыть в браузере",
"screenshot": "Сделать скриншот",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Копировать URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Подпишитесь, чтобы добавить этого пользователя в списки.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "ප්රියතම",
"openBrowser": "අතිරික්සුවෙන් විවෘතකරන්න",
"screenshot": "තිරසේයාවක් අරගන්න",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "ඒ.ස.නි. පිටපත් කරන්න",
"copy": "පිටපත්",
"embed": "Embed",
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
"lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
"lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
"lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
"lang_imgBin_copyDone": "Copied: raw data of this image",
"lang_img_copyDone": "Copied: URL of this image",
"lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
"lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
@ -169,14 +168,11 @@
"lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
"lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
"lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
"lang_showontl_limited_title": "Limited account",
"lang_showontl_limited": "This is limited account by moderator, show anyway?",
"lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
"lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
"lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
"lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
"lang_parse_request": "Follow request",
"lang_parse_signup": "Newface",
"lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
"lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
"lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
"afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
"favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
"btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
"editHistory": "Edit history",
"useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
"useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
"btWithVis": "Boost with visibility",
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
"favRegist": "Favourite",
"openBrowser": "Open in browser",
"screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
"copyBinary": "Copy raw image",
"copyURL": "Copy the URL",
"copy": "Copy",
"embed": "Embed",
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user