diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json
index faf55048..e97e70f7 100644
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json
+++ b/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
+ "list": "List of accounts",
+ "back": "Back",
+ "add": "Add an account",
+ "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
+ "codesetup": "Code setup",
+ "mainacct": "Main an account",
+ "selacct": "Select an account",
+ "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
+ "codepaste": "Code",
+ "domain": "Domain",
+ "connect": "Federated servers",
+ "toots": "Toots",
+ "users": "Users",
+ "users2": "users",
+ "safety": "Connection",
+ "ver": "Mastodon version",
+ "ko": "",
+ "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
+ "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
+ "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file