Today shinchoku
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ localStorage.removeItem('quoters')
//stable, 固定タグのことらしい。ふざけるな。
const acctList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('multi'))
function ck() {
const main = localStorage.getItem('main')
if (!main) {
localStorage.setItem('main', 0)
localStorage.setItem('main', '0')
@ -31,13 +32,26 @@ function ck() {
} else {
const obj = JSON.parse(multi)
const keymap = Object.keys(obj)
let req = false
for (let i = 0; i < keymap.length; i++) {
const key = keymap[i]
const acct = obj[key]
if (acct.domain) {
refresh(key, true)
req = refresh(key, true)
if(req) {
title: 'Reload required',
text: lang.lang_login_changedData,
type: 'info',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: lang.lang_no,
cancelButtonText: lang.lang_yesno
}).then(result => {
if(result) location.reload()
if (obj[0].domain) {
@ -55,9 +69,9 @@ function ck() {
async function refresh(target, loadskip) {
const multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
let obj = JSON.parse(multi)
const {mode, domain, at, background, text} = obj[target]
let obj = acctList
let requireReload = false
const { mode, domain, at, background, text, name, prof, vis } = obj[target]
if (mode == 'misskey') {
@ -73,31 +87,37 @@ async function refresh(target, loadskip) {
if (avatar == '/avatars/original/missing.png' || !avatar) {
avatar = './img/missing.svg'
let ref = {
at: at,
name: json['display_name'],
domain: domain,
user: json['acct'],
prof: avatar,
id: json['id'],
vis: json['source']['privacy']
const { newName, newProf, newVis } = json
if (newName != name || newProf != prof || newVis != vis) {
let ref = {
at: at,
name: json['display_name'],
domain: domain,
user: json['acct'],
prof: avatar,
id: json['id'],
vis: json['source']['privacy']
if (background) {
ref.background = background
if (text) {
ref.text = text
if (json['source']['sensitive']) {
localStorage.setItem('nsfw_' + target, true)
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('nsfw_' + target)
obj[target] = ref
const save = JSON.stringify(obj)
localStorage.setItem('multi', save)
requireReload = true
if (background) {
ref.background = background
if (text) {
ref.text = text
if (json['source']['sensitive']) {
localStorage.setItem('nsfw_' + target, 'true')
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('nsfw_' + target)
obj[target] = ref
const save = JSON.stringify(obj)
localStorage.setItem('multi', save)
if (!loadskip) {
} else {
return requireReload
@ -105,195 +125,118 @@ async function refresh(target, loadskip) {
function ckdb(acct_id) {
const domain = localStorage.getItem(`domain_${acct_id}`)
if (domain == '') {
localStorage.setItem('kirishima', 'true')
localStorage.setItem('kirishima', true)
} else if (domain == '') {
localStorage.setItem('imas', 'true')
localStorage.setItem('imas', true)
const at = localStorage.getItem(`acct_${acct_id}_at`)
const letters = `${domain}_letters`
const quoteMarker = `${domain}_quote`
if (idata) {
//check and replace json to idata
var json = idata
if (json[quoteMarker] == 'enabled') {
localStorage.setItem('quoters', 'true')
localStorage.setItem('quote_' + acct_id, 'true')
if (json[bbcode]) {
if (json[bbcode] == 'enabled') {
localStorage.setItem('bb_' + acct_id, 'true')
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('bb_' + acct_id)
$("[data-activates='bbcode']").prop('disabled', true)
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('bb_' + acct_id)
$("[data-activates='bbcode']").addClass('disabled', true)
if (json[domain + '_markdown'] == 'enabled') {
localStorage.setItem('md_' + acct_id, 'true')
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('bb_' + acct_id)
if (json[domain + '_home']) {
localStorage.setItem('home_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_home'])
if (json[domain + '_local']) {
localStorage.setItem('local_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_local'])
if (json[domain + '_public']) {
localStorage.setItem('public_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_public'])
if (json[domain + '_notification']) {
localStorage.setItem('notification_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_notification'])
if (json[domain + '_post']) {
localStorage.setItem('post_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_post'])
if (json[domain + '_fav']) {
localStorage.setItem('fav_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_fav'])
if (json[domain + '_bt']) {
localStorage.setItem('bt_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_bt'])
if (json[domain + '_follow']) {
localStorage.setItem('followlocale_' + acct_id, json[domain + '_follow'])
localStorage.setItem('quoters', true)
localStorage.setItem(`quote_${acct_id}`, true)
if (localStorage.getItem('mode_' + domain) != 'misskey') {
var start = 'https://' + domain + '/api/v1/instance'
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.then(function (response) {
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
.then(function (json) {
if (json.error) {
if (json) {
if (json['max_toot_chars']) {
localStorage.setItem('letters_' + acct_id, json['max_toot_chars'])
if (json['urls']['streaming_api']) {
localStorage.setItem('streaming_' + acct_id, json['urls']['streaming_api'])
} else {
localStorage.removeItem('streaming_' + acct_id)
} else {
if (!isMisskey(domain)) {
const start = `https://${domain}/api/v1/instance`
const json = getApi(start, null)
if (!json || json.error) {
const mtc = json['max_toot_chars']
if (mtc) {
localStorage.setItem(`letters_${acct_id}`, mtc)
if (json['feature_quote']) {
localStorage.setItem(`quote_${acct_id}`, true)
const str = json['urls']['streaming_api']
if (str) {
localStorage.setItem(`streaming_${acct_id}`, str)
function multiSelector(parseC) {
var multi = localStorage.getItem('multi')
if (!multi) {
var obj = []
var json = JSON.stringify(obj)
localStorage.setItem('multi', json)
} else {
var obj = JSON.parse(multi)
var templete
if (!acctList) return false
const obj = acctList
let template
let lastUsed = '0'
if (localStorage.getItem('mainuse') == 'main') {
var last = localStorage.getItem('main')
lastUsed = localStorage.getItem('main')
} else if (localStorage.getItem('last-use')) {
var last = localStorage.getItem('last-use')
if (last == 'webview' || last == 'noauth') {
last = '0'
lastUsed = localStorage.getItem('last-use')
if (lastUsed == 'webview' || last == 'noauth') {
lastUsed = '0'
} else {
var last = '0'
lastUsed = '0'
last = last + ''
var sel
let sel
if (obj.length < 1) {
$('#src-acct-sel').html('<option value="tootsearch">Tootsearch</option>')
$('#add-acct-sel').html('<option value="noauth">' + lang.lang_login_noauth + '</option>')
document.querySelector('#src-acct-sel').innerHTML = '<option value="tootsearch">Tootsearch</option>'
document.querySelector('#add-acct-sel').innerHTML = `<option value="noauth">${lang.lang_login_noauth}</option>`
} else {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
var acct = obj[key]
var list = key * 1 + 1
if (key + '' === last) {
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
const acct = obj[i]
const strKey = i?.toString()
if (key == lastUsed) {
sel = 'selected'
var domain = acct.domain
localStorage.setItem('domain_' + key, domain)
if (idata[domain + '_letters']) {
$('#textarea').attr('data-length', idata[domain + '_letters'])
const domain = acct.domain
const letters = idata[`${domain}_letters`]
const textarea = document.querySelector('#textarea')
if (letters) {
textarea.setAttribute('data-length', letters)
} else {
var maxletters = localStorage.getItem('letters_' + key)
if (maxletters > 0) {
$('#textarea').attr('data-length', maxletters)
const maxLetters = localStorage.getItem('letters_' + key)
if (maxLetters > 0) {
textarea.setAttribute('data-length', maxLetters)
} else {
$('#textarea').attr('data-length', 500)
textarea.setAttribute('data-length', 500)
if (idata[domain + '_glitch']) {
if (idata[`${domain}_glitch`]) {
var profimg =
//localStorage.setItem("prof_" + key, profimg);
let profimg =
if (!profimg) {
profimg = '../../img/missing.svg'
$('#acct-sel-prof').attr('src', profimg)
document.querySelector('#acct-sel-pro').setAttribute('src', profimg)
let cc = ''
if (domain) {
var cc = '(' + domain + ')'
} else {
var cc = ''
cc = `(${domain})`
$('#toot-post-btn').text(lang.lang_toot + cc)
const tpb = document.querySelector('#toot-post-btn')
tpb.innerText = lang.lang_toot + cc
if (acct.background && acct.background != 'def' && acct.text && acct.text != 'def') {
$('#toot-post-btn').css('background-color', '#' + acct.background)
$('#toot-post-btn').css('color', acct.text)
} else {
if (domain == '') {
} else {
|||| = `#${acct.background}`
|||| = `#${acct.text}`
if (domain == '') {
} else {
document.querySelector('#trendtag').innerHTML = ''
} else {
sel = ''
templete =
'<option value="' +
key +
'" data-icon="' +
|||| +
'" class="left circle" ' +
sel +
'>' +
acct.user +
'@' +
acct.domain +
template = `
<option value="${key}" data-icon="${}" class="left circle" ${sel}>
@${acct.user} ${acct.domain}
appendPrepend('.acct-sel', template, 'append')
$('#src-acct-sel').append('<option value="tootsearch">Tootsearch</option>')
'<option value="noauth">' +
@ -307,40 +250,12 @@ function multiSelector(parseC) {
parseColumn(null, true)
function enc(ver) {
var ver = ver.replace(/\s/g, '')
var ver = ver.replace(/\(/g, '-')
var ver = ver.replace(/\)/g, '')
var ver = ver.replace(/\[/g, '_')
var ver = ver.replace(/\]/g, '')
return ver
function ticker() {
var start = ''
fetch(start, {
method: 'GET',
cors: true,
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.then(function (response) {
if (!response.ok) {
response.text().then(function (text) {
setLog(response.url, response.status, text)
return response.json()
.catch(function (error) {
.then(function (json) {
if (json) {
localStorage.setItem('ticker', JSON.stringify(json))
const start = ''
const json = getApi(start, null)
if(json) localStorage.setItem('ticker', JSON.stringify(json))
function isMisskey(domain) {
return localStorage.getItem(`mode_${domain}`) == 'misskey'
@ -314,4 +314,12 @@ function setAllClasses(query, className, action) {
if(action == 'remove') target.classList.remove(className)
function appendPrepend(query, elm, action) {
const allTarget = document.querySelectorAll(query)
for (let i = 0; i < allTarget.length; i++) {
const target = allTarget[i]
if(action == 'prepend') target.prependChild(elm)
if(action == 'append') target.appendChild(elm)
const sleep = msec => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, msec));
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"lang_toot": "トゥート",
"lang_there": "あり",
"lang_nothing": "なし",
"lang_yesno": "はい",
"lang_no": "いいえ",
"lang_yesno": "せやな",
"lang_no": "ちゃうわ",
"lang_progress": "処理中",
"lang_edit": "編集",
"lang_del": "削除",
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"lang_version_platform_linux": "このソフトウェアSnapcraftからダウンロードしたんか?普通はホームページからインストールするし「いいえ」でええんやけど。「はい」にしたらSnapcraftはんがアップデートするからTheDeskはアップデートせえへん?とか言わへんようになる。",
"lang_version_platform_mac": "このソフトウェアHomebrew caskからダウンロードしたんか?普通はホームページからインストールするし「いいえ」でええんやけど。「はい」にしたらHomebrew caskはんがアップデートするからTheDeskはアップデートせえへん?とか言わへんようになる。",
"lang_login_noauth": "認証せんと見る",
"lang_login_changedData": "プロフの情報が変わってしもたけど、もっかい読み込んだ方がええんちゃうか?",
"lang_manager_info": "インスタンス情報",
"lang_manager_refresh": "情報更新",
"lang_manager_delete": "削除",
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"lang_version_platform_linux": "このソフトウェアはSnapcraft(snapd)からインストールしましたか?通常はホームページからインストールするため「いいえ」を選んでください。「はい」を選ぶとSnapcraftからアップデートが提供され、アップデートの通知を出しません。",
"lang_version_platform_mac": "このソフトウェアはHomebrew Caskからインストールしましたか?通常はホームページからインストールするため「いいえ」を選んでください。「はい」を選ぶとアップデートの通知を出しません。",
"lang_login_noauth": "認証せずに見る",
"lang_login_changedData": "プロフィール情報が変更されました。再読み込みしますか?",
"lang_manager_info": "インスタンス情報",
"lang_manager_refresh": "情報更新",
"lang_manager_delete": "削除",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user