diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Afrikaans/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Arabic/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Arabic/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f16f4f..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "Списък на профилите",
- "back": "Назад",
- "add": "Добавяне на профил",
- "codesetupwarn": "Премахнете отметката за да пропуснете влизането с код. (Вход в Mastodon от Windows или macOS) (Препоръчително: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Настройка на код",
- "mainacct": "Основен профил",
- "selacct": "Изберете профил",
- "codepastewarn": "Поставете кода и затворете браузъра.",
- "codepaste": "Код",
- "domain": "Домейн",
- "connect": "Федерални сървъри",
- "toots": "Тоот",
- "users": "Потребители",
- "users2": "потребители",
- "safety": "Свързване",
- "ver": "Mastodon версия",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Влезте като Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Прочетете Документацията, за да влезете в Misskey.",
- "nodata": "Няма данни"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f52893c..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Плъзнете тук за да качите",
- "close": "Затвори",
- "showSelectProf": "Показване на профила на избрания акаунт",
- "closethisbox": "Затвори полето",
- "toot": "Тоот",
- "post-new": "Нова публикация",
- "nsfwDes": "Маркирайте медията като чувствителна",
- "cwDes": "Скриване на текста зад предупреждение",
- "selfile": "Прикачи..",
- "insertEmoji": "Емотикони",
- "NPSpotify": "Възпроизвеждане сега (Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "Възпроизвеждане сега (macOS)",
- "schedule": "Планиран тоот",
- "postat": "Публикация в",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0 ~ Минимален интервал от време:5мин. (часовникът на сървъра може да не е точен.)",
- "clearToot": "Изчисти тоот кутията",
- "replyMode": "Отговор",
- "no": "Не",
- "yes": "Да",
- "temp": "Прикачени файлове",
- "nothing": "Няма",
- "vis": "Регулирайте поверителността на състоянието",
- "cwtext": "Текст за предупреждение",
- "selectVis": "Регулирайте поверителността на състоянието",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Само местно",
- "sectoot": "Втори Тоот",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Някои емотикони не могат да бъдат вмъкнати.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Обнови списъка с емотиконите",
- "closeThisBox": "Затвори полето",
- "showThisEmoji": " са показани.",
- "customEmoji": "Персонализирани емотикони",
- "peopleEmoji": "Емоти с хора",
- "natureEmoji": "Емоти с природа",
- "foodEmoji": "Емоти с храни",
- "activityEmoji": "Емоти с дейности",
- "placeEmoji": "Емоти с места",
- "thingsEmoji": "Емоти с инструменти",
- "symbolEmoji": "Емоти със символи",
- "flagsEmoji": "Емоти с флагове",
- "poll": "Анкета",
- "pollDdisabled": "Анкети: Деактивирани",
- "pollProvider": "Доставчик на Анкета",
- "polluntil": "Скриване на броя на гласовете, докато хората гласуват.",
- "choice": "Избор",
- "pollmulti": "Многоброен избор",
- "expires_in": "Изтича в...(сек)",
- "contextBefore": "Контекст преди този тоот",
- "thisToot": "Този тоот",
- "contextAfter": "Контекст след този тоот",
- "beforeLTL": "Локален TL преди тоот",
- "beforeUTL": "Потребителски TL преди тоот",
- "afterLTL": "Локален TL след този тоот)",
- "afterUTL": "Потребителски TL преди този тоот",
- "afterFTL": "Федерализиран TL след този тоот",
- "favedPeople": "Хора, които го харесват",
- "btedPeople": "Хората, които го подсилиха",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Използване на друг профил",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav и unBT са деактивирани.",
- "reply": "Отговор",
- "bt": "Подсилване",
- "favRegist": "Любими",
- "openBrowser": "Отваряне в браузъра",
- "screenshot": "Направете снимка на екрана",
- "copyURL": "Копирай URL адреса на този тоот",
- "embed": "Закрепи",
- "toots": "Тоот",
- "follow": "Следвам",
- "follower": "Последователи",
- "timeline": "Времева линия",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Свързан-профил",
- "list": "Списък",
- "makeNew": "Запази",
- "blocks": "Блокове",
- "mutes": "Заглушаване",
- "block": "Блокове",
- "mute": "Заглуши",
- "domainBlock": "Блок домейн",
- "editProf": "Редактиране на профила",
- "change": "Запази",
- "followReq": "Следвайте исканията",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Наподобяващ",
- "endorse": "Функция в профила",
- "openinbrowser": "Отваряне в браузъра",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Предложени",
- "more": "Още",
- "revoverJP": " да се ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Невъзможно да се спре на следването)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "или",
- "openProf": "Показване на профила",
- "warnListRegist": "Следвайте, за да добавите този потребител към списъците.",
- "blockDomain": "Добавете домейн за блокиране",
- "name": "Показвано име",
- "note": "Бележка",
- "editProfImg": "Промяна на аватар",
- "editHeader": "Промяна на снимката в заглавието",
- "blocked": "Вие сте блокирани. Защо?",
- "likeUserDes": "Намерете хора подобни на този потребител.",
- "get": "Намери",
- "historyBack": "Назад",
- "empUser": "Подчертайте този потребител",
- "supportme": "Подкрепете TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk няма реклама, няма нужда от такса за отключване на премиум функции. Нуждаем се от вашата приятелска подкрепа!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Подкрепете в Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Списък с желания от Amazon",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Дай ми Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Местно",
- "localMedia": "Местна (медия)",
- "home": "Начало",
- "fed": "Федерални",
- "fedMedia": "Федерални (Медии)",
- "dm": "Директни съобщения",
- "integratedTLDes": "Интегриране (Местно/Начало)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Отговор+BT",
- "notf": "Известия",
- "showThisTL": "Показване на този TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck с потребителски TJDeck(Код/TJDeck). Клавишните комбинации ще ви дразнят. Когато се почувствате така, маркирате „Предпочитам WebView“ в горната част на колоната.",
- "add": "Добави",
- "search": "Търсене",
- "sortSet": "Подредба",
- "selectAcct": "Профил (превъртете, за да покажете всички)",
- "listLocale": "Списък",
- "filterWord": "Филтриране на думи",
- "degree": "Контекстно филтриране",
- "conver": "Разговори",
- "option": "Настройки",
- "matchWord": "Цяла дума",
- "warnMatchWord": "Ница на латински език",
- "except": "Пусни вместо да е скрито",
- "exceptWorn": "Филтрираните тоот ще изчезнат необратимо, дори ако по-късно филтърът бъде премахнат",
- "avalableBefore": "Изтича след",
- "warnAvBefore": "Изключване или „0“ означава „Никога“",
- "warnAvBefore2": "Тази стойност може да съдържа някои грешки",
- "unlimited": "Никога",
- "days": "ден(а)",
- "hours": "час(а)",
- "mins": "минута(и)",
- "secs": "секунда(и)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Интегрираният TL/Plus TL ще скрие думите за и двете: Местно-филтриране и за Локално-филтриране.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Вътрешна грешка: моля изчистете всички данни (в страницата с настройки) Всички данни ще бъдат изтрити.",
- "addColumn": "Добавете колона",
- "sortColumns": "Подредба",
- "acctMan": "Мениджър на профила",
- "filter": "Филтър",
- "setting": "Настройки",
- "reverse": "Обръщане на Тоот бутона",
- "f5": "Презареди TL",
- "nanoDes": "Най-малкият Мастодон,",
- "verTips": "Версия",
- "clockTips": "Часовник",
- "ramTips": "Състояние на RAM",
- "changeTips": "Промени Обърни",
- "help": "Помощ",
- "about": "За TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Добави ТЛ",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d8538394..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Раздумай",
- "lang_there": "Да",
- "lang_nothing": "Няма",
- "lang_yesno": "Да",
- "lang_no": "Не",
- "lang_progress": "Изчакайте...",
- "lang_edit": "Редактиране",
- "lang_del": "Изтрий",
- "lang_add": "Добави",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Възникнаха някои грешки, моля рестартирайте Desk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Език",
- "lang_langlocale": "Английски",
- "lang_back": "Назад",
- "lang_set": "Задай",
- "lang_langadd": "Преведете TheDesk на други езици или проверете TheDesk на GitHub . TheDesk се нуждае от вашата помощ.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "Не е намерена актуализация({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Актуализацията бе игнорирана.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Искате ли автоматични актуализации? (За потребителите инсталирали от Microsoft Store, изберете „Не“)",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Искате ли автоматични актуализации? (За потребителите инсталирали от Snapcraft, изберете „Не“)",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Искате ли автоматични актуализации? (За потребителите на Homebrew Cask изберете „Не“)",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Показване на TL на нерегистрирани профили",
- "lang_manager_info": "За тази инстанция",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Обнови",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Излизане",
- "lang_manager_color": "Цвят на профила",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "е на път да излезе. Продължаване?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Готово: изберете основния профил",
- "lang_manager_def": "По подразбиране",
- "lang_manager_none": "Няма",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Отворете DevCenter на Misskey. Ние показваме официални документи, на които се позоваваме.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Излизане",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk разглежда \"@\" като отговор, но поставя друг параметър. Ако не е включено в Mastodon това означава, че е в Home на Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Вземи емотикони",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Персонализирани емотикони",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Още емотикони {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "не може да се визуализира",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "Не можете да променяте профилите след качването.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Изтрийте това изображение.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "Тази раздумка не съдържа маркер по подразбиране. Тази раздумка няма да се показва в локалния TL. Продължавате?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "Тази раздумка (не е \"публична\") не е показана с този етикет в ТЛ.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Авто CW Сигнал",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "На път сте да публикувате по-дълга раздумка, отколкото е зададена.\nТекст на предупреждението:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Отказ (няма да се публикува)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Текстът да се скрива автоматично",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Продължете към публикуването",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "Ще отнеме минута раздумката отдалечено да стане любима.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "Ще отнеме минута раздумката отдалечено да бъде подсилена.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Следване",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Спри следенето",
- "lang_status_block": "Блокирай",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Отблокирай",
- "lang_status_mute": "Без звук",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Със звук",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Изтрий & върни",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Продължете да изтривате & преработвате? Ще изгубите статуса на тази раздумка. В тази функция може да се съдържат някои грешки. Снимките от тази раздумка ще бъдат изтрити на по-стари от Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Автоматично попълване на {{tag}}, ако раздумката няма {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Показване в BT режим (ИЗКЛ./Изключване BT/ Само в BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Стъпка наляво",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Док отдясно",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Премахване на тази колона",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Премахване на тази колона",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Отидете в тази колона",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Премахване на тази колона",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Готово:шаблон на NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Изтрийте тази раздумка",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Изтрий & върни",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "NSFW media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "NSFW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Автоматично сгъване:{{set1}} линии по-нагоре,{{set2}} букви по-нагоре",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Автоматично CW:{{set1}} линии по-нагоре, {{set2}} букви по-нагоре",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "Всички данни ще бъдат изтрити."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3e72dd..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Предпочитания",
- "set": "Запази",
- "yes": "Да",
- "no": "Не",
- "none": "Няма",
- "default": "По подразбиране",
- "change": "Промяна",
- "select": "Избери",
- "env": "Системни предпочитания",
- "setlang": "Езици",
- "backup": "Внос и износ на предпочитания",
- "import": "Внос",
- "export": "Износ",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Деактивиране на хардуерното ускорение",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Автоматичното рестартиране",
- "theme": "Теми",
- "popup": "Известие с изскачащ прозорец (за Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Скрито ако е зададено на „0“",
- "s": "сек",
- "nativenotf": "Вътрешно уведомяване",
- "nnwarn": "Това не работи в Windows Portable вер.",
- "nntest": "Тест за уведомяване",
- "minwidth": "Минимална ширина на колоните",
- "minwidthwarn": "Лентата за превъртане ще се покаже, когато размерът на прозореца е по-голям от размера на колони.",
- "fixwidth": "Минимална ширина на браузъра TweetDeck",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "над",
- "font": "Шрифт",
- "fontwarn": "Изберете любимия си шрифт с „Избор“ (само за Windows / macOS)",
- "fontsize": "Размер на шрифта",
- "savefolder": "Папка за запазване",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk ще използва това местоназначение, когато се опитва да запази снимки или да прави екранни снимки.",
- "absolute": "абсолютна стойност",
- "themeSel": "Изберете тема",
- "customtheme": "Редактирайте и добавете персонализирани теми",
- "customthemeDirection": "Цветова схема",
- "primary": "Цвят на фона",
- "secondarycolor": "Компоненти на фона",
- "text": "Цвят на текста",
- "accent": "Фон на подсилването",
- "add_new": "Добавяне на нов",
- "name": "Име",
- "desc": "Относно тази тема",
- "customShare": "Споделете този код с друг TheDesk. Не споделяйте този код с MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Импортиране на персонализирани теми",
- "delete": "Изтрий",
- "cImpWarn": "Вземете още теми от MiAS",
- "timeline": "Предпочитания за времевата линия",
- "timemode": "Времеви формат",
- "relativetime": "Относителен формат: „преди 1 минута“, „преди 3 дни“",
- "absolutetime": "Абсолютен формат:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Смесен формат: някои от раздумките са с относителен-формат, други са с абсолютен формат.",
- "relativesel": "Относителен",
- "absolutesel": "Абсолютен",
- "doublesel": "Относителен и абсолютен",
- "mixsel": "Смесено",
- "locale": "Уникално място на Сървърите",
- "localewarn": "Тази стойност е налична за някои Японски сървъри",
- "nswf": "Скриване на NSFW снимки",
- "nsfwwarn": "Силен ефект на размазване",
- "cw": "Скриване на CW съдържание",
- "replyct": "Стил на брояча на отговори",
- "replyct_hidden": "Показване на 1+, ако отговорите са повече от 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Покажи пълния брой (1,2...)",
- "gif": "Анимация на анимирани GIF изображения",
- "box": "Действие на кутията за публикации",
- "boxyes": "Прибрана",
- "boxabs": "Постоянно отворена",
- "boxno": "Отворена и след публикуване",
- "tag": "Tag в TL търсене",
- "tagfed": "Използване в обединената мрежа",
- "taglocal": "Използване в локалната мрежа",
- "via": "С показване",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "букви",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Анимация на времевата линия",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Звук (Отговор)",
- "favSound": "Звук(Фаворит)",
- "btSound": "Звук(Подсилване)",
- "followSound": "Звук(Харесване)",
- "customSound": "Персонализиран звук",
- "post": "Предпочитания за публикуване",
- "autocw": "Предупреждение преди публикуване на дълга раздумка.",
- "autocwwarn": "Показване на диалогов прозорец, когато правите твърде дълъг скрит текст.",
- "defaultcw": "Текст за предупреждение по подразбиране",
- "cws": "Винаги да е зададено CW",
- "defaultvis": "Видимост по подразбиране",
- "public": "Публично",
- "unlisted": "Скрито",
- "private": "Частно",
- "direct": "Директно",
- "memory": "Памет(запомнено на всеки сървър)",
- "useapi": "Видимост по подразбиране (Зададени от предпочитанията в Mastodon сървъра)",
- "postimg": "Предпочитания за публикуване на изображения",
- "showurl": "Вмъкване на URL адрес на медия",
- "nourl": "Без вмъкване",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "Можете да вмъкнете всякакви букви и емотикони само с 3 клавиша",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Промяна на шаблон",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Име на песен/{album}:Име на албум/{artist}:Име на изпълнителя/{url}:URL адрес в Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Име на песен/{album}:Име на албум/{artist}:ме на изпълнител/композитор:{composer}/честота на излъчване: {hz}/битрейт:{bitRate}/жанр:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Изтриване на всички данни. Не можете да го отмените. Продължaвате?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Поддръжка",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 11665e56..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Bulgarian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Catalan/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Catalan/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a28fe3..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "已登录帐户",
- "back": "返回",
- "add": "添加一个帐户",
- "codesetupwarn": "Windows以外的运行环境,或需要登录Pleroma,请尝试勾选下面的复选框",
- "codesetup": "使用授权码登录",
- "mainacct": "主帐户",
- "selacct": "选择一个帐户",
- "codepastewarn": "在这里粘贴授权码后即可关闭浏览器",
- "codepaste": "授权码",
- "domain": "域名",
- "connect": "联接实例统计",
- "toots": "嘟嘟统计",
- "users": "用户统计",
- "users2": "用户统计",
- "safety": "连通率",
- "ver": "长毛象版本",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "使用Misskey登录",
- "misskeylogin": "阅读 文档(ja) 了解如何使用Misskey登录.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a37a9e9c..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "拖动到此处上传",
- "close": "关闭",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "Spotify NowPlaying",
- "NPiTunes": "iTunes NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local and Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "Integrated(Local and replies and BT on Home)",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Select an account",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "days",
- "hours": "hours",
- "mins": "minutes",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "
Welcome to TheDesk
Add an account or click add to add a column.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot box reverse",
- "f5": "Super Reload",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e91557..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "嘟嘟",
- "lang_there": "是",
- "lang_nothing": "无",
- "lang_yesno": "是",
- "lang_no": "否",
- "lang_progress": "稍等...",
- "lang_edit": "编辑",
- "lang_del": "删除",
- "lang_add": "添加",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "出现了一些错误,请重启TheDesk",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "语言",
- "lang_langlocale": "英文",
- "lang_back": "返回",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "需要长毛象2.4.3版本及以上",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "将花费30秒到几分钟",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "关注你",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "通知 ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "域名 ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "时间格式:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "主题:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "NSFW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "总是显示隐藏内容:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "字体:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "字号:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "图像高度:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "客户端:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "所有数据将被删除。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3450fa..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimam width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide NSFW pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about tooters' server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Refer:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "iTunes NowPlaying:{url} is disabled, but composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre} are available.",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 11665e56..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Simplified/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Chinese Traditional/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4472ca32..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "Seznam účtů",
- "back": "Zpět",
- "add": "Přidat účet",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Nastavení kódu",
- "mainacct": "Hlavní účet",
- "selacct": "Vyberte si účet",
- "codepastewarn": "Vložte kód a zavřete prohlížeč.",
- "codepaste": "Kód",
- "domain": "Doména",
- "connect": "Federované servery",
- "toots": "Tooty",
- "users": "Uživatelé",
- "users2": "uživatelů",
- "safety": "Spojení",
- "ver": "Verze Mastodonu",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Přihlásit jako Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Pro přihlášení do Misskey si přečtěte dokumentaci (ja).",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a3d991..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Přetáhněte sem pro nahrání",
- "close": "Zavřít",
- "showSelectProf": "Zobrazit profil výběrového účtu",
- "closethisbox": "Zavřít toto okno",
- "toot": "Tootnout",
- "post-new": "Poslat nový",
- "nsfwDes": "Označit média jako citlivé",
- "cwDes": "Skrýt text za varováním",
- "selfile": "Přiložit...",
- "insertEmoji": "Emoji",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Plánovaný toot",
- "postat": "Odeslat jak",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Odpovědět",
- "no": "Ne",
- "yes": "Ano",
- "temp": "Přiložení souborů",
- "nothing": "Nic",
- "vis": "Upravit soukromí statusu",
- "cwtext": "Varovní text",
- "selectVis": "Upravit soukromí statusu",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Jen místní",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Anketa",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Volba",
- "pollmulti": "Vícenásobný výběr",
- "expires_in": "Končí za...(sek)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "Tento toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Použít jiný účet",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Odpovědět",
- "bt": "Boostnout",
- "favRegist": "Oblíbit",
- "openBrowser": "Otevřít v prohlížeči",
- "screenshot": "Vytvořit snímek obrazovky",
- "copyURL": "Kopírovat URL tohoto tootu",
- "embed": "Vložit",
- "toots": "Tooty",
- "follow": "Sledovat",
- "follower": "Sledující",
- "timeline": "Časová osa",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "Seznam",
- "makeNew": "Uložit",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Uložit",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Změnit avatar",
- "editHeader": "Změnit obrázek záhlaví",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Zpět",
- "empUser": "Zdůraznit tohoto uživatele",
- "supportme": "Podpořte TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Místní",
- "localMedia": "Místní(média)",
- "home": "Domov",
- "fed": "Federovaná",
- "fedMedia": "Federovaná(média)",
- "dm": "Přímá zpráva",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifikace",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Přidat",
- "search": "Hledat",
- "sortSet": "Seřadit",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "Seznam",
- "filterWord": "Filtrované slova",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Konverzace",
- "option": "Možnosti",
- "matchWord": "Celé slovo",
- "warnMatchWord": "Dobré pro jazyky v latince",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Vyprší po",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Přidat sloupec",
- "sortColumns": "Seřadit",
- "acctMan": "Správa účtu",
- "filter": "Filtrovat",
- "setting": "Nastavení",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "Nejmenší Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Verze",
- "clockTips": "Hodiny",
- "ramTips": "status RAM",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Nápověda",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b3dcfcf6..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "cs",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Ano",
- "lang_nothing": "Nic",
- "lang_yesno": "Ano",
- "lang_no": "Ne",
- "lang_progress": "Čekejte...",
- "lang_edit": "Upravit",
- "lang_del": "Smazat",
- "lang_add": "Přidat",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Vyskytly se nějaké chyby, prosím restartujte TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google Čeština",
- "lang_lang": "Jazyk",
- "lang_langlocale": "Čeština",
- "lang_back": "Zpět",
- "lang_set": "Nastavit",
- "lang_langadd": "Přeložte TheDesk do jiných jazyků nebo opravte existující překlad na GitHubu nebo Crowdinu. TheDesk potřebuje vaši pomoc.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "Nebyla nalezena žádná aktualizace ({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Aktualizace byla ignorována.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Zobrazit časové osy nepřihlášených účtů",
- "lang_manager_info": "O tomto serveru",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Obnovit",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Odhlásit",
- "lang_manager_color": "Barva účtu",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "se chce odhlásit. Pokračovat?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Hotovo: vyberte hlavní účet",
- "lang_manager_def": "Výchozí",
- "lang_manager_none": "Žádný",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Otevřené vývojářské centrum softwaru Misskey. Zobrazujeme také oficiální dokumentaci.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk považuje „@“ za odpověď, ale vkládá ho do jiných parametrů. „Neuvedeno“ na Mastodonu znamená „Domů“ na Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Získat emoji",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Vlastní emoji",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "nelze vytvořit náhled",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "Po nahrání nemůžete změnit účty.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "Tento toot neobsahuje výchozí hashtag. Tento toot nebude zobrazen na výchozí časové ose. Pokračovat?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "Tento toot (ne „veřejný“ toot) není zobrazen na časové ose tohoto hashtagu.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Automatické varování o obsahu",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "Chcete napsat delší toot, než jste nastavil/a.\nText varování:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Zrušit (příspěvek nebude publikován)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Skrýt text automaticky",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Pokračovat k přispívání",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "Oblíbení vzdáleného tootu bude chvíli trvat.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "Boostnutí vzdáleného tootu bude chvíli trvat.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Sledovat",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Přestat sledovat",
- "lang_status_block": "Blokovat",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Odblokovat",
- "lang_status_mute": "Ignorovat",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Přestat ignorovat",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Chcete pokračovat k vymazání a přepsání? Ztratíte odpovědi na tento toot. Tato funkce může obashovat několik chyb. Obrázky v tomto tootu budou na verzi Mastodonu starší než 2.4.1 smazány.",
- "lang_status_emphas": ": tooty tohoto uživatele jsou zdůrazněny. Po této akci prosím obnovte stránku.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": ": tooty tohoto uživatele nejsou zdůrazněny. Po této akci prosím obnovte stránku.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Nepředstavit na profilu",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Představit na profilu",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Pro zobrazení návrhu prosím získejte seznam emoji.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Režim odpovězení. Pro vymazání stiskněte Ctrl+Shift+C.",
- "lang_cards_check": " kontrolovat",
- "lang_cards_pip": "Režim PiP",
- "lang_details_nodata": "Žádná data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtrovaný toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "HTML pro vložení je zkopírován.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL adresa tohoto tootu je zkopírována.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Obsah tohoto tootu je zkopírován.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "Žádná data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Prosím zkontrolujte kontext",
- "lang_list_nodata": "Žádná data",
- "lang_list_show": "Zobrazit",
- "lang_list_users": "Seznam uživatelů",
- "lang_list_nouser": "Žádní uživatelé na tomto seznamu.",
- "lang_list_add": "Přidat na seznam",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Odstranit ze seznamu",
- "lang_notf_new": " nových oznámení",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Uložit hodnotu nastavení TTS",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronologické pořadí",
- "lang_src_people": " lidí tootují",
- "lang_tags_always": "Vždy tootnout s ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Odepnout {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Média",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} tohoto účtu",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Odstranit tento sloupec",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Nastavení tohoto sloupce",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Filtrování médií",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Automatický analyzátor odkazů",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Automatický analyzátor odkazů",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Převod textu na řeč ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[Žádná data]
Obnovte stránku klávesami F5/⌘+R",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Přímá zpráva",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Preferovat WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Spojit TheDesk se Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Hotovo: šablona NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Vyžaduje Mastodon 2.4.3 nebo vyšší verzi",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Budou zobrazeny již nesledované účty.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "Tento účet byl přesunut",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[robot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Sledují vás",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Oznámení ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Doména ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " vám odpověděl/a",
- "lang_parse_faved": " si oblíbil/a váš toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boostnul/a váš toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boostnul/a",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Provedeno",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Zobrazit",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Celý text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "Více",
- "lang_parse_url": "Analyzátor URL",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Časová osa {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Tootnout s hashtagem {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Připnout {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Veřejný",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Neuvedený",
- "lang_parse_private": "Soukromý",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Přímý",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Klikněte pro zkopírování textu tohoto tootu",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Klikněte pro zkopírování URL adresy tohoto tootu",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Přeložit do japonštiny",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Odpovědět na tento toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boostnout tento toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Oblíbit si tento toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Citovat tento toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Smazat tento toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Připnout tento toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Vymazat a přepsat",
- "lang_parse_followed": "vás nyní sleduje",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operace tohoto klienta",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " bude",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "nic nedělat",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "zdůrazněna (nebo nezdůrazněna)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "ztlumena",
- "lang_parse_mute": " bude ztlumena. To můžete odstranit v nastavení.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "NSFW media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Znovusdílení",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renotování",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reakce",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "Žádné streamovací API na časových osách hashtagů",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "Žádné streamovací API na časových osách seznamů",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Domů",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Sledující",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Určený uživatel",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Režim renotování (citace) Misskey: pro vymazání stiskněte Ctrl+Shift+Enter",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renotoval/a váš následující příspěvek.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " citoval/a váš následující příspěvek.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reagoval/a na váš následující příspěvek.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Časový formát: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Motiv: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Citlivý obsah: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "Varování: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Výchozí text varování: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Vždy zapnout varování na: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Počitadlo odpovědí: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Výchozí viditelnost: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popupové oznámení: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Vyl",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Výchozí akce tootového pole: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Písma: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "výchozí písmo",
- "lang_setting_size": "Velikost písma: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Výška obrázků: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Časová osa hashtagu: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Formát citace: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Přes: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "Žádný klient není ztlumen.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Test oznámení ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Vaše ikona je zobrazena.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Budou exportována pouze důležitá data. Tato data musíte udržet v bezpečí.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "Všechna data budou smazána."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a23eea..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Předvolby",
- "set": "Uložit",
- "yes": "Ano",
- "no": "Ne",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Změnit",
- "select": "Vybrat",
- "env": "Systémové předvolby",
- "setlang": "Jazyky",
- "backup": "Import a export předvoleb",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Motivy",
- "popup": "Popupová oznámení (na Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Odskoušet oznámení",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimální šířka TweetDeck prohlížeče",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Písmo",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Velikost písma",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolutní hodnota",
- "themeSel": "Vybrat motiv",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Časový formát",
- "relativetime": "Relativní formát: „před 1 minutou“, „před 3 dny“",
- "absolutetime": "Absolutní formát: „23:25:21“, „2017/12/30 23:59:00“",
- "mixtime": "Smíšený formát: tooty publikované dnes jsou v relativním formátu, ostatní jsou v absolutním formátu.",
- "relativesel": "Relativní",
- "absolutesel": "Absolutní",
- "doublesel": "Relativní i absolutní",
- "mixsel": "Smíšený",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Skrývat citlivé obrázky",
- "nsfwwarn": "Silný efekt rozmazání",
- "cw": "Skrývat obsah za varováními",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Skrýt akční tlačítka bez přejetí myši",
- "mouseoverwarn": "„Přejetí myši“ pro vás může být nepohodlné :(",
- "mv": "Zobrazit přejetím myši",
- "mvclick": "Zobrazit kliknutím",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Výchozí viditelnost",
- "public": "Veřejné",
- "unlisted": "Neuvedené",
- "private": "Soukromé",
- "direct": "Přímé",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Czech/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Czech/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 26607fa2..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Czech/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Získejte nejnovější TheDesk",
- "download": "Začít",
- "portable": "Přenosná verze",
- "installer": "Verze instalátoru",
- "snap": "Verze Snap může být na Snapcraftu",
- "unrewrite": "Nepřepisovat",
- "sureupd": "Můžete ztratit úžasné nové funkce!",
- "skipupd": "Přeskočit tuto aktualizaci",
- "nexttl": "Do dalšího načtení časové osy",
- "nextver": "Do příští verze",
- "problem1": "Máte problémy?",
- "problem2": "Prosím stáhněte si aktualizaci na oficiální stránce.",
- "continue": "Pokračovat v aktualizaci",
- "dlnow": "Stahuji..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Danish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Danish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Danish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Dutch/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Dutch/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Dutch/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Dutch/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Dutch/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Dutch/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/English/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/English/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c76984..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/English/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "crwdns3018:0crwdne3018:0",
- "back": "crwdns3020:0crwdne3020:0",
- "add": "crwdns3022:0crwdne3022:0",
- "codesetupwarn": "crwdns3024:0crwdne3024:0",
- "codesetup": "crwdns3026:0crwdne3026:0",
- "mainacct": "crwdns3028:0crwdne3028:0",
- "selacct": "crwdns3030:0crwdne3030:0",
- "codepastewarn": "crwdns3032:0crwdne3032:0",
- "codepaste": "crwdns3034:0crwdne3034:0",
- "domain": "crwdns3036:0crwdne3036:0",
- "connect": "crwdns3038:0crwdne3038:0",
- "toots": "crwdns3040:0crwdne3040:0",
- "users": "crwdns3042:0crwdne3042:0",
- "users2": "crwdns3044:0crwdne3044:0",
- "safety": "crwdns3046:0crwdne3046:0",
- "ver": "crwdns3048:0crwdne3048:0",
- "ko": "crwdns3050:0crwdne3050:0",
- "thisismisskey": "crwdns3052:0crwdne3052:0",
- "misskeylogin": "crwdns3054:0crwdne3054:0",
- "nodata": "crwdns3056:0crwdne3056:0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/English/index.json b/app/view/make/language/English/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d1762678..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/English/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "crwdns3058:0crwdne3058:0",
- "close": "crwdns3060:0crwdne3060:0",
- "showSelectProf": "crwdns3062:0crwdne3062:0",
- "closethisbox": "crwdns3064:0crwdne3064:0",
- "toot": "crwdns3066:0crwdne3066:0",
- "post-new": "crwdns3068:0crwdne3068:0",
- "nsfwDes": "crwdns3070:0crwdne3070:0",
- "cwDes": "crwdns3072:0crwdne3072:0",
- "selfile": "crwdns3074:0crwdne3074:0",
- "insertEmoji": "crwdns3076:0crwdne3076:0",
- "NPSpotify": "crwdns3078:0crwdne3078:0",
- "NPiTunes": "crwdns3080:0crwdne3080:0",
- "schedule": "crwdns3082:0crwdne3082:0",
- "postat": "crwdns3084:0crwdne3084:0",
- "scheduleWarn": "crwdns3086:0crwdne3086:0",
- "clearToot": "crwdns3088:0crwdne3088:0",
- "replyMode": "crwdns3090:0crwdne3090:0",
- "no": "crwdns3092:0crwdne3092:0",
- "yes": "crwdns3094:0crwdne3094:0",
- "temp": "crwdns3096:0crwdne3096:0",
- "nothing": "crwdns3098:0crwdne3098:0",
- "vis": "crwdns3100:0crwdne3100:0",
- "cwtext": "crwdns3102:0crwdne3102:0",
- "selectVis": "crwdns3104:0crwdne3104:0",
- "publicJP": "crwdns3106:0crwdne3106:0",
- "unlistedJP": "crwdns3108:0crwdne3108:0",
- "privateJP": "crwdns3110:0crwdne3110:0",
- "localJP": "crwdns3112:0crwdne3112:0",
- "sectoot": "crwdns3114:0crwdne3114:0",
- "directJP": "crwdns3116:0crwdne3116:0",
- "emojiWarn": "crwdns3118:0crwdne3118:0",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "crwdns3120:0crwdne3120:0",
- "refreshEmoji": "crwdns3122:0crwdne3122:0",
- "closeThisBox": "crwdns3124:0crwdne3124:0",
- "showThisEmoji": "crwdns3126:0crwdne3126:0",
- "customEmoji": "crwdns3128:0crwdne3128:0",
- "peopleEmoji": "crwdns3130:0crwdne3130:0",
- "natureEmoji": "crwdns3132:0crwdne3132:0",
- "foodEmoji": "crwdns3134:0crwdne3134:0",
- "activityEmoji": "crwdns3136:0crwdne3136:0",
- "placeEmoji": "crwdns3138:0crwdne3138:0",
- "thingsEmoji": "crwdns3140:0crwdne3140:0",
- "symbolEmoji": "crwdns3142:0crwdne3142:0",
- "flagsEmoji": "crwdns3144:0crwdne3144:0",
- "poll": "crwdns3146:0crwdne3146:0",
- "pollDdisabled": "crwdns3148:0crwdne3148:0",
- "pollProvider": "crwdns3150:0crwdne3150:0",
- "polluntil": "crwdns3152:0crwdne3152:0",
- "choice": "crwdns3154:0crwdne3154:0",
- "pollmulti": "crwdns3156:0crwdne3156:0",
- "expires_in": "crwdns3158:0crwdne3158:0",
- "contextBefore": "crwdns3160:0crwdne3160:0",
- "thisToot": "crwdns3162:0crwdne3162:0",
- "contextAfter": "crwdns3164:0crwdne3164:0",
- "beforeLTL": "crwdns3166:0crwdne3166:0",
- "beforeUTL": "crwdns3168:0crwdne3168:0",
- "afterLTL": "crwdns3170:0crwdne3170:0",
- "afterUTL": "crwdns3172:0crwdne3172:0",
- "afterFTL": "crwdns3174:0crwdne3174:0",
- "favedPeople": "crwdns3176:0crwdne3176:0",
- "btedPeople": "crwdns3178:0crwdne3178:0",
- "useOtherAcct1": "crwdns3180:0crwdne3180:0",
- "useOtherAcct2": "crwdns3182:0crwdne3182:0",
- "reply": "crwdns3184:0crwdne3184:0",
- "bt": "crwdns3186:0crwdne3186:0",
- "favRegist": "crwdns3188:0crwdne3188:0",
- "openBrowser": "crwdns3190:0crwdne3190:0",
- "screenshot": "crwdns3192:0crwdne3192:0",
- "copyURL": "crwdns3194:0crwdne3194:0",
- "embed": "crwdns3196:0crwdne3196:0",
- "toots": "crwdns3198:0crwdne3198:0",
- "follow": "crwdns3200:0crwdne3200:0",
- "follower": "crwdns3202:0crwdne3202:0",
- "timeline": "crwdns3204:0crwdne3204:0",
- "operateOtherAcct": "crwdns3206:0crwdne3206:0",
- "list": "crwdns3208:0crwdne3208:0",
- "makeNew": "crwdns3210:0crwdne3210:0",
- "blocks": "crwdns3212:0crwdne3212:0",
- "mutes": "crwdns3214:0crwdne3214:0",
- "block": "crwdns3216:0crwdne3216:0",
- "mute": "crwdns3218:0crwdne3218:0",
- "domainBlock": "crwdns3220:0crwdne3220:0",
- "editProf": "crwdns3222:0crwdne3222:0",
- "change": "crwdns3224:0crwdne3224:0",
- "followReq": "crwdns3226:0crwdne3226:0",
- "likeHimOrHer": "crwdns3228:0crwdne3228:0",
- "endorse": "crwdns3230:0crwdne3230:0",
- "openinbrowser": "crwdns3232:0crwdne3232:0",
- "mainacct": "crwdns3234:0crwdne3234:0",
- "frc": "crwdns3236:0crwdne3236:0",
- "more": "crwdns3238:0crwdne3238:0",
- "revoverJP": "crwdns3240:0crwdne3240:0",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "crwdns3242:0crwdne3242:0",
- "revoverJPde": "crwdns3244:0crwdne3244:0",
- "or": "crwdns3246:0crwdne3246:0",
- "openProf": "crwdns3248:0crwdne3248:0",
- "warnListRegist": "crwdns3250:0crwdne3250:0",
- "blockDomain": "crwdns3252:0crwdne3252:0",
- "name": "crwdns3254:0crwdne3254:0",
- "note": "crwdns3256:0crwdne3256:0",
- "editProfImg": "crwdns3258:0crwdne3258:0",
- "editHeader": "crwdns3260:0crwdne3260:0",
- "blocked": "crwdns3262:0crwdne3262:0",
- "likeUserDes": "crwdns3264:0crwdne3264:0",
- "get": "crwdns3266:0crwdne3266:0",
- "historyBack": "crwdns3268:0crwdne3268:0",
- "empUser": "crwdns3270:0crwdne3270:0",
- "supportme": "crwdns3272:0crwdne3272:0",
- "TheDeskDes": "crwdns3274:0crwdne3274:0",
- "PatreonSupport": "crwdns3276:0crwdne3276:0",
- "PixivSupport": "crwdns3278:0crwdne3278:0",
- "AWLSupport": "crwdns3280:0crwdne3280:0",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "crwdns3282:0crwdne3282:0",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "crwdns3284:0crwdne3284:0",
- "monthly": "crwdns3286:0crwdne3286:0",
- "once": "crwdns3288:0crwdne3288:0",
- "local": "crwdns3290:0crwdne3290:0",
- "localMedia": "crwdns3292:0crwdne3292:0",
- "home": "crwdns3294:0crwdne3294:0",
- "fed": "crwdns3296:0crwdne3296:0",
- "fedMedia": "crwdns3298:0crwdne3298:0",
- "dm": "crwdns3300:0crwdne3300:0",
- "integratedTLDes": "crwdns3302:0crwdne3302:0",
- "localPlusDes": "crwdns3304:0crwdne3304:0",
- "notf": "crwdns3306:0crwdne3306:0",
- "showThisTL": "crwdns3308:0crwdne3308:0",
- "webviewWarn": "crwdns3310:0crwdne3310:0",
- "add": "crwdns3312:0crwdne3312:0",
- "search": "crwdns3314:0crwdne3314:0",
- "sortSet": "crwdns3316:0crwdne3316:0",
- "selectAcct": "crwdns3318:0crwdne3318:0",
- "listLocale": "crwdns3320:0crwdne3320:0",
- "filterWord": "crwdns3322:0crwdne3322:0",
- "degree": "crwdns3324:0crwdne3324:0",
- "conver": "crwdns3326:0crwdne3326:0",
- "option": "crwdns3328:0crwdne3328:0",
- "matchWord": "crwdns3330:0crwdne3330:0",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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- "export": "crwdns3932:0crwdne3932:0",
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- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "crwdns3936:0crwdne3936:0",
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- "autocwwarn": "crwdns4102:0crwdne4102:0",
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- "main": "crwdns4142:0crwdne4142:0",
- "mainwarn": "crwdns4144:0crwdne4144:0",
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- "usemainacct": "crwdns4148:0crwdne4148:0",
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- "climute": "crwdns4168:0crwdne4168:0",
- "cliemp": "crwdns4170:0crwdne4170:0",
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- "wordemp": "crwdns4178:0crwdne4178:0",
- "useremp": "crwdns4180:0crwdne4180:0",
- "useerempwarn": "crwdns4182:0crwdne4182:0",
- "empcolorwarn": "crwdns4184:0crwdne4184:0",
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- "spotifynote1": "crwdns4188:0crwdne4188:0",
- "spotifynote2": "crwdns4190:0crwdne4190:0",
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- "connect": "crwdns4196:0crwdne4196:0",
- "disconnect": "crwdns4198:0crwdne4198:0",
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- "templeteeditwarn": "crwdns4202:0crwdne4202:0",
- "templete1": "crwdns4204:0{song}crwdnd4204:0{album}crwdnd4204:0{artist}crwdnd4204:0{url}crwdne4204:0",
- "templete2": "crwdns4206:0{song}crwdnd4206:0{album}crwdnd4206:0{artist}crwdnd4206:0{composer}crwdnd4206:0{hz}crwdnd4206:0{bitRate}crwdnd4206:0{genre}crwdne4206:0",
- "templete3": "crwdns4208:0crwdne4208:0",
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- "tts": "crwdns4212:0crwdne4212:0",
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- "bouyomiWarn": "crwdns4216:0crwdne4216:0",
- "speed": "crwdns4218:0crwdne4218:0",
- "speedwarn": "crwdns4220:0crwdne4220:0",
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- "pitchwarn": "crwdns4224:0crwdne4224:0",
- "vol": "crwdns4226:0crwdne4226:0",
- "volwarn": "crwdns4228:0crwdne4228:0",
- "volwarn80": "crwdns4230:0crwdne4230:0",
- "test": "crwdns4232:0crwdne4232:0",
- "sample": "crwdns4234:0crwdne4234:0",
- "playstop": "crwdns4236:0crwdne4236:0",
- "back": "crwdns4238:0crwdne4238:0",
- "keyscs": "crwdns4240:0crwdne4240:0",
- "keyscr": "crwdns4242:0crwdne4242:0",
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- "keypost": "crwdns4248:0crwdne4248:0",
- "keysecpost": "crwdns4250:0crwdne4250:0",
- "keyunread": "crwdns4252:0crwdne4252:0",
- "keyesc": "crwdns4254:0crwdne4254:0",
- "keyf5": "crwdns4256:0crwdne4256:0",
- "keyclear": "crwdns4258:0crwdne4258:0",
- "keyacctman": "crwdns4260:0crwdne4260:0",
- "keyshowprof": "crwdns4262:0crwdne4262:0",
- "keyrow": "crwdns4264:0crwdne4264:0",
- "keyzoom": "crwdns4266:0crwdne4266:0",
- "whenSelected": "crwdns4268:0crwdne4268:0",
- "fav": "crwdns4270:0crwdne4270:0",
- "bt": "crwdns4272:0crwdne4272:0",
- "reply": "crwdns4274:0crwdne4274:0",
- "keyselecttop": "crwdns4276:0crwdne4276:0",
- "reset": "crwdns4278:0crwdne4278:0",
- "resetconfirm": "crwdns4280:0crwdne4280:0",
- "about": "crwdns4282:0crwdne4282:0",
- "hp": "crwdns4284:0crwdne4284:0",
- "support": "crwdns4286:0crwdne4286:0",
- "help": "crwdns4288:0crwdne4288:0",
- "sushi": "crwdns4290:0crwdne4290:0",
- "checkup": "crwdns4292:0crwdne4292:0",
- "ossJP": "crwdns4294:0crwdne4294:0"
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/English/update.json b/app/view/make/language/English/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a225fb2..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/English/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "crwdns4296:0crwdne4296:0",
- "download": "crwdns4298:0crwdne4298:0",
- "portable": "crwdns4300:0crwdne4300:0",
- "installer": "crwdns4302:0crwdne4302:0",
- "snap": "crwdns4304:0crwdne4304:0",
- "unrewrite": "crwdns4306:0crwdne4306:0",
- "sureupd": "crwdns4308:0crwdne4308:0",
- "skipupd": "crwdns4310:0crwdne4310:0",
- "nexttl": "crwdns4312:0crwdne4312:0",
- "nextver": "crwdns4314:0crwdne4314:0",
- "problem1": "crwdns4316:0crwdne4316:0",
- "problem2": "crwdns4318:0crwdne4318:0",
- "continue": "crwdns4320:0crwdne4320:0",
- "dlnow": "crwdns4322:0crwdne4322:0"
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Finnish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Finnish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Finnish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Finnish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Finnish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Finnish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/French/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/French/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ad32fe6a..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/French/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "Liste des comptes",
- "back": "Retour",
- "add": "Ajouter un compte",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domaine",
- "connect": "Serveur fédérées",
- "toots": "Pouets",
- "users": "Utilisateur·rice·s",
- "users2": "utilisateur·rice·s",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Version de Mastodon",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/French/index.json b/app/view/make/language/French/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4307103c..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/French/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Faites glisser ici pour transférer",
- "close": "Fermer",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Pouet",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Émojis",
- "NPSpotify": "Spotify NowPlaying",
- "NPiTunes": "iTunes NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Répondre",
- "no": "Non",
- "yes": "Oui",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "Aucun",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Pouets",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Fil",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "Liste",
- "makeNew": "Sauvegarder",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Bloquer",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Modifier le profil",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Demandes de suivi",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Recommander sur sa page",
- "openinbrowser": "Ouvrir dans un navigateur",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggérer",
- "more": "Plus",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "ou",
- "openProf": "Afficher le profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Retour",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local (médias)",
- "home": "Principal",
- "fed": "Fédéré",
- "fedMedia": "Fédéré (médias)",
- "dm": "Message direct",
- "integratedTLDes": "Intégré (local et principal)",
- "localPlusDes": "Integrated(Local and replies and BT on Home)",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Select an account",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "days",
- "hours": "hours",
- "mins": "minutes",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Welcome to TheDesk
Add an account or click add to add a column.",
- "addColumn": "Ajouter une colonne",
- "sortColumns": "Tri",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Paramètres",
- "reverse": "Toot box reverse",
- "f5": "Super Reload",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/French/main.json b/app/view/make/language/French/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b62ad052..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/French/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "fr",
- "lang_toot": "Pouet",
- "lang_there": "Oui",
- "lang_nothing": "Aucun",
- "lang_yesno": "Oui",
- "lang_no": "Non",
- "lang_progress": "Patientez …",
- "lang_edit": "Modifier",
- "lang_del": "Supprimer",
- "lang_add": "Ajouter",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google U.S en anglais",
- "lang_lang": "Langue",
- "lang_langlocale": "Anglais",
- "lang_back": "Retour",
- "lang_set": "Définir",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Message direct",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "Ce compte a migré ailleurs",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continuer sur le nouveau compte",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Vous suit",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domaine ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " vous a répondu",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Afficher",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "Plus",
- "lang_parse_url": "Analyseur d’URL",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Fil à propos de {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Pouet contenant {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Épingler {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Non listé",
- "lang_parse_private": "Privé",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Cliquez pour copier le texte de ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Cliquez pour copier l’URL de ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Traduire en français",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Répondre à ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Booster ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Mettre ce pouet en favoris",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Citer ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_del": "Supprimer ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Épingler ce pouet",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Supprimer & reformuler",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Vous a suivi",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Réaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Accueil",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Abonné",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Thème : {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "NSFW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Désactivé",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Compte par défaut : {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "Toutes les données seront supprimées."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/French/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/French/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f40a03b7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/French/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Paramètres",
- "set": "Sauvegarder",
- "yes": "Oui",
- "no": "Non",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Modifier",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "Préférences système",
- "setlang": "Langues",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Importer",
- "export": "Exporter",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Thèmes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimam width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Police de caractères",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'",
- "fontsize": "Taille de la police de caractères",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Format de l’heure",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide NSFW pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Afficher via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Cliquez pour afficher",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "ou",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about tooters' server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Non listé",
- "private": "Privé",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Désactivé",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Compte principal",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Refer:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "iTunes NowPlaying:{url} is disabled, but composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre} are available.",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Vitesse",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Retour",
- "keyscs": "Raccourcis clavier",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Site Web",
- "support": "Assistance",
- "help": "Aide",
- "sushi": "Offrez-moi un sushi !",
- "checkup": "Vérifier les mises à jour",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/French/update.json b/app/view/make/language/French/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bb888647..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/French/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Téléchargez le dernier TheDesk",
- "download": "Démarrer",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Ignorer cette mise à jour",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/German/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/German/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1316c548..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/German/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "Konten",
- "back": "Zurück",
- "add": "Konto hinzufügen",
- "codesetupwarn": "Check if TheDesk is not working on Windows, you want to login Pleroma servers, you cannot login when it checked.",
- "codesetup": "Code-Setup",
- "mainacct": "Hauptkonto",
- "selacct": "Konto auswählen",
- "codepastewarn": "Fügen Sie den Code ein und schließen Sie den Browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Föderierte Server",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Nutzer",
- "users2": "Nutzer",
- "safety": "Verbindung",
- "ver": "Mastodon Version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Als Misskey anmelden",
- "misskeylogin": "Lies die Doku (japanisch) um dich bei Misskey einzuloggen.",
- "nodata": "Keine Daten"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/German/index.json b/app/view/make/language/German/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a465fd..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/German/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Zum Hochladen hier her ziehen",
- "close": "Schließen",
- "showSelectProf": "Ausgewähltes Konto anzeigen",
- "closethisbox": "Diesen Dialog schließen",
- "toot": "Tröt",
- "post-new": "Neuen Tröt senden",
- "nsfwDes": "Inhalt als sensibel markieren",
- "cwDes": "Text hinter Warnung verstecken",
- "selfile": "Anhängen...",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "Wird gerade gespielt (Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "Wird gerade gespielt(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Geplanter Tröt",
- "postat": "Senden um",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Mindestzeitraum: von 5min(Uhr auf dem Server ist möglicherweise ungenau.)",
- "clearToot": "Eingabe löschen",
- "replyMode": "Antworten",
- "no": "Nein",
- "yes": "Ja",
- "temp": "Hinzugefügte Inhalte",
- "nothing": "Keine",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warntext",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Nur lokal",
- "sectoot": "Zweiter Tröt",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Einige Emojis können nicht eingefügt werden.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Emojis-Liste aktualisieren",
- "closeThisBox": "Diesen Dialog schließen",
- "showThisEmoji": " werden angezeigt.",
- "customEmoji": "Eigene Emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis von Menschen",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis der Natur",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis von Lebensmitteln",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis vom Aktivitäten",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis von Orten",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis vom Werkzeugen",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis von Symbolen",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis der Flaggen",
- "poll": "Umfrage",
- "pollDdisabled": "Umfragen: Deaktiviert",
- "pollProvider": "Anbieter von Umfragen",
- "polluntil": "Verstecke Ergebnis bis die Leute abgestimmt haben.",
- "choice": "Auswahl",
- "pollmulti": "Mehrfachauswahl",
- "expires_in": "Läuft ab in...(Sek)",
- "contextBefore": "Kontext vor diesem Tröt",
- "thisToot": "Dieser Tröt",
- "contextAfter": "Kontext nach diesem Tröt",
- "beforeLTL": "Lokaler-Verlauf vor diesem Tröt",
- "beforeUTL": "Nutzer-Verlauf vor diesem Tröt",
- "afterLTL": "Lokaler-Verlauf nach diesem Tröt",
- "afterUTL": "Nutzer-Verlauf nach diesem Tröt",
- "afterFTL": "Globaler-Verlauf nach diesem Tröt",
- "favedPeople": "Leute, die es bevorzugt haben",
- "btedPeople": "Leute, die es verstärkt haben",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Anderes Konto verwenden",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Antworten",
- "bt": "Verstärkung",
- "favRegist": "Favoriten",
- "openBrowser": "Im Browser öffnen",
- "screenshot": "Bildschirmfoto aufnehmen",
- "copyURL": "URL dieses Tröts kopieren",
- "embed": "Einbinden",
- "toots": "Tröts",
- "follow": "Folgen",
- "follower": "Abonnenten",
- "timeline": "Verlauf",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-Account",
- "list": "Liste",
- "makeNew": "Speichern",
- "blocks": "Blockiert",
- "mutes": "Stumm geschaltet",
- "block": "Blockieren",
- "mute": "Stummschalten",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Profil bearbeiten",
- "change": "Speichern",
- "followReq": "Anfragen folgen",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Auf dem Profil zeigen",
- "openinbrowser": "Im Browser öffnen",
- "mainacct": "Im Hauptkonto einstellen",
- "frc": "Vorschlagen",
- "more": "Mehr",
- "revoverJP": " an ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "oder",
- "openProf": "Benutzerprofil",
- "warnListRegist": "Folgen, um diesen Benutzer zu Listen hinzuzufügen.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Anzeigename",
- "note": "Notiz",
- "editProfImg": "Avatar ändern",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "Sie sind blockiert. Warum?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Holen",
- "historyBack": "Zurück",
- "empUser": "Diesen Benutzer hervorheben",
- "supportme": "Unterstütze-TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk hat keine Werbung, Sie benötigen keine Gebühr, um Premium-Funktionen freizuschalten. Wir benötigen Ihren freundlichen Unterstützung!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Unterstütze über Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Unterstütze über Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wunschliste",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Zur Amazon Wunschliste:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monatlich",
- "once": "einmalig",
- "local": "Lokal",
- "localMedia": "Lokal(Medien)",
- "home": "Startseite",
- "fed": "Global",
- "fedMedia": "Globale(Medien)",
- "dm": "Direktnachricht",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local and Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "Integrated(Local and replies and BT on Home)",
- "notf": "Benachrichtigungen",
- "showThisTL": "Verlauf anzeigen:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Hinzufügen",
- "search": "Suche",
- "sortSet": "Sortieren",
- "selectAcct": "Konto(Scroll um alle anzuzeigen)",
- "listLocale": "Liste",
- "filterWord": "Filterwörter",
- "degree": "Kontexte filtern",
- "conver": "Gespräche",
- "option": "Einstellungen",
- "matchWord": "Ganze Wörter",
- "warnMatchWord": "Schön für lateinische Sprachen",
- "except": "Verwerfen statt verstecken",
- "exceptWorn": "Gefilterte Toots verschwinden unwiderruflich, auch wenn der Filter später entfernt wird",
- "avalableBefore": "Verfällt nach",
- "warnAvBefore": "Nicht gesetzt oder \"0\" bedeutet \"Nie\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Niemals",
- "days": "Tag(e)",
- "hours": "Stunde(n)",
- "mins": "Minute(n)",
- "secs": "Sekunde(n)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Interner Fehler: Bitte löschen Sie alle Daten (auf der Einstellungsseite) Alle Daten werden gelöscht.",
- "addColumn": "Spalte hinzufügen",
- "sortColumns": "Sortieren",
- "acctMan": "Account-Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Einstellungen",
- "reverse": "Tröt-Button Seite tauschen",
- "f5": "Verlauf neu laden",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Uhr",
- "ramTips": "RAM-Status",
- "changeTips": "Tipps ändern",
- "help": "Hilfe",
- "about": "Über TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Neuer Verlauf",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/German/main.json b/app/view/make/language/German/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d91dff..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/German/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Tröt",
- "lang_there": "Ja",
- "lang_nothing": "Ohne",
- "lang_yesno": "Ja",
- "lang_no": "Nein",
- "lang_progress": "Warten...",
- "lang_edit": "Bearbeiten",
- "lang_del": "Löschen",
- "lang_add": "Hinzufügen",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte starten Sie TheDesk neu.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US Englisch",
- "lang_lang": "Sprache",
- "lang_langlocale": "Englisch",
- "lang_back": "Zurück",
- "lang_set": "Setzen",
- "lang_langadd": "Übersetzen oder korrigieren Sie TheDesk in andere Sprachen auf GitHub. TheDesk benötigt Ihre Hilfe.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "Keine Aktualisierung gefunden({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update wurde ignoriert.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Möchten Sie automatische Updates?(Benutzer im Microsoft Store wählen 'Nein')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Möchten Sie automatische Updates?(Benutzer auf Snapcraft wählen 'Nein')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Möchten Sie automatische Updates?(Homebrew Cask Benutzer wählen 'Nein')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Verläufe von nicht angemeldeten Konten anzeigen",
- "lang_manager_info": "Über diese Instanz",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Aktualisieren",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Abmelden",
- "lang_manager_color": "Kontofarbe",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "ist im Begriff, sich auszuloggen. Fortfahren?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Fertig:Hauptkonto wählen",
- "lang_manager_def": "Standard",
- "lang_manager_none": "Ohne",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Öffnen Sie das DevCenter von Misskey. Wir zeigen auch ein offizielles Dokument als Referenz.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Abmelden",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk betrachtet \"@\" als Antwort, setzt aber einen anderen Parameter. Nicht auf Mastodon gelistet bedeutet Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Hole Emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Eigene Emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis über {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "keine Vorschau",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "Sie können die Konten nach dem Hochladen nicht mehr ändern.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Dieses Bild löschen.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "Dieses Tröt enthält keinen Standard-Tag. Er wird in dem lokalen Verlauf nicht angezeigt. Fortfahren?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "Dieser Tröt (nicht 'öffentlicher' Tröt) wird nicht in diesem Tag-Verlauf angezeigt.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "Du bist dabei, länger zu posten, als du eingestellt hast.\nWarntext:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Abbrechen (wird nicht gesendet)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Text automatisch ausblenden",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Weiter mit Senden",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "Es braucht einen Moment, um ein entferntes Tröt zu favorisieren.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "Es braucht einen Moment, um ein entferntes Tröt zu verstärken.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Folgen",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Nicht mehr folgen",
- "lang_status_block": "Blockieren",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Freigeben",
- "lang_status_mute": "Stummschalten",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Stummschalten aufheben",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Löschen & Neuentwerfen",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Weiter mit löschen & neu entwerfen? Du verlierst den Status dieses Tröts. Diese Aktion kann einige Fehler enthalten. Bilder dieses Tröts werden auf älteren Versionen als Mastodon 2.4.1 gelöscht.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s Tröts werden hervorgehoben. Bitte laden Sie nach dieser Aktion neu.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s Tröts werden nicht hervorgehoben. Bitte laden Sie nach dieser Aktion neu.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Nicht auf dem Profil zeigen",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Auf dem Profil zeigen",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Antwortmodus. Strg+Umschalt+C zum Löschen.",
- "lang_cards_check": " überprüfen",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "Keine Daten",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Gefilterter Tröt",
- "lang_details_embed": "Eingefügtes HTML wurde entfernt.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL dieses Tröts wurde entfernt.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Inhalt dieses Tröts wurde entfernt.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "Keine Daten",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Bitte überprüfen Sie den Kontext",
- "lang_list_nodata": "Keine Daten",
- "lang_list_show": "Anzeigen",
- "lang_list_users": "Benutzerliste",
- "lang_list_nouser": "Keine Benutzer in dieser Liste.",
- "lang_list_add": "Zur Liste hinzufügen",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(vielleicht wurde dieser Benutzer aufgelistet)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Aus Liste entfernen",
- "lang_notf_new": " neue Benachrichtigungen",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Sichern der Vorlesefunktionseinstellungen",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronologische Reihenfolge",
- "lang_src_people": " Leute Tröt",
- "lang_tags_always": "Immer Tröten mit ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-Stream Tröt",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "{{tag}} entsperren",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Automatisch {{tag}} anfügen, wenn Tröt ohne {{tag}} ist",
- "lang_tl_media": "Medien",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Mit Streaming API erneut verbinden",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Heruntergeladen:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Gehen Sie zum Anfang dieser Spalte. Wenn das Symbol rot ist, kann diese Spalte keine Verbindung zur Streaming-API herstellen. Bitte neu laden.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} dieses Kontos",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Diese Spalte löschen",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Einstellungen dieser Spalte",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Medien filtern",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Automatische Link-Analyse",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Automatische Link-Analyse",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Sprachausgabe ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Mit Streaming API erneut verbinden",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Kopfzeilenfarbe dieser Spalte",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[Keine Daten]
F5/⌘+R zum Neu laden",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direkte Nachricht",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Web-Ansicht bevorzugen",
- "lang_excluded": "Ausgeschlossene Benachrichtigungsart",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Nach links Stapeln",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Rechts Anheften",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Diese Spalte löschen",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Diese Spalte löschen",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Gehe zu dieser Spalte",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Diese Spalte löschen",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Albumcover anhängen",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Kein Albumcover anhängen",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "TheDesk mit Spotify verbinden",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:Vorlage für NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying Provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Benötigte Mastodon 2.4.3 und höher",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "Es dauert 30s bis mehrere Minuten",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey kann nicht angefordert werden.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "Dieser Benutzer ist von {{set}} überprüft",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "Dieses Konto wurde verschoben",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Auf dem neuen Konto fortfahren",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Folgt dir",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Benachrichtigung ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Folgen, um diesen Benutzer zu Listen hinzuzufügen.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " hat dir geantwortet",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favorisierte deinen Tröt",
- "lang_parse_bted": " hat deinen Tröt verstärkt",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " verstärkt",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s Umfrage",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Bearbeitet am",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Anzeigen",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Automatisches Zusammenfalten",
- "lang_parse_more": "Mehr",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL-Analyse",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Verlauf von {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Tröt mit {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Öffentlich",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Nicht aufgeführt",
- "lang_parse_private": "Privat",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direkt",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Klicken, um den Text dieses Tröts zu kopieren",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Klicken, um die URL dieses Tröts zu kopieren",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Übersetzen nach Japanisch",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Auf diesen Tröt antworten",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Diesen Tröt verstärken",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Diesen Tröt favorisieren",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Diesen Tröt zitieren",
- "lang_parse_del": "Diesen Tröt löschen",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Dieses Tröt fixieren",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details über Ihr Hauptkonto.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Löschen & Neuentwerfen",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Folgt dir",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Aktion dieses Clients",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " wird",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "Nichts unternehmen",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "Hervorgehoben(/nicht hervorgehoben)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "Stumm",
- "lang_parse_mute": " wird stumm gemacht. Kann in den Einstellungen wieder entfernt werden.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Abgestimmt",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Abstimmen",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Ergebnis ohne Abstimmung anzeigen",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Abgelaufen",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Konversation anzeigen",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Angehängte Datei",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "NSFW Medien",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Benachrichtigungen dieses Benutzers anzeigen",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Weiterleiten",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaktion",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "Keine Streaming-API für Tag-Verläufe",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "Keine Streaming-API fpr Listen-Verläufe",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Startseite",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Abonnent",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Ausgewählte Benutzer",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " hat deinen folgenden Beitrag zurückgewiesen.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " zitierte deinen folgenden Beitrag.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " hat auf Ihren folgenden Beitrag reagiert.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Zeitformat:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Design:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "NSFW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Antwortzähler:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Standardsichtbarkeit:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup-Benachrichtigung:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Aus",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Standard-Tröt-Box-Aktion:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto-Falten:{{set1}} Zeilen und höher, {{set2}} Buchstaben und höher",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimale Breite:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck feste Breite:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "Nach dem Posten eines Bildes:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Schriftart:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "Standard-Schriftart",
- "lang_setting_size": "Schriftgröße:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Bildhöhe:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag-Verlauf:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Postfach:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Muttersprache:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "System Benachrichtigungen:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Zitierformat:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Aktionstasten verstecken:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Benachrichtigungs-Markierungen:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Standard-Konto:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Zweite Tröt-Taste:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Tastaturkürzel werden aktualisiert.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "Kein Client ist stumm.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Benachrichtigungen testen ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Ihr Symbol wird angezeigt.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Nur wichtige Daten werden exportiert. Sie müssen diese Daten sichern.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "Alle Daten werden gelöscht."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/German/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/German/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d0b96a..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/German/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Einstellungen",
- "set": "Speichern",
- "yes": "Ja",
- "no": "Nein",
- "none": "Ohne",
- "default": "Standard",
- "change": "Ändern",
- "select": "Auswahl",
- "env": "Systemeinstellungen",
- "setlang": "Sprachen",
- "backup": "Import und Export von Einstellungen",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Hardwarebeschleunigung deaktivieren",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Automatischer Neustart",
- "theme": "Designs",
- "popup": "Popup-Benachrichtigung(unter Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Bei \"0\" Ausgeschaltet.",
- "s": "Sek",
- "nativenotf": "System Benachrichtigungen",
- "nnwarn": "Dies funktioniert nicht mit der Portablen Windows Version.",
- "nntest": "Benachrichtigungen testen",
- "minwidth": "Minimale Breite der Spalten",
- "minwidthwarn": "Die Scroll-Leiste wird angezeigt, wenn Spalten breiter als das Fenster sind.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimale Breite des TweetDeck-Browsers",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "über",
- "font": "Schriftart",
- "fontwarn": "Wählen Sie Ihre Lieblingsschrift. 'Select'(nur Windows/ macOS)",
- "fontsize": "Schriftgröße",
- "savefolder": "Ordner zum Speichern",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk verwendet diesen Ordner, wenn es versucht Bilder zu speichern oder Screenshots zu machen.",
- "absolute": "Absoluter Wert",
- "themeSel": "Design auswählen",
- "customtheme": "Bearbeiten und hinzufügen von eigenen Designs",
- "customthemeDirection": "Farbschema",
- "primary": "Hintergrundfarbe",
- "secondarycolor": "Hintergrund der Komponenten",
- "text": "Textfarbe",
- "accent": "Hintergrund des Boosts",
- "add_new": "Neues hinzufügen",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "Über dieses Design",
- "customShare": "Teilen Sie diesen Code mit anderen TheDesk. Teilen Sie diesen Code nicht mit MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import von eigenen Designs",
- "delete": "Löschen",
- "cImpWarn": "Mehr Designs auf: MiAS",
- "timeline": "Verlaufseinstellungen",
- "timemode": "Zeitformat",
- "relativetime": "Relatives Format:\"vor 1 Minuten\",\"vor 3 Tagen\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolutes Format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Gemischtes Format:Die heute geposteten Zahn sind relativ formatiert, andere sind absolut formatiert.",
- "relativesel": "Relativ",
- "absolutesel": "Absolut",
- "doublesel": "Sowohl relativ als auch absolut",
- "mixsel": "Gemischt",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "Dieser Wert ist auf einigen japanischen Servern verfügbar",
- "nswf": "NSFW Bilder ausblenden",
- "nsfwwarn": "Starker Unschärfeeffekt",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Aussehen der Antwortzähler",
- "replyct_hidden": "1+ anzeigen, bei mehr als einer Antworten.",
- "replyct_full": "Gesamtzahl anzeigen(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animierte GIF-Bilder abspielen",
- "box": "Verhalten der Posting-Box",
- "boxyes": "Zusammengeklappt",
- "boxabs": "Alles geöffnet",
- "boxno": "Nach dem Posting offen",
- "tag": "Suche im Tag-Verlauf",
- "tagfed": "Auch in Verbundenen Netzwerken",
- "taglocal": "Nur im lokalen Netzwerk",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Aktionsbuttons ausblenden wenn der Mauszeiger weg ist.",
- "mouseoverwarn": "Du wirst vielleicht das Gefühl haben, dass \"Mouseover\" unangenehm ist :-(",
- "mv": "Maus drüber zum Anzeigen",
- "mvclick": "Klicken um anzuzeigen",
- "notfmarker": "Benachrichtigungs-Markierung, rote Klingel und Zähler anzeigen(wenn Sie eine Benachrichtigungsspalte haben.)",
- "autofold": "Automatisches Zusammenfalten",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk faltet nicht Tröts von 5 Zeichen oder weniger. Zusammengefaltet, werden keine Zeilen angezeigt. TheDesk zählen nur richtige Zeilen. (Zeilenumbrüche nicht.)",
- "lines": "Zeilen",
- "letters": "Buchstaben",
- "or": "oder",
- "imgheight": "Höhe der Bilder",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Setze \"full\" für Unbeschnitten.",
- "ticker": "Aktiviere #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Zeigt bunte Sticker über den Server. Über #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation der Verläufe",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Ton bei Antwort",
- "favSound": "Ton bei Favorit",
- "btSound": "Ton bei Verstärkung",
- "followSound": "Ton bei Folgen",
- "customSound": "Eigener Ton",
- "post": "Einstellungen für Tröts Senden",
- "autocw": "Warnung vor dem Versenden eines langen Toots.",
- "autocwwarn": "Dialog anzeigen, ob Sie den zu langen Text verstecken möchten.",
- "defaultcw": "Standard Warnung",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Standardsichtbarkeit",
- "public": "Öffentlich",
- "unlisted": "Nicht aufgeführt",
- "private": "Privat",
- "direct": "Direkt",
- "memory": "Merken (bei jeden Server gespeichert)",
- "useapi": "Ihrer Standard-Sichtbarkeit (Einstellungen des Mastodon-Servers setzen)",
- "postimg": "Bilder-Einstellungen fürs Senden",
- "showurl": "MedienURL einfügen",
- "nourl": "Nichts einfügen",
- "disabled": "Ausgeschaltet",
- "quote": "Zitierformat",
- "simple": "Nur URL",
- "mention": "URL und Name (Hinweis auf den Benutzer)",
- "full": "URL, Text und Name(Hinweis auf den Benutzer)",
- "notqt": "Deaktiviert (Taste in Verlauf ausgeblendet)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Standard-Konto für Aktionen",
- "mainwarn": "Das Hauptkonto kann in der Kontoverwaltung gestellt werden.",
- "lastacct": "Konto, das Sie kürzlich verwendet haben",
- "usemainacct": "Hauptkonto",
- "secondary": "Zweite Tröt-Tasten",
- "secwarn": "Tröt mit anderer Sichtbarkeitseinstellunge",
- "nothing": "Versteckt",
- "localonly": "Nur lokal",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Emojis ohne Abstand Einfügen",
- "keysc": "Tastaturkürzel Einstellungen",
- "iks": "Schnell Einfügen",
- "okswarn": "Sie können Buchstaben und Emojis mit 3-Tasten-Kombination einfügen",
- "muteemp": "Einstellungen für Stumm & Hervorheben",
- "climute": "Client Stumm",
- "cliemp": "Client Hervorheben",
- "cliwarn": "Klicken Sie auf den Client-Namen des Tröts, um Ausblenden oder Hervorheben umzuschalten.",
- "enter": "\"Enter\" zum setzen",
- "wordmute": "Wörter Ausblenden",
- "wordemp": "Wörter Hervorheben",
- "useremp": "Benutzer Hervorheben",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Diese Farbe zum Hervorheben verwenden",
- "spotify": "Spotify und NowPlaying Einstellungen",
- "spotifynote1": "Klick ",
- "spotifynote2": "Symbol für NowPlaying",
- "link": "Kontoverbindung",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk speichert Ihre Daten auf dem thedesk.top Server.",
- "connect": "Verbinden",
- "disconnect": "Trennen",
- "templeteedit": "Vorlage Bearbeiten",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Lied/{album}:Album/{artist}:Künstler/{url}:URL zu Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Liedname/{album}:Albumname/{artist}:Artist/Komponist:{composer}/Spamplingrate:{hz}/Bitrate:{bitRate}/Genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Das Artwork von Spotify anhängen",
- "tts": "Einstellungen Vorlesefunktion",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Geschwindigkeit",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(Standard:10)",
- "pitch": "Stimmlage",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(Standard:50)",
- "vol": "Lautstärke",
- "volwarn": "0-100(Standard:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(Standard:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk ist ein Open-Source Mastodon Client für PC.",
- "playstop": "Abspielen/Stoppen",
- "back": "Zurück",
- "keyscs": "Tastenkombinationen",
- "keyscr": "Wechsle zu n(1-9)ten Spalte",
- "keynew": "Tröt-Box öffnen",
- "keytoggle": "Tröt-Box umschalten",
- "keypost": "Senden",
- "keysecpost": "Senden (Zweit-Tröt)",
- "keyunread": "Markiere alle Benachrichtigungen als gelesen.",
- "keyesc": "Tröt-Box ausblenden",
- "keyf5": "Alles neu laden",
- "keyclear": "Eingabe löschen",
- "keyacctman": "Kontenverwaltung",
- "keyshowprof": "Ausgewähltes Profil anzeigen",
- "keyrow": "Nächstes oder vorheriges Bild anzeigen",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "Wenn ein Tröt ausgewählt ist: ",
- "fav": "Diesen Tröt favorisieren",
- "bt": "Diesen Tröt verstärken",
- "reply": "Auf diesen Tröt antworten",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Gefährlich)",
- "resetconfirm": "Alle Daten löschen. Kein Rückgängig mehr möglich! Fortfahren?",
- "about": "Über TheDesk",
- "hp": "Homepage",
- "support": "Unterstützen",
- "help": "Hilfe",
- "sushi": "Gib mir einen Sushi!",
- "checkup": "Nach Updates suchen",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/German/update.json b/app/view/make/language/German/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 42eab6db..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/German/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Neusten TheDesk holen.",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable Version",
- "installer": "Installer Version",
- "snap": "Snap-Version kann auf Snapcraft sein",
- "unrewrite": "Nicht wieder fragen.",
- "sureupd": "Du kannst ein cooles Erlebnis verpassen!",
- "skipupd": "Update überspringen",
- "nexttl": "Bis zur nächsten Verlaufsaktualisierung",
- "nextver": "Bis zur nächsten Version",
- "problem1": "Gibt es Probleme?",
- "problem2": "Bitte von Offizielle Homepage herunterladen.",
- "continue": "Aktualisieren fortsetzen",
- "dlnow": "Herunterladen..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Greek/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Greek/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Greek/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Greek/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Greek/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Greek/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Greek/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Greek/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Greek/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Greek/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Greek/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Greek/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Greek/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Greek/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Greek/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hebrew/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Hungarian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Italian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Italian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Italian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Italian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Italian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Italian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Italian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Italian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Italian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Italian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Italian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Italian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Italian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Italian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Italian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Norwegian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Polish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Polish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Polish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Polish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Polish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Polish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Polish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Polish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Polish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Polish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Polish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Polish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Polish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Polish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Polish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Portuguese/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Romanian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Romanian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Romanian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Romanian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Romanian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Romanian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Russian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Russian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Russian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Russian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Russian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Russian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Russian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Russian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Russian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Russian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Russian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Russian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Russian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Russian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Russian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic).json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic).json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic).json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2005f3..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "Lista de cuentas",
- "back": "Volver",
- "add": "Agregar una cuenta",
- "codesetupwarn": "No seleccionar para saltar el pegado de código (iniciá sesión de Mastodon en Windows o macOS) (Recomendado: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Configuración de código",
- "mainacct": "Establecer una cuenta",
- "selacct": "Seleccionar una cuenta",
- "codepastewarn": "Pegar el código y cerrar el navegador web.",
- "codepaste": "Código",
- "domain": "Dominio",
- "connect": "Servidores federados",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Usuarios",
- "users2": "usuarios",
- "safety": "Conectividad",
- "ver": "Versión de Mastodon",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Iniciar sesión con Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Leé la documentación (en japonés) para usar Misskey.",
- "nodata": "Sin datos"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 21774aeb..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Arrastrá y soltá acá para subir",
- "close": "Cerrar",
- "showSelectProf": "Mostrar perfil de la cuenta seleccionada",
- "closethisbox": "Cerrar esta caja",
- "toot": "Tootear",
- "post-new": "Publicar nuevo",
- "nsfwDes": "Marcar medio como sensible",
- "cwDes": "Ocultar texto con advertencia de contenido",
- "selfile": "Adjuntar…",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "Ahora suena (Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "Ahora suena (macOS)",
- "schedule": "Toot programado",
- "postat": "Publicar el",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Intervalo mínimo: 5 minutos (el reloj en el servidor podría no ser preciso).",
- "clearToot": "Limpiar caja de toot",
- "replyMode": "Responder",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Sí",
- "temp": "Adjuntar archivos",
- "nothing": "Ninguno",
- "vis": "Establecer privacidad del estado",
- "cwtext": "Texto de advertencia",
- "selectVis": "Establecer estado de privacidad",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Sólo local",
- "sectoot": "Toot secundario",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Algunos emojis no se pueden ingresar.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refrescar lista de emojis",
- "closeThisBox": "Cerrar esta caja",
- "showThisEmoji": " son mostrados.",
- "customEmoji": "Emojis personalizados",
- "peopleEmoji": "Gente",
- "natureEmoji": "Naturaleza",
- "foodEmoji": "Alimentos",
- "activityEmoji": "Actividades",
- "placeEmoji": "Lugares",
- "thingsEmoji": "Herramientas",
- "symbolEmoji": "Símbolos",
- "flagsEmoji": "Banderas",
- "poll": "Encuesta",
- "pollDdisabled": "Encuestas: deshabilitadas",
- "pollProvider": "Proveedor de encuesta",
- "polluntil": "Ocultar votos hasta que se vote.",
- "choice": "Opción",
- "pollmulti": "Elección múltiple",
- "expires_in": "Vence en… (seg.)",
- "contextBefore": "Contexto anterior a este toot",
- "thisToot": "Este toot",
- "contextAfter": "Contexto luego de este toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Línea temporal local anterior a este toot",
- "beforeUTL": "Línea temporal del usuario anterior a este toot",
- "afterLTL": "Línea temporal local después de este toot",
- "afterUTL": "Línea temporal del usuario anterior a este toot",
- "afterFTL": "Línea temporal federada luego de este toot",
- "favedPeople": "Gente que lo marcaron como favorito",
- "btedPeople": "Gente que lo retooteó",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Usar otra cuenta",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":Dejar de marcar como favorito y deshacer retoot están deshabilitados.",
- "reply": "Responder",
- "bt": "Retootear",
- "favRegist": "Marcar como favorito",
- "openBrowser": "Abrir en navegador web",
- "screenshot": "Tomar captura de pantalla",
- "copyURL": "Copiar dirección web de este toot",
- "embed": "Insertar",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Seguir",
- "follower": "Seguidor",
- "timeline": "Línea temporal",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cuenta cruzada",
- "list": "Enlistar",
- "makeNew": "Guardar",
- "blocks": "Bloqueos",
- "mutes": "Silenciados",
- "block": "Bloquear",
- "mute": "Silenciar",
- "domainBlock": "Bloqueo de dominio",
- "editProf": "Editar perfil",
- "change": "Guardar",
- "followReq": "Solicitudes de seguimiento",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Similares",
- "endorse": "Destacar en perfil",
- "openinbrowser": "Abrir en navegador web",
- "mainacct": "Establecer como cuenta principal",
- "frc": "Sugerir",
- "more": "Más",
- "revoverJP": " para ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(No se pudo dejar de seguir)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "o",
- "openProf": "Mostrar perfil",
- "warnListRegist": "Seguí para agregar a este usuario a las listas.",
- "blockDomain": "Agregar dominio de bloqueo",
- "name": "Nombre para mostrar",
- "note": "Nota",
- "editProfImg": "Cambiar avatar",
- "editHeader": "Cambiar imagen de encabezado",
- "blocked": "Estás bloqueado. ¿Por qué?",
- "likeUserDes": "Personas similares a este usuario.",
- "get": "Obtener",
- "historyBack": "Volver",
- "empUser": "Destacar a este usuario",
- "supportme": "¡Apoyá a TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk no tiene publicidad, no tenés que pagar para desbloquear características premium. ¡Pero necesitamos de tu sincero apoyo!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Doná en Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Doná en Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Lista de deseos de Amazon",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Doname una tarjeta de regalo de Amazon:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Mensualmente",
- "once": "Una vez",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local (con medios)",
- "home": "Principal",
- "fed": "Federado",
- "fedMedia": "Fed. (con medios)",
- "dm": "Mensajes directos",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrado (local/principal)",
- "localPlusDes": "Local+Respuesta+retoot",
- "notf": "Notificaciones",
- "showThisTL": "Mostrar esta línea temporal:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck con TJDeck personalizado (Código/TJDeck). Los atajos de teclado te irritarán. Cuando lo sientas, revisá \"Preferir WebView\" en la parte superior de la columna.",
- "add": "Agregar",
- "search": "Buscar",
- "sortSet": "Ordenar",
- "selectAcct": "Cuenta (desplazar para mostrar todo)",
- "listLocale": "Lista",
- "filterWord": "Palabras filtradas",
- "degree": "Filtrar contextos",
- "conver": "Conversaciones",
- "option": "Configuración",
- "matchWord": "Palabra completa",
- "warnMatchWord": "Útil para lenguas romances",
- "except": "Liberar en lugar de ocultar",
- "exceptWorn": "Los toots filtrados desaparecerán irreversiblemente, incluso si el filtro se quita luego",
- "avalableBefore": "Vence después de",
- "warnAvBefore": "No establecer o \"'0\" significa \"Nunca\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "Este valor puede contener algún error",
- "unlimited": "Nunca",
- "days": "día/s",
- "hours": "hora/s",
- "mins": "minuto/s",
- "secs": "segundo/s",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "La línea temporal integrada / línea temporal plus ocultará palabras filtradas, tanto de la línea principal como local.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Error interno: por favor, eliminá todos los datos (en la página de configuración) Todos los datos serán eliminados.",
- "addColumn": "Agregar una columna",
- "sortColumns": "Ordenar",
- "acctMan": "Administrador de cuentas",
- "filter": "Filtro",
- "setting": "Configuración",
- "reverse": "Diseño invertido de botón de toot",
- "f5": "Recargar línea temporal",
- "nanoDes": "El Mastodon más pequeño,",
- "verTips": "Versión",
- "clockTips": "Reloj",
- "ramTips": "Estado de RAM",
- "changeTips": "Cambiar atajos",
- "help": "Ayuda",
- "about": "Acerca de TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "« Agregar línea temporal",
- "show": "Mostrar",
- "directory": "Directorio",
- "active": "Recientemente activo",
- "newcomer": "Recién llegados",
- "local_only": "Sólo local",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Guía de bienvenida",
- "lookAtBottom": "Mirá en la parte inferior de esta ventana. Acá tenés algunas sugerencias.",
- "acctManDesc": "Agregá más cuentas y administralas.",
- "settingDesc": "Muchas configuraciones. ¡No vas a poder con todas!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Miniventana (experimental)",
- "listDesc": "Toda la configuración diaria de TheDesk y Mastodon como agergar y ordenar columnas, revisión de listas y filtros."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a371e2a..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "es-AR",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Sí",
- "lang_nothing": "Ninguno",
- "lang_yesno": "Sí",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Esperá…",
- "lang_edit": "Editar",
- "lang_del": "Eliminar",
- "lang_add": "Agregar",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Ocurrieron algunos errores. Por favor, reiniciá TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Inglés de Estados Unidos por Google",
- "lang_lang": "Idioma",
- "lang_langlocale": "Español",
- "lang_back": "Volver",
- "lang_set": "Establecer",
- "lang_langadd": "Localizá TheDesk a otros idiomas o revisá sus traducciones en GitHub. TheDesk necesita tu ayuda.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d m",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 mes",
- "lang_time_months": "%d meses",
- "lang_time_year": "a",
- "lang_time_years": "%d a",
- "lang_version_usever": "No se encontró ninguna actualización ({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Se ignoró la actualización.",
- "lang_version_platform": "¿Querés actualizaciones automáticas? (quienes instalaron TheDesk desde Microsoft Store tienen que seleccionar \"No\")",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "¿Querés actualizaciones automáticas? (quienes instalaron TheDesk desde Snapcraft tienen que seleccionar \"No\")",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "¿Querés actualizaciones automáticas? (quienes instalaron TheDesk desde Homebrew Cask tienen que seleccionar \"No\")",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Mostrar línea temporal de cuentas sin inicios de sesiones",
- "lang_manager_info": "Acerca de esta instancia",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refrescar",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Cerrar sesión",
- "lang_manager_color": "Color de cuenta",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "está a punto de cerrar sesión. ¿Querés continuar?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Listo, elegí la cuenta principal",
- "lang_manager_def": "Predeterminado",
- "lang_manager_none": "Nada",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Abrí DevCenter de Misskey. También mostramos documentos oficiales como referencia.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Cerrar sesión",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk considera \"@\" como respuesta, pero podés poner otro parámetro. \"No listado\" en Mastodon significa \"Principal\" en Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Obtené emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Emojis personalizados",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis de {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "no se puede previsualizar",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "No podés cambiar cuentas después de subir.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Falló",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Eliminar esta imagen.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "Este toot no contiene una etiqueta predeterminada. Este toot no se mostrará en la línea temporal local. ¿Querés continuar?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "Este toot (toot no público) no se muestra en la línea temporal de esta etiqueta.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Alerta automática de Advertencia de contenido",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "Estás a punto de enviar un toot más largo de lo establecido.\nTexto de advertencia:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancelar (no se enviará)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Crear el texto oculto automáticamente",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continuar con el envío",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "Llevará un minuto marcar un toot remoto como favorito.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "Llevará un minuto retootear un toot remoto.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Seguir",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
- "lang_status_block": "Bloquear",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Desbloquear",
- "lang_status_mute": "Silenciar",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Dejar de silenciar",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Eliminar toot original y editarlo",
- "lang_status_redraft": "¿Querés continuar para eliminar el toot original y redactarlo de nuevo? Vas a perder toda la interacción acumulada en el mismo. Esta opción puede contener algunos errores. Las imágenes de este toot se eliminarán en versiones de Mastodon anteriores a la 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "- los toots de este usuario están resaltados. Por favor, recargá luego de esta acción.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "- los toots de este usuario no están resaltados. Por favor, recargá luego de esta acción.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "No destacado en el perfil",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Destacado en el perfil",
- "lang_status_followers": "Seguidores",
- "lang_status_active": "Último estado",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Por favor, obtené la lista de emojis para mostrar sugerencias.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Modo de respuesta. \"Ctrl\" + \"Mayús\" + \"C\" para limpiar.",
- "lang_cards_check": " comprobado",
- "lang_cards_pip": "Modo de pantalla en pantalla",
- "lang_details_nodata": "Sin datos",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Toot filtrado",
- "lang_details_embed": "El código HTML de inserción se copió al portapapeles.",
- "lang_details_url": "La dirección web de este toot se copió al portapapeles.",
- "lang_details_txt": "El contenido de este toot se copió al portapapeles.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "Sin datos",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Por favor, comprobá un contexto",
- "lang_list_nodata": "Sin datos",
- "lang_list_show": "Mostrar",
- "lang_list_users": "Lista de usuarios",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No hay usuarios en esta lista.",
- "lang_list_add": "Agregar a la lista",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(tal vez este usuario fue enlistado)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Quitar de la lista",
- "lang_notf_new": " nuevas notificaciones",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Guardar valor sobre la configuración de texto hablado",
- "lang_src_ts": "orden cronológico",
- "lang_src_people": " toot de persona",
- "lang_tags_always": "Siempre toots con ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Toot de la línea temporal de etiqueta",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Desfijar {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Deshabilitar TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Completar automáticamente {{tag}}, si el toot no tiene {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Medios",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconectar a la API de streaming",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Procesando…",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "Datos de marcadores POST. Por favor, esperá.",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Descargado:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Ir al comienzo de esta columna. Cuando el ícono está rojo, esta columna no se puede conectar a la API del streaming. En ese caso, por favor, refrescá.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} de esta cuenta",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Quitar esta columna",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Configuración de esta columna",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Filtro de medio",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Analizador automático de enlace",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Analizador automático de enlace",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Texto hablado ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Refrescar esta columna",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Color del encabezado de esta columna",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[Sin datos]
F5/⌘+R para refrescar",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Mensaje directo",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Preferir WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Tipo de notificación excluida",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Mostrar modo de retoot (DESACTIVADO / Excluir retoots / Sólo retoots)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Pegar a la izquierda",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Colocar en la derecha",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Eliminar esta columna",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Eliminar esta columna",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Sin leer",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Ir a esta columna",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Eliminar esta columna",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Adjuntar la tapa del álbum",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "No adjuntar la tapa del álbum",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Conectar TheDesk a Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Listo, plantilla de Ahora suena",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "Proveedor de Ahora suena: {{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Se requiere Mastodon 2.4.3 o superior",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Se mostrarán cuentas que no se siguen.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "Tomará entre 30 segundos a varios minutos",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey no pudo responder.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "Este usuario está verificado por {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "Se mudó esta cuenta",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continuar en la nueva cuenta",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Te sigue",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notificación ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Dominio ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Seguí a este usuario para agregarlo a las listas.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "Este sitio web está verificado por su propietario en ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " te respondió",
- "lang_parse_faved": " marcó tu toot como favorito",
- "lang_parse_bted": " retooteó tu toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " retooteado",
- "lang_parse_polled": " hizo una encuesta",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Enviado el",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Mostrar",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Tamaño de texto:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Colapsado automáticamente",
- "lang_parse_more": "Más",
- "lang_parse_url": "Analizador de direcciones web",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Línea temporal de {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot con {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Público",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Sin listar",
- "lang_parse_private": "Privado",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Mensaje directo",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Hacé clic para copiar el texto de este toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Hacé clic para copiar la dirección web de este toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Traducir al japonés",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Responder este toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Retootear este toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Marcar como favorito este toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Citar este toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Eliminar este toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Fijar este toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Detalles vía tu cuenta principal.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Eliminar toot original y editarlo",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Te sigue",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Función de este cliente",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " hará lo siguiente",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "nada",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "resaltar / no resaltar",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "silenciar",
- "lang_parse_mute": " será silenciado. Lo podés quitar en la configuración.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Votado",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Votar",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Mostrar el resultado sin votar",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Venció",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Mostrar hilo",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Archivo adjunto",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "medios sensibles",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Mostrar notificaciones de este usuario",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Republicar",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renovar",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reacción",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No hay API de streaming en las líneas temporales de la etiqueta",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No hay API de streaming en las líneas temporales de la lista",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Principal",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Seguidor",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Usuario específico",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Modo de renovación de Misskey (cita): \"Ctrl\" + \"Mayús\" + \"Intro\" para limpiar",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renovó tu siguiente entrada.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " citó tu siguiente entrada.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reaccionó a tu siguiente entrada.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Formato de tiempo: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Tema: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Medios sensibles: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "Advertencia de contenido: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Texto predeterminado de advertencia de contenido: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Advertencia de contenido siempre activa: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Contador de respuestas: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Visibilidad predeterminada: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Ventana emergente de notificación: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Desactivado",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Acción predeterminada de la caja de toot: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Colapso automático: {{set1}} líneas y más, {{set2}} letras y más",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Advertencia de contenido automático: {{set1}} líneas y más, {{set2}} letras y más",
- "lang_setting_width": "Ancho mínimo: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "Ancho fijo de TweetDeck: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_img": "Luego de enviar una imagen: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Tipografía: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "tipografía predeterminada",
- "lang_setting_size": "Tamaño de tipografía: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Altura de imagen: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker: {{set}} px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animación: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Línea temporal de etiqueta: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Caja de toot: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Local nativo: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Notificación nativa: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Formato de cita: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Vía: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Ocultamiento de los botones de acción: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Marcadores de notificación: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Cuenta predeterminada: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Botón de toot secundario: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Se actualizaron los atajos de teclado.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "Ningún usuario está silenciado.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Prueba de notificación ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Se muestra el ícono.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Sólo se exportará los datos importantes. Tenés que guardar esto en un lugar seguro.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "Todos los datos serán eliminados."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b9f0b0..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Configuración",
- "set": "Guardar",
- "yes": "Sí",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "Ninguno",
- "default": "Predeterminado",
- "change": "Cambiar",
- "select": "Seleccionar",
- "env": "Configuración del sistema",
- "setlang": "Idiomas",
- "backup": "Importación y exportación de la configuración",
- "import": "Importar",
- "export": "Exportar",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Deshabilitar la aceleración por hardware",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Inicio automático",
- "theme": "Temas",
- "popup": "Ventana emergente de notificaciones (en Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Establecer \"0\" para ocultar",
- "s": "seg.",
- "nativenotf": "Notificación nativa",
- "nnwarn": "Esto no funciona en la compilación portátil para Windows.",
- "nntest": "Prueba de notificación",
- "minwidth": "Ancho mínimo de las columnas",
- "minwidthwarn": "La barra de desplazamiento se mostrará cuando el tamaño de la ventana sea mayor que el de las columnas.",
- "fixwidth": "Ancho mínimo del explorador de TweetDeck",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "por encima",
- "font": "Tipografía",
- "fontwarn": "Seleccioná tu tipografía favorita (sólo para Windows y macOS)",
- "fontsize": "Tamaño de tipografía",
- "savefolder": "Carpeta para guardar",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk usa esta configuración para guardar imágenes en general y capturas de pantallas.",
- "absolute": "valor absoluto",
- "themeSel": "Seleccionar tema",
- "customtheme": "Editar y agregar temas personalizados",
- "customthemeDirection": "Esquema de colores",
- "primary": "Color de fondo",
- "secondarycolor": "Fondo de componentes",
- "text": "Color del texto",
- "accent": "Fondo de retoots",
- "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
- "name": "Nombre",
- "desc": "Acerca de este tema",
- "customShare": "Compartí este código con otros usuarios de TheDesk. No se comparte este código en MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Importación de temas personalizados",
- "delete": "Eliminar",
- "cImpWarn": "Obtené más temas enMiAS",
- "timeline": "Configuración de la línea temporal",
- "timemode": "Formato del tiempo",
- "relativetime": "Formato relativo: \"hace 1 minuto\", \"hace 3 días\"",
- "absolutetime": "Formato absoluto: \"14:30:00\", \"2019/12/31 23:59:59\"",
- "mixtime": "Formato mezclado: los toots de hoy son relativos y el resto, absoluto.",
- "relativesel": "Relativo",
- "absolutesel": "Absoluto",
- "doublesel": "Ambos",
- "mixsel": "Mezclados",
- "locale": "Localización única del servidor",
- "localewarn": "Este valor está disponible en algunos servidores japoneses",
- "nswf": "Ocultar imágenes explícitas",
- "nsfwwarn": "Efecto difumado",
- "cw": "Ocultar contenidos con advertencias",
- "replyct": "Estilo de conteo de respuestas",
- "replyct_hidden": "Mostrar \"1+\" si hay más de 1 respuesta.",
- "replyct_full": "Mostrat el conteo total (1, 2,…)",
- "gif": "Animación de GIF",
- "box": "Comportamiento de la caja de entradas",
- "boxyes": "Colapsar",
- "boxabs": "Absolutamente abierta",
- "boxno": "Abrir luego de enviar la entrada",
- "tag": "Búsqueda de línea temporal",
- "tagfed": "Usar red federada",
- "taglocal": "Usar red local",
- "via": "Mostrar nombre del cliente de Mastodon",
- "mouseover": "Ocultar los botones de acción sin pasada del ratón",
- "mouseoverwarn": "Podrías sentir que la pasada del ratón es incómoda :(",
- "mv": "Pasar el ratón para mostrar",
- "mvclick": "Hacé clic para mostrar",
- "notfmarker": "Mostrar marcador de notificaciones, campara roja y contador (en una columna de notificaciones).",
- "autofold": "Colapsar automáticamente",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk no colapsa toots de 5 caracteres o menos. Al colapsar, no se muestran las nuevas líneas. TheDesk sólo cuenta las líneas por cantidad.",
- "lines": "líneas",
- "letters": "letras",
- "or": "o",
- "imgheight": "Altura de imagen",
- "imgheightwarn": "Opcional: establecé \"toda\" para no cortarla.",
- "ticker": "Habilitar #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Mostrar stickers coloridos sobre el servidor. Acerca de #InstanceTicker, derechos de autor 2018 weepjo, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animación de líneas temporales",
- "markers": "Marcadores (marcar como leído) en línea temporal principal y notificaciones",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Compartido en interface web y clientes de terceros soportados.",
- "replySound": "Sonido (respuesta)",
- "favSound": "Sonido (marcado como favorito)",
- "btSound": "Sonido (retoot)",
- "followSound": "Sonido (nuevo seguidor)",
- "customSound": "Sonido personalizado",
- "post": "Configuración de entradas",
- "autocw": "Alertar antes de enviar un toot largo.",
- "autocwwarn": "Mostrar un diálogo si estás escribiendo un texto oculto demasiado largo.",
- "defaultcw": "Texto de advertencia predeterminado",
- "cws": "Siempre establecer advertencia de contenido",
- "defaultvis": "Visibilidad predeterminada",
- "public": "Pública",
- "unlisted": "No listada",
- "private": "Privada",
- "direct": "Mensaje directo",
- "memory": "Memoria (en cada servidor)",
- "useapi": "Visibilidad predeterminada (se establece en la configuración del servidor de Mastodon)",
- "postimg": "Configuración al enviar imágenes",
- "showurl": "Dirección web para adjuntar medios",
- "nourl": "No adjuntar nada",
- "disabled": "Deshabilitado",
- "quote": "Formato de cita",
- "simple": "Sólo dirección web",
- "mention": "Dirección web y cuenta (mención al usuario)",
- "full": "Dirección web, texto y cuenta (mención al usuario)",
- "notqt": "Deshabilitado (ocultar botones en las líneas temporales)",
- "apiQuote": "API (sólo algunas instancias)",
- "main": "Acciones de cuenta predeterminada",
- "mainwarn": "Se puede establecer la cuenta predeterminada en el Administrador de cuentas.",
- "lastacct": "Cuenta usada recientemente",
- "usemainacct": "Cuenta principal",
- "secondary": "Botón de toot secundario",
- "secwarn": "Toot con otra configuración de visibilidad",
- "nothing": "Oculto",
- "localonly": "Sólo local",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "No agregar espacio al insertar emojis",
- "keysc": "Configuración de atajos del teclado",
- "iks": "Inserción fácil",
- "okswarn": "Podés insertar cualquier letra y emoji con sólo 3 teclas",
- "muteemp": "Configuración de silenciado y resaltado",
- "climute": "Silenciado de usuario",
- "cliemp": "Resaltado de usuario",
- "cliwarn": "Hacé clic en el nombre de los toots para cambiar entre silenciado y resaltado.",
- "enter": "Establecer con la tecla \"Intro\"",
- "wordmute": "Palabras silenciadas",
- "wordemp": "Resaltado de palabras",
- "useremp": "Resaltado de usuario",
- "useerempwarn": "Establecer según usuario.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Usar este color para resaltar",
- "spotify": "Configuración de Spotify y \"Ahora suena\"",
- "spotifynote1": "Hacé clic en el ícono ",
- "spotifynote2": "para mostrar \"Ahora suena\"",
- "link": "Conexión de cuenta",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk guarda tus datos en el servidor thedesk.top.",
- "connect": "Conectar",
- "disconnect": "Desconectar",
- "templeteedit": "Editar una plantilla",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify: {artist}: nombre del artista // {song}: nombre del tema // {album}: nombre del álbum // {url}: dirección web a Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS: {artist}: nombre del artista // {song}: nombre del tema // {album}: nombre del álbum // {genre}: género // {composer}: compositor // {hz}: frecuencia de muestreo // {bitRate}: tasa de transferencia",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Adjuntar tapa desde Spotify",
- "tts": "Configuración de TTS (texto hablado)",
- "bouyomi": "Conectar BouyomiChan",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Requiere: Plugin WebSocket de BouyomiChan",
- "speed": "Velocidad",
- "speedwarn": "1-100 (predeterminado:10)",
- "pitch": "Tono",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100 (predeterminado:50)",
- "vol": "Volumen",
- "volwarn": "0-100 (predeterminado:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100 (predeterminado: 80)",
- "test": "Prueba",
- "sample": "TheDesk s un culiente libre de Mastodon pahrah compootadoras.",
- "playstop": "Reproducir/Detener",
- "back": "Volver",
- "keyscs": "Atajos del teclado",
- "keyscr": "Saltar a columna (1 a 9)",
- "keynew": "Abrir caja de toot",
- "keytoggle": "Activar caja de toot",
- "keypost": "Enviar entrada",
- "keysecpost": "Enviar entrada (toot secundario)",
- "keyunread": "Marcar todas las notificaciones como leídas",
- "keyesc": "Ocultar caja de toot",
- "keyf5": "Refresco masivo",
- "keyclear": "Limpiar caja de toot",
- "keyacctman": "Administrador de cuentas",
- "keyshowprof": "Mostrar perfil de lo seleccionado",
- "keyrow": "Mostrar imagen siguiente o anterior",
- "keyzoom": "Ruedadelratón:Acercar o alejar una imagen",
- "whenSelected": "Al seleccionar un toot: ",
- "fav": "Marcar como favorito",
- "bt": "Retootear",
- "reply": "Responder a ese toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Seleccionar el toot de la primera columna",
- "reset": "Restablecer (peligro)",
- "resetconfirm": "Eliminar todos los datos. Esto no se puede deshacer. ¿Estás seguro?",
- "about": "Acerca de TheDesk",
- "hp": "Sitio web",
- "support": "Contribuciones ",
- "help": "Ayuda",
- "sushi": "¡Dame un sushi!",
- "checkup": "Buscar actualizaciones",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dcc1a159..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish, Argentina/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Obtené la última versión de TheDesk",
- "download": "Comenzar",
- "portable": "Compilación portátil",
- "installer": "Compilación de instalación",
- "snap": "La compilación Snap puede encontrarse en Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "No reescribir",
- "sureupd": "¡Podrías perderte una experiencia copada!",
- "skipupd": "Saltar esta actualización",
- "nexttl": "Hasta el próximo refresco de la línea temporal",
- "nextver": "Hasta la próxima versión",
- "problem1": "¿Tenés problemas?",
- "problem2": "Por favor, descargá desde el sitio web oficial.",
- "continue": "Continuar con la actualización",
- "dlnow": "Descargando…"
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Spanish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Spanish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Swedish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Swedish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Swedish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Swedish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Swedish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Swedish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Turkish/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Turkish/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Turkish/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Turkish/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Turkish/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Turkish/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Ukrainian/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/acct.json b/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/acct.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e70f7..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/acct.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- "list": "List of accounts",
- "back": "Back",
- "add": "Add an account",
- "codesetupwarn": "Uncheck it to skip pasiting code.(login to Mastodon on Windows or macOS) (Recommended: pcheck)",
- "codesetup": "Code setup",
- "mainacct": "Main an account",
- "selacct": "Select an account",
- "codepastewarn": "Paste the code and close browser.",
- "codepaste": "Code",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "connect": "Federated servers",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "users": "Users",
- "users2": "users",
- "safety": "Connection",
- "ver": "Mastodon version",
- "ko": "",
- "thisismisskey": "Login as Misskey",
- "misskeylogin": "Read Docs(ja) to login Misskey.",
- "nodata": "No data"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/index.json b/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a617540..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- "draghere": "Drag here to upload",
- "close": "Close",
- "showSelectProf": "Show profile of the selecting account",
- "closethisbox": "Close this box",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "post-new": "Post new",
- "nsfwDes": "Mark media as sensitive",
- "cwDes": "Hide text behind warning",
- "selfile": "Attach..",
- "insertEmoji": "Emojis",
- "NPSpotify": "NowPlaying(Spotify)",
- "NPiTunes": "NowPlaying(macOS)",
- "schedule": "Scheduled toot",
- "postat": "Post at",
- "scheduleWarn": "2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)",
- "clearToot": "Clear toot box",
- "replyMode": "Reply",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "temp": "Attaching files",
- "nothing": "None",
- "vis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "cwtext": "Warning text",
- "selectVis": "Adjust status privacy",
- "publicJP": "",
- "unlistedJP": "",
- "privateJP": "",
- "localJP": "Local only",
- "sectoot": "Secondary Toot",
- "directJP": "",
- "emojiWarn": "",
- "emojiInsertWarn": "Some emojis are not able to be inserted.",
- "refreshEmoji": "Refresh emojis list",
- "closeThisBox": "Close this box",
- "showThisEmoji": " are shown.",
- "customEmoji": "Custom emojis",
- "peopleEmoji": "Emojis of people",
- "natureEmoji": "Emojis of nature",
- "foodEmoji": "Emojis of foods",
- "activityEmoji": "Emojis of activities",
- "placeEmoji": "Emojis of places",
- "thingsEmoji": "Emojis of tools",
- "symbolEmoji": "Emojis of symbols",
- "flagsEmoji": "Emojis of flags",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "pollDdisabled": "Polls: Disabled",
- "pollProvider": "Provider of Poll",
- "polluntil": "Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.",
- "choice": "Choice",
- "pollmulti": "Multiple select",
- "expires_in": "Expires in...(sec)",
- "contextBefore": "Context before this toot",
- "thisToot": "This toot",
- "contextAfter": "Context after this toot",
- "beforeLTL": "Local TL before this toot",
- "beforeUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterLTL": "Local TL after this toot)",
- "afterUTL": "User TL before this toot",
- "afterFTL": "Federated TL after this toot",
- "favedPeople": "People who favourited it",
- "btedPeople": "People who boosted it",
- "useOtherAcct1": "Use other account",
- "useOtherAcct2": ":unfav and unBT are disabled.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "bt": "Boost",
- "favRegist": "Favourite",
- "openBrowser": "Open in browser",
- "screenshot": "Take a screenshot",
- "copyURL": "Copy URL of this toot",
- "embed": "Embed",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follow": "Follow",
- "follower": "Follower",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "operateOtherAcct": "Cross-account",
- "list": "List",
- "makeNew": "Save",
- "blocks": "Blocks",
- "mutes": "Mutes",
- "block": "Block",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "domainBlock": "Domain block",
- "editProf": "Edit profile",
- "change": "Save",
- "followReq": "Follow requests",
- "likeHimOrHer": "Resembling",
- "endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
- "mainacct": "Set it an main account",
- "frc": "Suggest",
- "more": "More",
- "revoverJP": " to ",
- "warnUseOtherAcct": "(Unable to unfollow)",
- "revoverJPde": "",
- "or": "or",
- "openProf": "Show profile",
- "warnListRegist": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "blockDomain": "Add blocking domain",
- "name": "Display name",
- "note": "Note",
- "editProfImg": "Change avataor",
- "editHeader": "Change header image",
- "blocked": "You are blocked. Why?",
- "likeUserDes": "Get people resembling this user.",
- "get": "Get",
- "historyBack": "Back",
- "empUser": "Emphasize this user",
- "supportme": "Support TheDesk!",
- "TheDeskDes": "TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!",
- "PatreonSupport": "Support on Patreon",
- "PixivSupport": "Support on Pixiv FANBOX",
- "AWLSupport": "Amazon Wish List",
- "SendAmazonGift1": "Give me Amazon Gift Card:",
- "SendAmazonGift2": "",
- "monthly": "Monthly",
- "once": "Once",
- "local": "Local",
- "localMedia": "Local(Media)",
- "home": "Home",
- "fed": "Federated",
- "fedMedia": "Federated(Media)",
- "dm": "Direct Message",
- "integratedTLDes": "Integrated(Local/Home)",
- "localPlusDes": "LTL+Reply+BT",
- "notf": "Notifications",
- "showThisTL": "Show this TL:",
- "webviewWarn": "TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(Code/TJDeck). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.",
- "add": "Add",
- "search": "Search",
- "sortSet": "Sort",
- "selectAcct": "Account(Scroll to show all)",
- "listLocale": "List",
- "filterWord": "Filtering words",
- "degree": "Filter contexts",
- "conver": "Conversations",
- "option": "Options",
- "matchWord": "Whole word",
- "warnMatchWord": "Nice for Latin language",
- "except": "Drop instead of hide",
- "exceptWorn": "Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed",
- "avalableBefore": "Expire after",
- "warnAvBefore": "Unset or \"0\" means \"Never\"",
- "warnAvBefore2": "This value may contain some error",
- "unlimited": "Never",
- "days": "day(s)",
- "hours": "hour(s)",
- "mins": "minute(s)",
- "secs": "second(s)",
- "warnOnIntegratedTL": "Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.",
- "helloTheDesk": "Internal error: please clear all data(at setting page) All data will be deleted.",
- "addColumn": "Add a column",
- "sortColumns": "Sort",
- "acctMan": "Account Manager",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "reverse": "Toot button layout reverse",
- "f5": "Reload TL",
- "nanoDes": "The smallest Mastodon,",
- "verTips": "Version",
- "clockTips": "Clock",
- "ramTips": "RAM status",
- "changeTips": "Change Tips",
- "help": "Help",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hereAddColumns": "<- Add TL",
- "show": "Show",
- "directory": "Directory",
- "active": "Recently active",
- "newcomer": "New arrivals",
- "local_only": "Local only",
- "demoBottomBtns": "Welcome guide",
- "lookAtBottom": "Look at the bottom of this window. Here is some tips about it.",
- "acctManDesc": "Add more accounts and logout them.",
- "settingDesc": "Many and many preferences here. You will couldn't check it all!",
- "nanoDescPlus": "Mini window client(experimental)",
- "listDesc": "All daily TheDesk and Mastodon tuning like add and sort columns, list and filter check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/main.json b/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/main.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f265fb6e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/main.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- "language": "en",
- "lang_toot": "Toot",
- "lang_there": "Yes",
- "lang_nothing": "None",
- "lang_yesno": "Yes",
- "lang_no": "No",
- "lang_progress": "Wait...",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_del": "Delete",
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_fatalerroroccured": "Some errors are occured, please restart TheDesk.",
- "lang_speech": "Google US English",
- "lang_lang": "Language",
- "lang_langlocale": "English",
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_set": "Set",
- "lang_langadd": "Translate TheDesk to other languages or proofread TheDesk on GitHub. TheDesk needs your help.",
- "lang_time_prefixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_prefixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_suffixAgo": null,
- "lang_time_suffixFromNow": null,
- "lang_time_inPast": null,
- "lang_time_seconds": "%d s",
- "lang_time_minute": "1 m",
- "lang_time_minutes": "%d m",
- "lang_time_hour": "1 h",
- "lang_time_hours": "%d h",
- "lang_time_day": "1 d",
- "lang_time_days": "%d d",
- "lang_time_month": "1 month",
- "lang_time_months": "%d months",
- "lang_time_year": "y",
- "lang_time_years": "%d y",
- "lang_version_usever": "No update is found({{ver}})",
- "lang_version_skipver": "Update was ignored.",
- "lang_version_platform": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Microsoft Store select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_linux": "Do you want auto-updates?(users installed on Snapcraft select 'No')",
- "lang_version_platform_mac": "Do you want auto-updates?(Homebrew Cask users select 'No')",
- "lang_login_noauth": "Show TL of unlogined accounts",
- "lang_manager_info": "About this instance",
- "lang_manager_refresh": "Refresh",
- "lang_manager_delete": "Logout",
- "lang_manager_color": "Account Color",
- "lang_manager_confirm": "is about to logout. Continue?",
- "lang_manager_mainAcct": "Done:choose main account",
- "lang_manager_def": "Default",
- "lang_manager_none": "None",
- "lang_manager_godev": "Open DevCenter of Misskey. We show also an official documents to refer.",
- "lang_manager_logout": "Logout",
- "lang_bbmd_misskey": "TheDesk regards \"@\" as reply, but put other parameter. Unlisted on Mastodon means Home on Misskey.",
- "lang_emoji_get": "Get emojis",
- "lang_emoji_custom": "Custom emojis",
- "lang_defaultemojis_text": "Emojis about {{cat}}",
- "lang_emoji_uncat": "Uncategorized",
- "lang_postimg_previewdis": "cannot preview",
- "lang_postimg_aftupload": "You cannot change accounts after uploading.",
- "lang_postimg_failupload": "Failed",
- "lang_postimg_delete": "Delete this image.",
- "lang_post_tagTL": "This toot does not contain a default tag. This toot will not be shown on Local TL. Continue?",
- "lang_post_tagVis": "This toot(not 'public' toot) is not shown on this tag's TL.",
- "lang_post_cwtitle": "Auto CW Alert",
- "lang_post_cwtxt": "You are about to post longer toot than you set.\nWarning text:",
- "lang_post_btn1": "Cancel (will not post)",
- "lang_post_btn2": "Make text hidden automatically",
- "lang_post_btn3": "Continue to post",
- "lang_status_favWarn": "It will take a miunte to favourite a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_btWarn": "It will take a miunte to boost a remote toot.",
- "lang_status_follow": "Follow",
- "lang_status_unfollow": "Unfollow",
- "lang_status_block": "Block",
- "lang_status_unblock": "Unblock",
- "lang_status_mute": "Mute",
- "lang_status_unmute": "Unmute",
- "lang_status_redraftTitle": "Delete & redraft",
- "lang_status_redraft": "Continue to delete & redraft? You lose statuses of this toot. This fanction may contain some bugs. Images of this toot will be deleted on older than Mastodon 2.4.1.",
- "lang_status_emphas": "'s toots are emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unemphas": "'s toots are not emphasized. Please reload after this action.",
- "lang_status_unendorse": "Not feature on profile",
- "lang_status_endorse": "Feature on profile",
- "lang_status_followers": "Followers",
- "lang_status_active": "Last status",
- "lang_suggest_nodata": "Please get emojis list in order to show suggestion.",
- "lang_usetxtbox_reply": "Reply Mode. Ctrl+Shift+C to clear.",
- "lang_cards_check": " check",
- "lang_cards_pip": "PiP mode",
- "lang_details_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_details_filtered": "Filtered toot",
- "lang_details_embed": "Embed HTML is cliped.",
- "lang_details_url": "URL of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_details_txt": "Content of this toot is cliped.",
- "lang_filter_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_filter_errordegree": "Please check a context",
- "lang_list_nodata": "No data",
- "lang_list_show": "Show",
- "lang_list_users": "Users list",
- "lang_list_nouser": "No users in this list.",
- "lang_list_add": "Add to the list",
- "lang_list_add_misskey": "(perhaps this user has been listed)",
- "lang_list_remove": "Remove from the list",
- "lang_notf_new": " new notifications",
- "lang_speech_refresh": "Save value about TTS config",
- "lang_src_ts": "chronological order",
- "lang_src_people": " people toot",
- "lang_tags_always": "Always toots with ",
- "lang_tags_realtime": "Tag-stream toot",
- "lang_tags_tagunpin": "Unpin {{tag}}",
- "lang_tags_unrealtime": "Disable TsT",
- "lang_tags_tagwarn": "Auto complete {{tag}}, if toot without {{tag}}",
- "lang_tl_media": "Media",
- "lang_tl_reconnect": "Reconnect to streaming API",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers_title": "Process...",
- "lang_tl_postmarkers": "POST markers data. Please wait",
- "lang_img_DLDone": "Downloaded:",
- "lang_layout_gotop": "Go top of this column. When icon is red, this column cannot connect straming API. Please reload.",
- "lang_layout_thisacct": "{{notf}} of this account",
- "lang_layout_delthis": "Remove this column",
- "lang_layout_setthis": "Preferences of this column",
- "lang_layout_mediafil": "Media filtering",
- "lang_layout_linkana": "Auto Link Analyzer",
- "lang_layout_linkanades": "Auto link analyzer",
- "lang_layout_tts": "Text to speech ",
- "lang_layout_reconnect": "Reload this column",
- "lang_layout_headercolor": "Header color of this column",
- "lang_layout_nodata": "[No data]
F5/⌘+R to reload",
- "lang_layout_dm": "Direct Message",
- "lang_layout_webviewmode": "Prefer WebView",
- "lang_excluded": "Excluded type of notification",
- "lang_layout_excludingbt": "Show BT mode(OFF/Exclude BT/Only BT)",
- "lang_layout_leftFold": "Stack to the left",
- "lang_layout_leftUnfold": "Dock on the right",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumn": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_deleteColumnDesc": "Delete this column",
- "lang_layout_unread": "Unread",
- "lang_sort_gothis": "Go to this column",
- "lang_sort_remthis": "Delete this column",
- "lang_spotify_img": "Attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_imgno": "Not attach an album artwork",
- "lang_spotify_acct": "Connect TheDesk to Spotify",
- "lang_spotify_np": "Done:templete of NowPlaying",
- "lang_setting_npprovide": "NowPlaying provider:{{set}}",
- "lang_hisdata_frcreq": "Required Mastodon 2.4.3 and above",
- "lang_hisdata_frcwarn": "Unfollow accounts will be shown.",
- "lang_hisdata_taketime": "It will take 30s ~ several minutes",
- "lang_hisdata_notonmisskey": "Misskey is unable to request.",
- "lang_hisdata_key": "This user is proofed by {{set}}",
- "lang_showontl_movetxt": "This account was moved",
- "lang_showontl_movebtn": "Continue on the new account",
- "lang_showontl_botacct": "[bot]",
- "lang_showontl_followed": "Following you",
- "lang_showontl_notf": "Notification ",
- "lang_showontl_domain": "Domain ",
- "lang_showontl_listwarn": "Follow to add this user to lists.",
- "lang_showontl_verified": "This website is verified by owner at ",
- "lang_parse_mentioned": " replied to you",
- "lang_parse_faved": " favourited your toot",
- "lang_parse_bted": " boosted your toot",
- "lang_parse_btedsimple": " boosted",
- "lang_parse_polled": "'s poll",
- "lang_parse_notftime": "Actioned at",
- "lang_parse_cwshow": "Show",
- "lang_parse_fulltext": "Full size text:",
- "lang_parse_autofold": "Auto folded",
- "lang_parse_more": "More",
- "lang_parse_url": "URL Analyzer",
- "lang_parse_tagTL": "Timeline of {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagtoot": "Toot with {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_tagpin": "Pin {{tag}}",
- "lang_parse_public": "Public",
- "lang_parse_unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "lang_parse_private": "Private",
- "lang_parse_direct": "Direct",
- "lang_parse_clickcopy": "Click to copy text of this toot",
- "lang_parse_clickcopyurl": "Click to copy URL of this toot",
- "lang_parse_trans": "Translate to Japanese",
- "lang_parse_replyto": "Reply to this toot",
- "lang_parse_bt": "Boost this toot",
- "lang_parse_fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "lang_parse_quote": "Quote this toot",
- "lang_parse_del": "Delete this toot",
- "lang_parse_pin": "Pin this toot",
- "lang_parse_det": "Details via your main account.",
- "lang_parse_redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
- "lang_parse_followed": "Followed you",
- "lang_parse_clientop": "Operation of this client",
- "lang_parse_clienttxt": " will be",
- "lang_parse_clientno": "done nothing",
- "lang_parse_clientemp": "emphasized(/not emphasized)",
- "lang_parse_clientmute": "muted",
- "lang_parse_mute": " will be muted. You can remove on preferences.",
- "lang_parse_voted": "Voted",
- "lang_parse_vote": "Vote",
- "lang_parse_unvoted": "Show the result without voting",
- "lang_parse_endedvote": "Expired",
- "lang_parse_thread": "Show thread",
- "lang_parse_unknown": "Attached file",
- "lang_parse_nsfw": "sensitive media",
- "lang_parse_notffilter": "Show this user's notifications",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renote": "Repost",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoteqt": "Renote",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reaction": "Reaction",
- "lang_misskeyparse_tagnostr": "No streaming API on Tag TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_listnostr": "No streaming API on List TLs",
- "lang_misskeyparse_home": "Home",
- "lang_misskeyparse_followers": "Follower",
- "lang_misskeyparse_specified": "Specified User",
- "lang_misskeyparse_qt": "Misskey renote(quote) mode:Ctrl+Shift+Enter to clear",
- "lang_misskeyparse_renoted": " renoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_quoted": " quoted your following post.",
- "lang_misskeyparse_reacted": " reacted your following post.",
- "lang_setting_time": "Time format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_theme": "Theme:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_nsfw": "Sensitive media:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cw": "CW:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cwtext": "Default CW text:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_cws": "Always CW on:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_rp": "Reply counter:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_vis": "Default visibility:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_popup": "Popup notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_off": "Off",
- "lang_setting_s": "s",
- "lang_setting_box": "Default toot box action:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_gif": "GIF:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_selt": "Auto fold:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_autocw": "Auto CW:{{set1}} lines and above, {{set2}} letters and above",
- "lang_setting_width": "Minimam width:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_fixwidth": "TweetDeck fixed width:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_img": "After posting an image:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_font": "Fonts:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_default": "default font",
- "lang_setting_size": "Font size:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_imgheight": "Image height:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_ticker": "#InstanceTicker:{{set}}px",
- "lang_setting_animation": "Animation: {{set}}",
- "lang_setting_tag": "Tag TL:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_boxConfirm": "Post box:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ul": "Native locale:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_notf": "Native notification:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_quote": "Quote format:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_via": "Via:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_mov": "Action buttons hiding:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_setasread": "Notification markers:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_main": "Default account:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_sec": "Secondary toot button:{{set}}",
- "lang_setting_ksref": "Keyboard shortcuts are refreshed.",
- "lang_setting_nomuting": "No client is muted.",
- "lang_setting_notftest": " Notification test ",
- "lang_setting_notftestprof": "Your icon is shown.",
- "lang_setting_exportwarn": "Only important data will be exported. You must keep this data secure.",
- "lang_setting_importwarn": "All data will be deleted."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/setting.json b/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/setting.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ce404e..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/setting.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- "setting": "Preferences",
- "set": "Save",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "none": "None",
- "default": "Default",
- "change": "Change",
- "select": "Select",
- "env": "System Preferences",
- "setlang": "Languages",
- "backup": "Import and export of preferences",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- "hardwareAcceleration": "Disable hardware acceleration",
- "hardwareAccelerationWarn": "Auto restarted",
- "theme": "Themes",
- "popup": "Popup notification(on Windows)",
- "popupwarn": "Hide to set \"0\"",
- "s": "sec",
- "nativenotf": "Native notification",
- "nnwarn": "This does not work on Windows Portable ver.",
- "nntest": "Notification test",
- "minwidth": "Minimum width of columns",
- "minwidthwarn": "Scroll bar will be shown when your window size is more than ammounts of columns.",
- "fixwidth": "Minimum width of TweetDeck browser",
- "fixwidthwarn": "",
- "above": "above",
- "font": "Font",
- "fontwarn": "Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)",
- "fontsize": "Font size",
- "savefolder": "Folder to save",
- "savefolderwarn": "TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.",
- "absolute": "absolute value",
- "themeSel": "Select theme",
- "customtheme": "Edit and add custom themes",
- "customthemeDirection": "Color scheme",
- "primary": "Background color",
- "secondarycolor": "Background of components",
- "text": "Text color",
- "accent": "Background of boosts",
- "add_new": "Add new",
- "name": "Name",
- "desc": "About this theme",
- "customShare": "Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.",
- "customImport": "Import of custom themes",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cImpWarn": "Get more themes on MiAS",
- "timeline": "Timeline Preferences",
- "timemode": "Time format",
- "relativetime": "Relative format:\"1 minutes ago\",\"3 days ago\"",
- "absolutetime": "Absolute format:\"23:25:21\",\"2017/12/30 23:59:00\"",
- "mixtime": "Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
- "relativesel": "Relative",
- "absolutesel": "Absolute",
- "doublesel": "Both relative and absolute",
- "mixsel": "Mixed",
- "locale": "Server's unique locale",
- "localewarn": "This value is available on some Japanese servers",
- "nswf": "Hide Mark sensitive pictures",
- "nsfwwarn": "Strong blur effect",
- "cw": "Hide CW contents",
- "replyct": "Reply counter style",
- "replyct_hidden": "Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
- "replyct_full": "Show full count(1,2...)",
- "gif": "Animated GIF images animation",
- "box": "Action of posting-box",
- "boxyes": "Folding",
- "boxabs": "Absolutely open",
- "boxno": "Open after posting",
- "tag": "Tag TL Search",
- "tagfed": "Use federated network",
- "taglocal": "Use local network",
- "via": "Show via",
- "mouseover": "Hide action buttons without mouseover",
- "mouseoverwarn": "You may feel 'mouseover' is unconfortable:(",
- "mv": "Mouseover to show",
- "mvclick": "Click to show",
- "notfmarker": "Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
- "autofold": "Auto folding",
- "autofoldwarn": "TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
- "lines": "lines",
- "letters": "letters",
- "or": "or",
- "imgheight": "Height of images",
- "imgheightwarn": "Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
- "ticker": "Enable #InstanceTicker",
- "tickerwarn": "Show colorful stickers about the server. About #InstanceTicker Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
- "animation": "Animation of timelines",
- "markers": "Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
- "markerswarn": "Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",
- "replySound": "Sound(Reply)",
- "favSound": "Sound(Fav)",
- "btSound": "Sound(Boost)",
- "followSound": "Sound(Follow)",
- "customSound": "Custom sound",
- "post": "Posting Preferences",
- "autocw": "Alert before posting a long toot.",
- "autocwwarn": "Show dialog whether you make too-long text hidden.",
- "defaultcw": "Default warining text",
- "cws": "Always CW set",
- "defaultvis": "Default visibility",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct",
- "memory": "Memory(memorized as each server)",
- "useapi": "Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon server)",
- "postimg": "Posting images preferences",
- "showurl": "Insert media URL",
- "nourl": "Insert nothig",
- "disabled": "Disabled",
- "quote": "Quote format",
- "simple": "Only URL",
- "mention": "URL and acct(mention to the user)",
- "full": "URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
- "notqt": "Disabled(Hide buttons on TLs)",
- "apiQuote": "API(only some instances)",
- "main": "Default accounts of actions",
- "mainwarn": "Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
- "lastacct": "Account you used recently",
- "usemainacct": "Main account",
- "secondary": "Secondary Toot Button",
- "secwarn": "Toot with other visibility setting",
- "nothing": "Hidden",
- "localonly": "Local Only",
- "zeroWidthEmoji": "Zero-width space when inserting emojis",
- "keysc": "Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
- "iks": "Easy inserter",
- "okswarn": "You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
- "muteemp": "Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
- "climute": "Client Mute",
- "cliemp": "Client Emphasis",
- "cliwarn": "Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
- "enter": "Enter to set",
- "wordmute": "Words Mute",
- "wordemp": "Words Emphasis",
- "useremp": "Users Emphasis",
- "useerempwarn": "Set on users data modals.",
- "empcolorwarn": "Use this color to emphasis",
- "spotify": "Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
- "spotifynote1": "Click ",
- "spotifynote2": "icon to NowPlaying",
- "link": "Account Connection",
- "linkwarn": "TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
- "connect": "Connect",
- "disconnect": "Disconnect",
- "templeteedit": "Edit a template",
- "templeteeditwarn": "",
- "templete1": "Spotify:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
- "templete2": "macOS:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre}",
- "templete3": "",
- "postartwork": "Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
- "tts": "TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
- "bouyomi": "BouyomiChan connect",
- "bouyomiWarn": "Require: BouyomiChan WebSocket Plugin",
- "speed": "Speed",
- "speedwarn": "1-100(default:10)",
- "pitch": "Pitch",
- "pitchwarn": "0-100(default:50)",
- "vol": "Volume",
- "volwarn": "0-100(default:100)",
- "volwarn80": "0-100(default:80)",
- "test": "Test",
- "sample": "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",
- "playstop": "Play/Stop",
- "back": "Back",
- "keyscs": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "keyscr": "Jump to n(1-9)th column",
- "keynew": "Open toot box",
- "keytoggle": "Toggle toot box",
- "keypost": "Post",
- "keysecpost": "Post(secondary toot)",
- "keyunread": "Make all notifications read",
- "keyesc": "Hide toot box",
- "keyf5": "Super Reload",
- "keyclear": "Clear toot box",
- "keyacctman": "Account Manager",
- "keyshowprof": "Show profile of selecting",
- "keyrow": "Show next or previous image",
- "keyzoom": "Mousewheel:Zoom a image",
- "whenSelected": "When a toot is selected: ",
- "fav": "Favourite this toot",
- "bt": "Boost this toot",
- "reply": "Reply to this toot",
- "keyselecttop": "Select the top & left(No.1 column) toot",
- "reset": "Reset(Danger)",
- "resetconfirm": "Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?",
- "about": "About TheDesk",
- "hp": "Website",
- "support": "Support",
- "help": "Help",
- "sushi": "Give me a sushi!",
- "checkup": "Check update",
- "ossJP": ""
diff --git a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/update.json b/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/update.json
deleted file mode 100644
index faf55048..00000000
--- a/app/view/make/language/Vietnamese/update.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "updatehere": "Get latest TheDesk",
- "download": "Start",
- "portable": "Portable ver.",
- "installer": "Installer ver.",
- "snap": "Snap ver may be on Snapcraft",
- "unrewrite": "Not rewrite",
- "sureupd": "You may lose a cool experience!",
- "skipupd": "Skip this update",
- "nexttl": "Until next TL loading",
- "nextver": "Until next version",
- "problem1": "Some problems?",
- "problem2": "Please download on Oficial HP.",
- "continue": "Continue updating",
- "dlnow": "Downloading..."