"advancedWarn":"Advanced options will be <i>null</i> if you set nothing, while basic 3 options will be white(<i>fff</i>). They(adv. options) will be reset if you saved with advanced panel closed.",
"active":"Background of Show or CW buttons, selected options...",
"modal":"Background of modals",
"bottom":"Background of bottom bar",
"postbox":"Background of post box and menu",
"subcolor":"Subcolor, has harmony with secondary color",
"mixtime":"Smíšený formát: tooty publikované dnes jsou v relativním formátu, ostatní jsou v absolutním formátu.",
"doublesel":"Relativní i absolutní",
"locale":"Server's unique locale",
"localewarn":"This value is available on some Japanese servers",
"nswf":"Skrývat citlivé obrázky",
"nsfwwarn":"Silný efekt rozmazání",
"cw":"Skrývat obsah za varováními",
"replyct":"Reply counter style",
"replyct_hidden":"Show 1+ if the replies are more than 1.",
"replyct_full":"Show full count(1,2...)",
"gif":"Animated GIF images animation",
"box":"Action of posting-box",
"boxabs":"Absolutely open",
"boxno":"Open after posting",
"tag":"Tag TL Search",
"tagfed":"Use federated network",
"taglocal":"Use local network",
"via":"Show via",
"mouseover":"Skrýt akční tlačítka bez přejetí myši",
"mouseoverwarn":"„Přejetí myši“ pro vás může být nepohodlné :(",
"mv":"Zobrazit přejetím myši",
"mvclick":"Zobrazit kliknutím",
"notfmarker":"Show Notification marker, red colored bell and counter(if you show a notification column.)",
"autofold":"Auto folding",
"autofoldwarn":"TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
"imgheight":"Height of images",
"imgheightwarn":"Option:Set \"full\" to uncrop.",
"ticker":"Enable #InstanceTicker",
"tickerwarn":"Show colorful stickers about the server. <a href=\"https://cdn.weep.me/mastodon/\">About #InstanceTicker</a> Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.",
"animation":"Animation of timelines",
"markers":"Markers(mark as read) on HTL and notifications",
"markerswarn":"Mastodon 3.0~. Shared on WebUI and third-party supported clients.",