2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!doctype html>
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< html lang = "en" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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< title > TheDesk< / title >
< meta content = "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" name = "viewport" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
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< link href = '../../css/tl.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
< link href = '../../css/userdata.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
< link href = '../../css/post.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
< link href = "../../css/master.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
< link href = '../../css/sort.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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< meta charset = "utf-8" >
2019-02-05 13:33:32 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var _jipt = [];
_jipt.push(['project', 'thedesk']);
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://cdn.crowdin.com/jipt/jipt.js" > < / script >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
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2019-01-26 14:24:26 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/lang/lang.en.js" > < / script >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/time.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/version.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/keyshortcut.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/modal.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/jquery-ui.min.js" > < / script >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< script >
2019-03-19 01:14:30 +11:00
var ver="Usamin (18.0.3)";
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
2018-07-30 03:35:29 +10:00
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
//var ver="beta";
2018-09-06 02:53:12 +10:00
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
var acct_id=0;
var tlid=0;
2019-03-16 02:29:54 +11:00
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / script >
< textarea id = "copy" style = "top:-100px; position:fixed;" > < / textarea >
< div id = "tl" >
<!-- TL -->
<!-- ドラッグハンドラ -->
< div id = "drag" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< div id = "drag-content" data-trans = "drag_here" > Drag here to upload
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" onclick = "closedrop()" data-trans = "close" > Close< / button >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< div id = "post-box" class = "z-depth-5" >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< div id = "post-bar" class = "drag-bar" > Post new< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!-- トゥートボックス -->
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< div id = "left-side" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "row" style = "margin-bottom:0;" >
< / span >
< div class = "" style = "float:left;" >
< a onclick = "profShow()" style = "vertical-align:-2.5rem;" class = "pointer mize" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< img src = "../../img/missing.svg" id = "acct-sel-prof" title = "Show profile of the selecting account(Ctrl+Shift+P)" data-trans-title = "post_box_prof" width = "24px" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "input-field mize" style = "float:left; width:calc(100% - 24px)" >
< select id = "post-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" onchange = "mdCheck()" > < / select >
< / div >
< span class = "cancel" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons waves-effect" onclick = "hide()" title = "Close this box(X)" data-trans-title = "post_box_close" > cancel< / i >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / span >
<!-- Markdown -->
< div class = "row" style = "margin-bottom:0" >
< div class = "markdown mize hide" >
< div class = "col s12" >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('b')" title = "太字(Ctrl+B)テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > format_bold< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('i')" title = "斜字(Ctrl+I)テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > format_italic< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('u')" title = "下線(Ctrl+U)テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > format_underlined< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('s')" title = "取り消し(Ctrl+S)テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > strikethrough_s< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('>','no','yes')" title = "引用" > format_quote< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('#','no','yes')" title = "見出し" > short_text< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('`','yes','no')" title = "コード挿入 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > code< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('- ','yes','yes')" title = "箇条書きリスト" > format_list_bulleted< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('1. ','yes','yes')" title = "番号付きリスト" > format_list_numbered< / i >
< i class = "pointer setting fa fa-subscript waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('__','yes','no','before')" title = "下付き文字 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" style = "font-size:1.5rem" > < / i >
< i class = "pointer setting fa fa-superscript waves-effect" onclick = "markdown('_','yes','no','before')" title = "上付き文字 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" style = "font-size:1.5rem" > < / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('spin')" title = "回転 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > autorenew< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('pulse')" title = "点滅 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > flare< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('flip=vertical')" title = "上下反転 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > swap_vert< / i >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('flip=horizontal')" title = "左右反転 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > swap_horiz< / i >
< span class = "sml gray pointer waves-effect" >
< a onclick = "mdToggle()" > Markdownエディタを隠す< / a >
< / span >
< br >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('size')" title = "文字サイズ変更 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > format_size< / i >
< input id = "size" style = "width: calc(50% - 20px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" value = "12" > px
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "tagsel('colorhex')" title = "文字色変更 テキストボックス内を選択してから押すと囲みます。" > color_lens< / i >
< input id = "colorhex" style = "width: calc(50% - 50px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" type = "color" >
< br >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdownLink()" title = "リンク挿入" > link< / i >
< input id = "linkt" style = "width: calc(50% - 20px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" placeholder = "リンクテキスト" >
< input id = "link2" style = "width: calc(50% - 20px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" placeholder = "リンクアドレス" >
< br >
< i class = "material-icons pointer setting waves-effect" onclick = "markdownImage()" title = "インライン画像挿入" > image< / i >
< input id = "image" style = "width: calc(50% - 20px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" placeholder = "代替テキスト" >
< input id = "image2" style = "width: calc(50% - 20px); margin: 0; height: 24px;" placeholder = "画像アドレス" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "input-field col s12" id = "preview-field" style = "margin-top: 0;" >
< div id = "md-preview" >
< / div >
< span class = "sml gray pointer" >
< a onclick = "previewEdit()" > Edit< / a >
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "input-field col s12" id = "toot-field" style = "margin-top: 10px;" >
< textarea id = "textarea" class = "materialize-textarea unmize" style = "margin-bottom:0;" data-length = "500" > < / textarea >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< label for = "textarea" data-trans = "toot" > Toot< / label >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< br >
< span class = "sml gray pointer markdown mize" id = "preview-btn" >
< a onclick = "preview()" > Preview< / a >
< / span >
< span class = "sml gray pointer anti-markdown mize" >
< a onclick = "mdToggle()" > Markdownエディタを表示< / a >
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "col s12 mize" style = "margin-top: 0; display:flex; justify-content: space-between" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "waves-effect gray material-icons" id = "nsfw" title = "Mark media as sensitive" onclick = "nsfw()" > visibility_off< / i >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< i class = "waves-effect gray material-icons purple-text dropdown-button" data-activates = 'dropdown1' id = "vis-icon" > public< / i >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a class = "waves-effect gray" id = "cw" onclick = "cw()" title = "Hide text behind warning" > CW< / a >
< span > < span id = "imgup" > < / span > < span id = "imgsel" > < i class = "waves-effect material-icons gray" onclick = "fileselect()" title = "Attach.." > photo_library< / i > < / span > < / span >
2018-09-20 01:10:53 +10:00
< i class = "waves-effect gray material-icons" onclick = "emojiToggle()" id = "emojibtn" title = "Emojis" > tag_faces< / i >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< i class = "waves-effect gray material-icons dropdown-button" data-activates = 'dropdown2' > more_vert< / i >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons nex gray waves-effect" title = "Clear toot box(Ctrl+Shit+C)" data-trans-title = "post_box_clear" id = "clear" > clear< / i >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "col s12 mize" style = "margin-bottom:5px; padding:0;" >
< div id = "taglist" > < / div >
< span id = "preview" class = "mize" > < / span >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< span class = " sml mize" > < span data-trans = "reply" > Reply< / span > :
< span id = "rec" > No< / span > /< span data-trans = "file" > Attaching files< / span > :
< span id = "mec" > None< / span > /< span data-trans = "vis" > Adjust status privacy< / span > :
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< span id = "vis" > public< / span >
< / span >
< br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< input type = "text" id = "cw-text" placeholder = "Warning text" class = "mize" style = "margin:0" >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< div id = "sch-box" > Post at< br > < span class = "sml" > 2.7.0~ Minimum time gap:5min(clock on the server may not be accurate.)< / span > < br >
< input type = "datetime-local" id = "sch-date" placeholder = "Scheduled toot" class = "datepicker" style = "margin:0" >
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 公開範囲 Dropdown Structure -->
< ul id = 'dropdown1' class = 'dropdown-content' >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< li style = "font-size: 16px; display: block; line-height: 22px; padding: 14px 16px;" > Adjust status privacy< / li >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< li >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a onclick = "vis('public')" > (Public)< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / li >
< li >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a onclick = "vis('unlisted')" > (Unlisted)< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / li >
< li >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a onclick = "vis('private')" id = "private-button" > (Private)< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / li >
< li id = "limited-button" class = "hide" >
< a onclick = "vis('limited')" > 限定公開(Limited)< / a >
< / li >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< li id = "local-button" class = "hide" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a onclick = "vis('local')" > Local only(Local)< / a >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< / li >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< li >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a onclick = "vis('direct')" class = "disabled direct" > (Direct)< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / li >
< / ul >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
<!-- その他 Dropdown Structure -->
< ul id = 'dropdown2' class = 'dropdown-content' >
< li >
< a onclick = "adobe()" > Adobe Photo Editor< / a >
< / li >
< li >
2019-01-27 01:27:35 +11:00
< a onclick = "nowplaying('spotify');" > NowPlaying(Spotify)< / a >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< / li >
< li >
2019-01-27 01:27:35 +11:00
< a onclick = "nowplaying('itunes');" > NowPlaying< / a >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< / li >
< li >
< a onclick = "schedule();" > Scheduled toot< / a >
< / li >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< li >
< a onclick = "pollToggle();" > Poll< / a >
< / li >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< / ul >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!-- hidden area -->
< input type = "hidden" id = "reply" >
< input type = "hidden" id = "media" >
<!-- END hidden area -->
< / div >
< div id = "toot-btn-field" >
2018-09-19 02:41:48 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo unmize toot-btn-group" onclick = "post()" id = "toot-post-btn" > Toot< / button >
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo darken-3 unmize hide toot-btn-group" onclick = "sec()" id = "toot-sec-btn" > < i class = "material-icons" id = "toot-sec-icon" title = "Secondary Toot" > lock_open< / i > < / button >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< div id = "right-side" >
2019-03-13 02:51:07 +11:00
< div id = "suggest" > < / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!-- 絵文字ピッカー -->
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< div id = "emoji" class = "hide" >
< span class = "gray sml" >
< a onclick = "emojiGet('true')" class = "pointer" > Refresh emojis list< / a >
< i class = "material-icons waves-effect" onclick = "emojiToggle()" title = "Close this box" data-trans-title = "post_box_close" > cancel< / i >
< br >
< / span >
< div id = "emoji-list" class = "" style = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "emoji-control center" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect blue" style = "width:30%; padding:0;" onclick = "emojiList('before')" id = "emoji-before" >
< i class = "material-icons" > navigate_before< / i >
< / button >
< span id = "emoji-count" > < / span > /
< span id = "emoji-sum" > < / span >
< button class = "btn waves-effect blue" style = "width:30%; padding:0;" onclick = "emojiList('next')" id = "emoji-next" >
< i class = "material-icons" > navigate_next< / i >
< / button >
< / div >
< div id = "default-emoji" >
< span id = "now-emoji" > < / span > are shown.< br > < span class = "gray sml" > Some emojis are not able to be inserted.< / span >
< br >
< a onclick = "customEmoji()" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Custom emojis" >
< i class = "material-icons" > add< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('people')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of people" >
< i class = "material-icons" > people< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('nature')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of nature" >
< i class = "material-icons" > local_florist< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('food')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of foods" >
< i class = "material-icons" > restaurant< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('activity')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of activities" >
< i class = "material-icons" > directions_run< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('place')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of places" >
< i class = "material-icons" > directions_car< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('object')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of tools" >
< i class = "material-icons" > attach_file< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('symbol')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of symbols" >
< i class = "material-icons" > gesture< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "defaultEmoji('flag')" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "Emojis of flags" >
< i class = "material-icons" > flag< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "faicon()" class = "pointer waves-effect" title = "faicon" id = "faicon-btn" >
< i class = "fa fa-fort-awesome" > < / i >
< / a >
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
<!-- Poll UI -->
< div id = "poll" class = "hide" >
< select id = "poll-sel" onchange = "pollProviderCk()" >
< option value = "nothing" > Polls: Disabled< / option >
< option value = "votedon" > votedon.< / option >
< option value = "mastodon-poll" > Mastodon(2.8~)< / option >
< / select >
2019-03-07 03:14:05 +11:00
< div id = "votedon" class = "poll-provider hide" >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< / div >
< div id = "mastodon-poll" class = "poll-provider hide" >
< input type = "text" class = "mastodon-choice" placeholder = "Choice1" >
< input type = "text" class = "mastodon-choice" placeholder = "Choice2" >
< input type = "text" class = "mastodon-choice" placeholder = "Choice3" >
< input type = "text" class = "mastodon-choice" placeholder = "Choice4" >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "poll-multiple" value = "1" / >
< label for = "poll-multiple" > Multiple select< / label > < br >
2019-03-06 22:56:39 +11:00
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "poll-until" value = "1" / >
< label for = "poll-until" > Hide 'votes' count until people vote it.< / label > < br >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "days_poll" placeholder = "d" value = "0" > days
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "hours_poll" placeholder = "h" value = "0" > hours
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "mins_poll" placeholder = "m" value = "0" > minutes
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!-- Modal Structure Tootdata -->
< div id = "tootmodal" class = "modal modal-fixed-footer" >
< div class = "modal-content" >
< ul class = "collapsible" data-collapsible = "accordion" id = "det-col" >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > arrow_upward< / i > Context before this toot
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "toot-reply" >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" id = "activator" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > more_horiz< / i > This toot
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< div class = "toot-reset" id = "toot-this" > < / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > arrow_downward< / i > Context after this toot
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "toot-after" >
< / div >
< / li >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< li class = "dm-hide" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > people_outline< / i > Local TL before this toot
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "toot-before" >
< / div >
< / li >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< li class = "dm-hide" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > person_outline< / i > User TL before this toot
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "user-before" >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > star< / i > People who favourited it
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "toot-fav" >
< / div >
< / li >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< li class = "dm-hide" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "text-darken-3 fa fa-retweet" > < / i > People who boosted it
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body toot-reset" id = "toot-rt" >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< div class = "dm-hide" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Use other account(< i class = "fa fa-retweet" > < / i > /< i class = "fa fa-star" > < / i > :unfav and unBT are disabled.)< br >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "row" >
2019-03-06 22:56:39 +11:00
< div class = "col s6" >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< select id = "status-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" > < / select >
< / div >
< div class = "col s2" >
2019-03-06 22:56:39 +11:00
< button class = "dropdown-button btn waves-effect" style = "width:100%;" onclick = "staEx('reply')" > < i class = "fa fa-share" > < / i > /button>
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "col s2" >
2019-03-06 22:56:39 +11:00
< button class = "dropdown-button btn waves-effect indigo" style = "width:100%;" onclick = "staEx('rt')" > < i class = "fa fa-retweet" > < / i > < / button >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-06 22:56:39 +11:00
< div class = "col s2" >
< button class = "dropdown-button btn waves-effect orange" style = "width:100%;" onclick = "staEx('fav')" > < i class = "fa fa-star" > < / i > < / button >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "toot-tools" >
< / div >
< div id = "toot-after" >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< div class = "modal-footer" >
2019-03-16 21:06:03 +11:00
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect waves-green btn-flat dm-hide" onclick = "brws()" > Open in browser< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect waves-green btn-flat dm-hide" onclick = "shot()" > Take a screenshot< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect waves-green btn-flat dm-hide" onclick = "cbCopy()" > Copy URL of this toot< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect waves-green btn-flat dm-hide" onclick = "cbCopy('emb')" > Embed< / a >
2018-09-17 21:55:00 +10:00
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" > Close< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- Modal Structure Userdata -->
< div id = "his-data" class = "modal bottom-sheet modal-fixed-footer" style = "max-height:750px; height:90%;" >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< div id = "his-data-content" class = "modal-content" style = "padding-bottom: 0;overflow-y:hidden;" >
< div id = "his-data-show" >
< div class = "his-float" id = "his-float-data" >
< div id = "his-basic-prof" >
2019-02-05 13:33:32 +11:00
< img src = "../../img/loading.svg" id = "his-prof" >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< span id = "his-name" > Loading...< / span > < span class = "gray" id = "his-bot" > < / span >
< br > @
< span id = "his-acct" > < / span > < br >
< span class = "gray" id = "his-relation" > < / span >
< br >
< span class = "cbadge" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< span id = "his-sta" > < / span > Toots
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / span >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< span class = "cbadge" > Follow:
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< span id = "his-follow" > < / span >
< / span >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< span class = "cbadge" > Follower:
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< span id = "his-follower" > < / span >
< / span > < br >
< span class = "cbadge" style = "max-width:150px; width:150px; " > Since:
< span id = "his-since" > < / span >
< / span >
< / div >
< div id = "his-des" > < / div > < br >
< div id = "his-plus-action" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a href = "#!" class = "btn waves-effect waves-effect blue-grey btn-flat" id = "his-emp-btn" onclick = "empUser()" > Emphasize this user< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "btn waves-effect waves-effect blue-grey btn-flat only-his-data" id = "his-end-btn" onclick = "pinUser()" > Feature on profile< / a > < br >
< a href = "#!" class = "btn waves-effect waves-effect blue-grey btn-flat" id = "his-openin" onclick = "profbrws()" > Open in browser< / a > < br >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div > < br >
< div id = "his-matching-list" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Get people resembling this user.< br >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
Powered by < a href = "https://vinayaka.distsn.org/" target = "_blank" > Mastodon User Matching< / a > < br >
< div id = "his-matching-list-contents" class = "cont-series" > < / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " onclick = "showMat()" style = "width:100%;" > Get< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "his-float" id = "his-float-timeline" >
< div id = "my-data-nav" >
< ul class = "custom-tabs transparent" >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width active-back column-first" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-tl" title = "Timeline" > < i class = "material-icons" > timeline< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-follow-list" title = "Follow" > < i class = "material-icons" > people< / i > →< / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-follower-list" title = "Follower" > < i class = "material-icons" > people< / i > ←< / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-his-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-action" title = "Cross-account" > < i class = "material-icons" > account_box< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-his-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-list" title = "List" > < i class = "material-icons" > list< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-fav-list" title = "Favourite" > < i class = "material-icons" > star< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-blocking-list" title = "Blocks" > < i class = "material-icons" > block< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-blocking-list" title = "Blocks" > < i class = "material-icons" > voice_over_off< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-domain-list" title = "Domain block" > < i class = "material-icons" > language< / i > < i class = "material-icons" > block< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-prof-list" title = "Edit profile" > < i class = "material-icons" > create< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-request-list" title = "Follow requests" > < i class = "material-icons" > how_to_reg< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< li class = "custom-tab col my-data-width only-my-data" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a go = "#his-follow-recom-list" title = "Suggest" > < i class = "material-icons" > recent_actors< / i > < / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< div id = "his-tl" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-tl-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "utl('--now','more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-follow-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-follow-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "flw('--now','more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-follower-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-follower-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "fer('--now','more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-action" class = "tab-content" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Use other account to Follow((Unable to unfollow))< br >
< div style = "max-width:500px;" > < select id = "user-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" > < / select > < / div >
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect btn" onclick = "follow('selector','true')" > Follow< / a > < br >
or< br >
< a href = "#!" class = "waves-effect btn" onclick = "udgEx('selector', 'selector')" > Show profile< / a > < br >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-list" class = "tab-content" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< div id = "his-lists-a" > Follow to add this user to lists.< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< div id = "his-lists-b" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "his-fav-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-fav-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "showFav('more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-blocking-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-blocking-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "showBlo('more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-muting-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-muting-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "showMut('more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-domain-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-domain-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "showDom('more')" > More< / button > Add blocking domain
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< br >
< input type = "text" placeholder = "example.com" id = "domainblock" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" onclick = "addDomainblock()" > Add< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< br >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< div id = "his-prof-list" class = "tab-content" > Display name
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< input type = "text" placeholder = "Display name" id = "his-name-val" style = "max-width:250px;" >
< br > Note
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< br >
< div class = "input-field col s12" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< textarea placeholder = "Note" id = "his-des-val" class = "materialize-textarea" > < / textarea >
< label for = "his-des-val" > Note< / label >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
2018-09-19 02:41:48 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "profedit()" > Save< / button >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< br > Change avataor:
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< span id = "prof-change" >
< input type = "file" onchange = "imgChange(this,'avatar')" >
< / span >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< br > Change header image:
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< span id = "header-change" >
< input type = "file" onchange = "imgChange(this,'header')" >
< / span >
< / div >
< div id = "his-request-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-request-list-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect " style = "width:100%; padding:0;" onclick = "showReq('more')" > More< / button >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "his-follow-recom-list" class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "his-follow-recom-contents" class = "cont-series" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "modal-footer" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "modal-action waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" id = "his-history-btn" onclick = "historyShow()" > Back< / button >
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" id = "his-follow-btn" onclick = "follow()" > Follow< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" id = "his-mute-btn" onclick = "mute()" > Mute< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" id = "his-block-btn" onclick = "block()" > Block< / a >
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" onclick = "hisclose()" > Close< / a >
2018-09-05 01:04:56 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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< div id = "imagemodal" class = "modal modal-fixed-footer" style = "min-width:550px" >
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< div class = "modal-footer" >
DL:< span id = "imgprog" > < / span > %
< a class = "waves-effect white-text" onclick = "zoom(2)" >
< i class = "material-icons" > zoom_in< / i >
< / a >
< a class = "waves-effect white-text" onclick = "zoom(0.5)" >
< i class = "material-icons" > zoom_out< / i >
< / a >
< button class = "btn waves-effect purple" onclick = "dlImg()" >
< i class = "material-icons" > file_download< / i >
< / button >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect brown" onclick = "detFromImg()" > This toot< / button >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect orange" onclick = "imgCont('prev')" id = "image-prev" >
< i class = "material-icons" > keyboard_arrow_left< / i >
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< i class = "material-icons" > keyboard_arrow_right< / i >
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< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" >
< i class = "material-icons" > close< / i >
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2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" > Close< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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<!-- Modal Structure Release Note -->
< div id = "releasenote" class = "modal modal-fixed-footer" >
< div class = "modal-content" >
< h3 > TheDesk< / h3 >
< a href = "https://thedesk.top" target = "_blank" > HP< / a > < br >
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< a href = "https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk" target = "_blank" > GitHub< / a > < br >
< br >
2019-03-19 01:14:30 +11:00
< div id = "release-Usamin_18-0-3" class = "release-do" style = "display:none; " >
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< a href = "https://code.cutls.com/thedesk-log/" target = "_blank" > 開発の経緯< / a > < br >
< a href = "https://ja.mstdn.wiki/TheDesk" target = "_blank" > 機能一覧< / a > < br >
2018-09-17 21:55:00 +10:00
Entyでは支援者様限定で様々なTheDeskに関する記事をご覧いただけます。< br >
困ったときは、< a href = "https://docs.thedesk.top" > TheDesk Docs< / a > をご覧ください。
2019-03-19 01:14:30 +11:00
< h5 > Release Note Usamin (18.0.3)< / h5 >
・初期段階でカラムが追加できない可能性を修正。< br >
2019-03-16 05:13:42 +11:00
--以下18.0.0--< br >
2019-03-15 22:13:51 +11:00
・多くの機能を「メニュー」に集約。結局何のボタンかわからないアイコンの羅列から解放。< br >
・Alt+Enterでセカンダリートゥートボタン< br >
・引用ボタンを表示しない設定(引用形式設定を「使用しない」)< br >
・実況機能をまともに書き直した。< br >
・サジェストをトゥートボックスの右に< br >
・ハードウェアアクセラレーションを無効化するオプション。(設定の表示などが乱れるときに設定)< br >
・返信時に「@」が複数含まれない仕様を訂正< br >
・一部のデフォルト値を修正。< br >
・設定のエクスポート(バックアップ)がバージョン2に。ほとんどの設定をエクスポートします。< br >
・イメージビューワーの修正< br >
2019-03-16 16:05:04 +11:00
< / div >
< div id = "release-en" >
< h5 > Let's make it native!< / h5 >
< a href = "https://translate.thedesk.top" > Crowdin translation project< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
< br > < br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< h3 > Support TheDesk!< / h3 >
TheDesk has no ad, you need no charge to unlock premium features. We need your friendly support!< br >
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< a class = "btn-share btn waves-effect waves-light purple lighten-2" href = "https://enty.jp/Cutls" target = "_blank" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Support on Enty
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< / a >
< a class = "btn-share btn waves-effect waves-light red lighten-2" href = "https://osushi.love/Cutls_P" target = "_blank" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Osushi.love: give me sushi
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< / a >
< a class = "btn-share btn waves-effect waves-light blue" href = "https://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wishlist/2TV35ZHHJPDSB" target = "_blank" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Amazon Wish List
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< / a >
< br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
Give me Amazon Gift Card:< a href = "mailto:mstdn@thedesk.top" target = "_blank" > mstdn@thedesk.top< / a > < br >
2018-09-18 00:35:42 +10:00
Kyash< br >
< img src = "../../img/kyash.png" width = "100" > < br >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a href = "#!" class = "modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat" > Close< / a >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
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< i class = "material-icons pip-horiz pointer" onclick = "pipHoriz()" > chevron_right< / i >
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< i class = "material-icons pointer" onclick = "endPip()" > close< / i >
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2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
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< div id = "left-menu" >
< div class = "waves-effect active" onclick = "addColumnMenu()" id = "addColumnMenu" > < i class = "material-icons" > add< / i > < span > Add a column< / span > < / div >
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "sortMenu()" id = "sortMenu" > < i class = "material-icons" > sort< / i > < span > Sort< / span > < / div >
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "searchMenu()" id = "searchMenu" > < i class = "material-icons" > search< / i > < span > Search< / span > < / div >
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "listMenu()" id = "listMenu" > < i class = "material-icons" > view_headline< / i > < span > List< / span > < / div >
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "filterMenu()" id = "filterMenu" > < i class = "material-icons" > filter_list< / i > < span > Filter< / span > < / div >
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "help()" > < i class = "material-icons" > help_outline< / i > < span > Help< / span > < / div >
2019-03-16 05:13:42 +11:00
< div class = "waves-effect" onclick = "location.href='index.html'" > < i class = "material-icons" > refresh< / i > < span > Reload TL< / span > < / div >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / div >
< div id = "right-menu" >
<!-- カラム追加 -->
< div id = "add-box" class = "hide menu-content" >
2019-03-16 02:44:18 +11:00
< div class = "input-field" > < span data-trans = "your_acct" > Account(Scroll to show all)< / span >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< br >
< select id = "add-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" style = "color:black" onchange = "addselCk()" > < / select >
< label > < / label >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< div class = "input-field" >
< div id = "auth" >
2019-03-16 02:29:54 +11:00
< input type = "hidden" value = "local" id = "type-sel" >
Show this TL:
< div id = "tltype" >
< div class = "type waves-effect active" data-type = "local" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > people_outline< / i > < / div > < span > Local< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "local-media" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > people_outline< / i > < i class = "material-icons sub-icon" > perm_media< / i > < / div > < span > Local(Media)< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "home" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > home< / i > < / div > < span > Home< / span > < / div >
2019-03-16 02:44:18 +11:00
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "pub" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > language< / i > < / div > < span > Federated< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "pub-media" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > language< / i > < i class = "material-icons sub-icon" > perm_media< / i > < / div > < span > Federated(Media)< / span > < / div >
2019-03-16 02:29:54 +11:00
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "dm" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > mail_outline< / i > < / div > < span > Direct Message< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "mix" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > merge_type< / i > < / div > < span > Integrated(Local/Home)< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "plus" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > merge_type< / i > < i class = "material-icons sub-icon" > reply< / i > < / div > < span > LTL+Reply+BT< / span > < / div >
< div class = "type waves-effect" data-type = "notf" > < div > < i class = "material-icons" > notifications< / i > < / div > < span > Notifications < / span > < / div >
< / div >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< div id = "noauth" class = "hide" > Show this TL:
< input id = "noauth-url" type = "text" class = "validate" style = "width:calc( 70% - 40px);" placeholder = "e.g:mstdn.jp" >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< div id = "webview-add" class = "hide" > TweetDeck with customed TJDeck(< a href = 'https://gist.github.com/cutls/8787a55d2c1c53274e68a427966046a6' target = '_blank' > Code< / a > /< a href = 'https://gist.github.com/totoraj930/d1394dadb51d75666a76829f61e7280c' target = '_blank' > TJDeck< / a > ). Keyboard shortcuts will irritate you. When you feel so, you check 'Prefer WebView' on top of the column.
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / div >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / div >
< button class = "btn waves-effect blue " style = "width:calc( 100% - 10px);" onclick = "addColumn()" data-trans-i = "add" >
< i class = "material-icons left" > add< / i > Add
< / button >
< br >
< br >
< / div >
<!-- 検索 -->
< div id = "src-box" class = "hide menu-content" >
< div class = "input-field" >
< select id = "src-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" onchange = "trend()" > < / select >
< / div > < div class = "input-field" >
< i class = "material-icons prefix" > search< / i >
< input id = "src" type = "text" class = "validate" style = "width:calc( 60% - 40px);" >
< label for = "src" data-trans = "src" > Search< / label >
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo" style = "width:calc( 40% - 40px);" onclick = "src()" data-trans-i = "src" >
< i class = "material-icons left" > search< / i > Search
< / button >
< br >
< br >
< / div >
< div id = "search" >
< div id = "src-contents" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 並べ替え -->
< div id = "sort-box" class = "hide menu-content" >
< ul id = "sort" > < / ul >
< div >
< button onclick = "sort()" class = "btn waves-effect nex" style = "width:100%; max-width:300px;" data-trans-i = "sort" >
< i class = "material-icons left" > sort< / i > Sort
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- リスト -->
< div id = "list-box" class = "hide menu-content" >
< div class = "input-field" style = "width:calc( 100% - 100px);float:left" >
< select id = "list-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" > < / select >
2019-03-16 02:44:18 +11:00
< label > Account(Scroll to show all)< / label >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / div >
< div style = "float:left; padding-top:8px; padding-bottom:28px;" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo" style = "width:80px;" onclick = "list()" data-trans-i = "lists" >
< / button >
< / div >
< br > < br >
< div id = "lists" > < / div >
< div id = "lists-user" > < / div >
< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "list-add" placeholder = "Display name" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "makeNewList()" > Save< / button >
< / div >
<!-- フィルター -->
< div id = "filter-box" class = "hide menu-content" >
< div class = "input-field" style = "width:calc( 100% - 100px);float:left" >
< select id = "filter-acct-sel" class = "acct-sel" > < / select >
2019-03-16 02:44:18 +11:00
< label > Account(Scroll to show all)< / label >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / div >
< div style = "float:left; padding-top:8px; padding-bottom:28px;" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo" style = "width:80px;" onclick = "filter()" data-trans-i = "filters" >
< / button >
< / div >
< div id = "filtered-words" > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "filter-edit-id" >
< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "filter-add-word" placeholder = "Filtering words" > < br >
Filter contexts< br >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "home_filter" value = "home" / >
< label for = "home_filter" > Home< / label >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "local_filter" value = "public" / >
< label for = "local_filter" > Local< / label >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "notf_filter" value = "notifications" / >
< label for = "notf_filter" > Notifications< / label >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "conv_filter" value = "thread" / >
< label for = "conv_filter" > Conversations< / label > < br >
Options< br >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "wholeword_filter" value = "1" / >
< label for = "wholeword_filter" > Whole word< / label > < br >
< span class = "sml" > Nice for Latin language< / span > < br >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "filled-in" id = "except_filter" value = "1" / >
< label for = "except_filter" > Drop instead of hide< / label > < br >
< span class = "sml" > Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed< / span > < br >
Expire after< span class = "sml" > Unset or "0" means "Never"< b > This value may contain some error< / b > < / span > < br > < br >
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "days_filter" placeholder = "d" value = "0" > days
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "hours_filter" placeholder = "h" value = "0" > hours
< input type = "number" style = "width:50px" id = "mins_filter" placeholder = "m" value = "0" > minutes
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "makeNewFilter()" id = "add-filter-btn" > Add< / button > < br >
< span class = "sml" > Integrated TL/Plus TL will hide both Home-filtering words and Local-filtering words.< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-16 05:13:42 +11:00
< a onclick = "about()" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "material-icons" style = "font-size: 1rem;" > info< / i > About TheDesk
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / a > |
< a onclick = "bottomReverse()" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "material-icons" style = "font-size: 1rem;" > swap_horiz< / i > Toot button layout reverse
< / a >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / div >
< div id = "main" >
<!-- TLのTL -->
< div id = "timeline-container" >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< h3 > Welcome to TheDesk< / h3 > < br > < a href = "acct.html" > Add an account< / a > or click < i class = "material-icons" > apps< / i > to add a column.
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- bottom -->
2018-09-11 04:59:44 +10:00
< div id = "bottom" class = "reverse" >
< div class = "leftside reverse" >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< div id = "dambox" >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< button id = "posttgl" class = "btn waves-effect indigo" style = "width: 100%;height: 2.5rem;line-height: 0;margin: 0;" >
< i class = "material-icons" style = "position: relative; top: 5px; font-size: 1.5rem; text-align: center; margin-right: 10px;" > edit< / i > Toot
< / button >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< / div >
2018-09-11 04:59:44 +10:00
< div class = "leftside reverse" id = "group" >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< div class = "btnsgroup" >
< a href = "acct.html" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "material-icons nex big-icon" title = "Account Manager(Ctrl+Shift+M)" > account_circle< / i >
< / a >
< a href = "setting.html" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "Preferences(Ctrl+Shift+S)" > settings< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "nano()" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "material-icons" title = "The smallest Mastodon,TheDesk Nano" data-trans-title = "nano_desp" > remove_from_queue< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "menu()" class = "nex waves-effect" id = "list-tgl" >
< i class = "material-icons" title = "List" > apps< / i >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div > < / div >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< div >
< div id = "tips-menu" >
< div class = "btnsgroup" style = "height:34px" > < span class = "grouptitle" > Tips:< / span >
< a onclick = "tips('ver')" class = "nex waves-effect" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "Version" data-trans-title = "ver" > info< / i >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / a >
< a onclick = "tips('clock')" class = "nex waves-effect" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "Clock" data-trans-title = "clock" > access_time< / i >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / a >
< a onclick = "tips('memory')" class = "nex waves-effect" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "RAM status" data-trans-title = "memory" > memory< / i >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / a >
< a onclick = "tips('trend')" class = "nex waves-effect imasonly" style = "display:none;" >
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "アイマストドントレンド" data-trans-title = "trendtip" > whatshot< / i >
< / a >
< a onclick = "tips('spotify')" class = "nex waves-effect" >
< i class = "fa fa-spotify nex" title = "Spotify" data-trans-title = "spotifytips" > < / i >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "tips" class = "hide" >
< a onclick = "tipsToggle()" class = "nex waves-effect" style = "float:left" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons nex" title = "Change Tips" data-trans-title = "tips" > bubble_chart< / i >
2018-07-29 17:37:54 +10:00
< / a >
< div id = "tips-text" style = "float:left; width:300px;" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
<!-- 左下メッセージ -->
< div id = "message" >
< / div >
<!-- Radio Happy(Yui) Taku Inoue -->
< audio src = "" id = "radio" > < / audio >
<!-- JS -->
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/tips.js" > < / script >
2018-07-28 07:25:12 +10:00
< script src = "https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/twemoji.min.js?2.7" > < / script >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/about.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/parse.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/misskeyparse.js" > < / script >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/dm.js" > < / script >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/scroll.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/tl.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/card.js" > < / script >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/poll.js" > < / script >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/date.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/notification.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/datails.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/mix.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/src.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/filter.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/tag.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/list.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/tl/speech.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/post-box.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/layout.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/login/instance.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/login/login.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/img.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/theme.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/pip.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/sort.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/spotify.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/post.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/use-txtbox.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/secure.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/img.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/status.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/misskeystatus.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/emoji.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/suggest.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/post/bb-md.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/userdata/showOnTL.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/userdata/his-data.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/userdata/prof-edit.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/emoji/emojipack.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/emoji/default-emoji.js" > < / script >
2019-03-13 02:51:07 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/platform/end.js" > < / script >
2019-03-15 06:48:01 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/ui/menu.js" > < / script >