2019-08-07 10:24:52 +10:00
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< head >
< title > Settings - TheDesk< / title >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var _jipt = [];
_jipt.push(['project', 'thedesk']);
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< link href = "../../css/pickr.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
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< link href = '../../css/font-awesome.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
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input {
max-height: 50px !important
.pcr-result {
height: 1rem !important;
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< script type = "text/javascript" src = "setting.vue.js" > < / script >
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< h4 > Předvolby< / h4 >
< ul class = "collapsible" data-collapsible = "accordion" >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > desktop_windows< / i > Systémové předvolby
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h5 > Jazyky< / h5 >
To translate with Crowdin, you have to login Crowdin and restart TheDesk when login is finished.< br >
< a onclick = "changelang('ja')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > 日本語< / a > < a onclick = "changelang('en')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > English< / a > < a onclick = "changelang('ps')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > Crowdin translate system(beta)< / a > < a onclick = "changelang('bg')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > български< / a > < a onclick = "changelang('cs')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > Česky< / a > < a onclick = "changelang('de')" class = "pointer" style = "margin-right:5px;" > Deutsch< / a >
< h5 > Import a export předvoleb< / h5 >
< button onclick = "exportSettings()" class = "btn waves-effect lime darken-3"
style="width:100%; max-width:200px;">Export< / button >
< button onclick = "importSettings()" class = "btn waves-effect cyan darken-3"
style="width:100%; max-width:200px;">Import< / button >
< div id = "envView" >
< template v-for = "(item, i) in config" >
< h5 > {{item.text.head}}< / h5 >
< template v-if = "item.text.desc" >
< span v-html = "item.text.desc" > < / span > < br >
< / template >
< template v-if = "item.id=='notf'" > < a onclick = "notftest()"
class="pointer">Odskoušet oznámení< / a > < br > < / template >
< template v-if = "item.checkbox" >
< template v-for = "(check, j) in item.text.checkbox" >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" v-on:click = "complete(i,check.value)" v-model = "item.setValue"
type="radio" v-bind:id="item.id+check.value" v-bind:value="check.value" />
< span > {{check.text}}< / span >
< / label >
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< template v-if = "item.doubleText" >
< template v-for = "(textbox, j) in item.data" >
< input type = "text" v-model = "textbox.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "textbox.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: textbox.width+'px'}" />{{textbox.text.after}}
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< input type = "text" v-model = "item.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "item.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: item.width+'px'}" />{{item.text.after}}
< / template >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;"
v-on:click="complete(i)">Změnit< / button >
< / template > < br >
< / template >
< / div >
< h5 > Písmo< / h5 >
Select your favorite font to 'Select'(Windows/ macOS only)< br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "font()" > Vybrat< / button > < br >
< div id = "fonts" class = "hide" style = "overflow-y:scroll; width:300px; height:500px;" > < / div >
< br >
< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "font" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > Uložit< / button >
< br >
< h5 > Folder to save< / h5 >
TheDesk uses this value when it try to save pictures or take screenshots.< br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "savefolder()" > Změnit< / button >
< br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > color_lens< / i > Motivy
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h4 > Vybrat motiv< / h4 >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "black" value = "black" / >
< span > Black< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "white" value = "white" / >
< span > White< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "indigo"
value="indigo" />
< span > Indigo< span class = "imas hide" > (エンドレスナイト)< / span > < / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "brown" value = "brown" / >
< span > Brown< span class = "imas hide" > (ビタースイート・タイム)< / span > < / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "green" value = "green" / >
< span > Green< span class = "imas hide" > (ユースフルロマンス)< / span > < / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "blue" value = "blue" / >
< span > Blue< span class = "imas hide" > (渚の花嫁)< / span > < / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "custom"
value="custom" />
< span > custom< / span >
< / label >
< div style = "width:300px" id = "sel-selector" >
< select id = "custom-sel-sel" class = "custom-sel" onchange = "customSel()" > < / select >
< / div >
< h4 > Edit and add custom themes< / h4 >
< div style = "width:300px" id = "edit-selector" data-add = "Add new" >
< select id = "custom-edit-sel" class = "custom-sel" onchange = "custom()" >
< option value = "add_new" > Add new< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< h5 > Name< / h5 >
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px" id = "custom_name" placeholder = "Name..." >
< h5 > About this theme< / h5 >
< div class = "input-field" > < textarea style = "width:300px" id = "custom_desc" class = "materialize-textarea"
placeholder="About this theme...">< / textarea > < / div >
< h5 > Color scheme< / h5 >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "direction" type = "radio" id = "dark" value = "dark"
checked="true" />
< span > Dark< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "direction" type = "radio" id = "light"
value="light" />
< span > Light< / span >
< / label >
< div id = "pickers" >
< div >
< h5 > Primary< / h5 > Background of components
< div id = "color-picker0-wrap" >
< div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker0" > < / div >
< / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker0_value" >
< / div >
< div >
< h5 > Secondary< / h5 > Background color
< div id = "color-picker1-wrap" >
< div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker1" > < / div >
< / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker1_value" >
< / div >
< div >
< h5 > Texts< / h5 > Text color
< div id = "color-picker2-wrap" >
< div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker2" > < / div >
< / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker2_value" >
< / div >
< div >
< h5 > Accent< / h5 > Background of boosts
< div id = "color-picker3-wrap" >
< div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker3" > < / div >
< / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker3_value" >
< / div >
< / div >
< button class = "btn-large waves-effect" onclick = "customComp()" > Změnit< / button > < button
class="btn waves-effect red disabled" id="delTheme" onclick="deleteIt()">Delete< / button > < br > < br >
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px;height:40px;" id = "custom_json" class = "materialize-textarea"
placeholder="JSON style" readonly>< br >
Share this code with other TheDesk. Do not share this code with MiAS.
< h4 > Import of custom themes< / h4 >
2019-08-07 13:14:07 +10:00
Get more themes on < a href = \"https://assets.msky.cafe/\" target = \"_blank\" > MiAS< / a > < br >
2019-08-07 10:24:52 +10:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px;height:40px;" id = "custom_import" class = "materialize-textarea"
placeholder="JSON/JSON5 style">
< button class = "btn waves-effect" onclick = "customImp()" > Import< / button > < br >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > reorder< / i > Timeline Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< div id = "tlView" >
< template v-for = "(item, i) in config" >
< h5 > {{item.text.head}}< / h5 >
< template v-if = "item.text.desc" >
< span v-html = "item.text.desc" > < / span > < br >
< / template >
< template v-if = "item.checkbox" >
< template v-for = "(check, j) in item.text.checkbox" >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" v-on:click = "complete(i,check.value)" v-model = "item.setValue"
type="radio" v-bind:id="item.id+check.value" v-bind:value="check.value" />
< span > {{check.text}}< / span >
< / label >
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< template v-if = "item.doubleText" >
< template v-for = "(textbox, j) in item.data" >
< input type = "text" v-model = "textbox.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "textbox.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: textbox.width+'px'}" />{{textbox.text.after}}
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< input type = "text" v-model = "item.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "item.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: item.width+'px'}" />{{item.text.after}}
< / template >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;"
v-on:click="complete(i)">Změnit< / button >
< / template > < br >
< / template >
< / div >
< h5 > Custom sound< / h5 >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "customSound(1)" > Custom 1< / button > < span
id="c1-file">< / span > < br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "customSound(2)" > Custom 2< / button > < span
id="c2-file">< / span > < br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "customSound(3)" > Custom 3< / button > < span
id="c3-file">< / span > < br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:120px;" onclick = "customSound(4)" > Custom 4< / button > < span
id="c4-file">< / span > < br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > send< / i > Posting Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< div id = "postView" >
< template v-for = "(item, i) in config" >
< h5 > {{item.text.head}}< / h5 >
< template v-if = "item.text.desc" >
< span v-html = "item.text.desc" > < / span > < br >
< / template >
< template v-if = "item.checkbox" >
< template v-for = "(check, j) in item.text.checkbox" >
< template v-if = "!check.kirishima || (check.kirishima && kirishima)" >
< label > < input class = "with-gap" v-on:click = "complete(i,check.value)"
v-model="item.setValue" type="radio" v-bind:id="item.id+check.value"
v-bind:value="check.value" />
< span > {{check.text}}< / span > < / label >
< span v-if = "check.kirishimaText" > {{check.kirishimaText}}< / span >
< / template >
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< template v-if = "item.doubleText" >
< template v-for = "(textbox, j) in item.data" >
< input type = "text" v-model = "textbox.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "textbox.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: textbox.width+'px'}" />{{textbox.text.after}}
< / template >
< / template >
< template v-else >
< input type = "text" v-model = "item.setValue" type = "radio" v-bind:id = "item.id"
v-bind:style="{ width: item.width+'px'}" />{{item.text.after}}
< / template >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;"
v-on:click="complete(i)">Změnit< / button >
< / template > < br >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > keyboard< / i > Keyboard shortcut Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h5 > Easy inserter< / h5 >
You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys< br >
Ctrl+Shift+1:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-1" >
< button onclick = "oks(1)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button > < br > < br >
Ctrl+Shift+2:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-2" >
< button onclick = "oks(2)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button > < br > < br >
Ctrl+Shift+3:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-3" >
< button onclick = "oks(3)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button > < br > < br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > bookmark< / i > Mute & Emphasis Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h5 > Client Mute< / h5 >
< div id = "mute-cli" > < / div >
< h5 > Client Emphasis< / h5 >
Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.
< h5 > Words Mute< / h5 >
Enter to set< br >
< div class = "chips" id = "wordmute" style = "background-color:gray;" > < / div >
< button onclick = "wordmuteSave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button >
< h5 > Words Emphasis< / h5 >
Enter to set< br >
< div class = "chips" id = "wordemp" style = "background-color:gray;" > < / div >
< button onclick = "wordempSave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button >
< h5 > Users Emphasis< / h5 >
Set on users data modals.
< span class = "emphasized" > Use this color to emphasis < / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "fa fa-spotify" > < / i > Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h5 > NowPlaying Provider(Windows)< / h5 >
2019-08-07 13:14:07 +10:00
macOS and Linux are not supported. AIMP and iTunes were checked by developer. < br > CAD:foobar2000, MusicBee,J. River Media Center, Media Jukebox< br > WLM:Last.fm Client, TTPlayer, OpenPandora, Zune.< br > For foobar2000, < a href = \"http://poiru.github.com/foo-cad/\" > foo_cad plugin< / a > is required. And MusicBee requires CAD.< br >
2019-08-07 10:24:52 +10:00
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "aimp" value = "AIMP" / >
< span > AIMP< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "itunes"
value="ITUNES" />
< span > iTunes< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "npmm"
value="MEDIAMONKEY" />
< span > MediaMonkey< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "winamp"
value="WINAMP" />
< span > Winamp< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "wmp" value = "WMP" / >
< span > WMP< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "wlm" value = "WLM" / >
< span > WLM< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "cad" value = "CAD" / >
< span > CAD< / span >
< / label >
< br > < br >
Click < i class = "material-icons" style = "font-size:24px;" > music_note< / i > icon to NowPlaying< br >
< h5 > Account Connection< / h5 >
TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.< br >
< div id = "spotify-code-show" class = "hide" > < input type = "text" id = "spotify-code" > < button
onclick="spotifyAuth()" class="btn waves-effect" style="width:100px;">Uložit< / button > < / div >
< a onclick = "spotifyConnect()" class = "btn waves-effect nex"
style="width:100%; max-width:200px; background-color:#1ed760;" id="spotify-enable">< i
class="fa fa-spotify left">< / i > Connect< / a >
< a onclick = "spotifyDisconnect()" class = "btn waves-effect nex disabled"
style="width:100%; max-width:200px; background-color:#1ed760;" id="spotify-disable">< i
class="fa fa-spotify left">< / i > Disconnect< / a >
< h5 > @@templateedit@@< / h5 >
@@templateeditwarn@@< br >
< textarea id = "np-temp" class = "materialize-textarea" data-length = "500" > #NowPlaying {song} / {album} / {artist}
{url}< / textarea > < br >
@@template1@@< br >
@@template2@@< br >
@@template3@@< br >
< button onclick = "spotifySave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > Uložit< / button >
< h5 > Attach an Artwork of Spotify< / h5 >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "spotifyFlagSave()" name = "awk" type = "radio" id = "awk_yes"
value="yes" />
< span > Ano< / span >
< / label >
< label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "spotifyFlagSave()" name = "awk" type = "radio" id = "awk_no"
value="no" />
< span > Ne< / span >
< / label >
< br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > hearing< / i > TTS(text to speech) Preferences
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h5 > Speed< / h5 >
1-100(default:10)< br >
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicespeed" min = "1" max = "100" value = "10"
style="width:500px; max-width:100%" />< / p >
< h5 > Pitch< / h5 >
0-100(default:50)< br >
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicepitch" min = "0" max = "100" value = "50"
style="width:500px; max-width:100%" />< / p >
< h5 > Volume< / h5 >
0-100(default:100)< br >
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicevol" min = "0" max = "100" value = "100"
style="width:500px; max-width:100%" />< / p >
< h5 > Test< / h5 >
< input type = "text" style = "width:350px" id = "voicetxt" value = "TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC." >
< button class = "btn waves-effect blue" style = "width:150px;" onclick = "voicePlay()"
id="testplay">Play/Stop< / button > < br >
< br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "voiceSettings()" > Uložit< / button >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
< br >
< a href = "index.html" class = "btn waves-effect orange nex" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px;" > < i
class="material-icons left">undo< / i > Back< / a >
< br >
< br > Keyboard shortcuts
< li > Ctrl+1-9:Jump to n(1-9)th column< / li >
< li > N:Open toot box< / li >
< li > X:Toggle toot box< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Enter:Post< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Enter+Shift:Post(secondary toot)< / li >
< li > Alt+Enter:Secondary Toot Button< / li >
< li > Ctrl+E:Make all notifications read< / li >
< li > Ctrl+U:@@keyselecttop@@< / li >
< li > Esc:Hide toot box< / li >
< li > F5:Super Reload< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+C:Clear toot box< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+S:Předvolby< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+M:Account Manager< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+N:NowPlaying(Spotify)< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+P:Show profile of selecting< / li >
< li > ←/→:Show next or previous image< / li >
< li > Mousewheel:Zoom a image< / li >
< div class = "hide kirishima" >
< br >
< li > Ctrl+B/I/S/U:太字/斜字/取り消し/下線< / li >
< br >
< li > Ctrl+R:
< a href = "https://astarte.thedesk.top" > アスタルテ暇人ランキング< / a > を開く
< / li > < br >
< li > F:@@fav@@< / li >
< li > B:@@bt@@< / li >
< li > R:@@reply@@< / li >
< / div >
< button class = "btn waves-effect red" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;"
onclick="if(confirm('Delete all data. You cannot undo. Continue?')){ localStorage.clear(); location.href='index.html'; }">< i
class="material-icons left">delete< / i > Reset(Danger)< / button > < br > < br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect indigo" onclick = "about()" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;" > < i
class="material-icons left">info< / i > About TheDesk< / button >
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