2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
<!doctype html>
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< html lang = "ja" >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< head >
< title > Settings - TheDesk< / title >
2019-02-05 13:33:32 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var _jipt = [];
_jipt.push(['project', 'thedesk']);
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://cdn.crowdin.com/jipt/jipt.js" > < / script >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< meta content = "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" name = "viewport" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< link href = "../../css/materialize.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
< link href = "../../css/themes.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< link href = "../../css/pickr.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< link href = "../../css/master.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
< link href = '../../css/font-awesome.css' rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons|Open+Sans:300" rel = "stylesheet" >
< meta charset = "utf-8" >
2019-03-08 07:18:49 +11:00
< style > input { max-height : 50 px !important } . pcr-result { height : 1 rem !important ; } < / style >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / head >
< body id = "mainView" style = "overflow-y:scroll" >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/jquery.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/platform/first.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/common/materialize.js" > < / script >
2019-01-26 14:24:26 +11:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../../js/lang/lang.ja.js" > < / script >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< script src = "https://unpkg.com/json5@^2.0.0/dist/index.min.js" > < / script >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h4 > 設定< / h4 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< ul class = "collapsible" data-collapsible = "accordion" >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > desktop_windows< / i > 環境設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 言語< / h5 >
2019-03-08 07:18:49 +11:00
To translate with Crowdin, you have to login Crowdin and restart TheDesk when login is finished.< br >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< a href = "../ja/setting.html" onclick = "changelang('ja')" > 日本語(Japanese)< / a > /< a href = "../en/setting.html" onclick = "changelang('en')" > English< / a > /< a href = "../ps/setting.html" onclick = "changelang('ps')" > Crowdin web translate< / a > /
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 設定のインポートとエクスポート< / h5 >
< button onclick = "exportSettings()" class = "btn waves-effect lime darken-3" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px;" > エクスポート< / button >
< button onclick = "importSettings()" class = "btn waves-effect cyan darken-3" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px;" > インポート< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 新規通知のポップアップお知らせの表示秒数< / h5 > 0に設定すると表示されません
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "popup" > 秒
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > ネイティブ通知設定< / h5 >
Portableバージョンでは表示できません。< br > < a onclick = "notftest()" class = "pointer" > 通知テスト< / a >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "notf" type = "radio" id = "ntf_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "ntf_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "notf" type = "radio" id = "ntf_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "ntf_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > マルチカラムの最低横幅< / h5 > 画面全体の横幅÷コラム数がこの値を超えた時、横スクロールとなります。
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "width" > px以上
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2019-02-27 12:17:35 +11:00
< h5 > TweetDeckの限定の最低横幅< / h5 >
2019-02-27 03:51:37 +11:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "fixwidth" > px以上
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > フォント< / h5 >
2018-12-09 05:46:01 +11:00
「選択」を押してフォントを選んでください。< br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "font()" > 選択< / button > < br >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< div id = "fonts" class = "hide" style = "overflow-y:scroll; width:300px; height:500px;" > < / div >
2018-12-09 05:46:01 +11:00
< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "font" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > フォントサイズ< / h5 >
< span style = "font-size:15px" > 15px(絶対指定)< / span >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "size" > px
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button > < br >
< h5 > デフォルトの保存先< / h5 >
画像ダウンロードやスクリーンショットに影響します。< br >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "savefolder()" > 変更< / button >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< br >
2019-03-09 23:17:54 +11:00
< h5 > ハードウェアアクセラレーションの無効化< / h5 >
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "hardwareAcceleration()" name = "ha" type = "radio" id = "ha_true" value = "true" / >
< label for = "ha_true" > はい< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "hardwareAcceleration()" name = "ha" type = "radio" id = "ha_false" value = "false" / >
< label for = "ha_false" > いいえ< / label >
< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
< i class = "material-icons" > color_lens< / i > テーマの設定
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
< h4 > テーマの選択< / h4 >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "black" value = "black" / >
< label for = "black" > Black< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "white" value = "white" / >
< label for = "white" > White< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "indigo" value = "indigo" / >
< label for = "indigo" > Indigo< span class = "imas hide" > (エンドレスナイト)< / span > < / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "brown" value = "brown" / >
< label for = "brown" > Brown< span class = "imas hide" > (ビタースイート・タイム)< / span > < / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "green" value = "green" / >
< label for = "green" > Green< span class = "imas hide" > (ユースフルロマンス)< / span > < / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "theme" type = "radio" id = "custom" value = "custom" / >
< label for = "custom" > Custom< / label >
< div style = "width:300px" id = "sel-selector" >
< select id = "custom-sel-sel" class = "custom-sel" onchange = "customSel()" > < / select >
< / div >
< h4 > カスタムテーマの作成・編集< / h4 >
< div style = "width:300px" id = "edit-selector" data-add = "新規作成" >
< select id = "custom-edit-sel" class = "custom-sel" onchange = "custom()" >
< option value = "add_new" > 新規作成< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< h5 > 名前< / h5 >
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px" id = "custom_name" placeholder = "名前..." >
< h5 > 説明< / h5 >
< div class = "input-field" > < textarea style = "width:300px" id = "custom_desc" class = "materialize-textarea" placeholder = "説明..." > < / textarea > < / div >
< h5 > 色の系統< / h5 >
< input class = "with-gap" name = "derection" type = "radio" id = "dark" value = "dark" checked = "true" / >
< label for = "dark" > Dark< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" name = "derection" type = "radio" id = "light" value = "light" / >
< label for = "light" > Light< / label >
< div id = "pickers" >
< div >
2019-03-08 07:18:49 +11:00
< h5 > Primary< / h5 > 補助要素に使われる背景色
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< div id = "color-picker0-wrap" > < div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker0" > < / div > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker0_value" >
< / div >
< div >
2019-03-08 07:18:49 +11:00
< h5 > Secondary< / h5 > 全体の背景色など
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< div id = "color-picker1-wrap" > < div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker1" > < / div > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker1_value" >
< / div >
< div >
< h5 > Texts< / h5 > テキストの色
< div id = "color-picker2-wrap" > < div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker2" > < / div > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker2_value" >
< / div >
< div >
< h5 > Accent< / h5 > ブーストの背景色など
< div id = "color-picker3-wrap" > < div class = "color-picker" id = "color-picker3" > < / div > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "color-picker3_value" >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-03-08 07:18:49 +11:00
< button class = "btn-large waves-effect" onclick = "customComp()" > 変更< / button > < button class = "btn waves-effect red disabled" id = "delTheme" onclick = "deleteIt()" > 削除< / button > < br > < br >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px" id = "custom_json" class = "materialize-textarea" placeholder = "JSON style" readonly > < br >
2019-03-08 19:14:47 +11:00
このコードは他のTheDeskなどとシェアできます。このコードをMiASに貼ることはご遠慮ください。詳細:< a href = "https://thedesk.top/mias.html" target = "_blank" > テーマ互換性< / a >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< h4 > カスタムテーマのインポート< / h4 >
< a href = "https://assets.msky.cafe/" target = "_blank" > MiAS< / a > 上の80を超えるテーマを張り付けることもできます。< br >
< input type = "text" style = "width:300px" id = "custom_import" class = "materialize-textarea" placeholder = "JSON/JSON5 style" >
< button class = "btn waves-effect" onclick = "customImp()" > インポート< / button > < br >
< / li >
< li >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > reorder< / i > タイムラインの設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 時間表記設定< / h5 > 相対時間の例:"1分前","3日前"
< br > 絶対時間の例"23:25:21","2017年12月30日 23:59:00"
< br > 混合表示は、当日のトゥートのみ相対、それ以外は絶対で表示
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" onchange = "settings()" name = "time" type = "radio" id = "relative" value = "relative" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "relative" > 相対時間< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "time" type = "radio" id = "absolute" value = "absolute" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "absolute" > 絶対時間< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "time" type = "radio" id = "double" value = "double" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "double" > 両方表示< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "time" type = "radio" id = "medium" value = "medium" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "medium" > 混合表示< / label >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< h5 > 独自ロケールを使用< / h5 > 対応サーバーではそのサーバーにあわせた言語表示ができます。
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "ul" type = "radio" id = "ul_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "ul_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "ul" type = "radio" id = "ul_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "ul_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 非表示設定の画像(NSFW)を隠す< / h5 > きつめのぼかしがかかります。
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "nsfw" type = "radio" id = "n_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "n_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "nsfw" type = "radio" id = "n_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "n_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 非表示設定のテキスト(CW)を隠す< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "cw" type = "radio" id = "c_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "c_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "cw" type = "radio" id = "c_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "c_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > リプライ数表示< / h5 >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "rp" type = "radio" id = "rp_hidden" value = "hidden" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "rp_hidden" > 2以上のとき1+と表示< / label >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "rp" type = "radio" id = "rp_all" value = "all" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "rp_all" > 完全に表示< / label >
2018-09-06 02:47:27 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > アイコンのアニメーションを再生する< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "gif" type = "radio" id = "g_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "g_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "gif" type = "radio" id = "g_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "g_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > タグタイムラインの表示範囲< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "tag" type = "radio" id = "t_all" value = "all" / >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< label for = "t_all" > 接続しているサーバー< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "tag" type = "radio" id = "t_local" value = "local" / >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< label for = "t_local" > 検索対象のサーバーのみ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > viaを表示する< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "via" type = "radio" id = "via_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "via_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "via" type = "radio" id = "via_hide" value = "hide" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "via_hide" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > アクションメニューを非表示< / h5 >
「マウスオーバー」はすこし鬱陶しいと思うかもしれません。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "mov" type = "radio" id = "mov_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "mov_yes" > マウスオーバーで表示< / label >
2018-08-17 03:21:40 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "mov" type = "radio" id = "mov_click" value = "click" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "mov_click" > クリックで表示< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "mov" type = "radio" id = "mov_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "mov_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 通知を開いているとき、通知新着お知らせを表示する< / h5 >
2018-08-17 03:21:40 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "notfm" type = "radio" id = "notfm_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "notfm_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-17 03:21:40 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "notfm" type = "radio" id = "notfm_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "notfm_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-17 03:21:40 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 指定行数以上を折りたたむ< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2019-01-26 14:24:26 +11:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "sentence" > 行 以上 または
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "letters" > 文字 以上
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 画像の高さ
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / h5 >
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "img-height" > px
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-12-09 05:46:01 +11:00
< h5 > #InstanceTickerを使う< / h5 >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
トゥートした人の所属サーバーをわかりやすく彩ります(自サーバー以外のトゥート向け)。< a href = "https://cdn.weep.me/mastodon/" > #InstanceTickerについて< / a > Copyright 2018 weepjp, kyori19.< br >
2018-12-09 05:46:01 +11:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "ticker" type = "radio" id = "ticker_yes" value = "yes" / >
< label for = "ticker_yes" > はい< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "ticker" type = "radio" id = "ticker_no" value = "no" / >
< label for = "ticker_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
< h5 > タイムラインのアニメーション< / h5 >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "anime" type = "radio" id = "anime_yes" value = "yes" / >
< label for = "anime_yes" > はい< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "anime" type = "radio" id = "anime_no" value = "no" / >
< label for = "anime_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > send< / i > 投稿設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > デフォルトの警告文< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "cw-text" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 長文投稿時に警告< / h5 >
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< br >
2019-01-26 14:24:26 +11:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "cw_sentence" > 行 以上 または
< input type = "text" style = "width:50px" id = "cw_letters" > 文字 以上
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "settings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-23 03:29:39 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 標準でCWを設定< / h5 >
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "cws" type = "radio" id = "cws_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "cws_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "cws" type = "radio" id = "cws_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "cws_no" > いいえ
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< / label >
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > デフォルトの公開設定< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "public" value = "public" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "public" > 公開(Public)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "unlisted" value = "unlisted" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "unlisted" > 未収載(Unlisted)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "private" value = "private" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "private" > 非公開(Private)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "direct" value = "direct" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "direct" > ダイレクト(Direct)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "memory" value = "memory" / >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< label for = "memory" > 前回の投稿設定を記憶する(サーバーごとに記憶されます)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "vis" type = "radio" id = "server" value = "server" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "server" > マストドンアカウント設定の既定値< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 画像投稿設定< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "img" type = "radio" id = "i_url" value = "url" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "i_url" > 画像を投稿し、画像のURLを最後に表示< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "img" type = "radio" id = "i_no-act" value = "no-act" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "i_no-act" > 画像を投稿するがURLは表示しない< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "img" type = "radio" id = "i_inline" value = "inline" disabled / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "i_inline" > 現在利用できません。
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
<!-- 画像を投稿し、インラインで表示(Markdownに対応したインスタンスのみ。マルチアカウント環境では非推奨。) -->
< / label >
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 投稿ボックスの挙動< / h5 >
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "box" type = "radio" id = "bx_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "bx_yes" > たたむ< / label >
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "box" type = "radio" id = "bx_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "bx_no" > 投稿後も隠さない
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "box" type = "radio" id = "bx_abs" value = "absolute" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "bx_abs" > 枠外クリックで閉じない(起動時に展開)< / label >
2018-08-05 13:36:23 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 引用形式< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "quote" type = "radio" id = "q_simple" value = "simple" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "q_simple" > URLのみ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "quote" type = "radio" id = "q_mention" value = "mention" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "q_mention" > URLとアカウント名(相手に通知)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "quote" type = "radio" id = "q_full" value = "full" / >
2019-03-13 02:51:07 +11:00
< label for = "q_full" > 本文・URL・アカウント名< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "quote" type = "radio" id = "q_nothing" value = "nothing" / >
< label for = "q_nothing" > 使わない(TL上にボタンも表示されません)< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 投稿後や起動時のアカウント< / h5 >
メインアカウントはアカウント設定で指定できます。投稿以外のアカウント選択にも影響します。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "main" type = "radio" id = "mn_remain" value = "remain" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "mn_remain" > 最後に使用したアカウント< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "main" type = "radio" id = "mn_main" value = "main" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "mn_main" > メインアカウント< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / label >
2018-09-17 21:55:00 +10:00
< h5 > セカンダリートゥートボタン< / h5 >
公開範囲の変更とトゥートを一発でできます。< br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-nothing" value = "nothing" / >
< label for = "sec-nothing" > 表示しない< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-public" value = "public" / >
< label for = "sec-public" > 公開(Public)< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-unlisted" value = "unlisted" / >
< label for = "sec-unlisted" > 未収載(Unlisted)< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-private" value = "private" / >
< label for = "sec-private" > 非公開(Private)< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-direct" value = "direct" / >
< label for = "sec-direct" > ダイレクト(Direct)< / label >
< input class = "with-gap hide kirishima" onchange = "settings()" name = "sec" type = "radio" id = "sec-local" value = "local" / >
< label for = "sec-local" > ローカル限定< / label > < span class = "hide kirishima" > 非対応インスタンスでは「未収載」になります。< / span >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > keyboard< / i > キーボードショートカットの設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 簡単文字入力< / h5 >
絵文字やタグ、> BTなどを登録しておくとすぐに入力できます。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
Ctrl+Shift+1:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-1" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "oks(1)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button > < br > < br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
Ctrl+Shift+2:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-2" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "oks(2)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button > < br > < br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
Ctrl+Shift+3:< input type = "text" style = "width:150px" id = "oks-3" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "oks(3)" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button > < br > < br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > bookmark< / i > ミュート・強調の設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > クライアントミュート< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< div id = "mute-cli" > < / div >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > クライアント強調< / h5 >
< h5 > ワードミュート< / h5 >
Enterで確定< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< div class = "chips" id = "wordmute" style = "background-color:gray;" > < / div >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "wordmuteSave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button >
< h5 > ワード強調< / h5 >
Enterで確定< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< div class = "chips" id = "wordemp" style = "background-color:gray;" > < / div >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "wordempSave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button >
< h5 > ユーザー強調< / h5 >
< span class = "emphasized" > 強調色(テーマによって異なります。) < / span >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "fa fa-spotify" > < / i > SpotifyとNowPlayingの設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< h5 > NowPlayingのソース(Windows)< / h5 >
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
macOSやLinuxでは動作しません。AIMPとiTunes以外未検証です。< br > foobar2000, MusicBee,J. River Media Center, Media JukeboxはCADを、Last.fm Client, TTPlayer, OpenPandora, ZuneはWLMを選んでください。< br > ただし、foobar2000は< a href = "http://poiru.github.com/foo-cad/" > foo_cad plugin< / a > が必要です。MusicBeeもCADを有効にする必要があります。< br >
2019-01-27 01:27:35 +11:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "aimp" value = "AIMP" / >
< label for = "aimp" > AIMP< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "itunes" value = "ITUNES" / >
< label for = "itunes" > iTunes< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "npmm" value = "MEDIAMONKEY" / >
< label for = "npmm" > MediaMonkey< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "winamp" value = "WINAMP" / >
< label for = "winamp" > Winamp< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "wmp" value = "WMP" / >
< label for = "wmp" > WMP< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "wlm" value = "WLM" / >
< label for = "wlm" > WLM< / label >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "npprovider()" name = "npp" type = "radio" id = "cad" value = "CAD" / >
2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
< label for = "cad" > CAD< / label > < br > < br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" style = "font-size:24px;" > music_note< / i > ボタンから簡単にNowPlayingができます。< br >
< h5 > アカウントの連携< / h5 >
APIの性質上, thedesk.topへアクセスします。< br >
< div id = "spotify-code-show" class = "hide" > < input type = "text" id = "spotify-code" > < button onclick = "spotifyAuth()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button > < / div >
< a onclick = "spotifyConnect()" class = "btn waves-effect nex" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px; background-color:#1ed760;" id = "spotify-enable" > < i class = "fa fa-spotify left" > < / i > 接続< / a >
< a onclick = "spotifyDisconnect()" class = "btn waves-effect nex disabled" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px; background-color:#1ed760;" id = "spotify-disable" > < i class = "fa fa-spotify left" > < / i > 切断< / a >
< h5 > テンプレートの編集< / h5 >
以下を編集してテンプレートを変更できます。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< textarea id = "np-temp" class = "materialize-textarea" data-length = "500" > #NowPlaying {song} / {album} / {artist}
{url}< / textarea > < br >
2019-01-27 01:27:35 +11:00
Spotify:{song}:曲名/{album}:アルバム名/{artist}:アーティスト名/{url}:各曲のSpotifyのURL< br >
macOS:{song}:曲名/{album}:アルバム名/{artist}:アーティスト名/作曲家{composer}/サンプルレート{hz}/ビットレート{bitRate}/ジャンル{genre}< br >
Windows:{song}:曲名/{album}:アルバム名/{artist}:アーティスト名< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< span class = "imas hide" > CINDERELLA NowPlaying(imastodon.net限定)では作曲家{composer}/作詞家{lyricist}/BPM{bpm}が有効です。< br >
CINDERELLA NowPlayingはimastodon.netにログインしているとき、トゥート欄に「//」を入力し、その後に曲名を入れることで可能です。< / span > < br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button onclick = "spotifySave()" class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" > 設定< / button >
2019-01-27 01:27:35 +11:00
< h5 > アルバムアートワークを添付する(Spotify/Windows)< / h5 >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< span class = "imas hide" > この設定はCINDERELLA NowPlaying(imastodon.net限定)にも適用されます。< / span > < br >
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "spotifyFlagSave()" name = "awk" type = "radio" id = "awk_yes" value = "yes" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "awk_yes" > はい< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< input class = "with-gap" onchange = "spotifyFlagSave()" name = "awk" type = "radio" id = "awk_no" value = "no" / >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< label for = "awk_no" > いいえ< / label >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "collapsible-header" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< i class = "material-icons" > hearing< / i > 読み上げの設定
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< div class = "collapsible-body" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 読み上げの速さ< / h5 >
1-100まで、デフォルトは10。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicespeed" min = "1" max = "100" value = "10" style = "width:500px; max-width:100%" / > < / p >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 読み上げの高さ< / h5 >
0-100まで、デフォルトは50。(大きくなるほど高い)< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicepitch" min = "0" max = "100" value = "50" style = "width:500px; max-width:100%" / > < / p >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > 読み上げの音量< / h5 >
0-100まで、デフォルトは100。< br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< p class = "range-field" > < input type = "range" id = "voicevol" min = "0" max = "100" value = "100" style = "width:500px; max-width:100%" / > < / p >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< h5 > テスト< / h5 >
2019-01-22 03:24:15 +11:00
< input type = "text" style = "width:350px" id = "voicetxt" value = "これはテスト音声です。TheDeskはオープンソースのPC向けマストドンクライアントです。マルチサーバーやマルチカラムに対応しています。" >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect blue" style = "width:150px;" onclick = "voicePlay()" id = "testplay" > 再生/停止< / button > < br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< button class = "btn waves-effect" style = "width:100px;" onclick = "voiceSettings()" > 設定< / button >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< a href = "index.html" class = "btn waves-effect orange nex" style = "width:100%; max-width:200px;" > < i class = "material-icons left" > undo< / i > 戻る< / a >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< br > キーボードショートカット一覧
< li > Ctrl+1-9:1番目~ 9番目のTLにスクロール< / li >
< li > N:投稿パネルを開く< / li >
< li > X:投稿パネルを開閉< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Enter:投稿< / li >
2018-09-20 01:10:53 +10:00
< li > Ctrl+Enter+Shift:投稿(セカンダリートゥート)< / li >
2019-03-13 02:51:07 +11:00
< li > Alt+Enter:セカンダリートゥートボタン< / li >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< li > Ctrl+E:全ての通知を既読にする< / li >
< li > Esc:投稿パネルを消す< / li >
< li > F5:スーパーリロード< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+C:入力内容を消す< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+S:設定< / li >
< li > Ctrl+Shift+M:アカウントマネージャ< / li >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< li > Ctrl+Shift+N:NowPlaying(Spotify)< / li >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
< li > Ctrl+Shift+P:現在選択中のプロフィール< / li >
< li > ←/→:イメージビューワー起動時に画像切り替え< / li >
< li > マウスホイール:イメージビューワー時に拡大縮小< / li >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< div class = "hide kirishima" >
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< li > Ctrl+B/I/S/U:太字/斜字/取り消し/下線< / li >
< li > Shift+Enter:全角スペースを入れて改行< / li >
< li > Shift+Space:ゼロ幅スペース< / li >
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< li > Ctrl+R:
< a href = "https://astarte.thedesk.top" > アスタルテ暇人ランキング< / a > を開く
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2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
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< a href = "https://enty.jp/Cutls" class = "btn waves-effect purple lighten-2" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;" > < i class = "material-icons left" > trending_up< / i > 支援(Enty)< / a >
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2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< a href = "https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk" class = "btn waves-effect black lighten-2" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;" > < i class = "fa fa-github left" > < / i > GitHub< / a >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
< a href = "index.html?mode=user&code=Cutls@kirishima.cloud" class = "btn waves-effect blue lighten-2" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;" > < img src = "../../img/desk_full.svg" class = "left" width = "25" style = "padding-top:5px;" > Developer: Cutls@kirishima.cloud< / a >
< a class = "btn waves-effect red lighten-2" href = "https://osushi.love/Cutls_P" target = "_blank" style = "width:100%; max-width:500px;" > < img src = "../../img/sushi.svg" class = "left" width = "25" style = "padding-top:5px;" > 寿司を投げる< / a >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br >
2018-09-18 00:35:42 +10:00
Kyash< br >
< img src = "../../img/kyash.png" width = "100" > < br >
2018-09-10 03:06:00 +10:00
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< a href = "oss.html" > OSS License(オープンソースライセンス)< / a > < br >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< span style = "font-family:Open Sans;" > Copyright © TheDesk 2018 All Rights Reserved.
2019-03-06 19:08:48 +11:00
Under < a href = "https://github.com/cutls/TheDesk/blob/master/LICENSE" > GNU General Public License v3.0< / a > and < a href = "https://thedesk.top/tos.html" > Terms of Use< / a > /< a href = "https://thedesk.top/priv.html" > Privacy Policy< / a >
2018-08-05 02:26:34 +10:00
< br > Developer: Cutls P(
< a href = "index.html?mode=user&code=Cutls@kirishima.cloud" > @Cutls@kirishima.cloud< / a > )
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< / span > < br >
TheDeskおよびCutls Pは< a href = "https://donken.org/" > 被災地支援のためのマストドン研究会< / a > をログイン機能提供等の形で応援しています。< br >
タグタイムラインを開く:< a href = "index.html?mode=tag&code=被災地支援のためのマストドン研究会" > #被災地支援のためのマストドン研究会< / a > < br >
2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
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2019-03-08 05:19:26 +11:00
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2018-09-12 02:49:41 +10:00
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