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# url-regex [](https://travis-ci.org/kevva/url-regex)
> Regular expression for matching URLs
Based on this [gist](https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294) by Diego Perini.
## Install
$ npm install --save url-regex
## Usage
var urlRegex = require('url-regex');
urlRegex().test('http://github.com foo bar');
//=> true
urlRegex().test('www.github.com foo bar');
//=> true
urlRegex({exact: true}).test('http://github.com foo bar');
//=> false
urlRegex({exact: true}).test('http://github.com');
//=> true
'foo http://github.com bar //google.com'.match(urlRegex());
//=> ['http://github.com', '//google.com']
## API
### urlRegex(options)
Returns a regex for matching URLs.
#### options
##### exact
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false` *(Matches any URL in a string)*
Only match an exact string.
Useful with `RegExp#test` to check if a string is a URL.
## License
MIT © [Kevin Mårtensson](https://github.com/kevva) and [Diego Perini](https://github.com/dperini)