"mixtime":"Mixed format:toots posted today are relative-format, others are absolute-format.",
"doublesel":"Both relative and absolute",
"locale":"Instance unique locale",
"localewarn":"This value is available on some Japanese instances",
"nswf":"Hide NSFW pictures",
"nsfwwarn":"Strong blur effect",
"cw":"Hide CW contents",
"gif":"Animated GIF images animation",
"tag":"Tag TL Search",
"tagfed":"Use federated network",
"taglocal":"Use local network",
"via":"Show via",
"mouseover":"Hide aaction buttons without mouseover",
"mouseoverwarn":"You may feel unconfortable:(",
"autofold":"Auto folding",
"autofoldwarn":"TheDesk does not collapse totes of 5 characters or less. Also, when collapsing, newlines are not shown. TheDesk count only newlines as the number of lines.",
"imgheight":"Height of images",
"post":"Posting Preferences",
"defaultcw":"Default warining text",
"defaultvis":"Default visibility",
"memory":"Memory(memorized as each instance)",
"useapi":"Default of your visibility(Set on preferences of Mastodon instance)",
"postimg":"Posting images preferences",
"showurl":"Insert media URL",
"nourl":"Insert nothig",
"quote":"Quote format",
"simple":"Only URL",
"mention":"URL and acct(mention to the user)",
"full":"URL, text and acct(mention to the user)",
"main":"Default accounts of actions",
"mainwarn":"Main account can be set on Account Manager.",
"lastacct":"Account you used recently",
"usemainacct":"Main account",
"keysc":"Keyboard shortcut Preferences",
"iks":"Easy inserter",
"okswarn":"You can insert any letters and emojis with only 3 keys",
"muteemp":"Mute & Emphasis Preferences",
"climute":"Client Mute",
"cliemp":"Client Emphasis",
"cliwarn":"Click client name on toots to toggle mute and emphasis.",
"enter":"Enter to set",
"wordmute":"Words Mute",
"wordemp":"Words Emphasis",
"useremp":"Users Emphasis",
"useerempwarn":"Set on users data modals.",
"empcolorwarn":"Use this color to emphasis",
"spotify":"Spotify and NowPlaying Preferences",
"spotifynote1":"Click ",
"spotifynote2":"icon to NowPlaying",
"link":"Account Connection",
"linkwarn":"TheDesk save your data on thedesk.top server.",
"templeteedit":"Edit a template",
"templete1":"Refer:{song}:Song name/{album}:Album name/{artist}:Artist name/{url}:URL to Spotify",
"templete2":"iTunes NowPlaying:{url} is disabled, but composer:{composer}/spampling rate:{hz}/bit rate:{bitRate}/genre:{genre} are available.",
"postartwork":"Attach an Artwork of Spotify",
"tts":"TTS(text to speech) Preferences",
"sample":"TheDesk is an open-source Mastodon client for PC.",