- Posting toots which have the same contents each other in moments.
- Posting toots which have the same contents each other to several instances at once.
- Posting to misskey.xyz via thedesk-misskey.
## Terms
- You are immediately responsible to all actions through this software.
- You have to follow the instance's rules or laws of the hosted country.
- You have to follow the rules of other API(Adobe,Spotify,マストドンユーザーマッチング,instances.social) if you use them.
- Your Spotify login data is stored in TheDesk server, however TheDesk isn't following General Data Protection Regulation:GDPR which allows users in EU to use TheDesk.
- The developer of TheDesk follows Japanese laws.
- TheDesk is always connected to its server, in order to receive infomation from the developer.
TheDesk Akane (16.1.3) and above is under this TOS.