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2019-09-13 00:38:13 +10:00
* @module util-provisioning-profiles
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const os = require('os')
const Promise = require('bluebird-lst')
const { executeAppBuilderAsJson } = require("../out/util/appBuilder")
const util = require('./util')
const debuglog = util.debuglog
const debugwarn = util.debugwarn
const getAppContentsPath = util.getAppContentsPath
const flatList = util.flatList
const copyFileAsync = util.copyFileAsync
const execFileAsync = util.execFileAsync
const lstatAsync = util.lstatAsync
const readdirAsync = util.readdirAsync
* @constructor
* @param {string} filePath - Path to provisioning profile.
* @param {Object} message - Decoded message in provisioning profile.
var ProvisioningProfile = module.exports.ProvisioningProfile = function (filePath, message) {
this.filePath = filePath
this.message = message
Object.defineProperty(ProvisioningProfile.prototype, 'name', {
get: function () {
return this.message['Name']
Object.defineProperty(ProvisioningProfile.prototype, 'platforms', {
get: function () {
if ('ProvisionsAllDevices' in this.message) return ['darwin'] // Developer ID
else if (this.type === 'distribution') return ['mas'] // Mac App Store
else return ['darwin', 'mas'] // Mac App Development
Object.defineProperty(ProvisioningProfile.prototype, 'type', {
get: function () {
if ('ProvisionedDevices' in this.message) return 'development' // Mac App Development
else return 'distribution' // Developer ID or Mac App Store
* Returns a promise resolving to a ProvisioningProfile instance based on file.
* @function
* @param {string} filePath - Path to provisioning profile.
* @returns {Promise} Promise.
var getProvisioningProfileAsync = module.exports.getProvisioningProfileAsync = function (filePath) {
return execFileAsync('security', [
'-D', // Decode a CMS message
'-i', filePath // Use infile as source of data
.then(async function (result) {
// todo read directly
const tempFile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `${require('crypto').createHash('sha1').update(filePath).digest("hex")}.plist`)
await fs.outputFile(tempFile, result)
const plistContent = await executeAppBuilderAsJson(["decode-plist", "-f", tempFile])
await fs.unlink(tempFile)
var provisioningProfile = new ProvisioningProfile(filePath, plistContent[0])
debuglog('Provisioning profile:', '\n',
'> Name:',, '\n',
'> Platforms:', provisioningProfile.platforms, '\n',
'> Type:', provisioningProfile.type, '\n',
'> Path:', provisioningProfile.filePath, '\n',
'> Message:', provisioningProfile.message)
return provisioningProfile
* Returns a promise resolving to a list of suitable provisioning profile within the current working directory.
* @function
* @param {Object} opts - Options.
* @returns {Promise} Promise.
var findProvisioningProfilesAsync = module.exports.findProvisioningProfilesAsync = function (opts) {
process.cwd() // Current working directory
], function (dirPath) {
return readdirAsync(dirPath)
.map(function (name) {
var filePath = path.join(dirPath, name)
return lstatAsync(filePath)
.then(function (stat) {
if (stat.isFile()) {
switch (path.extname(filePath)) {
case '.provisionprofile':
return filePath
return undefined
.map(function (filePath) {
return getProvisioningProfileAsync(filePath)
.then(function (provisioningProfile) {
if (provisioningProfile.platforms.indexOf(opts.platform) >= 0 && provisioningProfile.type === opts.type) return provisioningProfile
debugwarn('Provisioning profile above ignored, not for ' + opts.platform + ' ' + opts.type + '.')
return undefined
* Returns a promise embedding the provisioning profile in the app Contents folder.
* @function
* @param {Object} opts - Options.
* @returns {Promise} Promise.
module.exports.preEmbedProvisioningProfile = function (opts) {
function embedProvisioningProfile () {
if (opts['provisioning-profile']) {
debuglog('Looking for existing provisioning profile...')
var embeddedFilePath = path.join(getAppContentsPath(opts), 'embedded.provisionprofile')
return lstatAsync(embeddedFilePath)
.then(function (stat) {
debuglog('Found embedded provisioning profile:', '\n',
'* Please manually remove the existing file if not wanted.', '\n',
'* Current file at:', embeddedFilePath)
.catch(function (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// File does not exist
debuglog('Embedding provisioning profile...')
return copyFileAsync(opts['provisioning-profile'].filePath, embeddedFilePath)
} else throw err
if (opts['provisioning-profile']) {
// User input provisioning profile
debuglog('`provisioning-profile` passed in arguments.')
if (opts['provisioning-profile'] instanceof ProvisioningProfile) {
return embedProvisioningProfile()
} else {
return getProvisioningProfileAsync(opts['provisioning-profile'])
.then(function (provisioningProfile) {
opts['provisioning-profile'] = provisioningProfile
} else {
// Discover provisioning profile
debuglog('No `provisioning-profile` passed in arguments, will find in current working directory and in user library...')
return findProvisioningProfilesAsync(opts)
.then(function (provisioningProfiles) {
if (provisioningProfiles.length > 0) {
// Provisioning profile(s) found
if (provisioningProfiles.length > 1) {
debuglog('Multiple provisioning profiles found, will use the first discovered.')
} else {
debuglog('Found 1 provisioning profile.')
opts['provisioning-profile'] = provisioningProfiles[0]
} else {
// No provisioning profile found
debuglog('No provisioning profile found, will not embed profile in app contents.')