from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template import loader import random as ra import asyncio from . import mdl from .models import Page,Contact,Update import functools def rerender(funky): @functools.wraps(funky) def wrap(req,*args,**kwargs): with open('main/utils/navs') as b: navs=parsecat(b,4) namednavs=[{'id':blah[0], 'link':blah[1], 'text':blah[2], 'align':int(blah[3])} for blah in navs['']] out=funky(*args,**kwargs) temp=loader.get_template('main/nav.html') out['nav']=temp.render({"navs":namednavs},None) return render(req, 'main/temp.html', out) return wrap def parsecat(file,n): if not isinstance(file,str): # Assume open handle else: with open(f'main/pages/{file}') as b: cats=stuff.split('\n\n') out={} head='' out['']=[] for cat in cats: if ':' in cat[:cat.index('\n')]: # We have a category name head,cat=cat.split('\n',1) head=head[:-1] out[head]=[] else: head='' for line in cat.split('\n'): lin=line.split(',',n-1) pad=n-len(lin) lin.extend(['']*pad) out[head].append(lin) if out['']==[]: del(out['']) return out @rerender def index(): with open('main/pages/index') as b: with open('main/utils/song-ids') as b: ids=raws.split('\n') stuff=stuff.format(ra.choice(ids)) return {'title':'Home','content':stuff,'date':'2021/12/15'} def lii(obj): if obj.url: name=f"{name}" if obj.comment: name=f"{name} ({obj.comment})" if obj.desktop: name=f"{name} 🖥" if name=f"{name} 📱" return f"
  • {obj.proto}: {name}
  • " @rerender def contact(): head="""Certain people keep asking me about the best ways to contact me. So here they are, in rough order of most to least preferred. More to come as I remember them/feel like it
    🖥 = I will receive on my computer, 📱 = I will receive on my phone
    """ contacts=sorted(Contact.objects.all(),key=lambda x:(,x.priority)) out={} for n in contacts: if in out: out[].append(n) else: out[]=[n] out3='' for k,v in out.items(): out2=f"\n



    " out3+=out2 return {'title':'Contact','content':head+out3,'date':Update.objects.get(page='contact').date} def specs(req): with open('main/pages/specs') as b: return HttpResponse(, content_type="text/plain") @rerender def comment(): return {'title':'Comment box','content':"TODO",'date':'2021/12/24'} @rerender def songs(): with open('main/utils/song-ids') as b: ids=raws.split('\n') out='This is the full list of songs that can appear on the home page.
    \n'.join([f'{idd}' for idd in ids]) return {'title':'Songs','content':out,'date':'2021/05/06'} @rerender def nerdshope(): return {'title':'Nerds\' Hope','content':"Store stuff. TODO. Will include inventory and budget. FB
    Address is 21 Kensington St, Glenorchy
    Off dates 2022:Dunno yet.
    NYE party 31st Dec.",'date':'2021/12/24'} def teapot(req): return HttpResponse("You're probably missing the joke.",status=418) @rerender def articles(): head="

    Interesting/useful blog posts I've found.

    " arts=parsecat('articles',2) out=[] for k,v in arts.items(): out.append(f'


    '+ '
    '.join([f'{l[1] or l[0]}' for l in v])) return {'title':'Articles','content':'



    ','date':'2021/05/06'} def redirect(req,src): with open('main/pages/redirects') as b: lonks=dict([n.split(': ',1) for n in lonks.split('\n')]) return HttpResponse(status=302,headers={'Location':lonks[src]}) def md(req): loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() feed=loop.run_until_complete(mdl.makefeed(req.GET.getlist('ids',''))) return HttpResponse(feed, content_type='application/rss+xml') def vcard(req): return HttpResponse("""BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:4.0 KIND:individual FN:Zergling_man URL:; NOTE:Anti-professionalism, pro-open standards CATEGORIES:programmer,biker SOURCE: END:VCARD""") @rerender def autopage(page): p=Page.objects.get(url=page) return {'title':p.title,'content':p.contents,'date':p.last_edited}