<audio controls><source src='https://invidious.ethibox.fr/latest_version?id={0}&itag=140'/>ababababa</audio> <p>Rakka me takkas and riddly me diddlies.</p> <p>Welcome back, Ike. Farewell, Sly.</p><br/> <p>This site is hosted in Tasmania, AU, by zerglingman (a fedora.email user), a Van Canto fan<del>girl</del> boy. Also available on matrix as <a href="https://matrix.to/#/@zergling.man:perthchat.org">@zergling.man:perthchat.org</a>, or on libera.chat as Zergling_man or fedi (inc. mastodon) as <a rel='me' href='https://birds.garden/@Zergling_man'>@Zergling_man@birds.garden</a> (<a href='/contact'>and many other places</a>). <br/><a href='/me'>But who am I, really?</a></p> <p>Who <del>can't figure out how SSL works. I'm working on it. got SSL working, I guess.</del> is figuring this SSL thing out, properly.</p> <p><a href='/webhost'>Haha I'm way too lazy for webhosting</a></p> <p>Cool games: <a href='http://www.fantasystrike.com'>Fantasy Strike</a> (<strong>gone free! Go play it now!</strong>), <a href='http://www.soldak.com/Dins-Curse/Overview.html'>Din's Curse</a> (dirt cheap!), <a href='https://mwomercs.com/'>Mechwarrior Online</a> (free!), <a href='https://www.wurmonline.com/'>Wurm Online</a> (free!), <a href='https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/'>Portable Puzzle Collection</a> (free and open source! Also on <a href='https://f-droid.org/en/packages/name.boyle.chris.sgtpuzzles/'>android</a>!)</p> <p>Cool bands: <a href='https://vancanto.de/en'>Van Canto</a> [<a href='https://vancanto.bandcamp.com/'>bandcamp</a>] (Who this site is a shrine to!), <a href='https://theocracymusic.com/'>Theocracy</a> [<a href='https://ulteriumrecords.bandcamp.com/'>label's bandcamp</a>] (Christian prog metal!), <a href='https://teramaze.com.au/'>Teramaze</a> [<a href='https://teramaze.bandcamp.com/'>bandcamp</a>] (Australian Christian prog metal! Always releasing!), Takamachi Walk [<a href='https://takamachiwalk.bandcamp.com/'>bandcamp</a>] (Touhou metal! New album out NYE 2021!) <p><del><a href='https://www.bigr.com/whisker-snot-arrow-rest-weatherproofing/208374.html'>Wisknort. Whisker snot.</a></del> They changed their website and now it sucks.</p> <p>By the way, my site's now <a href='https://gitea.rakka.tk/Zergling_man/rakkapy'>open source</a>, so you can see exactly how shit I am at this.</p> <h4>Notices:</h4> <ul> <li>Feb 15th: Here are some links for a certain person I was speaking to. Actually a couple of people. <a href='https://mangadex.org/manga/c6a51a13-74fd-46bd-989e-5cdaa26542f6'>Hero BBS</a>, parodying isekai before isekai was big. I still haven't found the other things I mentioned.</li> <li>Feb 9th: Someone discovered that my ftp server was externally accessible and allowed anonymous writes and edits. Unfortunately I am too incompetent to have had it logging properly so I didn't get their IP, sad! Still, I feel special. Now I know I've made it.</li> </ul>