head="Certain people keep asking me about the best ways to contact me. So here they are, in rough order of most to least preferred. More to come as I remember them/feel like it<br/>"
out='This is the full list of songs that can appear on the home page.<br/>'+'<br/>\n'.join([f'<a href="https://invidious.ethibox.fr/watch?v={idd}">https://invidious.ethibox.fr/watch?v={idd}</a>'foriddinids])
return{'title':'Webhost','content':"I want to do a fully-fledged hosting thing. Like offer an actual VPS. But that's a lot of effort, and I want to do things like \"you have a folder in your VPS that will show up on your custom subdomain\" and such. <strike>I have exactly zero idea how to make multiple subdomains point to a single computer though.</strike> So it turns out <strike>Apache</strike> actually just has a thing to do exactly that. But fuck Apache. nginx can do it too. TODO™",'date':'2021/05/06'}
return{'title':'Nerds\' Hope','content':"Store stuff. TODO. Will include inventory and budget. <a href='https://facebook.com/nerdshope'>FB</a><br/>Address is 21 Kensington St, Glenorchy<br/>Off dates 2021: 24th Sept, 29th Oct, 26th Nov<br/>Will be late on the 1st of Oct<br/>Not sure about 31st of Dec. Depends what other plans are made. I might host a NYE party that night.",'date':'2021/09/05'}
return{'title':"What's that syntax?",'content':"<h1>What's that syntax?</h1><br/>A far-future goal, this will be a service for looking up strange bits of syntax you see in programs, that you're trying to find the name for so that you can search for that.<br/>Inspired by other lookup services like <a href='http://trace.moe'>What Anime is That?</a>, and more importantly, by C#'s <a href='https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/object-and-collection-initializers'>object initialiser</a>.",'date':'2021/05/06'}
returnHttpResponse("You're probably missing the joke.",status=418)
head="<p>Interesting/useful blog posts I've found.</p>"
out="""<p>Obviously, this started as a joke and turned into a fully-fledged shitpost. The invite link is <a href= 'https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=544769594343292929&scope=bot'>here</a>, the culprit is Zergling_man#9849, and... It just spams, kinda. Every 10 minutes in every channel and once every time someone starts a message with a ., or mentions it. Don't forget to buy Skyrim. Try '.wake'!</p>
<p>Asof2021-04-14,I've taken this bot offline forever and released the token (and code). If you see it online, it'snotmydoing,andIdon't care if it gets me banned.</p>"""
return{'title':'It just works','content':out,'date':'2021/07/24'}
return{'title':'bikebunny','content':"I'm the rabbit-eared cyclist/bike bunny. And, well, the guy that wears blue bunny ears year-round (for now). This is my site. I live different, I encourage you to join me. <a href='/contact/'>Get in touch</a>.",'date':'2021/07/24'}
return{'title':'Site TODOs','content':"Things to be done on the site:<br/><ul><li><strong><a href='/syntax'>Syntax checker</a></strong> - looking up syntax bits in different languages. Low priority.</li><li><strong>Become (opennic) DNS provider</strong> - strengthen Tasmania's infrastructure. Maybe become the authority for rakka.tk. Would be annoying without ip4. Anyway.</li><li><strong>Become arch/artix repository</strong> - Mostly just so I'm not constantly redownloading the same packgaes.</li><li><strong>Add DB</strong> - So that date modified is actually automatic kek</li></ul>",'date':'2021/09/21'}