186 lines
5.3 KiB
186 lines
5.3 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import Clipboard 0.1
import "../../.."
import "../../../Base"
HColumnLayout {
id: eventDelegate
width: eventList.width
enum Media { Page, File, Image, Video, Audio }
property var hoveredMediaTypeUrl: []
// Remember timeline goes from newest message at index 0 to oldest
readonly property var previousModel: eventList.model.get(model.index + 1)
readonly property var nextModel: eventList.model.get(model.index - 1)
readonly property QtObject currentModel: model
property bool compact: window.settings.compactMode
property bool isOwn: chat.userId === model.sender_id
property bool onRight: eventList.ownEventsOnRight && isOwn
property bool combine: eventList.canCombine(previousModel, model)
property bool talkBreak: eventList.canTalkBreak(previousModel, model)
property bool dayBreak: eventList.canDayBreak(previousModel, model)
readonly property bool smallAvatar: compact
readonly property bool collapseAvatar: combine
readonly property bool hideAvatar: onRight
readonly property bool hideNameLine:
model.event_type === "RoomMessageEmote" ||
! (
model.event_type.startsWith("RoomMessage") ||
) ||
onRight ||
readonly property int cursorShape:
eventContent.hoveredLink || hoveredMediaTypeUrl.length > 0 ?
Qt.PointingHandCursor :
eventContent.hoveredSelectable ? Qt.IBeamCursor :
readonly property int separationSpacing:
dayBreak ? theme.spacing * 4 :
talkBreak ? theme.spacing * 6 :
combine ? theme.spacing / (compact ? 4 : 2) :
theme.spacing * (compact ? 1 : 2)
// Needed because of eventList's MouseArea which steals the
// HSelectableLabel's MouseArea hover events
onCursorShapeChanged: eventList.cursorShape = cursorShape
function json() {
let event = ModelStore.get(chat.userId, chat.roomId, "events")
event = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event))
event.source = JSON.parse(event.source)
return JSON.stringify(event, null, 4)
function openContextMenu() {
contextMenu.media = eventDelegate.hoveredMediaTypeUrl
contextMenu.link = eventContent.hoveredLink
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
model.event_type === "RoomCreateEvent" ? 0 : separationSpacing
Daybreak {
visible: dayBreak
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width
Item {
visible: dayBreak
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: separationSpacing
EventContent {
id: eventContent
Layout.fillWidth: true
Behavior on x { HNumberAnimation {} }
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.GenericPointer | PointerDevice.Pen
onTapped: openContextMenu()
TapHandler {
acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.Finger | PointerDevice.Pen
onLongPressed: openContextMenu()
HMenu {
id: contextMenu
property var media: []
property string link: ""
onClosed: { media = []; link = "" }
HMenuItem {
id: copyMedia
icon.name: "copy-link"
contextMenu.media.length < 1 ? "" :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Page ?
qsTr("Copy page address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.File ?
qsTr("Copy file address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Image ?
qsTr("Copy image address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Video ?
qsTr("Copy video address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Audio ?
qsTr("Copy audio address") :
qsTr("Copy media address")
visible: Boolean(text)
onTriggered: Clipboard.text = contextMenu.media[1]
HMenuItem {
id: copyLink
icon.name: "copy-link"
text: qsTr("Copy link address")
visible: Boolean(contextMenu.link)
onTriggered: Clipboard.text = contextMenu.link
HMenuItem {
icon.name: "copy-text"
text: qsTr("Copy text")
visible: enabled || (! copyLink.visible && ! copyMedia.visible)
enabled: Boolean(selectableLabelContainer.joinedSelection)
Clipboard.text = selectableLabelContainer.joinedSelection
HMenuItem {
icon.name: "debug"
text: qsTr("Debug this event")
onTriggered: eventContent.debugConsoleLoader.toggle()
HMenuItemPopupSpawner {
icon.name: "clear-messages"
text: qsTr("Clear messages")
popup: "Popups/ClearMessagesPopup.qml"
popupParent: chat
properties: ({userId: chat.userId, roomId: chat.roomId})