200 lines
6.2 KiB
200 lines
6.2 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../../../Base"
import "../../.."
HRowLayout {
id: eventContent
spacing: theme.spacing / 1.25
layoutDirection: onRight ? Qt.RightToLeft: Qt.LeftToRight
readonly property string senderText:
hideNameLine ? "" : (
"<div class='sender'>" +
utils.coloredNameHtml(model.sender_name, model.sender_id) +
readonly property string contentText: utils.processedEventText(model)
readonly property string timeText: utils.formatTime(model.date, false)
readonly property string localEchoText:
model.is_local_echo ?
` <font size=${theme.fontSize.small}px>⏳</font>` :
readonly property bool pureMedia: ! contentText && linksRepeater.count
readonly property string hoveredLink: contentLabel.hoveredLink
readonly property bool hoveredSelectable: contentHover.hovered
readonly property int xOffset:
onRight ?
contentColumn.width - contentLabel.paintedWidth -
contentLabel.leftPadding - contentLabel.rightPadding,
contentColumn.width - linksRepeater.widestChild -
pureMedia ?
0 : contentLabel.leftPadding + contentLabel.rightPadding
) :
// ~600px max with a 16px font
readonly property int maxMessageWidth: theme.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75
TapHandler {
enabled: debugMode
onDoubleTapped: debugConsoleLoader.toggle()
DebugConsoleLoader {
id: debugConsoleLoader
active: false
onLoaded: item.runJS("json()")
Item {
id: avatarWrapper
opacity: collapseAvatar ? 0 : 1
visible: ! hideAvatar
Layout.minimumWidth: theme.chat.message.avatarSize
collapseAvatar ? 1 :
smallAvatar ? theme.chat.message.collapsedAvatarSize :
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth
Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
HUserAvatar {
id: avatar
userId: model.sender_id
displayName: model.sender_name
mxc: model.sender_avatar
width: parent.width
height: collapseAvatar ? 1 : theme.chat.message.avatarSize
HColumnLayout {
id: contentColumn
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
HSelectableLabel {
id: contentLabel
container: selectableLabelContainer
index: model.index
visible: ! pureMedia
topPadding: theme.spacing / 1.75
bottomPadding: topPadding
leftPadding: eventContent.spacing
rightPadding: leftPadding
color: model.event_type === "RoomMessageNotice" ?
theme.chat.message.noticeBody :
font.italic: model.event_type === "RoomMessageEmote"
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
textFormat: Text.RichText
// CSS
theme.chat.message.styleInclude +
// Sender name
eventContent.senderText +
// Message body
eventContent.contentText +
// Time
// For some reason, if there's only one space,
// times will be on their own lines most of the time.
" " +
`<font size=${theme.fontSize.small}px ` +
`color=${theme.chat.message.date}>` +
timeText +
"</font>" +
// Local echo icon
(model.is_local_echo ?
` <font size=${theme.fontSize.small}px>⏳</font>` : "")
transform: Translate { x: xOffset }
Layout.maximumWidth: eventContent.maxMessageWidth
Layout.fillWidth: true
function selectAllText() {
// Select the message body without the date or name
contentLabel.length -
timeText.length - 1 // - 1: separating space
HoverHandler { id: contentHover }
Rectangle {
width: Math.max(
parent.paintedWidth +
parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding,
linksRepeater.summedWidth +
(pureMedia ? 0 : parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding),
height: contentColumn.height
z: -1
color: isOwn?
theme.chat.message.ownBackground :
Rectangle {
visible: model.event_type === "RoomMessageNotice"
width: theme.chat.message.noticeLineWidth
height: parent.height
color: utils.nameColor(
model.sender_name || model.sender_id.substring(1),
HRepeater {
id: linksRepeater
model: eventDelegate.currentModel.links
EventMediaLoader {
singleMediaInfo: eventDelegate.currentModel
mediaUrl: modelData
showSender: pureMedia ? senderText : ""
showDate: pureMedia ? timeText : ""
showLocalEcho: pureMedia ? localEchoText : ""
transform: Translate { x: xOffset }
Layout.bottomMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : contentLabel.bottomPadding
Layout.leftMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : eventContent.spacing
Layout.rightMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : eventContent.spacing
Layout.preferredWidth: item ? item.width : -1
Layout.preferredHeight: item ? item.height : -1
HSpacer {}