2019-04-27 21:07:20 -04:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.4
import "../base" as Base
Item {
property string loginWith: "username"
property var client: null
Base.HInterfaceBox {
id: rememberBox
title: "Sign in"
anchors.centerIn: parent
enterButtonTarget: "yes"
buttonModel: [
{ name: "yes", text: qsTr("Yes") },
{ name: "no", text: qsTr("No") },
buttonCallbacks: {
"yes": function(button) {
"no": function(button) { pageStack.showPage("Default") },
Base.HLabel {
text: qsTr(
"Do you want to remember this account?\n\n" +
"If yes, the " + loginWith + " and an access token will be " +
"stored to automatically sign in on this device."
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Layout.margins: rememberBox.margins
Layout.maximumWidth: rememberBox.width - Layout.margins * 2
Item { Layout.fillHeight: true }