Fix bug introduced in 11fb32: When loading an encrypted thumbnail, QML lacks the decryption dict for half a second at first. When calling python like this, python calls the wrong matrix API for fetching the encrypted thumbnail, and the added retry code would be forever stuck. The retry code has been moved to QML, and now works for all HImage.
107 lines
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107 lines
3.2 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
Rectangle {
id: avatar
property bool compact: false
property string name
property alias mxc: avatarImage.mxc
property alias title: avatarImage.title
property alias toolTipMxc: avatarToolTipImage.mxc
property alias sourceOverride: avatarImage.sourceOverride
property alias toolTipSourceOverride: avatarToolTipImage.sourceOverride
property alias fillMode: avatarImage.fillMode
property alias animate: avatarImage.animate
readonly property alias hovered: hoverHandler.hovered
readonly property alias circleRadius: avatarImage.circleRadius
implicitWidth: implicitHeight
compact ?
theme.controls.avatar.compactSize :
radius: theme.controls.avatar.radius
color: avatarImage.visible ? "transparent" : utils.hsluv(
name ? utils.hueFrom(name) : 0,
name ? theme.controls.avatar.background.saturation : 0,
Behavior on color { HColorAnimation {} }
HLabel {
z: 1
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: ! avatarImage.visible
text: name ? name.charAt(0) : "?"
font.pixelSize: parent.height / 1.4
color: utils.hsluv(
name ? utils.hueFrom(name) : 0,
name ? theme.controls.avatar.letter.saturation : 0,
Behavior on color { HColorAnimation {} }
HMxcImage {
id: avatarImage
anchors.fill: parent
showProgressBar: false
visible: Boolean(sourceOverride || mxc)
z: 2
sourceSize.width: parent.width
sourceSize.height: parent.height
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
animatedFillMode: AnimatedImage.PreserveAspectCrop
animate: false
radius: parent.radius
HoverHandler { id: hoverHandler }
HToolTip {
id: avatarToolTip
readonly property int dimension: Math.min(
mainUI.width / 1.25,
mainUI.height / 1.25,
theme.controls.avatar.hoveredImage.size +
background.border.width * 2,
visible: ! avatarImage.broken &&
avatarImage.width < dimension * 0.75 &&
(toolTipSourceOverride || toolTipMxc) &&
delay: 1000
backgroundColor: theme.controls.avatar.hoveredImage.background
contentItem: HMxcImage {
id: avatarToolTipImage
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
animatedFillMode: AnimatedImage.PreserveAspectCrop
mxc: avatarImage.mxc
title: avatarImage.title
sourceSize.width: avatarToolTip.dimension
sourceSize.height: avatarToolTip.dimension
width: avatarToolTip.dimension
height: avatarToolTip.dimension