305 lines
8.9 KiB
305 lines
8.9 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../../../.."
import "../../../../Base"
import "../../../../Base/Buttons"
import "../../../../PythonBridge"
HListView {
id: root
property string userId
property string roomId
property int ownPowerLevel
property int canSetPowerLevels
property QtObject member // RoomMember model item
property HStackView stackView
property bool powerLevelFieldFocused: false
property Future setPowerFuture: null
property Future getPresenceFuture: null
function loadDevices() {
py.callClientCoro(userId, "member_devices", [member.id], devices => {
for (const device of devices)
clip: true
bottomMargin: theme.spacing
model: ListModel {}
delegate: MemberDeviceDelegate {
width: root.width
userId: root.userId
deviceOwner: member.id
deviceOwnerDisplayName: member.display_name
stackView: root.stackView
onTrustSet: trust => root.loadDevices()
section.property: "type"
section.delegate: MemberDeviceSection {
width: root.width
header: HColumnLayout {
x: theme.spacing
width: root.width - x * 2
spacing: theme.spacing * 1.5
HUserAvatar {
userId: member.id
displayName: member.display_name
mxc: member.avatar_url
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumWidth: 256 * theme.uiScale
Layout.preferredHeight: width
Layout.topMargin: theme.spacing
HButton {
x: -theme.spacing * 0.75
y: x
z: 999
circle: true
icon.name: "close-view"
iconItem.small: true
onClicked: root.stackView.pop()
HColumnLayout { // no spacing between these children
HLabel {
wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
color: utils.nameColor(member.display_name || member.id)
text: member.display_name.trim() || member.id
Layout.fillWidth: true
HLabel {
wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
color: theme.colors.dimText
text: member.id
visible: member.display_name.trim() !== ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
HColumnLayout {
HLabel {
wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
member.presence === "online" ? qsTr("Online") :
member.presence === "unavailable" ? qsTr("Unavailable") :
member.presence === "invisible" ? qsTr("Invisible") :
qsTr("Offline / Unknown")
member.presence === "online" ?
theme.colors.positiveText :
member.presence === "unavailable" ?
theme.colors.warningText :
Layout.fillWidth: true
HLabel {
wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
visible: ! member.currently_active && text !== ""
color: theme.colors.dimText
Timer {
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
! member.currently_active &&
member.last_active_at > new Date(1)
new Date() - member.last_active_at < 60000 ?
1000 :
onTriggered: parent.text = Qt.binding(() =>
qsTr("Last seen %1 ago").arg(utils.formatRelativeTime(
new Date() - member.last_active_at, false,
Layout.fillWidth: true
HLabel {
wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap
text: member.status_msg.trim()
visible: text !== ""
horizontalAlignment: lineCount > 1 ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignHCenter
color: theme.colors.halfDimText
Layout.fillWidth: true
HLabeledItem {
id: powerLevel
elementsOpacity: item.field.opacity
root.canSetPowerLevels &&
root.ownPowerLevel > member.power_level ||
(root.ownPowerLevel === 100 && member.id === userId)
label.text: qsTr("Power level:")
label.horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
errorLabel.horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
! item.changed ?
"" :
item.fieldOverMaximum && root.userId === member.id ?
qsTr("Can't set your own level higher") :
item.fieldOverMaximum ?
qsTr("Can't set level higher than your own") :
item.uncappedLevel === root.ownPowerLevel ?
qsTr("You won't be able to demote this user") :
item.uncappedLevel <
root.ownPowerLevel && root.userId === member.id ?
qsTr("You won't be able to regain power") :
item.uncappedLevel === root.ownPowerLevel ||
item.uncappedLevel <
root.ownPowerLevel && root.userId === member.id
) ?
theme.colors.warningText :
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
PowerLevelControl {
width: parent.width
defaultLevel: member.power_level
maximumLevel: root.ownPowerLevel
rowSpacing: powerLevel.spacing
onAccepted: applyButton.clicked()
root.powerLevelFieldFocused = fieldFocused
Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus()
AutoDirectionLayout {
visible: scale > 0
id: buttonsLayout
scale: powerLevel.item.changed ? 1 : 0
rowSpacing: powerLevel.spacing
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
Layout.preferredHeight: implicitHeight * scale
Layout.topMargin: -theme.spacing
Behavior on scale { HNumberAnimation {} }
HSpacer {}
ApplyButton {
id: applyButton
enabled: ! powerLevel.item.fieldOverMaximum
loading: setPowerFuture !== null
onClicked: {
setPowerFuture = py.callClientCoro(
[roomId, member.id, powerLevel.item.level],
() => { setPowerFuture = null }
Layout.fillWidth: false
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
CancelButton {
onClicked: {
setPowerFuture = null
Layout.fillWidth: false
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
HSpacer {}
Item {
// This item is just to have some spacing at the bottom of header
visible: root.count > 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Component.onCompleted: {
if (member.presence === "offline" &&
member.last_active_at < new Date(1))
getPresenceFuture =
py.callClientCoro(userId, "get_offline_presence", [member.id])
Component.onDestruction: {
if (setPowerFuture) setPowerFuture.cancel()
if (getPresenceFuture) getPresenceFuture.cancel()
Keys.onEnterPressed: Keys.onReturnPressed(event)
Keys.onReturnPressed: if (! root.powerLevelFieldFocused && currentItem) {
Keys.onEscapePressed: stackView.pop()
Connections {
target: py.eventHandlers
function onDeviceUpdateSignal(forAccount) {
if (forAccount === root.userId) root.loadDevices()