Previously, events for which the sender, target (state_key) or remover was missing from the room members would have their profile fetched from network when registering the event into models. This could cause very slow past events loading times for rooms, since the event registering function (which contained the profile retrieval directives) is run sequentially event-by-event. Missing profiles are now lazy-loaded when events come into the user's view in the QML timeline.
276 lines
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276 lines
7.9 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import Clipboard 0.1
import "../../.."
import "../../../Base"
HColumnLayout {
id: eventDelegate
width: eventList.width
ListView.onRemove: eventList.uncheck(model.id)
enum Media { Page, File, Image, Video, Audio }
property var hoveredMediaTypeUrl: []
property var fetchProfilesFuture: null
// Remember timeline goes from newest message at index 0 to oldest
readonly property var previousModel: eventList.model.get(model.index + 1)
readonly property var nextModel: eventList.model.get(model.index - 1)
readonly property QtObject currentModel: model
property bool checked: model.id in eventList.checked
property bool compact: window.settings.compactMode
property bool isOwn: chat.userId === model.sender_id
property bool onRight: ! eventList.ownEventsOnLeft && isOwn
property bool combine: eventList.canCombine(previousModel, model)
property bool talkBreak: eventList.canTalkBreak(previousModel, model)
property bool dayBreak: eventList.canDayBreak(previousModel, model)
readonly property bool smallAvatar: compact
readonly property bool collapseAvatar: combine
readonly property bool hideAvatar: onRight
readonly property bool isRedacted: model.event_type === "RedactedEvent"
readonly property bool hideNameLine:
model.event_type === "RoomMessageEmote" ||
! (
model.event_type.startsWith("RoomMessage") ||
) ||
onRight ||
readonly property int cursorShape:
eventContent.hoveredLink || hoveredMediaTypeUrl.length > 0 ?
Qt.PointingHandCursor :
eventContent.hoveredSelectable ? Qt.IBeamCursor :
readonly property int separationSpacing:
dayBreak ? theme.spacing * 4 :
talkBreak ? theme.spacing * 6 :
combine ? theme.spacing / (compact ? 4 : 2) :
theme.spacing * (compact ? 1 : 2)
readonly property alias eventContent: eventContent
// Needed because of eventList's MouseArea which steals the
// HSelectableLabel's MouseArea hover events
onCursorShapeChanged: eventList.cursorShape = cursorShape
Component.onCompleted: if (model.fetch_profile) py.callClientCoro(
chat.userId, "get_event_profiles", [chat.roomId, model.id],
if (fetchProfilesFuture) fetchProfilesFuture.cancel()
function json() {
let event = ModelStore.get(chat.userId, chat.roomId, "events")
event = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event))
event.source = JSON.parse(event.source)
return JSON.stringify(event, null, 4)
function openContextMenu() {
contextMenu.media = eventDelegate.hoveredMediaTypeUrl
contextMenu.link = eventContent.hoveredLink
function toggleChecked() {
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
model.event_type === "RoomCreateEvent" ? 0 : separationSpacing
Daybreak {
visible: dayBreak
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width
Item {
visible: dayBreak
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: separationSpacing
EventContent {
id: eventContent
Layout.fillWidth: true
Behavior on x { HNumberAnimation {} }
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
acceptedModifiers: Qt.NoModifier
onTapped: toggleChecked()
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
acceptedModifiers: Qt.ShiftModifier
onTapped: eventList.checkFromLastToHere(model.index)
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.GenericPointer | PointerDevice.Pen
onTapped: openContextMenu()
TapHandler {
acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.Finger | PointerDevice.Pen
onLongPressed: openContextMenu()
HMenu {
id: contextMenu
property var media: []
property string link: ""
onClosed: { media = []; link = "" }
HMenuItem {
icon.name: "toggle-select-message"
text: eventDelegate.checked ? qsTr("Deselect") : qsTr("Select")
onTriggered: eventDelegate.toggleChecked()
HMenuItem {
visible: eventList.selectedCount >= 2
icon.name: "deselect-all-messages"
text: qsTr("Deselect all")
onTriggered: eventList.checked = {}
HMenuItem {
visible: model.index !== 0
icon.name: "select-until-here"
text: qsTr("Select until here")
onTriggered: eventList.checkFromLastToHere(model.index)
HMenuItem {
id: copyMedia
icon.name: "copy-link"
contextMenu.media.length < 1 ? "" :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Page ?
qsTr("Copy page address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.File ?
qsTr("Copy file address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Image ?
qsTr("Copy image address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Video ?
qsTr("Copy video address") :
contextMenu.media[0] === EventDelegate.Media.Audio ?
qsTr("Copy audio address") :
qsTr("Copy media address")
visible: Boolean(text)
onTriggered: Clipboard.text = contextMenu.media[1]
HMenuItem {
id: copyLink
icon.name: "copy-link"
text: qsTr("Copy link address")
visible: Boolean(contextMenu.link)
onTriggered: Clipboard.text = contextMenu.link
HMenuItem {
icon.name: "copy-text"
eventList.selectedCount ?
qsTr("Copy selection") :
copyMedia.visible ?
qsTr("Copy filename") :
qsTr("Copy text")
onTriggered: {
if (! eventList.selectedCount && ! eventList.currentItem){
Clipboard.text = JSON.parse(model.source).body
HMenuItemPopupSpawner {
icon.name: "remove-message"
text: qsTr("Remove")
enabled: properties.eventSenderAndIds.length
popup: "Popups/RedactPopup.qml"
popupParent: chat
properties: ({
preferUserId: chat.userId,
roomId: chat.roomId,
eventSenderAndIds: events.map(ev => [ev.sender_id, ev.id]),
! chat.roomInfo.can_redact_all &&
events.length < eventList.selectedCount
readonly property var events: {
eventList.selectedCount ?
eventList.redactableCheckedEvents :
eventList.canRedact(currentModel) ?
[model] :
HMenuItem {
icon.name: "debug"
text: qsTr("Debug this event")
mainUI.debugConsole.toggle(eventContent, "t.parent.json()")
HMenuItemPopupSpawner {
icon.name: "clear-messages"
text: qsTr("Clear messages")
popup: "Popups/ClearMessagesPopup.qml"
popupParent: chat
properties: ({userId: chat.userId, roomId: chat.roomId})