miruka 75fbf23b21 Refactor user_files module & add live reloading
- Cleaner design for the backend user_files classes and simplified
  interaction with QML
- Config and theme files will now automatically reload when changed on
- Removed manual reload keybind and button
2021-03-03 17:12:09 -04:00

19 lines
674 B

Pillow >= 7.0.0, < 8
aiofiles >= 0.4.0, < 0.5
appdirs >= 1.4.4, < 2
cairosvg >= 2.4.2, < 3
filetype >= 1.0.7, < 2
html_sanitizer >= 1.9.1, < 2
lxml >= 4.5.1, < 5
matrix-nio[e2e] >= 0.15.0, < 0.16
mistune >= 0.8.4, < 0.9
pymediainfo >= 4.2.1, < 5
plyer >= 1.4.3, < 2
sortedcontainers >= 2.2.2, < 3
watchgod >= 0.6, < 0.7
dbus-python >= 1.2.16, < 2; platform_system == "Linux"
async_generator >= 1.10, < 2; python_version < "3.7"
dataclasses >= 0.6, < 0.7; python_version < "3.7"
pyfastcopy >= 1.0.3, < 2; python_version < "3.8"