Improve/extend choosing the cursor shape, how context menu handles the current hovered thing, and open link on EventFile click
152 lines
5.1 KiB
152 lines
5.1 KiB
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../../Base"
import "../../utils.js" as Utils
Row {
id: eventContent
spacing: theme.spacing / 1.25
readonly property string eventText: Utils.processedEventText(model)
readonly property string eventTime: Utils.formatTime(model.date, false)
readonly property string hoveredLink:
nameLabel.hoveredLink || contentLabel.hoveredLink
readonly property bool hoveredSelectable:
nameHover.hovered || contentHover.hovered
Item {
width: hideAvatar ? 0 : 58
height: hideAvatar ? 0 : collapseAvatar ? 1 : smallAvatar ? 28 : 58
opacity: hideAvatar || collapseAvatar ? 0 : 1
visible: width > 0
HUserAvatar {
id: avatar
userId: model.sender_id
displayName: model.sender_name
avatarUrl: model.sender_avatar
width: hideAvatar ? 0 : 58
height: hideAvatar ? 0 : collapseAvatar ? 1 : 58
Rectangle {
color: isOwn?
theme.chat.message.ownBackground :
//width: nameLabel.implicitWidth
width: Math.min(
eventList.width - avatar.width - eventContent.spacing,
theme.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75, // 600 with 16px font
nameLabel.visible ? (nameLabel.implicitWidth + 1) : 0,
contentLabel.implicitWidth + 1,
previewLinksRepeater.count > 0 ?
theme.chat.message.thumbnailWidth : 0,
height: childrenRect.height
y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2
Column {
id: mainColumn
width: parent.width
spacing: theme.spacing / 1.75
topPadding: theme.spacing / 1.75
bottomPadding: topPadding
HSelectableLabel {
id: nameLabel
width: parent.width
visible: ! hideNameLine
container: selectableLabelContainer
selectable: ! unselectableNameLine
leftPadding: eventContent.spacing
rightPadding: leftPadding
// This is +0.1 and content is +0 instead of the opposite,
// because the eventList is reversed
index: model.index + 0.1
text: Utils.coloredNameHtml(model.sender_name, model.sender_id)
textFormat: Text.RichText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
// horizontalAlignment: onRight ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignLeft
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
function selectAllText() {
// select the sender name, body and date
HoverHandler { id: nameHover }
HSelectableLabel {
id: contentLabel
visible: Boolean(eventContent.eventText)
width: parent.width
container: selectableLabelContainer
index: model.index
leftPadding: eventContent.spacing
rightPadding: leftPadding
bottomPadding: previewLinksRepeater.count > 0 ?
mainColumn.bottomPadding : 0
text: theme.chat.message.styleInclude +
eventContent.eventText +
// time
// for some reason, if there's only one space,
// times will be on their own lines most of the time.
" " +
"<font size=" + theme.fontSize.small +
"px color=" + theme.chat.message.date + '>' +
eventTime +
"</font>" +
// local echo icon
(model.is_local_echo ?
" <font size=" + theme.fontSize.small +
"px>⏳</font>" : "")
color: theme.chat.message.body
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
textFormat: Text.RichText
function selectAllText() {
// Select the message body without the date or name
contentLabel.length -
eventTime.length - 1 // - 1: separating space
HoverHandler { id: contentHover }
Repeater {
id: previewLinksRepeater
model: eventDelegate.currentItem.links
EventMediaLoader {
info: eventDelegate.currentItem
mediaUrl: modelData